最終更新:2011-06-02 (木) 03:19:21 (4860d)  

Top / Hugin

Hugin is an opensource graphical user interface (GUI) for Panorama Tools.







Hugin components

The following tools are part of the hugin suite:

  • hugin - the gui front end.
  • nona - a command-line replacement for PTStitcher.
  • fulla - correction of barrel distortion, chromatic aberration and vignetting.
  • nona_gui - a version of nona with simple GUI progress dialogs, similar to the windows version of PTStitcher.
  • autooptimiser - a tool with the same interface as PTOptimizer except using pairwise optimization which doesn't require any manual pre-placement.
  • align_image_stack - a tool to automate the process to align a stack of photos.
  • tca_correct - a tool to automatically generate chromatic aberration correction parameters for use with fulla.
  • matchpoint - feature identification.
  • pto2mk - generation of Makefiles for command-line stitching.
  • cpclean - command line tool to remove control points with improbable error distances
  • calibrate_lens - automatic lens calibration using straight-line detection
  • vig_optimize - command line tool to estimate photometric parameters.
  • hugin_hdrmerge - merges multiple exposures to HDR using Khan anti-ghosting algorithm
  • hugin_stitch_project - a GUI tool to stitch a single hugin .pto project.
  • celeste_standalone - removes cloud-like control points from project files.
  • PTBatcherGUI - a GUI queue manager for stitching multiple hugin projects.
  • PTBatcher - command-line access to the hugin Batch Processor stitching queue.
  • panoglview - OpenGL panorama viewer stored in sourceforge SVN alongside hugin which must be -built separately.
  • autopano-sift-C - version of autopano-sift written in C, also needs to be built separately.




nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o ファイル名 -i 0 設定ファイル名
enblend --compression 100 -f高さx幅 -o ファイル名.jpg ファイル名0000.tif
