最終更新:2021-12-02 (木) 22:39:50 (875d)  

Top / @babylonjs / core / Legacy / legacy

TypeScript (.d.ts)

  • import * as Babylon from "../index";
    export * from "../index";
    export declare const Debug: {
        AxesViewer: typeof Babylon.AxesViewer;
        BoneAxesViewer: typeof Babylon.BoneAxesViewer;
        PhysicsViewer: typeof Babylon.PhysicsViewer;
        SkeletonViewer: typeof Babylon.SkeletonViewer;


  • import * as Babylon from "../index";
    import * as DebugImport from "../Debug/index";
     * Legacy support, defining window.BABYLON (global variable).
     * This is the entry point for the UMD module.
     * The entry point for a future ESM package should be index.ts
    var globalObject = (typeof global !== 'undefined') ? global : ((typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : undefined);
    if (typeof globalObject !== "undefined") {
        globalObject.BABYLON = BABYLON;
        globalObject.BABYLON = globalObject.BABYLON || {};
        var BABYLON = globalObject.BABYLON;
        BABYLON.Debug = BABYLON.Debug || {};
        var keys = [];
        for (var key in DebugImport) {
            BABYLON.Debug[key] = DebugImport[key];
        for (var key in Babylon) {
            BABYLON[key] = Babylon[key];
    export * from "../index";
    export var Debug = {
        AxesViewer: DebugImport.AxesViewer,
        BoneAxesViewer: DebugImport.BoneAxesViewer,
        PhysicsViewer: DebugImport.PhysicsViewer,
        SkeletonViewer: DebugImport.SkeletonViewer,
    //# sourceMappingURL=legacy.js.map
