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Top / pacmd

Reconfigure a PulseAudio sound server during runtime


  • The older PulseAudio Command Line Interface utility
  • pactl offers improved versions of these commands



  • Available commands:
        help                      Show this help
        list-modules              List loaded modules
        list-cards                List cards
        list-sinks                List loaded sinks
        list-sources              List loaded sources
        list-clients              List loaded clients
        list-sink-inputs          List sink inputs
        list-source-outputs       List source outputs
        stat                      Show memory block statistics
        info                      Show comprehensive status
        load-module               Load a module (args: name, arguments)
        unload-module             Unload a module (args: index|name)
        describe-module           Describe a module (arg: name)
        set-sink-volume           Set the volume of a sink (args: index|name, volume)
        set-source-volume         Set the volume of a source (args: index|name, volume)
        set-sink-mute             Set the mute switch of a sink (args: index|name, bool)
        set-source-mute           Set the mute switch of a source (args: index|name, bool)
        set-sink-input-volume     Set the volume of a sink input (args: index, volume)
        set-source-output-volume  Set the volume of a source output (args: index, volume)
        set-sink-input-mute       Set the mute switch of a sink input (args: index, bool)
        set-source-output-mute    Set the mute switch of a source output (args: index, bool)
        set-default-sink          Set the default sink (args: index|name)
        set-default-source        Set the default source (args: index|name)
        set-card-profile          Change the profile of a card (args: index|name, profile-name)
        set-sink-port             Change the port of a sink (args: index|name, port-name)
        set-source-port           Change the port of a source (args: index|name, port-name)
        set-port-latency-offset   Change the latency of a port (args: card-index|card-name, port-name, latency-offset)
        suspend-sink              Suspend sink (args: index|name, bool)
        suspend-source            Suspend source (args: index|name, bool)
        suspend                   Suspend all sinks and all sources (args: bool)
        move-sink-input           Move sink input to another sink (args: index, sink)
        move-source-output        Move source output to another source (args: index, source)
        update-sink-proplist      Update the properties of a sink (args: index|name, properties)
        update-source-proplist    Update the properties of a source (args: index|name, properties)
        update-sink-input-proplist Update the properties of a sink input (args: index, properties)
        update-source-output-proplist Update the properties of a source output (args: index, properties)
        list-samples              List all entries in the sample cache
        play-sample               Play a sample from the sample cache (args: name, sink|index)
        remove-sample             Remove a sample from the sample cache (args: name)
        load-sample               Load a sound file into the sample cache (args: name, filename)
        load-sample-lazy          Lazily load a sound file into the sample cache (args: name, filename)
        load-sample-dir-lazy      Lazily load all files in a directory into the sample cache (args: pathname)
        kill-client               Kill a client (args: index)
        kill-sink-input           Kill a sink input (args: index)
        kill-source-output        Kill a source output (args: index)
        set-log-target            Change the log target (args: null|auto|syslog|stderr|file:PATH|newfile:PATH)
        set-log-level             Change the log level (args: numeric level)
        set-log-meta              Show source code location in log messages (args: bool)
        set-log-time              Show timestamps in log messages (args: bool)
        set-log-backtrace         Show backtrace in log messages (args: frames)
        play-file                 Play a sound file (args: filename, sink|index)
        dump                      Dump daemon configuration
        dump-volumes              Debug: Show the state of all volumes
        shared                    Debug: Show shared properties
        exit                      Terminate the daemon
