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Top / shellapi.h



  • AssocCreateForClasses?Retrieves an object that implements an IQueryAssociations? interface.
    CommandLineToArgvW?Parses a Unicode command line string and returns an array of pointers to the command line arguments, along with a count of such arguments, in a way that is similar to the standard C run-time argv and argc values.
    DoEnvironmentSubstA?Parses an input string that contains references to one or more environment variables and replaces them with their fully expanded values.
    DoEnvironmentSubstW?Parses an input string that contains references to one or more environment variables and replaces them with their fully expanded values.
    DragAcceptFiles?Registers whether a window accepts dropped files.
    DragFinish?Releases memory that the system allocated for use in transferring file names to the application.
    DragQueryFileA?Retrieves the names of dropped files that result from a successful drag-and-drop operation.
    DragQueryFileW?Retrieves the names of dropped files that result from a successful drag-and-drop operation.
    DragQueryPoint?Retrieves the position of the mouse pointer at the time a file was dropped during a drag-and-drop operation.
    DuplicateIcon?Creates a duplicate of a specified icon.
    ExtractAssociatedIconA?Gets a handle to an icon stored as a resource in a file or an icon stored in a file's associated executable file.
    ExtractAssociatedIconExA?ExtractAssociatedIconEx? may be altered or unavailable.
    ExtractAssociatedIconExW?ExtractAssociatedIconEx? may be altered or unavailable.
    ExtractAssociatedIconW?Gets a handle to an icon stored as a resource in a file or an icon stored in a file's associated executable file.
    ExtractIconA?Gets a handle to an icon from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. To retrieve an array of handles to large or small icons, use the ExtractIconEx? function.
    ExtractIconExA?The ExtractIconEx? function creates an array of handles to large or small icons extracted from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file.
    ExtractIconExW?The ExtractIconEx? function creates an array of handles to large or small icons extracted from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file.
    ExtractIconW?Gets a handle to an icon from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. To retrieve an array of handles to large or small icons, use the ExtractIconEx? function.
    FindExecutableA?Retrieves the name of and handle to the executable (.exe) file associated with a specific document file.
    FindExecutableW?Retrieves the name of and handle to the executable (.exe) file associated with a specific document file.
    InitNetworkAddressControl?Initializes the network address control window class.
    NetAddr_DisplayErrorTip?Displays an error message in the balloon tip associated with the network address control.
    NetAddr_GetAddress?Indicates whether a network address conforms to a specified type and format.
    NetAddr_GetAllowType?Retrieves the network address types that a specified network address control accepts.
    NetAddr_SetAllowType?Sets the network address types that a specified network address control accepts.
    SHAppBarMessageSends an appbar message to the system.
    SHCreateProcessAsUserW?Creates a new user-mode process and its primary thread to run a specified executable file.
    Shell_NotifyIconA?Sends a message to the taskbar's status area.
    Shell_NotifyIconGetRect?Gets the screen coordinates of the bounding rectangle of a notification icon.
    Shell_NotifyIconW?Sends a message to the taskbar's status area.
    ShellAboutA?Displays a ShellAbout? dialog box.
    ShellAboutW?Displays a ShellAbout? dialog box.
    ShellExecuteA?Performs an operation on a specified file.
    ShellExecuteExA?Performs an operation on a specified file.
    ShellExecuteExW?Performs an operation on a specified file.
    ShellExecuteW?Performs an operation on a specified file.
    ShellMessageBoxA?ShellMessageBox? may be altered or unavailable.
    ShellMessageBoxW?ShellMessageBox? may be altered or unavailable.
    SHEmptyRecycleBinA?Empties the Recycle Bin on the specified drive.
    SHEmptyRecycleBinW?Empties the Recycle Bin on the specified drive.
    SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsA?Enumerates the user accounts that have unread email.
    SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW?Enumerates the user accounts that have unread email.
    SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate?Enforces strict validation of parameters used in a call to CreateProcess or ShellExecute.
    SHFileOperationA?Copies, moves, renames, or deletes a file system object. This function has been replaced in Windows Vista by IFileOperation?.
    SHFileOperationW?Copies, moves, renames, or deletes a file system object. On Windows Vista and later releases, we recommend that you use IFileOperation? instead of this function.
    SHFreeNameMappings?Frees a file name mapping object that was retrieved by the SHFileOperation? function.
    SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA?Retrieves disk space information for a disk volume.
    SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW?Retrieves disk space information for a disk volume.
    SHGetDriveMedia?Returns the type of media that is in the given drive.
    SHGetFileInfoA?Retrieves information about an object in the file system, such as a file, folder, directory, or drive root.
    SHGetFileInfoW?Retrieves information about an object in the file system, such as a file, folder, directory, or drive root.
    SHGetImageList?Retrieves an image list.
    SHGetLocalizedName?Retrieves the localized name of a file in a Shell folder.
    SHGetNewLinkInfoA?Creates a name for a new shortcut based on the shortcut's proposed target. This function does not create the shortcut, just the name.
    SHGetNewLinkInfoW?Creates a name for a new shortcut based on the shortcut's proposed target. This function does not create the shortcut, just the name.
    SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow?Retrieves an object that represents a specific window's collection of properties, which allows those properties to be queried or set.
    SHGetStockIconInfo?Retrieves information about system-defined Shell icons.
    SHGetUnreadMailCountA?Retrieves a specified user's unread message count for any or all email accounts.
    SHGetUnreadMailCountW?Retrieves a specified user's unread message count for any or all email accounts.
    SHInvokePrinterCommandA?Executes a command on a printer object.
    SHInvokePrinterCommandW?Executes a command on a printer object.
    SHIsFileAvailableOffline?Determines whether a file or folder is available for offline use. This function also determines whether the file would be opened from the network, from the local Offline Files cache, or from both locations.
    SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers?Signals the Shell that during the next operation requiring overlay information, it should load icon overlay identifiers that either failed creation or were not present for creation at startup. Identifiers that have already been loaded are not affected.
    SHQueryRecycleBinA?Retrieves the size of the Recycle Bin and the number of items in it, for a specified drive.
    SHQueryRecycleBinW?Retrieves the size of the Recycle Bin and the number of items in it, for a specified drive.
    SHQueryUserNotificationState?Checks the state of the computer for the current user to determine whether sending a notification is appropriate.
    SHRemoveLocalizedName?Removes the localized name of a file in a Shell folder.
    SHSetLocalizedName?Sets the localized name of a file in a Shell folder.
    SHSetUnreadMailCountA?Stores the current user's unread message count for a specified email account in the registry.
    SHSetUnreadMailCountW?Stores the current user's unread message count for a specified email account in the registry.
    SHTestTokenMembership?Uses CheckTokenMembership? to test whether the given token is a member of the local group with the specified RID.


  • APPBARDATA?Contains information about a system appbar message.
    ASSOCIATIONELEMENT?Defines information used by AssocCreateForClasses? to retrieve an IQueryAssociations? interface for a given file association.
    NC_ADDRESS?Contains information that describes a network address.
    NOTIFYICONDATAA?Contains information that the system needs to display notifications in the notification area. Used by Shell_NotifyIcon?.
    NOTIFYICONDATAW?Contains information that the system needs to display notifications in the notification area. Used by Shell_NotifyIcon?.
    NOTIFYICONIDENTIFIER?Contains information used by Shell_NotifyIconGetRect? to identify the icon for which to retrieve the bounding rectangle.
    OPEN_PRINTER_PROPS_INFOA?Identifies a particular property sheet in a printer's property pages and whether that property sheet should be modal. Optionally used with the SHInvokePrinterCommand? function.
    OPEN_PRINTER_PROPS_INFOW?Identifies a particular property sheet in a printer's property pages and whether that property sheet should be modal. Optionally used with the SHInvokePrinterCommand? function.
    SHCREATEPROCESSINFOW?Contains the information needed by SHCreateProcessAsUserW to create a process.
    SHELLEXECUTEINFOA?Contains information used by ShellExecuteEx.
    SHELLEXECUTEINFOW?Contains information used by ShellExecuteEx.
    SHFILEINFOA?Contains information about a file object.
    SHFILEINFOW?Contains information about a file object.
    SHFILEOPSTRUCTA?Contains information that the SHFileOperation? function uses to perform file operations.
    SHFILEOPSTRUCTW?Contains information that the SHFileOperation? function uses to perform file operations.
    SHNAMEMAPPINGA?Contains the old and new path names for each file that was moved, copied, or renamed by the SHFileOperation? function.
    SHNAMEMAPPINGW?Contains the old and new path names for each file that was moved, copied, or renamed by the SHFileOperation? function.
    SHQUERYRBINFO?Contains the size and item count information retrieved by the SHQueryRecycleBin? function.
    SHSTOCKICONINFO?Receives information used to retrieve a stock Shell icon. This structure is used in a call SHGetStockIconInfo?.


  • QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE?Specifies the state of the machine for the current user in relation to the propriety of sending a notification. Used by SHQueryUserNotificationState?.
    SHSTOCKICONID?Used by SHGetStockIconInfo? to identify which stock system icon to retrieve.