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Top / mokutil




  • Usage:
      mokutil OPTIONS [ARGS...]
      --help				Show help
      --list-enrolled			List the enrolled keys
      --list-new				List the keys to be enrolled
      --list-delete				List the keys to be deleted
      --import <der file...>		Import keys
      --delete <der file...>		Delete specific keys
      --revoke-import			Revoke the import request
      --revoke-delete			Revoke the delete request
      --export				Export keys to files
      --password				Set MOK password
      --clear-password			Clear MOK password
      --disable-validation			Disable signature validation
      --enable-validation			Enable signature validation
      --sb-state				Show SecureBoot State
      --test-key <der file>			Test if the key is enrolled or not
      --reset				Reset MOK list
      --generate-hash[=password]		Generate the password hash
      --ignore-db				Ignore DB for validation
      --use-db				Use DB for validation
      --import-hash <hash>			Import a hash into MOK or MOKX
      --delete-hash <hash>			Delete a hash in MOK or MOKX
      --set-verbosity <true/false>		Set the verbosity bit for shim
      --pk					List the keys in PK
      --kek					List the keys in KEK
      --db					List the keys in db
      --dbx					List the keys in dbx
      --timeout <-1,0..0x7fff>		Set the timeout for MOK prompt
    Supplimentary Options:
      --hash-file <hash file>		Use the specific password hash
      --root-pw				Use the root password
      --simple-hash				Use the old password hash method
      --mokx				Manipulate the MOK blacklist