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GLSL ES 3.00/データ型
Top / GLSL ES 3.00 / データ型


  • voidfor functions that do not return a value
    boola conditional type, taking on values of true or false
    inta signed integer
    uint?an unsigned integer
    floata single floating-point scalar
    vec2a two-component floating-point vector
    vec3?a three-component floating-point vector
    vec4a four-component floating-point vector
    bvec2?a two-component Boolean vector
    bvec3?a three-component Boolean vector
    bvec4?a four-component Boolean vector
    ivec2?a two-component signed integer vector
    ivec3?a three-component signed integer vector
    ivec4?a four-component signed integer vector
    uvec2?a two-component unsigned integer vector
    uvec3?a three-component unsigned integer vector
    uvec4?a four-component unsigned integer vector
    mat2?a 2×2 floating-point matrix
    mat3?a 3×3 floating-point matrix
    mat4?a 4×4 floating-point matrix
    mat2x2?same as a mat2
    mat2x3?a floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows
    mat2x4?a floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows
    mat3x2?a floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows
    mat3x3?same as a mat3
    mat3x4?a floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows
    mat4x2?a floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows
    mat4x3?a floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows
    mat4x4?same as mat4

Point Sampler Types (opaque)

  • sampler2Da handle for accessing a 2D texture
    sampler3D?a handle for accessing a 3D texture
    samplerCube?a handle for accessing a cube mapped texture
    samplerCubeShadow?a handle for accessing a cube map depth texture with comparison
    sampler2DShadow?a handle for accessing a 2D depth texture with comparison
    sampler2DArray?a handle for accessing a 2D array texture
    sampler2DArrayShadow?a handle for accessing a 2D array depth texture with comparison

Signed Integer Sampler Types (opaque)

  • isampler2D?a handle for accessing an integer 2D texture
    isampler3D?a handle for accessing an integer 3D texture
    isamplerCube?a handle for accessing an integer cube mapped texture
    isampler2DArray?a handle for accessing an integer 2D array texture

Unsigned Integer Sampler Types (opaque)

  • usampler2D?a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D texture
    usampler3D?a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 3D texture
    usamplerCube?a handle for accessing an unsigned integer cube mapped texture
    usampler2DArray?a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D array texture