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EZ-USB FX3 SDK Firmware API/構造体?
Top / CyU3PSysClockConfig_t

Clock configuration for FX3 CPU, DMA and register access


  • フィールド説明
    CyBool_tsetSysClk400Whether the FX3 master (System) clock is to be set to a frequency greater than 400 MHz. This is required to be set to True if the GPIF is running in 32-bit mode at 100 MHz.
    uint8_tcpuClkDiv?CPU clock divider from clkSrc. Valid value ranges from 2 - 16
    uint8_tdmaClkDiv?DMA clock divider from CPU clock. Valid value ranges from 2 - 16.
    uint8_tmmioClkDiv?MMIO clock divider from CPU clock. Valid value ranges from 2 - 16.
    CyBool_tuseStandbyClk?Whether the 32 KHz standby clock is supplied.
    CyU3PSysClockSrc_tclkSrcClock source for CPU clocking


  • The default configuration is selected if the clkCfg parameter is set to NULL.
  • CPU divider = 2
  • DMA divider = 2
  • MMIO divider = 2
  • setSysClk400 = CyFalse?
  • useStandbyClk?= CyTrue?