最終更新:2021-02-17 (水) 04:20:02 (1164d)  

Top / fuser


  • 実行ファイル名を表示
    fuser -v <path>


  • Usage: fuser [-fIMuvw] [-a|-s] [-4|-6] [-c|-m|-n SPACE]
                 [-k [-i] [-SIGNAL]] NAME...
           fuser -l
           fuser -V
    Show which processes use the named files, sockets, or filesystems.
      -a,--all              display unused files too
      -i,--interactive      ask before killing (ignored without -k)
      -I,--inode            use always inodes to compare files
      -k,--kill             kill processes accessing the named file
      -l,--list-signals     list available signal names
      -m,--mount            show all processes using the named filesystems or
                            block device
      -M,--ismountpoint     fulfill request only if NAME is a mount point
      -n,--namespace SPACE  search in this name space (file, udp, or tcp)
      -s,--silent           silent operation
      -SIGNAL               send this signal instead of SIGKILL
      -u,--user             display user IDs
      -v,--verbose          verbose output
      -w,--writeonly        kill only processes with write access
      -V,--version          display version information
      -4,--ipv4             search IPv4 sockets only
      -6,--ipv6             search IPv6 sockets only
      -                     reset options
      udp/tcp names: [local_port][,[rmt_host][,[rmt_port]]]
