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Top / OpenVIDIA

Parallel GPU Computer Vision


What is OpenVIDIA?

OpenVIDIA projects implement computer vision algorithms on computer graphics hardware, using OpenGL, Cg and CUDA. The project provides useful example programs which run real time computer vision algorithms on single or parallel graphics processing units(GPUs).

Currently OpenVIDIA consists of CVWB? (Computer Vision Workbench), a Windows application that runs common image processing routines. Additionally, there are a few "cores" containing algorithms below.

OpenVIDIA projects utilize the computational power of the GPU to provide real--time computer vision and imaging much faster than the CPU is capable of while offloading the CPU to allow it to conduct concurrent tasks.

This project was founded at the Eyetap Personal Imaging Lab (ePi Lab) at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Group at the University of Toronto. It has been expanded to include contributions from many sources in academia and industry.