最終更新:2022-06-21 (火) 07:03:58 (669d)  

Raspberry Pi OS/2021-05-07
Top / Raspberry Pi OS / 2021-05-07


  * Chromium upgraded to version 88.0.4324.187
  * NuScratch upgraded to version 20210507
  * Node-RED upgraded to version 1.3.4
  * pigpio upgraded to version 1.79
  * Thonny upgraded to version 3.3.6
  * Icelandic and Italian translations updated for several packages
  * piclone: Remove hiding of application in other desktops
  * agnostics: Remove hiding of app in other desktops
  * rp-bookshelf:
    - Remove hiding of app in other desktops
    - GTK+3 version
  * lxplug-bluetooth:
    - Fix some memory leaks
    - Add authorisation dialog required by some BT-LE pairings
  * alsa-utils: Add custom init files for bcm2835 on Raspberry Pi to set volume correctly
  * rp-prefapps: Remove hiding of app in other desktops
  * OpenSSH and OpenSSL speed improvements
  * Install gpiozero in lite images
  * Raspberry Pi firmware 518ee7c871aaa9aaa88116953d57e73787ee6e43
  * Linux kernel 5.10.17
