最終更新:2012-05-21 (月) 11:25:59 (4358d)  

Top / mobl


Build your mobile web applications faster than ever before — deploy on iOS, Android and other phones supporting HTML5 technologies!

mobl is a new free and open source language designed specially to speed up building mobile applications. Using modern HTML5 technologies, mobl offers you

  • a concise language to build native-feeling web apps in a jiff;
  • great (Eclipse) IDE support (such as as-you-type error reporting, code completion and reference resolving);
  • a rapid save and test cycle. No more lengthy compilations, the mobl IDE compiles your modules whenever you save, ready to be tested in the mobile browser.

mobl language features:

  • Statically typed language, enabling great IDE support and as-you-type error detection, while reducing the amount of typing other statically typed languages require, through type inference.
  • Scripting language syntax similar to Javascript.
  • Declarative domain-specific language (DSL) for defining user interfaces.
  • Declarative concise DSL for defining data models. Data is stored on the device. No server back-end required.
  • Easy access to existing “native” Javascript libraries and widgets.
  • Compiler generates static Javascript and HTML files, ready to be deployed to any web host and to be cached on the device, to enable offline web applications.
mobl - model-driven engineering lecture from zefhemel


