最終更新:2013-12-24 (火) 19:02:39 (3773d)  

Top / vs-android

Integrated development of Android NDK C/C++ software under Visual Studio




  • vs-android is intended to provide a collection of scripts and utilities to support integrated development of Android NDK C/C++ software under Microsoft Visual Studio.


  • Compile and link Android C/C++ projects within Visual Studio.
  • Integrated development, no makefiles. Works as another 'Platform' type.
  • Android settings co-exist within the same VS projects as other platforms.
  • Supports static library projects, and links them in if marked as project dependencies.
  • Intellisense and 'External Dependencies' correctly pull in Android NDK headers.
  • Cygwin install is not required.
  • Over twice as fast as using ndk-build under Cygwin. For full rebuilds, and incremental changes.
  • Ctrl-F7: compile single file functions, has no dependency checking wait.
  • Applications build to .apk package files, and can be deployed and ran using vs-android.
  • Supports selection of STL types, Arm Architecture, and API versions.
  • Support for the ARM, MIPS and x86 toolchains.
