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Top / Texinfo

Texinfo - ソフトウェアのドキュメンテーションシステム


Texinfo は単一のソースファイルを使用して、オンライン情報とプリント用の 出力の両方を生成するドキュメンテーションシステムです。これはもともと ソフトウェアのマニュアルを書くために設計されたものです。

Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It was invented by Richard Stallman and Bob Chassell many years ago, loosely based on Brian Reid's Scribe and other formatting languages of the time. It is used by many non-GNU projects as well.


  • a2ps, for generating printable files from plain text, has a Texinfo style option.
  • docbook2x?, conversion from Docbook to Texinfo.
  • gdoc?, for extracting Texinfo (and other format) documentation from source files.
  • help2man?, for generating good man pages from --help output.
  • ltxindex?, for typesetting indices of LaTeX documents with Texinfo's texindex program.
  • man2texi?, generate Texinfo from man pages.
  • my-bib-macros.texi?, a start at bibliography support via Texinfo macros. For a start at integration with BibTeX, see the Web2C manual sources.
  • pinfo?, a curses-based Info reader with color support and a lynx-like interface.
  • sgmltexi?, Texinfo authoring via SGML tools.
  • Scheme Scribe?, which can convert Texinfo to Scribe and generate Info files.
  • Sphinx Python documentation generator has support for Texinfo, used by MediaGoblin?.
  • texi2html?, a prior translator for generating HTML, roff, and chm. texi2html has been merged into the Texinfo sources and will be the basis of the next major release.
  • texi2latex?, converting Texinfo to LaTeX via XML, no longer maintainer.
  • texi2roff?, an old standalone program that converts to troff format; it is not maintained and not up to date.
  • TexiWEB?, a literate programming system based on Texinfo and C, by Ben Pfaff as part of his GNU AVL package.
  • tkinfo?, a Tk-based Info reader.
