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Top / M5EPD_Canvas::pushCanvas


  • typedef enum                  //             Typical
    {                             //   Ghosting  Update Time  Usage
        UPDATE_MODE_INIT    = 0,  // * N/A       2000ms       Display initialization, 
        UPDATE_MODE_DU      = 1,  //   Low       260ms        Monochrome menu, text input, and touch screen input 
        UPDATE_MODE_GC16    = 2,  // * Very Low  450ms        High quality images
        UPDATE_MODE_GL16    = 3,  // * Medium    450ms        Text with white background 
        UPDATE_MODE_GLR16   = 4,  //   Low       450ms        Text with white background
        UPDATE_MODE_GLD16   = 5,  //   Low       450ms        Text and graphics with white background 
        UPDATE_MODE_DU4     = 6,  // * Medium    120ms        Fast page flipping at reduced contrast
        UPDATE_MODE_A2      = 7,  //   Medium    290ms        Anti-aliased text in menus / touch and screen input 
        UPDATE_MODE_NONE    = 8
    } m5epd_update_mode_t;        // The ones marked with * are more commonly used