最終更新:2016-03-30 (水) 06:23:33 (2947d)  

Top / bootsect

bootsect.exe {/help | /nt52 | /nt60} {SYS | ALL | <DriveLetter:>} [/force]
bootsect.exe /nt60 C:




  • Applies the master boot code that is compatible with NTLDR to SYS, ALL, or <DriveLetter?>. The operating system installed on SYS, ALL, or <DriveLetter?> must be a previous version of Windows Vista.
  • Applies to Operating Systems using boot code for NTLDR (NT LOADER) -- NT version 5.2 (IE: 2000, XP, 2003)
  • boot.ini?


  • Applies the master boot code that is compatible with bootmgr to SYS, ALL, or <DriveLetter?>. The operating system installed on SYS, ALL, or <DriveLetter?> must be Windows Vista.
  • Applies to Operating Systems using boot code for BOOTMGR -- NT versions 6.xx (IE: Vista, 2008, Windows 7, etc)
  • PBRbootmgr用のブートストラップローダを書き込む。


  • Updates the Master Boot Record without changing the partition table on sector 0 of the disk that contains the partition specified by SYS, ALL, or drive letter. When used with /nt52 option, the master boot record is compatible with operating systems older than Windows Vista. When used with the /nt60 option, the master boot record is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or later.


  • 「bootsect」コマンドでは、MBRのブートストラップローダは、PBRのブートストラップローダと必ずセットで書き換えられます。

