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Top / UIReturnKeyType


UIReturnKeyDefault?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “return”.改行
UIReturnKeyGo?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Go”.開く
UIReturnKeyGoogle?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Google”.検索
UIReturnKeyJoin?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Join”.接続
UIReturnKeyNext?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Next”.次へ
UIReturnKeyRoute?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Route”.経路
UIReturnKeySearch?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Search”.検索
UIReturnKeySend?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Send”.送信
UIReturnKeyYahoo?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Yahoo”.検索
UIReturnKeyDone?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Done”.完了
UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Emergency Call”.緊急電話
UIReturnKeyContinue?Specifies that the visible title of the Return key is “Continue”.