最終更新:2009-12-22 (火) 09:04:51 (5236d)  

Top / GraphicsMagick



Here are some reasons to prefer GraphicsMagick over ImageMagick:

  • GM is much more efficient (see the benchmarks) so it gets the job done faster using fewer resources.
  • GM is much smaller and tighter.
  • GM is used to process billions of files at the world's largest photo sites (e.g. Flickr, see John Allspaw's presentation).
  • GM does not does not conflict with other installed software.
  • GM suffers from fewer security issues and exploits.
  • GM comes with a comprehensive manual page.
  • GM provides API and ABI stability and managed releases that you can count on.
  • GM provides detailed yet comprehensible ChangeLog? and NEWS files.
  • GM is available for free, and may be used to support both open and proprietary -applications.
  • GM is distributed under an X11-style license ("MIT License"), approved by the Open Source Initiative.
  • GM developers contribute to other free projects for the public good.

