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Top / edit-chroot

chronos@localhost / $ edit-chroot 
edit-chroot [options] name [...]

Edits a chroot.

    -a          Operates on all chroots in /mnt/stateful_partition/crouton/chroots.
                If no other operation is specified, prints out the names of the chroots.
    -c CHROOTS  Directory the chroots are in. Default: /mnt/stateful_partition/crouton/chroots
    -b          Backs up the chroot to a tarball. Compression format is chosen
                based on the tarball extension. Backups always take place before
                other actions on a given chroot.
    -d          Deletes the chroot. Assumed if run as delete-chroot.
    -e          If the chroot is not encrypted, encrypt it.
                If it is encrypted, change the encryption passphrase.
    -f TARBALL  When used with -b, overrides the default tarball to back up to.
                If unspecified, assumes NAME-yyyymmdd-hhmm.tar[.gz], where .gz
                is included for unencrypted chroots, and not for encrypted ones.
                When used with -r, specifies the tarball to restore from.
                If TARBALL is a directory, automatic naming is still used.
                If multiple chroots are specified, TARBALL must be a directory.
    -k KEYFILE  File or directory to store the (encrypted) encryption keys in.
                If unspecified, the keys will be stored in the chroot if doing a
                first encryption, or left in place on existing chroots.
                If specified, keyfile will be moved. Specify a dash - as the
                KEYFILE to move the key back into the chroot.
                If multiple chroots are specified, KEYFILE must either be -
                or a directory.
    -l          Prints out croutonversion details on the chroot, if available.
                Specify twice to prompt and unlock encrypted chroots as necessary.
    -m DEST     Moves a chroot. Specify a new name to keep it in the same
                directory, or an absolute path to move it entirely.
                DEST can be a directory, in which case it must end in a slash.
                If multiple chroots are specified, DEST must be a directory.
                If you are moving a chroot to a SD card/USB drive, make sure the
                storage is formatted to ext2/3/4.
    -r          Restores a chroot from a tarball. The tarball path can be
                specified with -f or detected from name. If both are specified,
                restores to that name instead of the one in the tarball.
                Will not overwrite a chroot when restoring unless -r is
                specified twice.
    -s SPLIT    Force a backup archive to be split into SPLIT-sized chunks.
                SPLIT is specified in megabytes (1048576 bytes), and cannot be
                smaller than 10.
                FAT32 filesystems are split by default to fit within 4GB.
    -y          Do all actions without confirmation.