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firebase database
Top / firebase database

  database:get [options] <path>                                  fetch and print JSON data at the specified path
  database:import [options] <path> [infile]                      non-atomically import the contents of a JSON file to the specified path in Realtime Database
  database:instances:create [options] <instanceName>             create a realtime database instance
  database:instances:list                                        list realtime database instances, optionally filtered by a specified location
  database:profile [options]                                     profile the Realtime Database and generate a usage report
  database:push [options] <path> [infile]                        add a new JSON object to a list of data in your Firebase
  database:remove [options] <path>                               remove data from your Firebase at the specified path
  database:set [options] <path> [infile]                         store JSON data at the specified path via STDIN, arg, or file
  database:settings:get [options] <path>                         read the realtime database setting at path
  database:settings:set [options] <path> <value>                 set the realtime database setting at path.
  database:update [options] <path> [infile]                      update some of the keys for the defined path in your Firebase