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Top / hdiutil

manipulate disk images (attach, verify, burn, etc)


  • Usage: hdiutil <verb> <options>
    <verb> is one of the following:
    help            	flatten
    attach          	imageinfo
    detach          	internet-enable
    eject           	isencrypted
    verify          	makehybrid
    create          	mount
    compact         	mountvol
    convert         	unmount
    burn            	plugins
    info            	resize
    checksum        	segment
    chpass          	pmap
    erasekeys       	udifderez
    unflatten       	udifrez
    help			   display more detailed help
    Usage:	hdiutil attach [options] <image>
    	hdiutil attach -help
    Usage:	hdiutil detach [options] <devname>
    	hdiutil detach -help
    	eject is a synonym for detach...
    Usage:	hdiutil detach [options] <devname>
    	hdiutil detach -help
    Usage:	hdiutil verify [options] <image>
    	hdiutil verify -help
    Usage:	hdiutil create <sizespec> [options] <imagepath>
    	hdiutil create -help
    Usage:	hdiutil compact [options] <image>
    	hdiutil compact -help
    Usage:	hdiutil convert -format <format> -o <outfile> [options] <image>
    	hdiutil convert -help
    Usage:	hdiutil burn [options] <image>
    	hdiutil burn -help
    Usage:	hdiutil info [options]
    	hdiutil info -help
    Usage:	hdiutil checksum -type <checksumType> [options] <image>
    	hdiutil checksum -help
    Usage:	hdiutil chpass [options] <image>
    	hdiutil chpass -help
    Usage:	hdiutil erasekeys <image>
    	hdiutil erasekeys -help
    Usage:	hdiutil unflatten [options] <image>
    	hdiutil unflatten -help
    Usage:	hdiutil flatten [options] <image>
    	hdiutil flatten -help
    Usage:	hdiutil imageinfo [options] <image>
    	hdiutil imageinfo -help
    Usage:	hdiutil internet-enable [options] <image>
    	hdiutil internet-enable -help
    Usage:	hdiutil isencrypted <image>
    	hdiutil isencrypted -help
    Usage:	hdiutil makehybrid -o <outfile> [options] <source>
    	hdiutil makehybrid -help
    Usage:	hdiutil attach [options] <image>
    	hdiutil attach -help
    Usage:	hdiutil mountvol [options] <devname>
    	hdiutil mountvol -help
    Usage:	hdiutil unmount [options] <mountpoint>
    	hdiutil unmount -help
    Usage:	hdiutil plugins [options]
    	hdiutil plugins -help
    Usage:	hdiutil resize <sizespec> [options] <image>
    	hdiutil resize -help
    Usage:	hdiutil segment -o <outfile> -segmentCount <num> [options] <image>
    	hdiutil segment -o <outfile> -segmentSize <size> [options] <image>
    	hdiutil segment -help
    Usage: hdiutil pmap [options] <image|device>
    	hdiutil pmap -help
    Usage:	hdiutil udifderez [options] <image>
    	hdiutil udifderez -help
    Usage:	hdiutil udifrez [options] <image>
    	hdiutil udifrez -help
