最終更新:2009-07-15 (水) 14:00:05 (5391d)  

Top / cutil



Sample Projects

  • The sample projects come in four configurations: debug and release (where release contains no debugging information), and emulated versions of both. The emulated versions are for developing and running CUDA software in the absence of a CUDA GPU.
  • A few of the example projects require some additional setup. The simpleD3D example requires the system to have a Direct3D SDK installed and the Visual C++ directory paths (located in ToolsOptions...) properly configured. Consult the Direct3D documentation for additional details.
  • Most samples link to a utility library called cutil whose source code is in NVIDIA CUDA SDK\common. The release and emurelease versions of these samples link to cutil32.lib (or cutil64.lib) and dynamically load cutil32.dll (or cutil64.dll). The debug and emudebug versions of these samples link to Compiling a CUDA Program
  • cutil32D.lib and dynamically load cutil32D (or their 64-bit equivalents on 64-bit versions of Windows). To build the Win32 release and/or debug configurations of the cutil library, use the solution files located in NVIDIA CUDA SDK\common. The output of the compilation process should be placed in NVIDIA CUDA SDK\common\lib: 
    • cutil32.lib and cutil32D.lib (or cutil64.lib and cutil64D.lib) are the release and debug import libraries. 
    • cutil32.dll and cutil32D.dll (or cutil64.dll and cutil64D.dll) are the release and debug dynamic-link libraries, which also are copied to NVIDIA CUDA SDK\bin\win32\[release|emurelease] and NVIDIA CUDA SDK\bin\win32\[debug|emudebug] respectively. (Substitute \win64 for \win32 on 64-bit Windows.)