最終更新:2016-01-15 (金) 16:54:18 (3023d)  

Top / android.support.design.widget.Snackbar



  • A Snackbar is a lightweight material design method for providing feedback to a user, while optionally providing an action to the user. They are displayed on the screen until a specified interval has passed, the user swipes to dismiss them, or when the user interacts with another part of the screen. Think of it as a modern take on the Android Toast.


  • Content: Keep text short
  • Icons: Do not add icons
  • Core functionality: Do not place core app functionality into a Snackbar
  • Multiple Actions: Use a dialog if you have multiple actions
  • Input: Snackbar does not block input, use a dialog for this
  • FAB: Don’t block the floating action button (FAB)
  • Consecutive: Only one can be displayed on the screen at any time
  • Single-line height: 48dp
  • Multi-line height: 80dp
  • Font: Roboto Regular 14sp
  • Action button: Roboto Medium 14sp, all-caps text
  • Default background fill: #323232 100%
  • Width on Tablets: Minimum 288dp, maximum 568dp

