最終更新:2016-12-19 (月) 18:38:31 (2703d)  

Top / Linux / usr / share / glib-2.0 / schemas / org.gnome.desktop.input-sources.gschema.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schemalist gettext-domain="gsettings-desktop-schemas">
  <schema path="/org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/" id="org.gnome.desktop.input-sources">
    <key type="u" name="current">
      <summary>Current input source</summary>
      <description>The zero-based index into the input sources list specifying the current one in effect. The value is automatically capped to remain in the range [0, sources_length) as long as the sources list isn't empty.</description>
    <key type="a(ss)" name="sources">
      <summary>List of input sources</summary>
      <description>List of input source identifiers available. Each source is specified as a tuple of 2 strings. The first string is the type and can be one of 'xkb' or 'ibus'. For 'xkb' sources the second string is 'xkb_layout+xkb_variant' or just 'xkb_layout' if a XKB variant isn't needed. For 'ibus' sources the second string is the IBus engine name. An empty list means that the X server's current XKB layout and variant won't be touched and IBus won't be used.</description>
    <key type="as" name="xkb-options">
      <summary>List of XKB options</summary>
      <description>List of XKB options. Each option is an XKB option string as defined by xkeyboard-config's rules files.</description>
    <key type="b" name="show-all-sources">
      <summary>Show all installed input sources</summary>
      <description>Makes all installed input sources available for choosing in System Settings.</description>
    <key type="b" name="per-window">
      <summary>Use different input sources for each window</summary>
      <description>When enabled, input sources get attached to the currently focused window when activated.</description>
