最終更新:2013-09-26 (木) 15:38:07 (3874d)  

Top / InputReaderInterface

/* Processes raw input events and sends cooked event data to an input listener. */
class InputReaderInterface : public virtual RefBase {
    InputReaderInterface() { }
    virtual ~InputReaderInterface() { }

    /* Dumps the state of the input reader.
     * This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager). */
    virtual void dump(String8& dump) = 0;

    /* Called by the heatbeat to ensures that the reader has not deadlocked. */
    virtual void monitor() = 0;

    /* Runs a single iteration of the processing loop.
     * Nominally reads and processes one incoming message from the EventHub.
     * This method should be called on the input reader thread.
    virtual void loopOnce() = 0;

    /* Gets the current input device configuration.
     * This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
    virtual void getInputConfiguration(InputConfiguration* outConfiguration) = 0;

    /* Gets information about the specified input device.
     * Returns OK if the device information was obtained or NAME_NOT_FOUND if there
     * was no such device.
     * This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
    virtual status_t getInputDeviceInfo(int32_t deviceId, InputDeviceInfo* outDeviceInfo) = 0;

    /* Gets the list of all registered device ids. */
    virtual void getInputDeviceIds(Vector<int32_t>& outDeviceIds) = 0;

    /* Query current input state. */
    virtual int32_t getScanCodeState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask,
            int32_t scanCode) = 0;
    virtual int32_t getKeyCodeState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask,
            int32_t keyCode) = 0;
    virtual int32_t getSwitchState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask,
            int32_t sw) = 0;

    /* Determine whether physical keys exist for the given framework-domain key codes. */
    virtual bool hasKeys(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask,
            size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) = 0;

    /* Requests that a reconfiguration of all input devices.
     * The changes flag is a bitfield that indicates what has changed and whether
     * the input devices must all be reopened. */
    virtual void requestRefreshConfiguration(uint32_t changes) = 0;