最終更新:2017-12-06 (水) 16:11:36 (2331d)  

Top / WTL / include

atlapp.hmessage loop, interfaces, general app stuff
atlcrack.h?message cracker macros
atlctrls.h?standard and common control classes
atlctrlw.h?command bar class
atlctrlx.h?bitmap button, check list view, and other controls
atlddx.h?data exchange for dialogs and windows
atldlgs.h?common dialog classes, property sheet and page classes
atldwm.h?DWM support classes
atlfind.h?Find/Replace support for Edit and RichEdit
atlframe.h?frame window classes, MDI, update UI classes
atlgdi.h?DC classes, GDI object classes
atlmisc.h?WTL ports of CPoint, CRect, CSize, CString, etc.
atlprint.h?printing and print preview
atlres.h?standard resource IDs
atlribbon.h?RibbonUI support
atlscrl.h?scrollable windows
atlsplit.h?splitter windows
atltheme.h?Windows XP theme classes
atluser.h?menu class, USER object classes
atlwinx.h?extensions of ATL windowing support