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File and Directory Entries API
Top / File and Directory Entries API

Asynchronous API

  • FileSystemRepresents a file system.
    FileSystemEntryThe basic interface representing a single entry in a file system. This is implemented by other interfaces which represent files or directories.
    FileSystemFileEntry?Represents a single file in a file system.
    FileSystemDirectoryEntry?Represents a single directory in a file system.
    FileSystemDirectoryReader?Created by calling FileSystemDirectoryEntry?.createReader(), this interface provides the functionality which lets you read the contents of a directory.
    FileError?Represents an error which is generated by asynchronous file system calls.

Synchronous API

  • FileSystemSync?Represents a file system.
    FileSystemEntrySync?The basic interface representing a single entry in a file system. This is implemented by other interfaces which represent files or directories.
    FileSystemFileEntrySync?Represents a single file in a file system.
    FileSystemDirectoryEntrySync?Represents a single directory in a file system.
    FileSystemDirectoryReaderSync?Created by calling FileSystemDirectoryEntrySync?.createReader(), this interface provides the functionality which lets you read the contents of a directory.
    FileException?Represents an error which is generated by synchronous file system calls.