最終更新:2014-08-08 (金) 17:11:22 (3542d)  

Top / bInterfaceProtocol


  • A variety of protocols are supported HID devices. The bInterfaceProtocol member of an Interface descriptor only has meaning if the bInterfaceSubClass member declares that the device supports a boot interface, otherwise it is 0.
    Protocol CodeDescription
    3 - 255Reserved

USB 2.0/仕様

  • Protocol code (assigned by the USB).These codes are qualified by the value of the bInterfaceClass and the bInterfaceSubClass fields. If an interface supports class-specific requests, this code identifies the protocols that the device uses as defined by the specification of the device class.
  • If this field is reset to zero, the device does not use a class-specific protocol on this interface.
  • If this field is set to FFH, the device uses a vendor-specific protocol for this interface.