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Top / pm2


  •   Usage: pm2 [cmd] app
        -V, --version                                                output the version number
        -v --version                                                 print pm2 version
        -s --silent                                                  hide all messages
        --ext <extensions>                                           watch only this file extensions
        -n --name <name>                                             set a name for the process in the process list
        -m --mini-list                                               display a compacted list without formatting
        --interpreter <interpreter>                                  set a specific interpreter to use for executing app, default: node
        --interpreter-args <arguments>                               set arguments to pass to the interpreter (alias of --node-args)
        --node-args <node_args>                                      space delimited arguments to pass to node
        -o --output <path>                                           specify log file for stdout
        -e --error <path>                                            specify log file for stderr
        -l --log [path]                                              specify log file which gathers both stdout and stderr
        --filter-env [envs]                                          filter out outgoing global values that contain provided strings (default: )
        --log-type <type>                                            specify log output style (raw by default, json optional)
        --log-date-format <date format>                              add custom prefix timestamp to logs
        --time                                                       enable time logging
        --disable-logs                                               disable all logs storage
        --env <environment_name>                                     specify which set of environment variables from ecosystem file must be injected
        -a --update-env                                              force an update of the environment with restart/reload (-a <=> apply)
        -f --force                                                   force actions
        -i --instances <number>                                      launch [number] instances (for networked app)(load balanced)
        --parallel <number>                                          number of parallel actions (for restart/reload)
        --shutdown-with-message                                      shutdown an application with process.send('shutdown') instead of process.kill(pid, SIGINT)
        -p --pid <pid>                                               specify pid file
        -k --kill-timeout <delay>                                    delay before sending final SIGKILL signal to process
        --listen-timeout <delay>                                     listen timeout on application reload
        --max-memory-restart <memory>                                Restart the app if an amount of memory is exceeded (in bytes)
        --restart-delay <delay>                                      specify a delay between restarts (in milliseconds)
        --exp-backoff-restart-delay <delay>                          specify a delay between restarts (in milliseconds)
        -x --execute-command                                         execute a program using fork system
        --max-restarts [count]                                       only restart the script COUNT times
        -u --user <username>                                         define user when generating startup script
        --uid <uid>                                                  run target script with <uid> rights
        --gid <gid>                                                  run target script with <gid> rights
        --namespace <ns>                                             start application within specified namespace
        --cwd <path>                                                 run target script from path <cwd>
        --hp <home path>                                             define home path when generating startup script
        --wait-ip                                                    override systemd script to wait for full internet connectivity to launch pm2
        --service-name <name>                                        define service name when generating startup script
        -c --cron <cron_pattern>                                     restart a running process based on a cron pattern
        -c --cron-restart <cron_pattern>                             (alias) restart a running process based on a cron pattern
        -w --write                                                   write configuration in local folder
        --no-daemon                                                  run pm2 daemon in the foreground if it doesn't exist already
        --source-map-support                                         force source map support
        --only <application-name>                                    with json declaration, allow to only act on one application
        --disable-source-map-support                                 force source map support
        --wait-ready                                                 ask pm2 to wait for ready event from your app
        --merge-logs                                                 merge logs from different instances but keep error and out separated
        --watch [paths]                                              watch application folder for changes (default: )
        --ignore-watch <folders|files>                               List of paths to ignore (name or regex)
        --watch-delay <delay>                                        specify a restart delay after changing files (--watch-delay 4 (in sec) or 4000ms)
        --no-color                                                   skip colors
        --no-vizion                                                  start an app without vizion feature (versioning control)
        --no-autorestart                                             start an app without automatic restart
        --no-treekill                                                Only kill the main process, not detached children
        --no-pmx                                                     start an app without pmx
        --no-automation                                              start an app without pmx
        --trace                                                      enable transaction tracing with km
        --disable-trace                                              disable transaction tracing with km
        --sort <field_name:sort>                                     sort process according to field's name
        --attach                                                     attach logging after your start/restart/stop/reload
        --v8                                                         enable v8 data collecting
        --event-loop-inspector                                       enable event-loop-inspector dump in pmx
        --deep-monitoring                                            enable all monitoring tools (equivalent to --v8 --event-loop-inspector --trace)
        -h, --help                                                   output usage information
        start [options] [name|namespace|file|ecosystem|id...]        start and daemonize an app
        trigger <id|proc_name|namespace|all> <action_name> [params]  trigger process action
        deploy <file|environment>                                    deploy your json
        startOrRestart <json>                                        start or restart JSON file
        startOrReload <json>                                         start or gracefully reload JSON file
        pid [app_name]                                               return pid of [app_name] or all
        create                                                       return pid of [app_name] or all
        startOrGracefulReload <json>                                 start or gracefully reload JSON file
        stop [options] <id|name|namespace|all|json|stdin...>         stop a process
        restart [options] <id|name|namespace|all|json|stdin...>      restart a process
        scale <app_name> <number>                                    scale up/down a process in cluster mode depending on total_number param
        profile:mem [time]                                           Sample PM2 heap memory
        profile:cpu [time]                                           Profile PM2 cpu
        reload <id|name|namespace|all>                               reload processes (note that its for app using HTTP/HTTPS)
        id <name>                                                    get process id by name
        inspect <name>                                               inspect a process
        delete|del <name|id|namespace|script|all|json|stdin...>      stop and delete a process from pm2 process list
        sendSignal <signal> <pm2_id|name>                            send a system signal to the target process
        ping                                                         ping pm2 daemon - if not up it will launch it
        updatePM2                                                    update in-memory PM2 with local PM2
        update                                                       (alias) update in-memory PM2 with local PM2
        install|module:install [options] <module|git:/>              install or update a module and run it forever
        module:update <module|git:/>                                 update a module and run it forever
        module:generate [app_name]                                   Generate a sample module in current folder
        uninstall|module:uninstall <module>                          stop and uninstall a module
        package [target]                                             Check & Package TAR type module
        publish|module:publish [options] [folder]                    Publish the module you are currently on
        set [key] [value]                                            sets the specified config <key> <value>
        multiset <value>                                             multiset eg "key1 val1 key2 val2
        get [key]                                                    get value for <key>
        conf [key] [value]                                           get / set module config values
        config <key> [value]                                         get / set module config values
        unset <key>                                                  clears the specified config <key>
        report                                                       give a full pm2 report for https://github.com/Unitech/pm2/issues
        link [options] [secret] [public] [name]                      link with the pm2 monitoring dashboard
        unlink                                                       unlink with the pm2 monitoring dashboard
        monitor [name]                                               monitor target process
        unmonitor [name]                                             unmonitor target process
        open                                                         open the pm2 monitoring dashboard
        plus|register [options] [command] [option]                   enable pm2 plus
        login                                                        Login to pm2 plus
        logout                                                       Logout from pm2 plus
        dump|save [options]                                          dump all processes for resurrecting them later
        cleardump                                                    Create empty dump file
        send <pm_id> <line>                                          send stdin to <pm_id>
        attach <pm_id> [comman]                                      attach stdin/stdout to application identified by <pm_id>
        resurrect                                                    resurrect previously dumped processes
        unstartup [platform]                                         disable the pm2 startup hook
        startup [platform]                                           enable the pm2 startup hook
        logrotate                                                    copy default logrotate configuration
        ecosystem|init [mode]                                        generate a process conf file. (mode = null or simple)
        reset <name|id|all>                                          reset counters for process
        describe <name|id>                                           describe all parameters of a process
        desc <name|id>                                               (alias) describe all parameters of a process
        info <name|id>                                               (alias) describe all parameters of a process
        show <name|id>                                               (alias) describe all parameters of a process
        env <id>                                                     list all environment variables of a process id
        list|ls                                                      list all processes
        l                                                            (alias) list all processes
        ps                                                           (alias) list all processes
        status                                                       (alias) list all processes
        jlist                                                        list all processes in JSON format
        sysmonit                                                     start system monitoring daemon
        slist|sysinfos [options]                                     list system infos in JSON
        prettylist                                                   print json in a prettified JSON
        monit                                                        launch termcaps monitoring
        imonit                                                       launch legacy termcaps monitoring
        dashboard|dash                                               launch dashboard with monitoring and logs
        flush [api]                                                  flush logs
        reloadLogs                                                   reload all logs
        logs [options] [id|name|namespace]                           stream logs file. Default stream all logs
        kill                                                         kill daemon
        pull <name> [commit_id]                                      updates repository for a given app
        forward <name>                                               updates repository to the next commit for a given app
        backward <name>                                              downgrades repository to the previous commit for a given app
        deepUpdate                                                   performs a deep update of PM2
        serve|expose [options] [path] [port]                         serve a directory over http via port
        examples                                                     display pm2 usage examples