最終更新:2014-07-30 (水) 16:42:53 (3560d)  

Top / rc.exe


  • Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.3.9600.17029
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Usage:  rc [options] .RC input file
       /r       Emit .RES file (optional)
       /v       Verbose (print progress messages)
       /d       Define a symbol
       /u       Undefine a symbol
       /fo      Rename .RES file
       /l       Specify default language using language identifier
       /ln      Specify default language using language name
       /i       Add a path for INCLUDE searches
       /x       Ignore INCLUDE environment variable
       /c       Define a code page used by NLS conversion
       /w       Warn on Invalid codepage in .rc (default is an error)
       /y       Don't warn if there are duplicate control ID's
       /n       Append null's to all strings in the string tables
       /fm      Localizable resource only dll file name
       /q       RC Configuration file for the resource only DLL
       /g       Specify the ultimate fallback language using language identifier
       /gn      Specify the ultimate fallback language using language name
       /g1      Specify if version only MUI file can be created
       /g2      Specify the custom file version for checksum in MUI creation
       /nologo  Suppress startup logo
       /sl      Specify the resource string length limit in percentage
    Flags may be either upper or lower case