最終更新:2010-11-29 (月) 12:48:06 (4921d)  

Exploit Database
Top / Exploit Database



The Exploit Database (EDB) – an ultimate archive of exploits and vulnerable software. A great resource for penetration testers, vulnerability researchers, and security addicts alike. Our aim is to collect exploits from submittals and mailing lists and concentrate them in one, easy to navigate database.


Inj3ct0r has always been a mirror to milw0rm. When the latest was down, people could use inj3ct0r. When str0ke found it's really hard to maintain dozens of exploits submitted to him, he decided to close milw0rm. He gave exploits database to Offensive Security company and they founded www.exploit-db.com (or www.explo.it). So it's an official successor of milw0rm.
