最終更新:2013-07-19 (金) 17:01:51 (3927d)  

Top / AOSP / build / core / help.mk

make help

.PHONY: help
	@echo "Common make targets:"
	@echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "droid                   Default target"
	@echo "clean                   (aka clobber) equivalent to rm -rf out/"
	@echo "snod                    Quickly rebuild the system image from built packages"
	@echo "offline-sdk-docs        Generate the HTML for the developer SDK docs"
	@echo "doc-comment-check-docs  Check HTML doc links & validity, without generating HTML"
	@echo "libandroid_runtime      All the JNI framework stuff"
	@echo "framework               All the java framework stuff"
	@echo "services                The system server (Java) and friends"
	@echo "help                    You're reading it right now"