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Just Works
Top / Just Works



  • The Just Works association model is primarily designed for scenarios where at least one of the devices does not have a display capable of displaying a six digit number nor does it have a keyboard capable of entering six decimal digits.
  • A good example of this model is the cell phone/mono headset scenario where most headsets do not have a display.
  • The Just Works association model uses the Numeric Comparison protocol but the user is never shown a number and the application may simply ask the user to accept the connection (exact implementation is up to the end product manufacturer).
  • The Just Works association model provides the same protection as the
  • Numeric Comparison association model against passive eavesdropping but offers no protection against the MITM attack.
  • When compared against today's experience of a headset with a fixed PIN, the security level of the Just Works association model is considerably higher since a high degree of protection against passive eavesdropping is realized.



  • 平分でやり取りされるパケットに基づいてSTKを生成


  • Just Worksを利用したペアリング手順では、未認証の鍵しか生成できない