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Top / lscpu

display information on CPU architecture



  • Usage:
     lscpu [options]
    Display information about the CPU architecture.
     -a, --all               print both online and offline CPUs (default for -e)
     -b, --online            print online CPUs only (default for -p)
     -B, --bytes             print sizes in bytes rather than in human readable format
     -C, --caches[=<list>]   info about caches in extended readable format
     -c, --offline           print offline CPUs only
     -J, --json              use JSON for default or extended format
     -e, --extended[=<list>] print out an extended readable format
     -p, --parse[=<list>]    print out a parsable format
     -s, --sysroot <dir>     use specified directory as system root
     -x, --hex               print hexadecimal masks rather than lists of CPUs
     -y, --physical          print physical instead of logical IDs
         --output-all        print all available columns for -e, -p or -C
     -h, --help              display this help
     -V, --version           display version
    Available output columns for -e or -p:
          BOGOMIPS  crude measurement of CPU speed
               CPU  logical CPU number
              CORE  logical core number
            SOCKET  logical socket number
           CLUSTER  logical cluster number
              NODE  logical NUMA node number
              BOOK  logical book number
            DRAWER  logical drawer number
             CACHE  shows how caches are shared between CPUs
      POLARIZATION  CPU dispatching mode on virtual hardware
           ADDRESS  physical address of a CPU
        CONFIGURED  shows if the hypervisor has allocated the CPU
            ONLINE  shows if Linux currently makes use of the CPU
               MHZ  shows the currently MHz of the CPU
            MAXMHZ  shows the maximum MHz of the CPU
            MINMHZ  shows the minimum MHz of the CPU
    Available output columns for -C:
          ALL-SIZE  size of all system caches
             LEVEL  cache level
              NAME  cache name
          ONE-SIZE  size of one cache
              TYPE  cache type
              WAYS  ways of associativity
      ALLOC-POLICY  allocation policy
      WRITE-POLICY  write policy
          PHY-LINE  number of physical cache line per cache t
              SETS  number of sets in the cache; set lines has the same cache index
     COHERENCY-SIZE  minimum amount of data in bytes transferred from memory to cache
    For more details see lscpu(1).
