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Introduction to Sound Programming with ALSA
Top / Introduction to Sound Programming with ALSA


Listing 2. Opening PCM Device and Setting Parameters

  • default
    PCM handle name = 'default'
    PCM state = PREPARED
    access type = RW_INTERLEAVED
    format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
    subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
    channels = 2
    rate = 44100 bps
    period time = 23219 us
    period size = 1024 frames
    buffer time = 23219 us
    buffer size = 1048576 frames
    periods per buffer = 1024
    exact rate = 44100/1 bps
    significant bits = 16
    tick time = 0 us
    is batch = 0
    is block transfer = 1
    is double = 0
    is half duplex = 0
    is joint duplex = 0
    can overrange = 0
    can mmap = 0
    can pause = 1
    can resume = 0
    can sync start = 0
  • plughw:0,0
    PCM handle name = 'plughw:0,0'
    PCM state = PREPARED
    access type = RW_INTERLEAVED
    format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
    subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
    channels = 2
    rate = 44100 bps
    period time = 5804 us
    period size = 256 frames
    buffer time = 5804 us
    buffer size = 16384 frames
    periods per buffer = 64
    exact rate = 44100/1 bps
    significant bits = 16
    tick time = 0 us
    is batch = 0
    is block transfer = 1
    is double = 0
    is half duplex = 0
    is joint duplex = 0
    can overrange = 0
    can mmap = 1
    can pause = 1
    can resume = 1
    can sync start = 0