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Top / usb_interface

what usb device drivers talk to

struct usb_interface {
        /* array of alternate settings for this interface,
         * stored in no particular order */
        struct usb_host_interface *altsetting;

        struct usb_host_interface *cur_altsetting;      /* the currently
                                         * active alternate setting */
        unsigned num_altsetting;        /* number of alternate settings */

        /* If there is an interface association descriptor then it will list
         * the associated interfaces */
        struct usb_interface_assoc_descriptor *intf_assoc;

        int minor;                      /* minor number this interface is
                                         * bound to */
        enum usb_interface_condition condition;         /* state of binding */
        unsigned sysfs_files_created:1; /* the sysfs attributes exist */
        unsigned ep_devs_created:1;     /* endpoint "devices" exist */
        unsigned unregistering:1;       /* unregistration is in progress */
        unsigned needs_remote_wakeup:1; /* driver requires remote wakeup */
        unsigned needs_altsetting0:1;   /* switch to altsetting 0 is pending */
        unsigned needs_binding:1;       /* needs delayed unbind/rebind */
        unsigned reset_running:1;
        unsigned resetting_device:1;    /* true: bandwidth alloc after reset */

        struct device dev;              /* interface specific device info */
        struct device *usb_dev;
        atomic_t pm_usage_cnt;          /* usage counter for autosuspend */
        struct work_struct reset_ws;    /* for resets in atomic context */
