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GLSL ES 1.00/データ型
Top / GLSL ES 1.00 / データ型


voidfor functions that do not return a value or for an empty parameter list
boola conditional type, taking on values of true or false
inta signed integer
floata single floating-point scalar
vec2a two component floating-point vector
vec3?a three component floating-point vector
vec4a four component floating-point vector
bvec2?a two component Boolean vector
bvec3?a three component Boolean vector
bvec4?a four component Boolean vector
ivec2?a two component integer vector
ivec3?a three component integer vector
ivec4?a four component integer vector
mat2?a 2×2 floating-point matrix
mat3?a 3×3 floating-point matrix
mat4?a 4×4 floating-point matrix
sampler2Da handle for accessing a 2D texture
samplerCube?a handle for accessing a cube mapped texture