最終更新:2008-12-19 (金) 14:08:30 (5599d)  

Top / CellDesigner

CellDesigner is a structured diagram editor for drawing gene-regulatory and biochemical networks. Networks are drawn based on the process diagram, with graphical notation system proposed by Kitano, and are stored using the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), a standard for representing models of biochemical and gene-regulatory networks. Networks are able to link with simulation and other analysis packages through Systems Biology Workbench? (SBW?).

  • 細胞内生化学的反応をモデル化するソフトウェア



  • Windows XP(以降)*
  • Mac OS X (10.4以降)**
  • Linux with X Window System ( Fedora Core 4 以降) ***
       *Windows Vista向けには32bitのインストーラーのみ。
       **On MacOSX 10.4 or later, Java 1.5.0_03 or later is required. On Mac OS X 10.3, Java 1.4.2_05 or later is required.
       *** On Linux platform, due to the version of native libraries, Fedora Core 4 or later is recommended;
       some problems will arise if you use other than these.


If SBW and its modules have already been installed, these modules are available. Especially time evolving simulation of editing models can be performed.


MacOSX LeopardへのインストールにはJavaのバージョンの関係上、いくつか問題があるが、 ターミナルにて下記コマンドを入力することで問題を回避可能。

cd /Applications/CellDesigner4.0.1/CellDesigner4.0.1.app/Contents/MacOS
mv JavaApplicationStub JavaApplicationStub.bak
cp /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub .


