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Top / PulseAudio / Bluetooth



  • PulseAudio supports both HSP roles, and with oFono also both HFP roles.
  • In the default configuration, if oFono isn't running, only HSP is enabled.
  • If oFono is running, the audio gateway role of HSP is enabled plus both HFP roles.
  • The headset role of HSP is disabled, because otherwise PulseAudio and oFono would conflict as both would try to listen for new connections from audio gateway devices.
  • It's possible to force PulseAudio to only enable HSP or HFP with the "headset" option of module-bluetooth-discover (configured in Linux/etc/pulse/default.pa).
  • By default the option is set to "auto", but if it's set to "native", then only HSP is enabled, and if the option is set to "ofono", then only HFP is enabled.