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flutter logs
Top / flutter logs

Show log output for running Flutter apps.

Global options:
-h, --help                  Print this usage information.
-v, --verbose               Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed.
                            If used with "--help", shows hidden options. If used with "flutter doctor", shows additional diagnostic information. (Use "-vv" to force verbose logging in those cases.)
-d, --device-id             Target device id or name (prefixes allowed).
    --version               Reports the version of this tool.
    --enable-analytics      Enable telemetry reporting each time a flutter or dart command runs.
    --disable-analytics     Disable telemetry reporting each time a flutter or dart command runs, until it is re-enabled.
    --suppress-analytics    Suppress analytics reporting for the current CLI invocation.

Usage: flutter logs [arguments]
-h, --help                    Print this usage information.
-c, --clear                   Clear log history before reading from logs.
    --device-timeout=<10>     Time in seconds to wait for devices to attach. Longer timeouts may be necessary for networked devices.
    --device-connection       Discover devices based on connection type.

          [attached]          Only searches for devices connected by USB or built-in (such as simulators/emulators, MacOS/Windows, Chrome)
          [both] (default)    Searches for both attached and wireless devices.
          [wireless]          Only searches for devices connected wirelessly. Discovering wireless devices may take longer.

Run "flutter help" to see global options.
