最終更新:2016-09-28 (水) 03:47:33 (2776d)  

Top / mozroots

Use the mozroots.exe tool (included in Mono 1.1.10 and later) to download and install all Mozilla’s root certificates (i.e. the ones used in FireFox? and other Mozilla’s softwares). It’s easier than finding a specific root but it’s also less granular to make a decision about which one(s) you install or not.


  • C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\MonoBleedingEdge\lib\mono\4.5


  • Mozilla Roots Importer - version
    Download and import trusted root certificates from Mozilla's MXR.
    Copyright 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies. Copyright 2004-2008 Novell. BSD licensed.
    Usage: mozroots [--import [--machine] [--sync | --ask | --ask-add | --ask-remove]]
    Where the basic options are:
     --import       Import the certificates into the trust store.
     --sync         Synchronize (add/remove) the trust store with the certificates.
     --ask          Always confirm before adding or removing trusted certificates.
     --ask-add      Always confirm before adding a new trusted certificate.
     --ask-remove   Always confirm before removing an existing trusted certificate.
    and the advanced options are
     --url url      Specify an alternative URL for downloading the trusted
                    certificates (MXR source format).
     --file name    Do not download but use the specified file.
     --pkcs7 name   Export the certificates into a PKCS#7 file.
     --machine      Import the certificate in the machine trust store.
                    The default is to import into the user store.
     --quiet        Limit console output to errors and confirmations messages.