最終更新:2017-07-03 (月) 18:41:37 (2513d)  

Top / Module.symvers



  • Module versioning is used as a simple ABI consistency check. The Module versioning creates a CRC value of the full prototype for an exported symbol and when a module is loaded/used then the CRC values contained in the kernel are compared with similar values in the module. If they are not equal, then the kernel refuses to load the module.
  • Module.symvers contains a list of all exported symbols from a kernel build.
  • During a kernel build, a file named Module.symvers will be generated.
  • Module.symvers contains all exported symbols from the kernel and compiled modules. For each symbols, the corresponding CRC value is stored too.



  • モジュールバージョニングを有効にするにはカーネルのフルビルドが必要
  • make modules_prepare will not build Module.symvers even if CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is set. Therefore a full kernel build needs to be executed to make module versioning work.

