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Top / vcpkg



  • Commands:
      vcpkg search [pat]              Search for packages available to be built
      vcpkg install <pkg>...          Install a package
      vcpkg remove <pkg>...           Uninstall a package
      vcpkg remove --outdated         Uninstall all out-of-date packages
      vcpkg list                      List installed packages
      vcpkg update                    Display list of packages for updating
      vcpkg upgrade                   Rebuild all outdated packages
      vcpkg hash <file> [alg]         Hash a file by specific algorithm, default SHA512
      vcpkg help topics               Display the list of help topics
      vcpkg help <topic>              Display help for a specific topic
      vcpkg integrate install         Make installed packages available user-wide. Requires admin privileges on first use
      vcpkg integrate remove          Remove user-wide integration
      vcpkg integrate project         Generate a referencing nuget package for individual VS project use
      vcpkg integrate powershell      Enable PowerShell Tab-Completion
      vcpkg export <pkg>... [opt]...  Exports a package
      vcpkg edit <pkg>                Open up a port for editing (uses %EDITOR%, default 'code')
      vcpkg import <pkg>              Import a pre-built library
      vcpkg create <pkg> <url>
                 [archivename]        Create a new package
      vcpkg owns <pat>                Search for files in installed packages
      vcpkg cache                     List cached compiled packages
      vcpkg version                   Display version information
      vcpkg contact                   Display contact information to send feedback
      --triplet <t>                   Specify the target architecture triplet.
                                      (default: %VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%, see 'vcpkg help triplet')
      --vcpkg-root <path>             Specify the vcpkg root directory
                                      (default: %VCPKG_ROOT%)
    For more help (including examples) see the accompanying README.md.