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Top / InputReaderConfiguration

Input reader configuration.

Specifies various options that modify the behavior of the input reader.


  • AOSP/frameworks/base/services/input/InputReader.h
     * Input reader configuration.
     * Specifies various options that modify the behavior of the input reader.
    struct InputReaderConfiguration {
        // Describes changes that have occurred.
        enum {
            // The pointer speed changed.
            CHANGE_POINTER_SPEED = 1 << 0,
            // The pointer gesture control changed.
            // The display size or orientation changed.
            CHANGE_DISPLAY_INFO = 1 << 2,
            // The visible touches option changed.
            CHANGE_SHOW_TOUCHES = 1 << 3,
            // All devices must be reopened.
            CHANGE_MUST_REOPEN = 1 << 31,
        // Gets the amount of time to disable virtual keys after the screen is touched
        // in order to filter out accidental virtual key presses due to swiping gestures
        // or taps near the edge of the display.  May be 0 to disable the feature.
        nsecs_t virtualKeyQuietTime;
        // The excluded device names for the platform.
        // Devices with these names will be ignored.
        Vector<String8> excludedDeviceNames;
        // Velocity control parameters for mouse pointer movements.
        VelocityControlParameters pointerVelocityControlParameters;
        // Velocity control parameters for mouse wheel movements.
        VelocityControlParameters wheelVelocityControlParameters;
        // True if pointer gestures are enabled.
        bool pointerGesturesEnabled;
        // Quiet time between certain pointer gesture transitions.
        // Time to allow for all fingers or buttons to settle into a stable state before
        // starting a new gesture.
        nsecs_t pointerGestureQuietInterval;
        // The minimum speed that a pointer must travel for us to consider switching the active
        // touch pointer to it during a drag.  This threshold is set to avoid switching due
        // to noise from a finger resting on the touch pad (perhaps just pressing it down).
        float pointerGestureDragMinSwitchSpeed; // in pixels per second
        // Tap gesture delay time.
        // The time between down and up must be less than this to be considered a tap.
        nsecs_t pointerGestureTapInterval;
        // Tap drag gesture delay time.
        // The time between the previous tap's up and the next down must be less than
        // this to be considered a drag.  Otherwise, the previous tap is finished and a
        // new tap begins.
        // Note that the previous tap will be held down for this entire duration so this
        // interval must be shorter than the long press timeout.
        nsecs_t pointerGestureTapDragInterval;
        // The distance in pixels that the pointer is allowed to move from initial down
        // to up and still be called a tap.
        float pointerGestureTapSlop; // in pixels
        // Time after the first touch points go down to settle on an initial centroid.
        // This is intended to be enough time to handle cases where the user puts down two
        // fingers at almost but not quite exactly the same time.
        nsecs_t pointerGestureMultitouchSettleInterval;
        // The transition from PRESS to SWIPE or FREEFORM gesture mode is made when
        // at least two pointers have moved at least this far from their starting place.
        float pointerGestureMultitouchMinDistance; // in pixels
        // The transition from PRESS to SWIPE gesture mode can only occur when the
        // cosine of the angle between the two vectors is greater than or equal to than this value
        // which indicates that the vectors are oriented in the same direction.
        // When the vectors are oriented in the exactly same direction, the cosine is 1.0.
        // (In exactly opposite directions, the cosine is -1.0.)
        float pointerGestureSwipeTransitionAngleCosine;
        // The transition from PRESS to SWIPE gesture mode can only occur when the
        // fingers are no more than this far apart relative to the diagonal size of
        // the touch pad.  For example, a ratio of 0.5 means that the fingers must be
        // no more than half the diagonal size of the touch pad apart.
        float pointerGestureSwipeMaxWidthRatio;
        // The gesture movement speed factor relative to the size of the display.
        // Movement speed applies when the fingers are moving in the same direction.
        // Without acceleration, a full swipe of the touch pad diagonal in movement mode
        // will cover this portion of the display diagonal.
        float pointerGestureMovementSpeedRatio;
        // The gesture zoom speed factor relative to the size of the display.
        // Zoom speed applies when the fingers are mostly moving relative to each other
        // to execute a scale gesture or similar.
        // Without acceleration, a full swipe of the touch pad diagonal in zoom mode
        // will cover this portion of the display diagonal.
        float pointerGestureZoomSpeedRatio;
        // True to show the location of touches on the touch screen as spots.
        bool showTouches;
        InputReaderConfiguration() :
                pointerVelocityControlParameters(1.0f, 500.0f, 3000.0f, 3.0f),
                wheelVelocityControlParameters(1.0f, 15.0f, 50.0f, 4.0f),
                pointerGestureQuietInterval(100 * 1000000LL), // 100 ms
                pointerGestureDragMinSwitchSpeed(50), // 50 pixels per second
                pointerGestureTapInterval(150 * 1000000LL), // 150 ms
                pointerGestureTapDragInterval(150 * 1000000LL), // 150 ms
                pointerGestureTapSlop(10.0f), // 10 pixels
                pointerGestureMultitouchSettleInterval(100 * 1000000LL), // 100 ms
                pointerGestureMultitouchMinDistance(15), // 15 pixels
                pointerGestureSwipeTransitionAngleCosine(0.2588f), // cosine of 75 degrees
                showTouches(false) { }
        bool getDisplayInfo(int32_t displayId, bool external,
                int32_t* width, int32_t* height, int32_t* orientation) const;
        void setDisplayInfo(int32_t displayId, bool external,
                int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t orientation);
        struct DisplayInfo {
            int32_t width;
            int32_t height;
            int32_t orientation;
            DisplayInfo() :
                width(-1), height(-1), orientation(DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_0) {
        DisplayInfo mInternalDisplay;
        DisplayInfo mExternalDisplay;



