最終更新:2021-03-05 (金) 05:49:04 (1296d)  

Top / W3C


World Wide Web Consortium


  • WHATWGの標準仕様がW3Cの勧告になる




  • DTD - Document Type Definition
  • SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
  • CHTML? - Compact HTML

All Standards and Drafts

  • Accessibility
  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications? (WAI-ARIA)
  • Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines? (ATAG?)
  • Best Practices for Authoring HTML?
  • CC/PP?
  • Content Transformation?
  • CSS
  • CSS Mobile?
  • DCCI?
  • Declarative Web Applications?
  • Device Description Repository?
  • Device Independence Authoring?
  • DOM
  • DOM events?
  • Efficient XML Interchange?
  • eGovernment?
  • Electronic Commerce?
  • Evaluation and Report Language? (EARL?)
  • Geospatial?
  • GRDDL?
  • Health Care and Life Sciences? (Semantic Web?)
  • HTML
  • HTML for User Agents?
  • HTTP
  • InkML?
  • Internationalization of Web Architecture?
  • Internationalization of Web Design and Applications?
  • Internationalization of Web Services?
  • Internationalization of XML?
  • Javascript APIs?
  • MathML
  • Media Access?
  • Mobile Web Applications?
  • Mobile Web Authoring?
  • Mobile Web for Social Development?
  • Multimodal Web Applications?
  • OWL Web Ontology Language?
  • P3P
  • PICS?
  • Plugins?
  • PNG
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Framework?
  • RDF
  • RDF Best Practices?
  • RDF Relationship to Other Formats?
  • RDFa
  • RIF Rule Interchange Format?
  • Security for User Agents?
  • Semantic Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema?
  • Service Modeling Language? (SML)
  • SKOS
  • SMIL
  • SOAP
  • Stylesheets in XML?
  • SVG
  • SVG Tiny?
  • Timed Text?
  • URI
  • User Agent Accessibility Guidelines? (UAAG?)
  • Voice?
  • Web Architecture?
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Web Fonts?
  • Web IDL
  • Web Services Addressing?
  • Web Services Architecture?
  • Web Services Choreography?
  • Web Services Policy?
  • Web Services Resource Access?
  • WebCGM?
  • WICD?
  • Widgets?
  • WSDL
  • XBL
  • XForms?
  • XHTML 2?
  • XHTML For Mobile?
  • XHTML Modularization?
  • XInclude?
  • XKMS?
  • XLink
  • XML
  • XML Base?
  • XML Canonicalization?
  • XML Design Techniques?
  • XML Encryption?
  • XML Events?
  • XML Fragments?
  • XML Pipeline? (XProc?)
  • XML Relationship to other formats?
  • XML Schema
  • XML Signature?
  • XML-binary Optimized Packaging?
  • xml:id?
  • XPath
  • XPointer?
  • XQuery
  • XSL-FO?
  • XSLT

