最終更新:2012-12-18 (火) 15:28:35 (4146d)  

Top / linux / serial.h


ASYNC_HUP_NOTIFY?Notify getty on hangups and closes on the callout port
ASYNC_FOURPORT?Set OU1, OUT2 per AST Fourport settings
ASYNC_SAK?Secure Attention Key (Orange book)
ASYNC_SPLIT_TERMIOS?Separate termios for dialin/callout
ASYNC_SPD_HI?Use 56000 instead of 38400 bps
ASYNC_SPD_VHI?Use 115200 instead of 38400 bps
ASYNC_SKIP_TEST?Skip UART test during autoconfiguration
ASYNC_AUTO_IRQ?Do automatic IRQ during autoconfiguration
ASYNC_SESSION_LOCKOUT?Lock out cua opens based on session
ASYNC_PGRP_LOCKOUT?Lock out cua opens based on pgrp
ASYNC_CALLOUT_NOHUP?Don't do hangups for cua device
ASYNC_HARDPPS_CD?Call hardpps when CD goes high
ASYNC_SPD_SHI?Use 230400 instead of 38400 bps
ASYNC_LOW_LATENCYRequest low latency behaviour
ASYNC_BUGGY_UART?This is a buggy UART, skip some safety checks. Note: can be dangerous!
ASYNC_AUTOPROBE?Port was autoprobed by PCI or PNP code
