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Top / CGEventFlags

0x00010000kCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift?Indicates that the Caps Lock key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event.
0x00020000kCGEventFlagMaskShift?Indicates that the Shift key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event.
0x00040000kCGEventFlagMaskControl?Indicates that the Control key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event.
0x00080000kCGEventFlagMaskAlternate?Indicates that the Alt or Option key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event.
0x00100000kCGEventFlagMaskCommand?Indicates that the Command key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event.
kCGEventFlagMaskHelp?Indicates that the Help modifier key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event. This key is not present on most keyboards, and is different than the Help key found in the same row as Home and Page Up.
kCGEventFlagMaskSecondaryFn?Indicates that the Fn (Function) key is down for a keyboard, mouse, or flag-changed event. This key is found primarily on laptop keyboards.
kCGEventFlagMaskNumericPad?Identifies key events from the numeric keypad area on extended keyboards.
kCGEventFlagMaskNonCoalesced?Indicates that mouse and pen movement events are not being coalesced.