最終更新:2016-10-12 (水) 03:47:17 (2760d)  

Android NDK/build/core/add-application.mk
Top / Android NDK / build / core / add-application.mk


  • ログ
    Android NDK: Application local targets unknown platform 'android-8'
    Android NDK: Switching to android-24
  • スクリプト
    # Check that the value of APP_PLATFORM corresponds to a known platform
    # If not, we're going to use the max supported platform value.
    _bad_platform := $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS),$(APP_PLATFORM)))
    ifdef _bad_platform
        $(call ndk_log,Application $(_app) targets unknown platform '$(_bad_platform)')
        override APP_PLATFORM := android-$(NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL)
        $(call ndk_log,Switching to $(APP_PLATFORM))