最終更新:2016-09-13 (火) 15:33:46 (2774d)  

Top / Android / GC



  • GC_CONCURRENTA concurrent GC that frees up memory as your heap begins to fill up.
    GC_FOR_MALLOCA GC caused because your app attempted to allocate memory when your heap was already full, so the system had to stop your app and reclaim memory.
    GC_HPROF_DUMP_HEAPA GC that occurs when you request to create an HPROF file to analyze your heap.
    GC_EXPLICITAn explicit GC, such as when you call gc() (which you should avoid calling and instead trust the GC to run when needed).
    GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOCThis happens only on API level 10 and lower (newer versions allocate everything in the Dalvik heap). A GC for externally allocated memory (such as the pixel data stored in native memory or NIO byte buffers).
