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Kali Linux/パッケージ一覧
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Kali Linux/メタパッケージ



  • 0adReal-time strategy game of ancient warfare
    0ad-data?Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare (data)
    0ad-dbg?Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare (debug)
    0trace?A traceroute tool that can run within an existing TCP connection.
    2ping?Ping utility to determine directional packet loss
    2vcard?perl script to convert an addressbook to VCARD file format
    389-console?389 Management Console
    3dchess?Play chess across 3 boards!
    3depict?visualisation and analysis for single valued point data
    4digits?guess-the-number game, aka Bulls and Cows
    4g8?Packet Capture and Interception for Switched Networks
    4store?RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon
    6tunnel?TCP proxy for non-IPv6 applications
    7kaa?Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries: real-time strategy game
    7kaa-data?Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries - game data
    7kaa-dbg?Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries - debug
    9base?Plan 9 userland tools
    9menu?Creates X menus from the shell
    9wm?emulation of the Plan 9 window manager 8-1/2
    a2jmidid?Daemon for exposing legacy ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI systems
    a2psGNU a2ps - 'Anything to PostScript' converter and pretty-printer
    a56?Motorola DSP56001 assembler
    a7xpg?chase action game
    a7xpg-data?chase action game - game data
    aa3d?ASCII art stereogram generator
    aajm?ASCII art version of jugglemaster
    aaphoto?Auto Adjust Photo, automatic color correction of photos
    abacas?Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
    abcde?A Better CD Encoder
    abcm2ps?Translates ABC music description files to PostScript (or SVG)
    abcmidi?converter from ABC to MIDI format and back
    abcmidi-yaps?yet another ABC to PostScript converter
    abe?Side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure"
    abe-data?Side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure"
    abgate?LV2 noise gate plugin
    abi-compliance-checker?tool to compare ABI compatibility of shared C/C++ library versions
    abicheck?binary compatibility checking tool
    abinit?A package for electronic structure calculations
    abinit-doc?A package for electronic structure calculations
    abiword?efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration
    abiword-common?efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration -- common files
    abiword-dbg?debugging symbols for abiword word processor
    abiword-plugin-grammar?grammar checking plugin for AbiWord
    abiword-plugin-mathview?equation editor plugin for AbiWord
    abntex?LaTeX class for writing documents in ABNT standard
    abook?text-based ncurses address book application
    abootimgTool to read/write/update android boot images
    abr2gbr?Converts PhotoShop? brushes to GIMP
    abraca?Simple and powerful graphical client for XMMS2
    abtransfers?simple online banking application for online money transfers
    acccheck?Password dictionary attack tool for SMB
    accerciser?interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
    accessodf?Libreoffice extension to check accessibility of ODF documents
    accountsservice?query and manipulate user account information
    acct?The GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting
    ace-gperf?ACE perfect hash function generator
    ace-netsvcs?ACE network service implementations
    ace-of-penguins?penguin-themed solitaire games
    ace-voip?A simple VoIP corporate directory enumeration tool
    acedb-other?retrieval of DNA or protein sequences
    acedb-other-belvu?multiple sequence alignment editor
    acedb-other-dotter?visualisation of sequence similarity
    aces3?Advanced Concepts in Electronic Structure III
    acetoneiso?feature-rich application to mount and manage CD and DVD images
    acfax?Receive faxes using your radio and sound card
    acheck?Check common localisation mistakes
    acheck-rules?Basic rules for acheck
    acheck-rules-fr?French rules for acheck
    achilles?An artificial life and evolution simulator
    ackKanji code converter
    ack-grep?grep-like program specifically for large source trees
    aclAccess control list utilities
    acl2?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: main binary
    acl2-books?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: compiled libraries
    acl2-books-certs?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library certificates
    acl2-books-source?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library sources
    acl2-doc?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: documentation
    acl2-emacs?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface
    acl2-infix?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix interface
    acl2-infix-source?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix source
    acl2-source?Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: source files
    aclock.app?Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep
    acm?Multi-player classic aerial combat simulation
    aconnectgui?graphical ALSA sequencer connection manager
    acorn-fdisk?partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines
    acoustid-fingerprinter?Acoustid fingerprinter
    acpidisplays information on ACPI devices
    acpi-fakekey?tool to generate fake key events
    acpi-support?scripts for handling many ACPI events
    acpi-support-base?scripts for handling base ACPI events such as the power button
    acpid?Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon
    acpidump?utilities to dump system's ACPI tables to an ASCII file
    acpitail?Show ACPI information in a tail-like style
    acpitool?command line ACPI client
    acpitool-dbg?command line ACPI client (debug)
    actionaz?emulate human activity through a powerful GUI and JavaScript
    activemq?Java message broker - server
    activity-log-manager?blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist
    activiz.net-doc?ActiViz?.NET documentation
    activiz.net-examples?ActiViz?.NET examples
    ada-reference-manual-2005?Ada 2005 language standard
    ada-reference-manual-2012?Ada 2012 language standard
    adabrowse?HTML generator for Ada 95 library unit specifications
    adacgi1?Ada CGI interface
    adacontrol?Ada rules controller
    addresses-goodies-for-gnustep?Personal Address Manager for GNUstep (Goodies)
    addresses.framework?Database API backend framework for GNUstep
    addressmanager.app?Personal Address Manager for GNUstep
    addressview.framework?Address display/edit framework for GNUstep
    adduseradd and remove users and groups
    adjtimex?kernel time variables configuration utility
    adlint?open source and free source code static analyzer
    admesh?Tool for processing triangulated solid meshes
    adminer?Web-based database administration tool
    adns-tools?Asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
    adonthell?2D graphical roleplaying game
    adonthell-data?Data files needed by Adonthell
    adplay?console-based OPL2 audio player
    adplug-utils?free AdLib? sound library (utils)
    adun.app?Molecular Simulator for GNUstep
    advancecomp?collection of recompression utilities
    advene?Annotate DVDs, Exchange on the Net
    advi?active DVI previewer and presenter
    advi-examples?example presentations for Active-DVI (advi)
    adzapper?proxy advertisement zapper add-on
    aegis?transaction-based software configuration management
    aegis-doc?documentation for aegis
    aegis-tk?aegis Tk user interface
    aegis-web?aegis web based user interface
    aegisub?advanced subtitle editor
    aegisub-l10n?aegisub language packages
    aeolus?Synthesised pipe organ emulator
    aephea?text-based authoring tool for HTML
    aes2501-wy?userspace software for usb aes2501 fingerprint scanner
    aesfix?tool for correcting bit errors in an AES key schedule
    aeskeyfind?tool for locating AES keys in a captures memory image
    aeskulap?medical image viewer and DICOM network client
    aespipe?AES-encryption tool with loop-AES support
    aewan?ASCII-art Editor Without A Name
    aewm?minimalist window manager for X11
    aewm++?minimal window manager written in C++
    aewm++-goodies?utilities to complement a minimal window manager
    affiche.app?An application to "stick" little notes on the desktop
    afflib-dbg?support for Advanced Forensics format (debug)
    afflib-tools?support for Advanced Forensics format (utilities)
    afnix?Compiler and run-time for the AFNIX programming language
    afnix-doc?Compiler and run-time for the AFNIX programming language (documentation)
    afpfs-ng?Client for the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) (transitional package)
    afpfs-ng-utils?Client for the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) (utility programs)
    aft?"free form" document preparation system
    afterstep?window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and feel
    afterstep-data?data files for AfterStep? window manager
    afterstep-dbg?detached debugging symbols for AfterStep? and its libraries
    afuse?automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE
    agave?colorscheme designer for the GNOME desktop
    agda?dependently typed functional programming language
    agda-bin?commandline interface to Agda
    agda-mode?dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode
    agda-stdlib?standard library for Agda
    agda-stdlib-doc?standard library for Agda — documentation
    agedu?a Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space
    agenda.app?Calendar manager for GNUstep
    aggregate?ipv4 cidr prefix aggregator
    aghermann?Sleep-research experiment manager
    aglfn?Adobe Glyph List For New Fonts
    agtl?Tool for paperless geocaching
    aha?ANSI color to HTML converter
    ahcpd?Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol
    ahven-dbg?Unit test library for Ada (debug)
    aiccu?SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
    aide?Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary
    aide-common?Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Common files
    aide-dynamic?Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - dynamic binary
    aide-xen?Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary for XEN
    aiksaurus?an English-language thesaurus (utility)
    aircrack-ngAn 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK key cracking program
    airport-utils?configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort? base stations
    airstrike?2d dogfight game in the tradition of 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'
    airstrike-common?2d dogfight game in the tradition of 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'
    aisleriotGNOME solitaire card game collection
    aj-snapshot?make snapshots of JACK connections
    ajaxterm?Web based terminal written in Python
    akonadi-backend-mysql?MySQL storage backend for Akonadi
    akonadi-backend-postgresql?PostgreSQL storage backend for Akonadi
    akonadi-backend-sqlite?SQLite storage backend for Akonadi
    akonadi-dbg?debugging symbols for the Akonadi PIM storage service
    akonadi-kde-resource-googledata?Google calendar and contacts resource for Akonadi
    akonadi-server?Akonadi PIM storage service
    akonadiconsole?management and debugging console for akonadi
    akregator?RSS/Atom feed aggregator
    alacarte?easy GNOME menu editing tool
    alarm-clock?Alarm Clock for GTK Environments
    alarm-clock-applet?Alarm Clock applet
    aldo?Morse code training program
    ale?synthetic capture engine and renderer
    alembic?lightweight database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
    alevt?X11 Teletext/Videotext browser
    alevtd?HTTP daemon for teletext pages
    alex?lexical analyser generator for Haskell
    alex4?Alex the Allegator 4 - a retro platform game
    alex4-data?Alex the Allegator 4 - game data
    algol68g?Implementation of Algol 68 as defined by the Revised Report
    algotutor?program for observing the intermediate steps of algorithm
    alice?Web browser (WebKit or Gecko) based IRC client
    alien?convert and install rpm and other packages
    alien-hunter?Interpolated Variable Order Motifs to identify horizontally acquired DNA
    alienblaster?Classic 2D shoot 'em up
    alienblaster-data?Game data for Alien Blaster
    aliki?Measurement tool for Impulse Responses
    aliki-dbg?Debugging symbols for aliki
    all-knowing-dns?tiny DNS server for IPv6 Reverse DNS
    allegro4-doc?documentation for the Allegro library
    alleyoop?Front-end to the Valgrind memory checker
    alliance?VLSI CAD Tools
    alltray?Dock any program into the system tray
    almanah?Application to ease management of a personal diary
    alpineText-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful
    alpine-dbg?Text-based email client's debugging symbols
    alpine-doc?Text-based email client's documentation
    alpine-pico?Simple text editor from Alpine, a text-based email client
    alqalam?Qur'an typesetting macros for TeX/LaTeX
    alsa-baseALSA driver configuration files
    alsa-oss?ALSA wrapper for OSS applications
    alsa-toolsConsole based ALSA utilities for specific hardware
    alsa-tools-gui?GUI based ALSA utilities for specific hardware
    alsa-utilsUtilities for configuring and using ALSA
    alsamixergui?graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver
    alsaplayer-alsa?PCM player designed for ALSA (ALSA output module)
    alsaplayer-common?PCM player designed for ALSA (common files)
    alsaplayer-daemon?PCM player designed for ALSA (non-interactive version)
    alsaplayer-esd?PCM player designed for ALSA (EsounD output module)
    alsaplayer-gtk?PCM player designed for ALSA (GTK+ version)
    alsaplayer-jack?PCM player designed for ALSA (JACK output module)
    alsaplayer-nas?PCM player designed for ALSA (NAS output module)
    alsaplayer-oss?PCM player designed for ALSA (OSS output module)
    alsaplayer-text?PCM player designed for ALSA (text version)
    alsaplayer-xosd?PCM player designed for ALSA (osd version)
    alsoft-conf?OpenAL-Soft configuration utility
    alt-ergo?Automatic theorem prover dedicated to program verification
    alt-key?tool to help developers improve keyboard accelerators
    altermime?utility used to alter mime-encoded mailpacks
    altree?program to perform phylogeny-based association and localization analysis
    altree-examples?example files for ALTree
    alure-doc?AL Utilities REtooled (documentation)
    alure-utils?AL Utilities REtooled (utilities)
    am-utils?automounter utilities from 4.4BSD (includes amd)
    am-utils-doc?automounter utilities documentation
    amanda-client?Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Client)
    amanda-common?Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Libs)
    amanda-server?Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Server)
    amap?next-generation scanning tool for pentesters
    amap-align?Protein multiple alignment by sequence annealing
    amarok?easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform
    amarok-common?architecture independent files for Amarok
    amarok-dbg?debugging symbols for Amarok
    amarok-doc?Amarok documentation (Handbook)
    amarok-utils?utilities for Amarok media player
    amavisd-milter?amavisd-new interface for milter-capable MTAs
    amavisd-milter-dbg?amavisd-new interface for milter-capable MTAs - debugging symbols
    amavisd-newInterface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters
    amb-plugins?ambisonics LADPSA plugins
    ambdec?Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
    amide?software for Medical Imaging
    amideco?Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AMI BIOS
    amiga-fdisk-cross?Partition editor for Amiga partitions (cross version)
    amispammer?Powerful Mail Server checker on blacklists
    amoebax?Puyo Puyo-style puzzle game for up to two players
    amoebax-data?Data files for amoebax
    amor?desktop companion
    amora-applet?use a bluetooth device as X remote control (systray applet)
    amora-cli?use a bluetooth device as X remote control (commandline tool)
    ampache-themes?Themes for Ampache
    amphetamine?jump'n run game with unique visual effects
    amphetamine-data?data files for the game "Amphetamine"
    ample?A simple MP3 server easy to use
    ampliconnoise?Programs for the removal of noise from 454 sequenced PCR amplicons
    amqp-tools?Command-line utilities for interacting with AMQP servers
    ams?Realtime modular synthesizer for ALSA
    amsynth?two oscillator software synthesizer
    amtterm?Serial-over-lan (sol) client for Intel AMT, console version
    amule?client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule
    amule-common?common files for the rest of aMule packages
    amule-daemon?non-graphic version of aMule, a client for the eD2k and Kad networks
    amule-emc?lists ed2k links inside emulecollection files
    amule-gnome-support?ed2k links handling support for GNOME web browsers
    amule-utils?utilities for aMule (command-line version)
    amule-utils-gui?graphic utilities for aMule
    an?very fast anagram generator
    anacroncron-like program that doesn't go by time
    analog?web server log analyzer
    anarchism?An exhaustive exploration of Anarchist theory and practice
    and?Auto Nice Daemon
    android-sdk?Android software development kit
    angband?Single-player, text-based, dungeon simulation game
    angband-data?Game data for angband
    angband-doc?Documentation for the roguelike game Angband.
    angrydd?Angry Drunken Dwarves - falling blocks puzzle game
    animals?Traditional AI animal guessing engine using a binary tree DB
    animals-dbg?Traditional AI animal guessing engine (debugging symbols)
    anjuta?GNOME development IDE, for C/C++
    anjuta-common?GNOME development IDE, for C/C++ - data files
    anjuta-dbg?GNOME development IDE, for C/C++ - debug files
    anjuta-extras?plugins and extras for anjuta
    anki?extensible flashcard learning program
    ann-tools?Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching library (tools)
    anon-proxy?Proxy to surf the web anonymously
    ant?Java based build tool like make
    ant-contrib?collection of tasks, types and other tools for Apache Ant
    ant-contrib-cpptasks?C/C++ compilation tasks for Ant.
    ant-doc?Java based build tool like make - API documentation and manual
    ant-gcj?Java based build tool like make (GCJ)
    ant-optional?Java based build tool like make - optional libraries
    ant-optional-gcj?Java based build tool like make - optional libraries (GCJ)
    ant-phone?An interactive ISDN telephone application
    antennavis?antenna radiation pattern visualization software
    anthyinput method for Japanese - backend, dictionary and utility
    anthy-common?input method for Japanese - common files and dictionary
    anthy-el?input method for Japanese - elisp frontend
    antigravitaattori?Multiplayer flying saucer racing game
    antiword?Converts MS Word files to text, PS and PDF
    antlr?language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
    antlr-doc?language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
    antlr3?language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
    antlr3-doc?language tool for constructing compilers etc - documentation
    antlr3-gunit-maven-plugin?Maven plugin for gUnit, a unit test framework for ANTLR grammars
    antlr3-maven-plugin?Maven plugin for ANTLR 3
    ants?advanced normalization tools for brain and image analysis
    anubis?an SMTP message submission daemon
    anypaper?front-end for wallpapersetter
    anyremote?Remote control daemon for applications using Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi?
    anyremote-data?architecture independent files for anyremote
    anyremote-doc?Documentation for anyremote
    anyremote2html?web interface for anyRemote acting as HTTP server
    anything-el?open anything / QuickSilver?-like candidate-selection framework
    anytun?secure anycast tunneling protocol
    aoetools?tools to assist in using ATA over Ethernet
    aoeui?lightweight, unobtrusive, Dvorak-optimized text editor
    aolserver4-core?AOL web server version 4 - core libraries
    aolserver4-daemon?AOL web server version 4 - program files
    aolserver4-dev?AOL web server version 4 - development files
    aolserver4-doc?AOL web server version 4 - documentation
    aolserver4-nsldap?AOLServer 4 module for LDAP
    aolserver4-nsmysql?AOLserver 4 module: module for accessing MySQL databases
    aolserver4-nsopenssl?AOLserver 4 module: module for SSL mode
    aolserver4-nspostgres?AOLserver 4 module: Postgres connector
    aolserver4-nssha1?AOLserver4 module: performs SHA1 hashes Provides a Tcl
    aolserver4-nssqlite3?AOLserver 4 module: module for accessing SQLite 3 databases
    aolserver4-nsxml?Module for XML support in aolsever4
    aolserver4-xotcl?Extended Object Tcl (XOTcl): Object orientation for AOLServer - module
    aosd-cat?an on screen display tool which uses libaosd
    ap-utils?Access Point SNMP Utils for Linux
    apache-users?Enumerate usernames on systems with Apache UserDir? module
    apache2Apache HTTP Server metapackage
    apache2-dbg?Apache debugging symbols
    apache2-doc?Apache HTTP Server documentation
    apache2-mpm-event?Apache HTTP Server - event driven model
    apache2-mpm-itk?multiuser MPM for Apache 2.2
    apache2-mpm-prefork?Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model
    apache2-mpm-worker?Apache HTTP Server - high speed threaded model
    apache2-prefork-dev?Apache development headers - non-threaded MPM
    apache2-suexec?Standard suexec program for Apache 2 mod_suexec
    apache2-suexec-custom?Configurable suexec program for Apache 2 mod_suexec
    apache2-threaded-dev?Apache development headers - threaded MPM
    apache2-utils?utility programs for webservers
    apache2.2-bin?Apache HTTP Server common binary files
    apache2.2-common?Apache HTTP Server common files
    apachetopRealtime Apache monitoring tool
    apbs?Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver
    apcalc?Arbitrary precision calculator (original name: calc)
    apcalc-common?Arbitrary precision calculator (common files)
    apcalc-dev?Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
    apcupsd?APC UPS Power Management (daemon)
    apcupsd-cgi?APC UPS Power Management (web interface)
    apcupsd-doc?APC UPS Power Management (documentation/examples)
    apel?portable library for emacsen
    apertium?Shallow-transfer machine translation engine
    apertium-dbus?A D-Bus service for the Apertium machine translation system
    apertium-en-ca?Apertium linguistic data to translate between English and Catalan
    apertium-en-es?Apertium linguistic data to translate between English and Spanish
    apertium-eo-ca?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Esperanto and Catalan
    apertium-eo-es?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Esperanto and Spanish
    apertium-es-ca?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Spanish and Catalan
    apertium-es-gl?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Spanish and Galician
    apertium-es-pt?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Spanish and Portuguese
    apertium-es-ro?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Spanish and Romanian
    apertium-eu-es?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Basque and Spanish
    apertium-fr-ca?Apertium linguistic data to translate between French and Catalan
    apertium-fr-es?Apertium linguistic data to translate between French and Spanish
    apertium-oc-ca?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Occitan and Catalan
    apertium-oc-es?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Occitan and Spanish
    apertium-pt-ca?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Portuguese and Catalan
    apertium-pt-gl?Apertium linguistic data to translate between Portuguese and Galician
    apertium-tolk?Graphical user interface for Apertium
    apf-client?Client for Active Port Forwarding
    apf-firewall?easy iptables based firewall system
    apf-server?Server for Active Port Forwarding
    apgAutomated Password Generator - Standalone version
    apgdiff?Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool
    apktoolA tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
    aplus-fsf?A+ programming language run-time environment
    aplus-fsf-dev?A+ programming language development environment
    aplus-fsf-doc?A+ programming language documentation
    aplus-fsf-el?XEmacs lisp for A+ development
    apmd?Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)
    apng2gif?convert APNG animated images to GIF files
    apoo?An Assembly course aid
    app-install-data?Application Installer Data Files
    apparix?console-based bookmark tool for fast file system navigation
    apparmor?User-space parser utility for AppArmor
    apparmor-docs?Documentation for AppArmor
    apparmor-notify?AppArmor notification system
    apparmor-profiles?Profiles for AppArmor Security policies
    apparmor-utils?Utilities for controlling AppArmor
    apper?KDE package management tool using PackageKit
    apper-appsetup?Extended Listaller support for Apper
    apper-data?KDE package management tool using PackageKit (data files)
    apper-dbg?Debugging symbols for Apper
    appmenu-qt?application menu for Qt
    approx?caching proxy server for Debian archive files
    aprsd?Internet Gateway for the Automatic Position Reporting System
    aprsdigi?digipeater for APRS
    apsfilter?Magic print filter with automatic file type recognition
    aptcommandline package manager
    apt-build?frontend to apt to build, optimize and install packages
    apt-cacher?Caching proxy for Debian package and source files
    apt-cacher-ng?caching proxy server for software repositories
    apt-clone?Script to create state bundles
    apt-cudf?CUDF solver integration for APT
    apt-dater?terminal-based remote package update manager
    apt-dater-dbg?terminal-based remote package update manager (dbg symbols)
    apt-dater-host?host helper application for apt-dater
    apt-doc?documentation for APT
    apt-dpkg-ref?APT, Dpkg Quick Reference sheet
    apt-filesearch for files within Debian packages (command-line interface)
    apt-forktracer?a utility for tracking non-official package versions
    apt-listbugs?tool which lists critical bugs before each apt installation
    apt-listchanges?package change history notification tool
    apt-mirror?APT sources mirroring tool
    apt-move?Maintain Debian packages in a package pool
    apt-offlineoffline APT package manager
    apt-offline-gui?offline APT package manager - GUI
    apt-p2p?apt helper for peer-to-peer downloads of Debian packages
    apt-rdepends?Recursively lists package dependencies
    apt-show-source?Shows source-package information
    apt-show-versionslists available package versions with distribution
    apt-spy?writes a sources.list file based on bandwidth tests
    apt-src?manage Debian source packages
    apt-transport-debtorrent?an APT transport for communicating with DebTorrent?
    apt-transport-httpshttps download transport for APT
    apt-transport-spacewalk?APT transport for communicating with Spacewalk servers
    apt-utilspackage managment related utility programs
    apt-watch?Applet that monitors apt sources for upgrades (transitional package)
    apt-watch-backend?Applet that monitors apt sources for upgrades (backend slave)
    apt-watch-gnome?Applet that monitors apt sources for upgrades (GNOME applet)
    apt-xapian-index?maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages
    apt-zip?Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media
    aptdaemon?transaction based package management service
    aptdaemon-data?data files for clients
    aptfs?FUSE filesystem for APT source repositories
    apticronSimple tool to mail about pending package updates
    aptitudeterminal-based package manager
    aptitude-common?architecture indepedent files for the aptitude package manager
    aptitude-dbg?Debug symbols for the aptitude package manager
    aptitude-doc-cs?Czech manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptitude-doc-en?English manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptitude-doc-es?Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptitude-doc-fi?Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptitude-doc-fr?French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptitude-doc-it?Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptitude-doc-ja?Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
    aptoncd?Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT
    aptsh?apt interactive shell
    apvlv?PDF viewer with Vim-like behaviour
    apwal?icon-based floating application launcher with transparency
    aqbanking-tools?basic command line homebanking utilities
    aqemu?Qt4 front-end for QEMU and KVM
    aqsis?3D rendering solution adhering to the RenderMan?(R) standard, binaries
    aqsis-examples?3D rendering solution adhering to the RenderMan?(R) standard, examples
    aqualung?Gapless Gtk-based audio player
    ara?Command line utility for searching the Debian package database
    arachni?Web Application Security Scanner Framework
    arandrSimple visual front end for XRandR
    aranym?Atari Running on Any Machine
    arbtt?Automatic Rule-Based Time Tracker
    arc?Archive utility based on the MSDOS ARC program
    archivemail?archive and compress or delete your old email
    archivemount?mounts an archive for access as a file system
    archmage?CHM(Compiled HTML) Decompressor
    archmbox?a simple email archiver written in perl
    ardentryst?Action/RPG sidescoller, focused on story and character development
    ardesia?free digital sketchpad software
    ardour?digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface)
    arduino?AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
    arduino-core?Code, examples, and libraries for the Arduino platform
    arduino-mk?Program your Arduino from the command line
    arename?automatic audio file renaming tool
    argus-client?IP network transaction auditing tool
    argus-server?IP network transaction auditing tool
    argyll?Color Management System, calibrator and profiler
    argyll-dbg?debugging symbols for argyll
    aria2High speed download utility
    aribas?interpreter for arithmetic
    ario?GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
    ario-common?GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) (Common files)
    arista?multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop
    arj?archiver for .arj files
    ark?archive utility
    ark-dbg?debugging symbols for ark
    armada-backlight?adjust backlight of Compaq Armada laptops (E300, M500, M700)
    armagetronad?3D Tron-like high speed game
    armagetronad-common?Common files for the Armagetron Advanced packages
    armagetronad-dedicated?dedicated game server for Armagetron Advanced
    armitage?Cyber attack management for Metasploit
    arno-iptables-firewall?single- and multi-homed firewall script with DSL/ADSL support
    aroarfw-dev?framework to build hardware with RoarAudio? protocol support
    aroarfw-doc?framework to build hardware with RoarAudio? protocol support (documentation)
    arora?simple cross platform web browser
    arp-scan?arp scanning and fingerprinting tool
    arpalert?monitor ARP changes in ethernet networks
    arping?sends IP and/or ARP pings (to the MAC address)
    arpon?versatile anti ARP poisoning daemon
    arptables?ARP table administration
    arpwatchEthernet/FDDI station activity monitor
    array-info?command line tool reporting RAID status for several RAID types
    artha?Handy off-line thesaurus based on WordNet
    as31?Intel 8031/8051 assembler
    asc?turn-based strategy game
    asc-data?data files for the Advanced Strategic Command game
    asc-music?music pack for ASC
    ascd?CD player and mixer
    ascdc?AfterStep? CD changer
    ascii?interactive ASCII name and synonym chart
    ascii2binary?Convert between ASCII, hexadecimal and binary representations
    asciidoc?Highly configurable text format for writing documentation
    asciijump?Small and funny ASCII-art game about ski jumping
    asciio?dynamically create ASCII charts and graphs with GTK+2
    asclock?clock designed with the NeXTStep look
    asclock-themes?Theme files for ASclock, a clock applet
    ash?compatibility package for dash
    asis-doc?Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) documentation
    asis-programs?Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) example programs
    asleap?A tool for exploiting Cisco LEAP networks
    asmail?AfterStep? mail monitor
    asmix?display a volume knob
    asmixer?AfterStep? audio mixer
    asmon?system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker?
    asp?Discovers present ip-address of dynamically connected hosts
    asp.net-examples?demo pages for ASP.NET infrastructure
    aspcud?CUDF solver based on Answer Set Programming
    aspectc++?aspect-oriented programming extension for C++
    aspectj?aspect-oriented extension for Java - tools
    aspectj-doc?aspect-oriented extension for Java - documentation
    aspell?GNU Aspell spell-checker
    aspell-am?Amharic dictionary for aspell
    aspell-ar?Arabic dictionary for aspell
    aspell-ar-large?Large Arabic dictionary for aspell
    aspell-bg?Bulgarian dictionary for aspell
    aspell-bn?Bengali (bn) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-br?Breton dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-ca?Catalan dictionary for aspell
    aspell-cs?Czech dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-cy?Welsh dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-da?The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) - aspell
    aspell-de?German dictionary for aspell
    aspell-de-alt?German dictionary for aspell (old spelling)
    aspell-doc?Documentation for GNU Aspell spell-checker
    aspell-el?Greek dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-en?English dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-eo?Esperanto dictionary for aspell
    aspell-eo-cx7?Esperanto dictionary for aspell, "cx" 7bit encoding
    aspell-es?Spanish dictionary for aspell
    aspell-et?Estonian dictionary for Aspell
    aspell-eu-es?Basque (Euskera) dictionary for aspell
    aspell-fa?Persian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-fi?The Finnish dictionary for aspell
    aspell-fo?Faroese dictionary for aspell
    aspell-fr?French dictionary for aspell
    aspell-ga?Irish (Gaeilge) dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-gl-minimos?Aspell dictionary for Galician (minimos)
    aspell-gu?Gujarati (gu) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-he?Hebrew dictionary for aspell
    aspell-hi?Hindi (hi) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-hr?The Croatian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-hsb?Upper Sorbian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-hu?Hungarian dictionary for aspell
    aspell-hy?Armenian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-is?Icelandic dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-it?The Italian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-kk?Kazakh dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-kn?Kannada (kn) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-ku?Kurdish dictionary for aspell
    aspell-lt?aspell dictionary for Lithuanian (LT)
    aspell-lv?Latvian dictionary for Aspell
    aspell-ml?Malayalam (ml) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-mr?Marathi (mr) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-nl?Dutch dictionary for Aspell
    aspell-no?Norwegian dictionary for aspell
    aspell-or?Oriya (or) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-pa?Punjabi (pa) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-pl?Polish dictionary for aspell
    aspell-pt?Portuguese dictionaries for GNU Aspell (old package)
    aspell-pt-br?Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-pt-pt?European Portuguese dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-ro?Romanian dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-ru?Russian dictionary for Aspell
    aspell-sk?Slovak dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-sl?The Slovenian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-sv?Swedish dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-ta?Tamil (ta) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-te?Telugu (te) dictionary for GNU aspell
    aspell-tl?Tagalog dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-uk?Ukrainian dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspell-uz?The Uzbek dictionary for GNU Aspell
    aspic?Line art generator
    asql?Run SQL queries against apache logs
    asr-manpages?alt.sysadmin.recovery manual pages
    assimp-utils?3D model import library (utilities)
    assogiate?editor of the MIME file types database
    asterisk?Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
    asterisk-config?Configuration files for Asterisk
    asterisk-core-sounds-en?asterisk PBX sound files - US English
    asterisk-core-sounds-en-g722?asterisk PBX sound files - en-us/g722
    asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm?asterisk PBX sound files - en-us/gsm
    asterisk-core-sounds-en-wav?asterisk PBX sound files - en-us/wav
    asterisk-core-sounds-es?asterisk PBX sound files - Spanish
    asterisk-core-sounds-es-g722?asterisk PBX sound files - es-mx/g722
    asterisk-core-sounds-es-gsm?asterisk PBX sound files - es-mx/gsm
    asterisk-core-sounds-es-wav?asterisk PBX sound files - es-mx/wav
    asterisk-core-sounds-fr?asterisk PBX sound files - Canadian French
    asterisk-core-sounds-fr-g722?asterisk PBX sound files - fr-ca/g722
    asterisk-core-sounds-fr-gsm?asterisk PBX sound files - fr-ca/gsm
    asterisk-core-sounds-fr-wav?asterisk PBX sound files - fr-ca/wav
    asterisk-core-sounds-ru?asterisk PBX sound files - Russian
    asterisk-core-sounds-ru-g722?asterisk PBX sound files - ru-ru/g722
    asterisk-core-sounds-ru-gsm?asterisk PBX sound files - ru-ru/gsm
    asterisk-core-sounds-ru-wav?asterisk PBX sound files - ru-ru/wav
    asterisk-dahdi?DAHDI devices support for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-dbg?Debugging symbols for Asterisk
    asterisk-dev?Development files for Asterisk
    asterisk-doc?Source code documentation for Asterisk
    asterisk-espeak?eSpeak module for Asterisk
    asterisk-flite?flite module for Asterisk
    asterisk-mobile?Bluetooth phone support for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-modules?loadable modules for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-moh-opsound-g722?asterisk extra sound files - English/g722
    asterisk-moh-opsound-gsm?asterisk extra sound files - English/gsm
    asterisk-moh-opsound-wav?asterisk extra sound files - English/wav
    asterisk-mp3?MP3 playback support for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-mysql?MySQL database protocol support for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-ooh323?H.323 protocol support for the Asterisk PBX - ooH323c
    asterisk-prompt-de?German voice prompts for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-prompt-es-co?Colombian Spanish voice prompts for Asterisk
    asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle?French voice prompts for Asterisk by Armelle Desjardins
    asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique?French voice prompts for Asterisk
    asterisk-prompt-it?dummy transitional package
    asterisk-prompt-it-menardi?asterisk PBX Italian sound files
    asterisk-prompt-it-menardi-alaw?asterisk PBX Italian sound files - a-law prompts
    asterisk-prompt-it-menardi-gsm?asterisk PBX Italian sound files - gsm prompts
    asterisk-prompt-it-menardi-wav?asterisk PBX Italian sound files - wav prompts
    asterisk-prompt-se?Swedish voice prompts for Asterisk
    asterisk-voicemail?simple voicemail support for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage?IMAP voicemail storage support for the Asterisk PBX
    asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage?ODBC voicemail storage support for the Asterisk PBX
    astronomical-almanac?astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions
    astyle?Source code indenter for C++/C/Java/C# source code
    asunder?graphical audio CD ripper and encoder
    asused?To run a check on the usage of your registry's allocations
    aswiki?WikiWikiWeb clone (Wiki Engine) written in Ruby
    asylum?surreal platform shooting game
    asylum-data?surreal platform shooting game - data files
    asymptote?script-based vector graphics language inspired by MetaPost?
    asymptote-doc?documentation and examples for asymptote
    at?Delayed job execution and batch processing
    at-spi?Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
    at-spi-doc?Documentation files of at-spi for GNOME Accessibility
    at-spi2-core?Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (dbus core)
    at-spi2-core-dbg?Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - debugging symbols
    at-spi2-doc?Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (Documentation)
    atanks?tank-battling game
    atanks-data?data files for Atomic tanks
    aterm?Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
    aterm-ml?Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
    atfs?The Attributed File System (AtFS)
    atfs-dev?The Attributed File System (AtFS development libraries)
    atftp?advanced TFTP client
    atftpd?advanced TFTP server
    atheist?General purpose command-line testing tool
    athena-jot?print out increasing, decreasing, random, or redundant data, one per line
    atlc?Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator
    atlc-examples?Examples for Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator
    atm-tools?Base programs for ATM in Linux, the net-tools for ATM
    atom4?An original two-player color puzzle game
    atomicparsley?read, parse and set metadata of MPEG-4 and 3gp files
    atomix?puzzle game for building molecules out of separate atoms
    atomix-data?architecture independent files for atomix
    atool?tool for managing file archives of various types
    atop?Monitor for system resources and process activity
    atp?text to PostScript converter with some C syntax highlighting
    atris?tetris-like game with a twist for Unix
    ats-lang-anairiats?The ATS language compiler Anairiats
    ats-lang-anairiats-doc?Documentation for the ATS compiler Anairiats
    ats-lang-anairiats-examples?Examples for the ATS compiler Anairiats
    atsar?system activity reporter
    attal?turn-based strategy game
    attal-themes-medieval?medieval theme for attal
    attr?Utilities for manipulating filesystem extended attributes
    aubio-tools?a library for audio segmentation -- utilities
    auctex?integrated document editing environment for TeX etc.
    audacious?small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats
    audacious-dbg?audacious media player (debugging symbols)
    audacious-dev?audacious development files
    audacious-dumb?audacious plugin for MOD playback via libdumb
    audacious-plugins?Base plugins for audacious
    audacious-plugins-data?Data files for Audacious plugins
    audacious-plugins-dbg?Audacious-Plugins debug symbols
    audacityfast, cross-platform audio editor
    audacity-data?fast, cross-platform audio editor (data)
    audacity-dbg?fast, cross-platform audio editor (debug)
    audex?Audio grabber tool for KDE
    audiofile-tools?sfinfo and sfconvert tools
    audiolink?makes managing and searching for music easier
    audiopreview?command-line tool to play previews of audio and video files
    audispd-plugins?Plugins for the audit event dispatcher
    auditd?User space tools for security auditing
    audtty?ncurses based frontend to audacious
    aufs-tools?Tools to manage aufs filesystems
    aufs-tools-dbg?Tools to manage aufs filesystems (debug)
    augeas-dbg?Debugging symbols for libaugeas0
    augeas-doc?Augeas lenses documentation
    augeas-lenses?Set of lenses needed by libaugeas0 to parse config files
    augeas-tools?Augeas command line tools
    aumixSimple text-based mixer control program
    aumix-commonSimple text-based mixer control program (common files)
    aumix-gtk?Simple mixer control program with GUI and text interfaces
    auralquiz?simple music quiz game using your own music files
    auth2db?Powerful and eye-candy IDS logger, log viewer and alert generator
    auth2db-common?Common configuration files for Auth2db backend and web frontend
    auth2db-filters?Auth2db defaults filters pack
    auth2db-frontend?Web frontend view for auth2DB log engine
    authbind?Allows non-root programs to bind() to low ports
    auto-apt?package search by file and on-demand package installation tool
    auto-complete-el?intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs
    auto-install-el?Auto install elisp file
    auto-multiple-choice?Auto Multiple Choice - multiple choice papers management
    auto-multiple-choice-common?Auto Multiple Choice - architecture independent files
    auto-multiple-choice-doc?Auto Multiple Choice - HTML documentation
    auto-multiple-choice-doc-pdf?Auto Multiple Choice - PDF documentation
    autoclass?automatic classification or clustering
    autoconfautomatic configure script builder
    autoconf-archiveAutoconf Macro Archive
    autoconf-dickey?automatic configure script builder (Thomas Dickey's version)
    autoconf-doc?automatic configure script builder documentation
    autoconf-gl-macros?autoconf macros to check for OpenGL/GLU/GLUT
    autoconf2.13?automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)
    autoconf2.59?automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)
    autoconf2.64?automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)
    autocutsel?Keep the X clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
    autodia?generates UML diagrams from perl or C++ code
    autodir?Automatically creates home and group directories for LDAP/NIS/SQL/local accounts
    autodns-dhcp?Automatic DNS updates for DHCP
    autodock?analysis of ligand binding to protein structure
    autodock-getdata?instructions for getData to collect compounds
    autodock-test?test files for AutoDock
    autodock-vina?docking of small molecules to proteins
    autofskernel-based automounter for Linux
    autofs-hesiod?Hesiod map support for autofs
    autofs-ldap?LDAP map support for autofs
    autofs5?transitional dummy package for 'autofs'
    autofs5-hesiod?transitional dummy package for 'autofs-hesiod'
    autofs5-ldap?transitional dummy package for 'autofs-ldap'
    autogenautomated text file generator
    autogrid?pre-calculate binding of ligands to their receptor
    autogrid-test?test files for AutoGrid?
    autojump?shell extension to jump to frequently used directories
    autokey-common?desktop automation utility - common data
    autokey-gtk?desktop automation utility - GTK+ version
    autokey-qt?desktop automation utility - KDE version
    autolog?Terminates connections for idle users
    automakeTool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
    automake1.10?Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
    automake1.4?A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
    automake1.9?A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
    automater?A IP and URL analysis tool.
    automoc?automatic moc for Qt 4 packages
    automysqlbackup?daily, weekly and monthly backup for your MySQL database
    autopkgtest?automatic as-installed testing for Debian packages
    autopkgtest-xenlvm?Xen/LVM2 based testbed snapshot system
    autopoint?The autopoint program from GNU gettext
    autopostgresqlbackup?Automated tool to make periodic backups of PostgreSQL databases
    autoproject?create a skeleton source package for a new program
    autopsy?graphical interface to SleuthKit?
    autorenamer?program to rename files to make them sort in given order
    autorun4linuxcd?Menu for Debian Live under Windows
    autossh?Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
    autotalent?pitch correction LADSPA plugin
    autotools-devUpdate infrastructure for config.{guess,sub} files
    autotrace?bitmap to vector graphics converter
    autotrash?purges files from your trash based on age and/or filename
    avahi-autoipd?Avahi IPv4LL network address configuration daemon
    avahi-daemonAvahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon
    avahi-dbg?Avahi - debugging symbols
    avahi-discover?Service discover user interface for avahi
    avahi-dnsconfd?Avahi DNS configuration tool
    avahi-ui-utils?Avahi GTK+ utilities
    avahi-utilsAvahi browsing, publishing and discovery utilities
    avarice?use GDB with Atmel's JTAG ICE for the AVR
    avce00?Tools for conversion of ESRI Arcinfo (binary) Vector Coverage in E00 format.
    avfs?virtual filesystem to access archives, disk images, remote locations
    aview?A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player
    avinfoAudio/Video information automatic extractor/file list generator
    avogadro?Molecular Graphics and Modelling System
    avogadro-data?Molecular Graphics and Modelling System (Data Files)
    avr-evtd?AVR watchdog daemon for Linkstation/Kuroboxes
    avr-libcStandard C library for Atmel AVR development
    avra?Assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
    avrdude?software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers
    avrdude-doc?documentation for avrdude
    avrp?Programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
    avrprog?Programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
    awardeco?Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AWARD BIOS
    away?A terminal locking program
    aweather?Advanced Weather Monitoring Program
    awesfx?utility programs for AWE32/64 and Emu10k1 driver
    awesomehighly configurable X window manager
    awesome-extra?additional modules for awesome
    awffull?web server log analysis program
    awl-doc?Andrew's Web Libraries - API documentation
    aws-status?txaws based graphical application for monitoring AWS service
    awstats?powerful and featureful web server log analyzer
    ax25-node?Amateur Packet Radio Node program
    ax25-tools?tools for AX.25 interface configuration
    ax25-xtools?tools for AX.25 interface configuration -- X11-based
    axel?light download accelerator - console version
    axel-dbg?light download accelerator - debugging symbols
    axel-kapt?light download accelerator - graphical front-end
    axiom?General purpose computer algebra system: main binary and modules
    axiom-databases?General purpose computer algebra system: generated text databases
    axiom-doc?General purpose computer algebra system: documentation
    axiom-graphics?General purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
    axiom-graphics-data?General purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
    axiom-hypertex?General purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
    axiom-hypertex-data?General purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
    axiom-source?General purpose computer algebra system: source files
    axiom-test?General purpose computer algebra system: regression test inputs
    axiom-tex?General purpose computer algebra system: style file for TeX
    aylet?ncurses-based player for Spectrum '.ay' music files
    aylet-gtk?X-GTK2-based player for Spectrum '.ay' music files
    ayttm?Universal instant messaging client
    azr3-jack?drawbar organ simulator
    azureus?BitTorrent client
    babel-1.4.0?Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) compiler
    babel-doc?Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) suite documentation
    babeld?loop-free distance-vector routing protocol
    babiloo?dictionary viewer with multi-languages support
    backdoor-factory?Patch win32/64 binaries with shellcode
    backfire-dkms?kernel module for signal benchmarking (DKMS)
    backintime-common?simple backup/snapshot system
    backintime-gnome?GNOME front-end for backintime
    backintime-kde?KDE front-end for backintime
    backup-manager?command-line backup tool
    backup-manager-doc?documentation package for Backup Manager
    backup2l?low-maintenance backup/restore tool
    backupninja?lightweight, extensible meta-backup system
    backuppc?high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs
    bacula?network backup service - metapackage
    bacula-client?network backup service - client metapackage
    bacula-common?network backup service - common support files
    bacula-common-dbg?network backup service - common support files (debugging)
    bacula-common-mysql?network backup service - MySQL common files
    bacula-common-mysql-dbg?network backup service - MySQL common files (debugging)
    bacula-common-pgsql?network backup service - PostgreSQL common files
    bacula-common-pgsql-dbg?network backup service - PostgreSQL common files (debugging)
    bacula-common-sqlite3?network backup service - SQLite v3 common files
    bacula-common-sqlite3-dbg?network backup service - SQLite v3 common files (debugging)
    bacula-console?network backup service - text console
    bacula-console-dbg?network backup service - text console (debugging)
    bacula-console-qt?network backup service - Bacula Administration Tool
    bacula-console-qt-dbg?network backup service - Bacula Administration Tool (debugging)
    bacula-director-common?network backup service - Director common files
    bacula-director-common-dbg?network backup service - Director common files (debugging)
    bacula-director-mysql?network backup service - MySQL storage for Director
    bacula-director-mysql-dbg?network backup service - MySQL storage for Director (debugging)
    bacula-director-pgsql?network backup service - PostgreSQL storage for Director
    bacula-director-pgsql-dbg?network backup service - PostgreSQL storage for Director (debugging)
    bacula-director-sqlite3?network backup service - SQLite 3 storage for Director
    bacula-director-sqlite3-dbg?network backup service - SQLite 3 storage for Director (debugging)
    bacula-doc?Documentation for Bacula
    bacula-fd?network backup service - file daemon
    bacula-fd-dbg?network backup service - file daemon (debugging)
    bacula-sd?network backup service - storage daemon
    bacula-sd-dbg?network backup service - storage daemon (debugging)
    bacula-sd-mysql?network backup service - MySQL SD tools
    bacula-sd-mysql-dbg?network backup service - MySQL SD tools (debugging)
    bacula-sd-pgsql?network backup service - PostgreSQL SD tools
    bacula-sd-pgsql-dbg?network backup service - PostgreSQL SD tools (debugging)
    bacula-sd-sqlite3?network backup service - SQLite 3 SD tools
    bacula-sd-sqlite3-dbg?network backup service - SQLite 3 SD tools (debugging)
    bacula-server?network backup service - server metapackage
    bacula-traymonitor?network backup service - tray monitor
    bacula-traymonitor-dbg?network backup service - tray monitor (debugging)
    balance?Load balancing solution and generic tcp proxy
    balazar3?dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support
    balazar3-2d?dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support - 2D version
    balazar3-3d?dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support - 3D version
    balazar3-common?dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support - common files
    balazarbrothers?3D puzzle game
    balder2d?A 2D shooter in zero gravity
    balder2d-data?data files for balder2d
    ballview?free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool
    ballview-dbg?debug symbols for BALL and VIEW libraries
    ballz?B.A.L.L.Z. - platform/puzzle game where you control a rolling ball
    ballz-data?B.A.L.L.Z. - game data
    ballz-dbg?debugging symbols for ballz
    balsae-mail client for GNOME
    balsa-dbg?e-mail client for GNOME - debugging symbols
    bam?fast and flexible build system
    bamf-dbg?Window matching library - debugging symbols
    bamfdaemon?Window matching library - daemon
    bandwidthcalc?file transfer time calculator written in GTK+
    bandwidthd?Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
    bandwidthd-pgsql?Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
    bangarang?Multimedia player with a lightweight interface for KDE
    banshee?Media Management and Playback application
    banshee-community-extensions?set of community contributed extensions for Banshee
    banshee-dbg?Media Management and Playback application (debug symbols)
    banshee-extension-alarm?Alarm extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-albumartwriter?Album art writer extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-ampache?Ampache extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-awn?AWN integration extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-coverwallpaper?Cover wallpaper extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-duplicatesongdetector?Duplicate song detector extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-foldersync?Folder synchronization extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-jamendo?Jamendo extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-karaoke?Karaoke extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-lastfmfingerprint?Last.FM fingerprinting extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-lcd?LCD display integration extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-lirc?LIRC integration extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-liveradio?LiveRadio? extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-lyrics?Lyrics extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-magnatune?Magnatune for Banshee
    banshee-extension-mirage?Automatic Playlist Generation extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-openvp?visualizations extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-radiostationfetcher?radio station fetcher extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-randombylastfm?Random By Last.FM extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-streamrecorder?StreamRecorder? extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-telepathy?Telepathy extension for Banshee
    banshee-extension-zeitgeistdataprovider?Zeitgeist data provider extension for Banshee
    banshee-extensions-common?common files for banshee-community-extensions
    banshee-meego?Media Management and Playback application - MeeGo extension
    baobabGNOME disk usage analyzer
    bar?Show information about a data transfer
    barcode?Utility and library for barcode generation
    barcode-dbg?Utility and library for barcode generation (debug)
    bareftp?FTP client for GNOME
    barnowl?A curses-based tty Jabber, IRC, AIM and Zephyr client
    barrage?Rather destructive action game
    barry-util?Command line utilities for working with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld
    barry-util-dbg?Command line BlackBerry utilities (debug symbols)
    barrybackup-gui?GTK+ GUI for backing up the RIM BlackBerry Handheld
    barrybackup-gui-dbg?GTK+ GUI for backing up BlackBerry (debug symbols)
    barrydesktop?Desktop Panel GUI for the RIM BlackBerry Handheld
    barrydesktop-dbg?Desktop Panel GUI for the RIM BlackBerry Handheld (debug symbols)
    base-filesDebian base system miscellaneous files
    base-passwdDebian base system master password and group files
    basenji?Cross-platform media indexing/search tool
    basex?XML database and XPath/XQuery processor
    bashGNU Bourne Again SHell
    bash-builtins?Bash loadable builtins - headers & examples
    bash-completionprogrammable completion for the bash shell
    bash-doc?Documentation and examples for the The GNU Bourne Again SHell
    bash-static?GNU Bourne Again SHell (static version)
    bashburn?simplify cd/dvd burning at the command line
    bashdb?BASH debugger
    basic256?educational BASIC programming environment for children
    basket?multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE
    basket-data?data files for BasKet? Notepads
    bastet?ncurses Tetris clone with a bastard algorithm
    batctl?B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool
    batctl-dbg?B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool (debug files)
    batmand?better approach to mobile adhoc networking
    batmand-dbg?better approach to mobile adhoc networking (debug files)
    batmon.app?Battery monitor for GNUstep
    battery-stats?collects statistics about charge of laptop batteries
    battleball?soccer game played with tanks or helicopters
    bauble?biodiversity collection manager software application
    baycomepp?Drivers for the HB9JNX packet radio epp modem
    baycomusb?Drivers for the HB9JNX packet radio usb modem
    bb?ASCII-art demo based on AAlib
    bbdb?The Insidious Big Brother Database (email rolodex) for Emacs
    bbe?sed-like editor for binary files
    bbmail?Mail notifier for Blackbox/Fluxbox
    bbpager?Pager for the blackbox and fluxbox window managers
    bbqsql?SQL Injection Exploitation Tool
    bbrun?A tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers that runs commands
    bbtime?Time tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers
    bcThe GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
    bcc16-bit x86 C compiler
    bcfg2?Configuration management client
    bcfg2-server?Configuration management server
    bcfg2-web?Configuration management web interface
    bchunk?CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
    bcpp?C(++) beautifier
    bcrelay?Broadcast relay daemon
    bcron?Bruce's cron system (programs)
    bcron-run?Bruce's cron system
    bdf2psf?font converter to generate console fonts from BDF source fonts
    bdfresize?tool for resizing BDF format font
    beancounter?A stock portfolio performance monitoring tool
    beanstalkd?simple, in-memory, workqueue service
    bear-factory?Editors for Plee the Bear
    beast?music synthesis and composition framework
    beast-doc?Documentation for BEAST/BSE
    beav?binary editor and viewer
    bed?A network protocol fuzzer
    bedtools?suite of utilities for comparing genomic features
    beef?flexible Brainfuck interpreter
    beef-xss?Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
    beef-xss-bundle?Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) — bundled ruby libraries
    beep?advanced pc-speaker beeper
    beets?music tagger and library organizer
    beets-doc?music tagger and library organizer - documentation
    belier?SSH connection generation tool
    beneath-a-steel-sky?a science fiction adventure game
    berusky?Logic game based on Sokoban
    berusky-data?Data files for Berusky
    betaradio?Internet radio of Taiwan
    between?game about consciousness and isolation
    bf-utf-source?Source for fonts needed to build Debian installers
    bfbtester?Brute Force Binary Tester
    bgoffice-computer-terms?English-Bulgarian dictionary of computer terms
    bhl?Emacs mode for converting annotated text to HTML and LaTeX
    biabam?bash attachment mailer
    bibclean?pretty-printer for BibTeX databases
    bibcursed?An interactive program to edit BibTeX bibliographies
    biber?Much-augmented BibTeX replacement for BibLaTeX users
    biblatex?Bibliographies for LaTeX
    biblatex-dw?Biblatex styles for humanities
    bible-kjv?King James Version of the Bible: user interface program.
    bible-kjv-text?King James Version of the Bible - text and concordance
    bibledit?transitional dummy package to bibledit-gtk
    bibledit-bibletime?Glue between bibledit and bibletime
    bibledit-data?transitional dummy package to bibledit-gtk-data
    bibledit-gtk?Bible translation tool
    bibledit-gtk-data?documentation and data for bibledit-gtk, a Bible translation tool
    bibledit-xiphos?Glue between bibledit and xiphos
    bibletime?bible study tool for Qt
    bibletime-data?Documentation and data for bibletime, a bible study tool
    bibtex2html?filters BibTeX files and translates them to HTML
    bibtexconv?BibTeX Converter
    bibtool?tool to manipulate BibTeX files
    bibus?bibliographic database
    bibus-doc-en?Bibus bibliographic database documentation
    bibutils?interconvert various bibliographic data formats
    bicyclerepair?A refactoring tool for python
    bidentd?Bisqwit's identd for NAT proxying
    bidiv?BiDi? viewer - command-line tool displaying logical Hebrew/Arabic
    biff?a mail notification tool
    big-cursor?larger mouse cursors for X
    billard-gl?3D billiards game
    billard-gl-data?3D billiards game - data files
    biloba?turn based strategy board game for up to 4 players
    biloba-data?data package for biloba turn based strategy board game
    bin86?16-bit x86 assembler and loader
    binclock?binary clock for console with color support
    bind9?Internet Domain Name Server
    bind9-doc?Documentation for BIND
    bind9-hostVersion of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X
    bind9utils?Utilities for BIND
    bindfsmirrors or overlays a local directory with altered permissions
    bindgraph?DNS statistics RRDtool frontend for BIND9
    binfmt-support?Support for extra binary formats
    binfmtc?Execute C program as script
    bing?Empirical stochastic bandwidth tester
    bing-ip2hosts?Enumerate hostnames for an IP using bing.com
    biniax2?logic game with arcade and tactics modes
    biniax2-data?logic game with arcade and tactics modes - game data
    binkd?FidoTech? TCP/IP mailer
    bino?3D video player
    bino-dbg?debugging symbols for bino 3D video player
    bins?Generate static HTML photo albums using XML and EXIF tags
    binstats?Statistics tool for installed programs
    binutilsGNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
    binutils-avr?Binary utilities supporting Atmel's AVR targets
    binutils-dev?GNU binary utilities (BFD development files)
    binutils-doc?Documentation for the GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
    binutils-gold?GNU gold linker utility
    binutils-h8300-hms?The GNU binary utilities, for h8300-hitachi-coff target
    binutils-m68hc1x?binary utilities that support Motorola's 68HC11/12 targets
    binutils-mingw-w64?Cross-binutils for Win32 and Win64 using MinGW-w64
    binutils-mingw-w64-i686?Cross-binutils for Win32 (x86) using MinGW-w64
    binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64?Cross-binutils for Win64 (x64) using MinGW-w64
    binutils-msp430?Binary utilities supporting TI's MSP430 targets
    binutils-multiarch?Binary utilities that support multi-arch targets
    binutils-source?GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities (source)
    binutils-z80?GNU binary utilities for the z80-unknown-coff target
    binwalkA firmware analysis tool
    biogenesis?artificial life program that simulates evolution of organisms
    biomaj?biological data-bank updater
    biomaj-properties?biological data-bank updater - example properties files
    bioperl?Perl tools for computational molecular biology
    bioperl-run?BioPerl? wrappers: scripts
    biosig-tools?format conversion tools for biomedical data formats
    biosquid?utilities for biological sequence analysis
    biosquid-dev?headers and static library for biological sequence analysis
    bip?multiuser irc proxy with conversation replay and more
    bird?Internet Routing Daemon
    bird-dbg?Debug symbols for BIRD
    bird6?Internet Routing Daemon
    birthday?Display information about pending events on login
    bisho?Meego web services settings
    bisonYACC-compatible parser generator
    bison++?Generate a parser in c or c++ from BNF notation
    bisonc++?Bison-style parser generator for C++
    bisonc++-doc?Bison-style parser generator for C++
    bist?chemical drawing tool
    bitlbee?An IRC to other chat networks gateway (default version)
    bitlbee-common?An IRC to other chat networks gateway (common files/docs)
    bitlbee-dev?An IRC to other chat networks gateway (dev files)
    bitlbee-libpurple?An IRC to other chat networks gateway (using libpurple)
    bitlbee-plugin-otr?An IRC to other chat networks gateway (OTR plugin)
    bitmap-mule?bitmap handler for GNU Emacs
    bitmeter?diagnosis tool for JACK audio software
    bitpim?utility to communicate with many CDMA phones
    bitpim-lib?architecture-dependent helper files for BitPim?
    bitstormlite?BitTorrent Client based on C++/Gtk+2.0
    bittornado?bittorrent client (and tracker) with console and curses interfaces
    bittornado-gui?bittorrent client with GUI interface
    bittorrent?Original BitTorent? client - console tools
    bittorrent-gui?Original BitTorrent client - GUI tools
    bkchem?Chemical structures editor
    bkhiveDump the syskey bootkey from a Windows NT/2K/XP system hive
    black-box?Find the crystals
    blackbox?Window manager for X
    blackbox-themes?Themes for the Blackbox Windowmanager
    blacs-mpi-test?Basic Linear Algebra Comm. Subprograms - Test files for MPI
    blacs-pvm-dev?Basic Linear Algebra Comm. Subprograms - Dev. files for PVM
    blacs-pvm-test?Basic Linear Algebra Comm. Subprograms - Test files for PVM
    blacs-test-common?Test data for BLACS testers
    blacs1-pvm?Basic Linear Algebra Comm. Subprograms - Shared libs. for PVM
    blahtexml?Converts TeX equations into MathML
    blam?simple RSS aggregator for GNOME
    blast2?Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
    blazeblogger?simple to use, command line based, content management system
    blcr-dkms?DKMS support for BLCR kernel module
    blcr-testsuite?Userspace tools to Checkpoint and Restart Linux processes
    blcr-util?Userspace tools to Checkpoint and Restart Linux processes
    bld?Black List Daemon, automatically build blacklists
    bld-postfix?Postfix tools for the Black List Daemon
    bld-tools?Generic tools for Black List Daemon
    bleachbit?delete unnecessary files from the system
    blender?Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer
    blender-dbg?debug symbols for Blender
    blender-ogrexml?Blender Exporter for OGRE
    blender-ogrexml-1.8?Blender Exporter for OGRE
    blends-common?Debian Pure Blends common package
    blends-dev?Debian Pure Blends common files for developing metapackages
    blends-doc?Debian Pure Blends documentation
    blepvco?LADSPA, minBLEP-based, hard-sync-capable oscillator plugins
    bless?A full featured hexadecimal editor
    bley?intelligent greylisting daemon for Postfix
    blhc?build log hardening check
    blindelephant?A generic web application fingerprinter
    blinken?KDE version of the Simon electronic memory game
    bliss?tool to compute graph automorphisms and labelings
    blktap-dev?Xen API blktap shared library (development files)
    blktap-dkms?Xen API blktap kernel component DKMS package
    blktap-utils?utilities to work with VHD disk images files
    blktool?tune low-level block device parameters
    blktrace?utilities for block layer IO tracing
    blobandconquer?3D platform shooting game
    blobandconquer-data?3D platform shooting game -- data files
    blobby?Volleyball game with blobs
    blobby-data?Volleyball game with blobs (data files)
    blobby-server?Volleyball game with blobs (server)
    bloboats?a boat racing game
    blobwars?platform shooting game
    blobwars-data?platform shooting game
    blockattack?puzzle game inspired by Tetris
    blockout2?Tetris like game (3D-tetris)
    blocks-of-the-undead?Tetris Attack clone with spooky undertones
    blocks-of-the-undead-data?Tetris Attack clone with spooky undertones - data files
    blogilo?graphical blogging client
    blop?Bandlimited wavetable-based oscillator plugins for LADSPA hosts
    blosxom?light, feature-packed weblog app with plugin extensibility
    blt?the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - run-time package
    blt-demo?the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - demos and examples
    blt-dev?the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - development files
    bluedevilKDE Bluetooth stack
    bluefish?advanced Gtk+ HTML editor
    bluefish-data?advanced Gtk+ HTML editor (data)
    bluefish-dbg?advanced Gtk+ HTML editor (debugging symbols)
    bluefish-plugins?advanced Gtk+ HTML editor (plugins)
    bluelog?Bluetooth scanner and logger
    bluemaho?GUI interface for testing Bluetooth devices
    bluemanGraphical bluetooth manager
    bluemindo?simple yet powerful audio player
    bluemon?Activate or deactivate programs based on Bluetooth link quality
    bluepot?Bluetooth honeypot
    blueproximity?locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device
    blueranger?Simple Bash script to locate Bluetooth devices
    bluesnarfer?A Bluesnarfing Utility
    bluetile?full-featured tiling for the GNOME desktop environment
    bluetoothBluetooth support
    bluewho?notifies new discovered bluetooth devices
    bluezBluetooth tools and daemons
    bluez-alsaBluetooth ALSA support
    bluez-audio?Transitional package
    bluez-compatBlueZ 3.x compatibility binaries
    bluez-cups?Bluetooth printer driver for CUPS
    bluez-dbg?Bluetooth tools and daemons (with debugging symbols)
    bluez-gstreamer?Bluetooth GStreamer support
    bluez-hcidumpAnalyses Bluetooth HCI packets
    bluez-pcmcia-support?PCMCIA support files for BlueZ 2.0 Bluetooth tools
    bluez-toolsSet of tools to manage Bluetooth devices for linux
    bluez-utilsTransitional package
    bmagic?C++ template library for efficient platform independent bitsets
    bmf?e-mail filter for spam that learns
    bmon?portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
    bnd?tool to create and diagnose OSGi R4 bundles
    bnfc?Compiler front-end generator based on Labelled BNF
    boa?Lightweight and high performance web server
    boa-constructor?RAD tool for Python and wxWindows application
    boats?a race scenario drawing tool
    bobot++?IRC bot with scripting features
    bochs?IA-32 PC emulator
    bochs-doc?Bochs upstream documentation
    bochs-sdl?SDL plugin for Bochs
    bochs-svga?SVGA plugin for Bochs
    bochs-term?Terminal (ncurses-based) plugin for Bochs
    bochs-wx?WxWindows? plugin for Bochs
    bochs-x?X11 plugin for Bochs
    bochsbios?BIOS for the Bochs emulator
    bodr?Blue Obelisk Data Repository
    bogl-bterm?Ben's Own Graphics Library - graphical terminal
    bognor-regis?Media daemon and play queue manager
    bogofilter?fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
    bogofilter-bdb?fast Bayesian spam filter (Berkeley DB)
    bogofilter-common?fast Bayesian spam filter (common files)
    bogofilter-sqlite?fast Bayesian spam filter (sqlite)
    bogofilter-tokyocabinet?fast Bayesian spam filter (tokyocabinet)
    boinc?metapackage for the BOINC client and the manager
    boinc-app-examples?example binaries for BOINC servers
    boinc-cgi-stripchart?CGI script for plotting basic statistical graphs
    boinc-client?core client for the BOINC distributed computing infrastructure
    boinc-dbg?debugging symbols for BOINC binaries
    boinc-dev?development files to build applications for BOINC projects
    boinc-manager?GUI to control and monitor the BOINC core client
    boinc-server-maker?BOINC server applications and data files
    bokken?reverse code engineering GUI for pyew and radare
    bombardier?The GNU Bombing utility
    bomber?arcade spaceship game
    bomberclone?free Bomberman clone
    bomberclone-data?Data files for bomberclone game
    bomstrip?tool to strip Byte-Order Marks from UTF-8 text files
    bonnie++?Hard drive benchmark suite.
    boo?python-like language and compiler for the CLI
    bookletimposer?PDF imposition toolkit
    bookview?Tcl/Tk based NDTP(Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol) client
    boolector?SMT solver for bit-vectors and arrays
    boolstuff?library for operating on boolean expression binary trees
    boolstuff-dev?library for operating on boolean expression binary trees
    boot-info-script?inspect boot environment
    bootcd?run your system from cd without need for disks
    bootcd-backup?tools to backup a Debian or alien Linux installation
    bootcd-i386?bootcd extension to create images that can boot on i386
    bootcd-ia64?bootcd extension to create images that can boot on ia64
    bootcd-mkinitramfs?initramfs extension for bootcd
    bootchart?Boot process performance analyser
    bootchart-view?Boot process performance analyser (visualisation)
    bootchart2?boot process performance analyser
    booth?Paxos-based daemon to manage multi-site clusters
    booth-pacemaker?Resource agents to integrate booth with Pacemaker
    bootlogd?daemon to log boot messages
    bootp?server for the bootp protocol with DHCP support
    bootparamd?Boot parameter server
    bootpc?bootp client
    bopm?Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor
    bosh?browse output of processes
    boswars?futuristic real-time strategy game
    boswars-data?Images, data, and music files for Bos Wars
    botan1.10-dbg?multiplatform crypto library (debug)
    bottlerocket?Utility to control X10 Firecracker devices for home automation
    bouncy?eat the yummy veggies in the garden - game for small kids
    bovo?gomoku (five in line) board game
    bowtie?ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner
    bowtie-examples?Examples for bowtie, the ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner
    bowtie2?ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner
    bowtie2-examples?Examples for bowtie2,
    boxbackup-client?client for the BoxBackup? remote backup system
    boxbackup-server?server for the BoxBackup? remote backup system
    boxes?Textmode box- and comment drawing filter
    boxshade?Pretty-printing of multiple sequence alignments
    bozohttpd?Bozotic HTTP server
    bplay?Buffered audio file player/recorder
    bppphyview?Bio++ Phylogenetic Viewer
    bppsuite?Bio++ program suite
    bpython?fancy interface to the Python interpreter - Curses frontend
    bpython-gtk?fancy interface to the Python interpreter - GTK+ frontend
    bpython-urwid?fancy interface to the Python interpreter - urwid frontend
    bpython3?fancy interface to the Python interpreter - Curses frontend
    br2684ctl?Utility for configuring RFC 2684 ATM/Ethernet bridging
    braa?Mass SNMP scanner
    brag?Downloads and assembles multipart Usenet binaries
    braindump?ideas organizer application for the Calligra Suite
    brandy?BBC BASIC V interpreter
    brasero?CD/DVD burning application for GNOME
    brasero-cdrkit?cdrkit extensions for the Brasero burning application
    brasero-common?Common files for the Brasero CD burning application and library
    brazilian-conjugate?Brazilian Portuguese verb conjugator
    brewtarget?GUI beer brewing software
    brickos?alternative OS for LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX. Supports devel. in C/C++
    brickos-doc?documentation for brickOS an Alternative OS for the RCX
    bridge-utilsUtilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge
    brightside?Add reactivity to the corners and edges of your GNOME desktop
    briquolo?Fast paced 3d Breakout
    briquolo-data?Fast paced 3d Breakout data files
    bristol?vintage synthesizer emulator
    bristol-data?vintage synthesizer emulator (data files)
    brlttyAccess software for a blind person using a braille display
    brltty-dbg?debugging symbols for brltty
    brltty-espeak?Access software for a blind person - espeak driver
    brltty-flite?Access software for a blind person - Flite speech driver
    brltty-speechd?Access software for a blind person - Speech Dispatcher driver
    brltty-x11?Access software for a blind person using a braille display - X11 drivers
    browser-history?User daemon that tracks URLs looked at and logs them
    browser-plugin-gnash?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives
    browser-plugin-libreoffice?office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugin
    browser-plugin-lightspark?High-performance SWF player - Mozilla Plugin (experimental)
    browser-plugin-packagekit?Plugin to install missing plugins using PackageKit
    browser-plugin-vlc?multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC
    brp-pacu?audio analysis tool
    brp-pacu-dbg?audio analysis tool (debug)
    brutalchess?3D chess game with reflection of the chessmen
    brutefir?a software convolution engine
    bs2b-ladspa?Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP LADSPA plugin
    bsd-mailx?simple mail user agent
    bsdcpio?Implementation of the 'cpio' program from FreeBSD
    bsdgames?collection of classic textual unix games
    bsdiffgenerate/apply a patch between two binary files
    bsdmainutils?collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
    bsdtar?Implementation of the 'tar' program from FreeBSD
    bsdutilsBasic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
    bse-alsa?ALSA plugin for BEAST
    bsfilter?Bayesian spam filter
    bshJava scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2
    bsh-doc?Documentation for bsh
    bsh-gcj?Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (native code)
    bsh-src?Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (source code)
    bsnesAccurate SNES/SuperFamicom? emulator
    btag?interactive command-line based multimedia tag editor
    btanks?fast 2D tank arcade game with multiplayer and split-screen modes
    btanks-data?fast 2D tank arcade game -- data
    bti?command line micro-blogging tool
    btrfs-tools?Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem utilities
    btrfs-tools-dbg?Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem utilities (debug)
    btscannerncurses-based scanner for Bluetooth devices
    btyacc?Backtracking parser generator based on byacc
    bubblefishymon?system load dockapp with a duck
    bubbros?multiplayer clone of the famous Bubble Bobble game
    bucardo?asynchronous replication system for PostgreSQL
    buffer?Buffering/reblocking program for tape backups, printing, etc.
    buffy?Heavy duty browser for mail folders
    buffycli?Text mode alternative to Buffy
    bugsquish?Bugs are trying to suck blood out of your arm!
    bugz?command-line interface to Bugzilla
    buici-clock?attractive desktop clock
    build-essentialInformational list of build-essential packages
    buildapp?application to create common lisp images
    buildbot?system to automate the compile/test cycle
    buildbot-slave?system to automate the compile/test cycle
    buildd?Daemon for automatically building Debian binary packages from Debian sources
    buildtorrent?command line torrent creation program
    bulk-extractor?Extracts information without parsing filesystem
    bully?Bully is a new implementation of the WPS brute force attack, written in C.
    bumgraphical runlevel editor
    bumprace?1 or 2 players race through a multi-level maze
    bumprace-data?data files for bumprace
    bundlerManage Ruby application dependencies
    bup?highly efficient file backup system based on git
    burgerspace?Avoid evil foodstuffs and make burgers
    burn?command-line tool for writing optical media
    burp?Simple cross-platform network BackUp? and Restore Program
    burp-dbg?debugging symbols for Burp
    burpsuite?platform for security testing of web applications
    busyboxTiny utilities for small and embedded systems
    busybox-static?Standalone rescue shell with tons of builtin utilities
    busybox-syslogd?Provides syslogd and klogd using busybox
    buthead?copy all but the first few lines
    buxon?SIOC forums browser
    buzztard?Modular music composer
    buzztard-bsl?Buzztard - Buzz Song Loader Plugin
    buzztard-data?Modular music composer - shared data files
    bvibinary file editor
    bwa?Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
    bwbar?generates text and graphical readout of current bandwidth use
    bwbasic?Bywater BASIC Interpreter
    bwidget?Extension widgets for Tcl/Tk
    bwm-ng?small and simple console-based bandwidth monitor
    bximage?Disk Image Creation Tool for Bochs
    byacc?public domain Berkeley LALR Yacc parser generator
    byacc-j?Berkeley YACC parser generator extended to generate Java code
    bygfoot?football (a.k.a soccer) management game
    bygfoot-data?data of football (a.k.a soccer) management game
    byobupowerful command line "window manager" and shell multiplexer
    byzanz?Small screencast creator
    bzflag?a 3D first person tank battle game
    bzflag-client?BZFlag client
    bzflag-data?BZFlag data file
    bzflag-server?bzfs - BZFlag game server
    bzip2high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
    bzip2-doc?high-quality block-sorting file compressor - documentation
    bzreasy to use distributed version control system
    bzr-builddeb?bzr plugin for Debian package management
    bzr-cvsps-import?CVS to Bazaar importer
    bzr-dbus?D-Bus announcements plugin for Bazaar
    bzr-doc?easy to use distributed version control system (documentation)
    bzr-email?Notification email plugin for Bazaar
    bzr-explorer?GUI application for using Bazaar
    bzr-fastimport?Fast-import/fast-export plugin for Bazaar
    bzr-git?Bazaar plugin providing Git integration
    bzr-grep?Bazaar plugin to grep files and history
    bzr-gtk?provides graphical interfaces to Bazaar (bzr) version control
    bzr-loom?Focused patch plugin support for Bazaar
    bzr-pipeline?Bazaar plugin for managing a pipeline of changes
    bzr-rewrite?History rewriting plugin for Bazaar
    bzr-search?search plugin for Bazaar
    bzr-stats?statistics plugin for Bazaar
    bzr-svn?Bazaar plugin providing Subversion integration
    bzr-upload?Bazaar plugin for uploading to web servers
    bzr-xmloutput?XML Communication plugin for Bazaar
    bzrtools?Collection of tools for bzr
    c++-annotations?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++
    c++-annotations-contrib?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - contributed files
    c++-annotations-dvi?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - DVI output
    c++-annotations-html?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - html output
    c++-annotations-latex?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - LaTeX output
    c++-annotations-pdf?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - PDF output
    c++-annotations-ps?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - Postscript output
    c++-annotations-txt?Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - text output
    c-cpp-reference?C and C++ programming reference
    c-icap?ICAP server implementation
    c-repl?read-eval-print loop for C
    c-sig?signature tool for GNU Emacs
    c2050?transitional dummy package for c2050 printer driver
    c2esp?transitional dummy package for c2esp printer driver
    c2hs?C->Haskell Interface Generator
    c2hs-doc?C->Haskell Interface Generator -- Documentation package
    ca-certificatesCommon CA certificates
    ca-certificates-java?Common CA certificates (JKS keystore)
    cabal-debian?Create a debianization for a cabal package
    cabal-install?command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
    cabextractMicrosoft Cabinet file unpacker
    cableswig?Generate wrappers for Python and Tcl from C++ code
    caca-utils?text mode graphics utilities
    cachefilesd?support fscache on already mounted filesystem
    cacti?web interface for graphing of monitoring systems
    cacti-spine?Multi-Threading poller for cacti
    cadabra?field-theory motivated computer algebra system
    cadaver?command-line WebDAV client
    cadubi?Creative ASCII Drawing Utility By Ian
    cain?simulations of chemical reactions
    cain-examples?simulations of chemical reactions
    cain-solvers?simulations of chemical reactions
    cairo-5c?nickle bindings for the cairo graphics library
    cairo-clock?Analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
    cairo-dock?Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock for Linux desktop
    cairo-dock-alsamixer-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Alsamixer plug-in
    cairo-dock-animated-icons-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Animated icons plug-in
    cairo-dock-cairo-penguin-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Cairo-Penguin plug-in
    cairo-dock-clipper-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Clipper plug-in
    cairo-dock-clock-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Clock plug-in
    cairo-dock-core?Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock for Linux desktop
    cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Dbus plug-in
    cairo-dock-desklet-rendering-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Desklet rendering plug-in
    cairo-dock-dev?Cairo-dock develpment file
    cairo-dock-dialog-rendering-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Dialog rendering plug-in
    cairo-dock-dnd2share-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Dnd2share plug-in
    cairo-dock-drop-indicator-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Drop indicator plug-in
    cairo-dock-dustbin-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Dustbin plug-in
    cairo-dock-folders-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Folders plug-in
    cairo-dock-gmenu-plug-in?Cairo-dock - GMenu plug-in
    cairo-dock-gnome-integration-plug-in?Cairo-dock - GNOME integration plug-in
    cairo-dock-icon-effect-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Icon effect plug-in
    cairo-dock-illusion-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Illusion plug-in
    cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Implus plug-in
    cairo-dock-kde-integration-plug-in?Cairo-dock - KDE integration plug-in
    cairo-dock-keyboard-indicator-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Keyboard indicator plug-in
    cairo-dock-logout-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Logout plug-in
    cairo-dock-mail-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Mail plug-in
    cairo-dock-messaging-menu-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Messaging menu plug-in
    cairo-dock-motion-blur-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Motion blur plug-in
    cairo-dock-musicplayer-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Music player plug-in
    cairo-dock-netspeed-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Netspeed plug-in
    cairo-dock-plug-in-data?Cairo-dock - Plug-in data files
    cairo-dock-plug-ins?Cairo-dock - All plug-ins
    cairo-dock-powermanager-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Powermanager plug-in
    cairo-dock-quick-browser-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Quick browser plug-in
    cairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Recent events plug-in
    cairo-dock-remote-control-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Remote control plug-in
    cairo-dock-rendering-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Rendering plug-in
    cairo-dock-rssreader-plug-in?Cairo-dock - RSS Reader plug-in
    cairo-dock-shortcuts-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Shortcuts plug-in
    cairo-dock-showdesktop-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Show desktop plug-in
    cairo-dock-showmouse-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Showmouse plug-in
    cairo-dock-slider-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Slider plug-in
    cairo-dock-stack-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Stack plug-in
    cairo-dock-switcher-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Switcher plug-in
    cairo-dock-system-monitor-plug-in?Cairo-dock - System Monitor plug-in
    cairo-dock-systray-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Systray plug-in
    cairo-dock-terminal-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Terminal plug-in
    cairo-dock-tomboy-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Tomboy plug-in
    cairo-dock-toons-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Toons plug-in
    cairo-dock-weather-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Weather plug-in
    cairo-dock-weblets-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Weblets plug-in
    cairo-dock-wifi-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Wifi plug-in
    cairo-dock-xfce-integration-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Xfce integration plug-in
    cairo-dock-xgamma-plug-in?Cairo-dock - Xgamma plug-in
    cairo-perf-utils?The Cairo 2D vector graphics library performance utilities
    cakephp?MVC rapid application development framework for PHP
    cakephp-instaweb?Development webserver for CakePHP applications
    cakephp-scripts?MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (scripts)
    calamaris?log analyzer for Squid or Oops proxy log files
    calcoo?Scientific calculator (GTK+)
    calcurse?text-based calendar and todo manager
    calendar-google-provider?Google Calendar support for lighting- and iceowl-extension
    calendar-timezones?Timezone Extension for Lightning/Iceowl (mandatory)
    calendarserver?Apple's Calendar and Contacts Server
    calf-plugins?pack of audio plugins - effects and instruments
    calgebra?console interface for KAlgebra
    calibree-book converter and library management
    calibre-bin?e-book converter and library management
    calife?Provides super user privileges to specific users
    calligra?extensive productivity and creative suite
    calligra-data?common shared data for the Calligra Suite
    calligra-dbg?debugging symbols for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-ca?Catalan (ca) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-cavalencia?Southern Catalan (Valencian) (ca@valencia) files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-cs?Czech (cs) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-da?Danish (da) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-de?German (de) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-el?Greek (el) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-engb?British English (en_GB) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-es?Spanish (es) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-et?Estonian (et) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-fi?Finnish (fi) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-fr?French (fr) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-hu?Hungarian (hu) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-it?Italian (it) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-kk?Kazakh (kk) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-nb?Norwegian Bookmal (nb) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-nds?Low Saxon (nds) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-nl?Dutch (nl) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-pl?Polish (pl) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-pt?Portuguese (pt) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-ptbr?Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-ru?Russian (ru) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-sk?Slovakian (sk) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-sv?Swedish (sv) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-uk?Ukrainian (uk) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-zhcn?Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-l10n-zhtw?Chinese Traditional (zh_TW) localization files for Calligra
    calligra-libs?common libraries and binaries for the Calligra Suite
    calligra-reports-map-element?map element for Calligra Reports
    calligra-reports-web-element?web element for Calligra Reports
    calligraflow?flowcharting program for the Calligra Suite
    calligraflow-data?data files for Flow flowcharting program
    calligramobile?version of Calligra for mobile
    calligraplan?integrated project management and planning tool
    calligrasheets?spreadsheet for the Calligra Suite
    calligrastage?presentation program for the Calligra Suite
    calligrawords?word processor for the Calligra Suite
    calligrawords-data?data files for Words word processor
    cam?Cpu's Audio Mixer for Linux
    cameleon?integrated development environment for OCaml
    cameleon-doc?documentation for Cameleon
    camera.app?GNUstep application for digital still cameras
    cameramonitor?Webcam monitoring in system tray
    caml2html?HTML and LaTeX colored syntax from OCaml source files
    camlidl?Stub code generator for Objective Caml
    camlidl-doc?Documentation for CamlIDL in PS, PDF and HTML formats
    camlmix?preprocessor which converts text with embedded OCaml
    camlp4?Pre Processor Pretty Printer for OCaml
    camlp4-extra?Pre Processor Pretty Printer for OCaml - extras
    camlp5?Pre Processor Pretty Printer for OCaml - classical version
    camorama?gnome utility to view and save images from a webcam
    camping?small Ruby web framework for Model-View-Controller type applications
    canna?input system for Japanese - server and dictionary
    canna-shion?supporting dictionaries for Canna
    canna-utils?input system for Japanese - utilities
    canto?flexible ncurses Atom/RSS newsreader for the console
    cantor?interface for mathematical applications
    cantor-backend-kalgebra?KAlgebra backend for Cantor
    cantor-backend-maxima?Maxima backend for Cantor
    cantor-backend-octave?Octave backend for Cantor
    cantor-backend-qalculate?Qalculate! backend for Cantor
    cantor-backend-r?R backend for Cantor
    cantor-backend-sage?Sage backend for Cantor
    cantor-backend-scilab?Scilab backend for Cantor
    cantor-dbg?debugging symbols for cantor
    capi4hylafax?Faxing over CAPI 2.0 device
    capistrano?Executes commands in parallel on multiple servers
    capiutils?ISDN utilities - tools for CAPI-capable cards
    cappuccino?an utility to let your boss think that you're working hard
    caps?C* Audio Plugin Suite
    capstone?Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
    cardstories?multiplayer online card guessing game
    caret?Computerized Anatomical Reconstruction and Editing Toolkit
    carettah?Presentation tool written with Haskell.
    caribou?Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode
    caribou-antler?Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode
    carmetal?dynamic geometry software with highly ergonomic UI
    carton?Perl module dependency manager (aka Bundler for Perl)
    casefile?Offline intelligence tool
    caspar?Makefile snippets for centralized configuration management and typesetting
    caspar-doc?documentation for caspar
    castle-combat?game where the player builds one castle and destroys others
    catcodec?tool to decode/encode the sample catalogue for OpenTTD
    catdoc?MS-Word to TeX or plain text converter
    catdvi?DVI to plain text translator
    catfish?file search tool that support several different engines
    cavezofphear?ASCII Boulder Dash clone
    cb2bib?extract bibliographic references from various sources
    cba?Continuous Beam Analysis
    cbflib-bin?utilities to manipulate CBF files
    cbflib-doc?documentation for CBFlib
    cbios?open source MSX BIOS roms
    cbm?display the current network traffic in colors
    cbmc?bounded model checker for C and C++ programs
    cbrpager?viewer for CBR, CBZ and CB7 (comic book archive) files
    cc1111?C Compiler for TI/Chipcon 8051-based RF SOCs
    ccacheCompiler cache for fast recompilation of C/C++ code
    ccal?Colorised calendar utility
    ccbuild?source scanning build utility for C++
    cccc?C and C++ Code Counter, a software metrics tool
    cccd?A small GTK+ CD player program
    ccd2iso?Converter from CloneCD disc image format to standard ISO
    cciss-vol-status?HP SmartArray? RAID Volume Status Checker
    cclib?Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry
    cclive?lightweight command line video extraction tool
    ccontrol?Compilation controller
    cconv?simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
    ccrypt?secure encryption and decryption of files and streams
    ccze?A robust, modular log coloriser
    cd-circleprint?prints round cd-labels
    cd-discid?CDDB DiscID utility
    cd-hit?suite of programs designed to quickly group sequences
    cd5?Compute checksum of individual track on CD-ROMS
    cdargs?bookmarks and browsing for the cd command
    cdbackup?CD-R(W) backup utility
    cdbs?common build system for Debian packages
    cdcat?media catalog program
    cdcd?command line or console based CD player
    cdcd-dbg?command line or console based CD player (debug)
    cdck?tool for verifying the quality of written CDs/DVDs
    cdcover?Creating Data-CD Covers
    cdde?CD Detect & Execute utility
    cde?package everything required to execute a Linux command on another computer
    cdebconf?Debian Configuration Management System (C-implementation)
    cdebconf-gtk?Gtk+ frontend for Debian Configuration Management System
    cdebootstrap?Bootstrap a Debian system
    cdebootstrap-static?Bootstrap a Debian system - static binary
    cdeclTurn English phrases to C or C++ declarations
    cdlabelgen?generates front cards and tray cards for CDs and DVDs
    cdo?Climate Data Operators
    cdparanoia?audio extraction tool for sampling CDs
    cdparanoia-dbg?audio extraction tool for sampling CDs (debug)
    cdpr?Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
    cdpsnarf?Network sniffer to extract CDP information
    cdrdao?records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode
    cdrkit-doc?Documentation for the cdrkit package suite
    cdrskin?command line CD/DVD/BD writing tool
    cdtool?text-based audio CD player and CD-ROM control commands
    cduce?programming language adapted to the manipulation of XML data
    cdw?Tool for burning CD's - console version
    cec-utilsUSB CEC Adaptor communication Library (utility programs)
    cecilia?graphic user interface for CSound
    cedar-backup2?local and remote backups to CD or DVD media
    cedar-backup2-doc?local and remote backups to CD or DVD media (documentation)
    ceferino?action game similar to Super Pang
    ceferino-data?action game similar to Super Pang
    celestia?real-time visual space simulation
    celestia-common?datafiles for Celestia, a real-time visual space simulation
    celestia-glut?real-time visual space simulation (GLUT frontend)
    celestia-gnome?real-time visual space simulation (GNOME frontend)
    cellwriter?grid-entry handwriting input panel
    cenon.app?Vector graphics tool for GNUstep
    centerim?A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
    centerim-common?A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client (data files)
    centerim-fribidi?A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client (Hebrew)
    centerim-utf8?A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
    cereal?automated, logged serial terminal management system
    cernlib?CERNLIB data analysis suite - general use metapackage
    cernlib-base?CERNLIB data analysis suite - common files
    cernlib-base-dev?CERNLIB data analysis suite - dependencies checking script
    cernlib-core?CERNLIB data analysis suite - main libraries and programs
    cernlib-core-dev?CERNLIB data analysis suite - core development files
    cernlib-extras?CERNLIB data analysis suite - extra programs
    cernlib-montecarlo?CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries
    certmonger?D-Bus -based service to simplify interaction with certificate authorities
    cervisia?graphical CVS client
    ceve?utility to parse package dependencies as set of constraints
    cewl?Custom wordlist generator
    cfengine2?Tool for configuring and maintaining network machines
    cfengine2-dbg?debugging symbols for cfengine2
    cfengine3?tool for configuring and maintaining network machines
    cfengine3-dbg?debugging symbols for cfengine3
    cfget?featureful tool to read values from config files
    cfi-en?Copyright does not exist, book about hacker culture
    cfi-sv?Copyright finns inte, book about hacker culture
    cfingerd?configurable finger daemon
    cflow?Analyze control flow in C source files
    cfortran?Header file permitting Fortran routines to be called in C/C++
    cfourcc?command line tool for changing FourCC in Microsoft RIFF AVI files
    cfv?versatile file checksum creator and verifier
    cgdb?curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
    cgi-mapserver?CGI executable for MapServer
    cgiemail?CGI Form-to-Mail converter
    cgilib?Simple CGI Library
    cgns-convert?CFD General Notation System - Conversion tools
    cgoban?complete Go board
    cgptGPT manipulation tool with support for Chromium OS extensions
    cgroup-bin?Tools to control and monitor control groups
    cgvg?command-line source browsing tool
    chado-utils?tools to add/extract data from Chado
    chaksem?LaTeX class for presentations
    chalow?weblog tool that converts ChangeLog? to HTML
    chameleon-cursor-theme?modern but not gaudy X11 mouse theme
    changetrack?monitor changes to (configuration) files
    chaosreader?trace network sessions and export it to html format
    charactermanaj?avatar editor application
    charmap.app?Character map for GNUstep
    charybdis?fast, scalable irc server
    chase?Follow a symlink and print out its target file
    chasen?Japanese Morphological Analysis System
    chasen-dictutils?Japanese Morphological Analysis System - utilities for dictionary
    check?unit test framework for C
    check-mk-agent?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-mk-agent-logwatch?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-mk-config-icinga?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-mk-config-nagios3?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-mk-doc?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data (documentation)
    check-mk-livestatus?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-mk-multisite?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-mk-server?general purpose nagios-plugin for retrieving data
    check-postgres?script for monitoring PostgreSQL databases
    checkbot?WWW link verifier
    checkgmail?alternative Gmail Notifier for Linux via Atom feeds
    checkinstallinstallation tracker
    checkpolicy?SELinux policy compiler
    checkpw?checks password which is stored in ~/Maildir/.password
    checksecurity?basic system security checks
    checkstyle?checks Java source against a coding standard
    checkstyle-doc?Documentation for Checkstyle
    cheesetool to take pictures and videos from your webcam
    cheese-common?Common files for the Cheese tool to take pictures and videos
    chef?A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
    chef-expander?systems integration framework - index bridge
    chef-server-api?Chef configuration management system - server API
    chef-solr?manager for search indexes of Chef node attributes using Solr
    chemeq?Parser for chemical formula and equilibria
    chemical-mime-data?chemical MIME and file type support for desktops
    chemical-structures?set of molecular structures in open formats
    chemtool?chemical structures drawing program
    cherrytree?hierarchical note taking application
    chewmail?mail archiver for various mailbox formats
    chiark-backup?backup system for small systems and networks
    chiark-really?really - a tool for gaining privilege (simple, realistic sudo)
    chiark-rwbuffer?readbuffer/writebuffer: prevents tape drive seesawing, etc.
    chiark-scripts?chiark system administration scripts
    chiark-utils-bin?chiark system administration utilities
    chicken-bin?Practical and portable Scheme system - compiler
    childsplay?Suite of educational games for young children
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-bg?Bulgarian sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ca?Catalan sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-de?German sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-el?Greek sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-en-gb?British sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-es?Spanish sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr?French sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-it?Italian sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nb?Bokmål sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nl?Dutch sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-pt?Portugese sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ro?Romanian sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ru?Russian sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sl?Slovenian sound files for childsplay
    childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sv?Swedish sound files for childsplay
    chimera2?Web browser for X
    chipmunk-dev?Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library - devel
    chipw?custom level editor for TileWorld? / Chip's Challengeâ„¢
    chirashi?D-Bus-based IRC suite (clients plugins)
    chirp?Configuration tool for amateur radios
    chise-db?CHISE db, the character information database
    chkconfigsystem tool to enable or disable system services
    chkrootkitrootkit detector
    chktex?Finds typographic errors in LaTeX
    chm2pdf?A Python script that converts CHM files into PDF files
    chntpwNT SAM password recovery utility
    choosewm?fake x-session-manager allowing the user to choose a wm
    choqok?KDE micro-blogging client
    chordii?Text file (chordpro format) to music sheet converter
    chromium?Google's open source chromium web browser
    chromium-browserChromium browser - transitional dummy package
    chromium-browser-dbg?chromium-browser debug symbols transitional dummy package
    chromium-browser-inspector?page inspector for the chromium-browser - transitional dummy package
    chromium-browser-l10n?chromium-browser language packages - transitional dummy package
    chromium-bsu?fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter
    chromium-bsu-data?data pack for the Chromium B.S.U. game
    chromium-dbg?Debugging symbols for the chromium web browser
    chromium-inspector?page inspector for the chromium browser
    chromium-l10n?chromium-browser language packages
    chronicle?HTML & RSS blog compiler
    chronySets your computer's clock from time servers on the Net
    chrootuid?Run commands in restricted environments
    chrpath?Tool to edit the rpath in ELF binaries
    chuck?Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language
    cia-clients?clients scripts for CIA commit notification on IRC
    ciderwebmail?IMAP webmail service
    cifs-utilsCommon Internet File System utilities
    cil?command line issue tracker
    cimg-dev?powerful image processing library
    cimg-doc?documentation of cimg-dev imaging library
    cimg-examples?examples for cimg-dev imaging library
    cinnamon?Innovative and comfortable desktop
    cinnamon-common?Innovative and comfortable desktop (Common data files)
    cinnamon-dbg?Innovative and comfortable desktop (Debugging symbols)
    cipux-cat-web?user and resource management framework CipUX - web-based admin tools
    cipux-object-tools?Commandline object-related tools for CipUX
    cipux-passwd?simple XML-RPC client to set your own password
    cipux-rpc-tools?Commandline helper tools for XML-RPC server
    cipux-rpcd?XML-RPC server for CipUX
    cipux-storage-tools?Commandline storage-related tools for CipUX
    cipux-task-tools?commandline task interface for CipUX
    circos?plotter for visualizing data
    circos-tools?Helper tools for Circos
    circuslinux?Clowns are trying to pop balloons to score points!
    circuslinux-data?data files for circuslinux
    cisco-auditing-tool?Scans Cisco routers for vulnerabilities
    cisco-global-exploiter?Simple and fast Cisco exploitation tool
    cisco-ocs?Mass Cisco scanner
    cisco-torch?Cisco device scanner
    citadel-client?complete and feature-rich groupware server (command line client)
    citadel-dbg?complete and feature-rich groupware server - debugging symbols
    citadel-doc?complete and feature-rich groupware server (documentation)
    citadel-mta?complete and feature-rich groupware server (mail transport agent)
    citadel-server?complete and feature-rich groupware server
    citadel-suite?complete and feature-rich groupware server; metapackage for full installation
    citadel-webcit?web-based frontend to Citadel groupware server
    cjet?transitional dummy package for cjet printer driver
    cjk-latex?installs all LaTeX CJK packages
    ckeditor?text editor for internet
    ckermit?serial and network communications package
    ckport?portability analysis and security checking tool
    ckport-database?portability analysis and security checking tool (Database files)
    cksfv?sfv checker and generator
    cl-acl-compat?Compatibility layer for Allegro Common Lisp
    cl-alexandria?A collection of portable Common Lisp utilities
    cl-asdf?Another System Definition Facility
    cl-aserve?Portable Aserve
    cl-awk?Common Lisp package with the features of AWK and more
    cl-babel?A charset encoding/decoding library, not unlike GNU libiconv
    cl-base64?Common Lisp package to encode and decode base64 with URI support
    cl-bordeaux-threads?Portable shared-state concurrency for Common Lisp
    cl-brlapi?Common Lisp bindings for BrlAPI
    cl-cffi?The Common Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp
    cl-closer-mop?Cross Implementation AMOP library
    cl-cluck?Common Lisp Microcontroller Clock Calculator
    cl-clx-sbcl?X11 Common Lisp client library for SBCL
    cl-contextl?context orientation for Common Lisp
    cl-fftw3?Common Lisp package for using the FFTW3 library
    cl-flexi-streams?Flexi-streams: Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp
    cl-flexichain?An efficient gap buffer with a well-defined external protocol
    cl-ftp?Common Lisp FTP library
    cl-getopt?Common Lisp utility for command-line processing
    cl-htmlgen?HTML generation library for Common Lisp programs
    cl-hyperobject?Common Lisp library for hyperobjects
    cl-irc?Common Lisp Internet Relay Chat Library
    cl-irc-logger?Internet Relay Channel Logger
    cl-kmrcl?General Utilities for Common Lisp Programs
    cl-launch?uniform frontend to running Common Lisp code from the shell
    cl-lexer?Lexical-analyzer-generator package for Common Lisp
    cl-lml?Lisp Markup Language
    cl-lml2?Lisp Markup Language
    cl-lw-compat?LispWorks? Compatibility Library
    cl-mcclim?Common Lisp graphic user interface toolkit
    cl-mcclim-doc?Graphic user interface package for Common Lisp programs
    cl-mcclim-examples?Common Lisp graphic user interface toolkit
    cl-md5?Common Lisp package for MD5 Message Digests
    cl-modlisp?Common Lisp interface to the Apache mod-lisp module
    cl-pg?Common Lisp library that provides a socket level postgresql interface
    cl-photo?photographic calculator in Common Lisp
    cl-pipes?Common Lisp library for pipes or streams
    cl-plplot?CFFI based interface to the PLplot scientific plotting library
    cl-postoffice?SMTP, POP, & IMAP interface library for Common Lisp Programs
    cl-ppcre?Portable Regular Express Library for Common Lisp
    cl-ptester?Test suite for Common Lisp programs
    cl-pubmed?Common Lisp package to query Pubmed medical literature database
    cl-puri?Common Lisp Portable URI Library
    cl-quicklisp?library manager for Common Lisp
    cl-regex?Common Lisp regular expression compiler/matcher
    cl-reversi?Reversi game for Common Lisp
    cl-rlc?Common Lisp RLC Circuit Simulator
    cl-rsm-mod?McIntire?'s Common Lisp Modular Arithmetic Library
    cl-rss?Common Lisp RSS processor
    cl-rt?Common Lisp regression tester from MIT
    cl-salza?Common Lisp package to write compressed data
    cl-spatial-trees?Spatial trees Common Lisp library
    cl-speech-dispatcher?Common Lisp interface to Speech Dispatcher
    cl-split-sequence?Common Lisp package split a sequence of objects
    cl-sql?SQL Interface for Common Lisp
    cl-sql-aodbc?CLSQL database backend, AODBC
    cl-sql-mysql?CLSQL database backend, MySQL
    cl-sql-odbc?CLSQL database backend, ODBC
    cl-sql-postgresql?CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL via library
    cl-sql-postgresql-socket?CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL via sockets
    cl-sql-sqlite?CLSQL database backend, SQLite
    cl-sql-sqlite3?CLSQL database backend, SQLite3
    cl-sql-tests?Testing suite for CLSQL
    cl-sql-uffi?Common UFFI functions for CLSQL database backends
    cl-swank?Superior LISP Interaction Mode for Emacs (Lisp-side server)
    cl-trivial-features?An abstraction layer for the *features* that implementations use
    cl-trivial-gray-streams?thin compatibility layer for gray streams
    cl-uffi?Universal Foreign Function Library for Common Lisp
    cl-uffi-tests?Regression tests for UFFI Common Lisp Library
    cl-usocket?Common Lisp socket library
    cl-webactions?HTTP dispatch library for cl-aserve
    cl-xlunit?Common Lisp eXtreme Lisp Unit Testing Package
    cl-xmls?XML Simple Parser for Common Lisp
    cl-xptest?Extreme programming test suite for Common Lisp package
    cl-zpb-ttf?TTF parser
    clam-chordata?CLAM Chordata, chord detection tool
    clam-networkeditor?CLAM Network Editor, prototyping tool for CLAM
    clam-networkeditor-examples?CLAM Network Editor, examples
    clamassassin?email virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
    clamavanti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface
    clamav-base?anti-virus utility for Unix - base package
    clamav-daemon?anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
    clamav-dbg?debug symbols for ClamAV
    clamav-docs?anti-virus utility for Unix - documentation
    clamav-freshclam?anti-virus utility for Unix - virus database update utility
    clamav-milter?anti-virus utility for Unix - sendmail integration
    clamav-testfiles?anti-virus utility for Unix - test files
    clamav-unofficial-sigs?update script for 3rd-party clamav signatures
    clamsmtp?virus-scanning SMTP proxy
    clamtk?graphical front-end for ClamAV
    clamz?command-line program to download MP3's from Amazon
    clang?Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), C language family frontend
    clanlib-doc?Reference documentation and tutorials for ClanLib?
    clasp?conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver
    claws-mail?Fast, lightweight and user-friendly GTK2 based email client
    claws-mail-acpi-notifier?Laptop's Mail LED control for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-address-keeper?Address keeper plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-archiver-plugin?Archiver plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-attach-remover?Mail attachment remover for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-attach-warner?Missing attachment warnings for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-bogofilter?Bogofilter plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin?Spam filtering using bsfilter for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-clamd-plugin?ClamAV socket-based plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-dbg?Debug symbols for Claws Mail mailer
    claws-mail-doc?User documentation for Claws Mail mailer
    claws-mail-extra-plugins?Extra plugins collection for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-extra-plugins-dbg?Debug symbols for Claws Mail Extra Plugins packages
    claws-mail-fancy-plugin?HTML mail viewer using GTK+ WebKit
    claws-mail-feeds-reader?Feeds (RSS/Atom) reader plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin?Add X-FETCH headers plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-gdata-plugin?Access to GData (Google services) for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-html2-viewer?HTML mail or attachment viewer for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-i18n?Locale data for Claws Mail (i18n support)
    claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin?mbox format mailboxes handler for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-multi-notifier?Various new mail notifiers for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-newmail-plugin?New mail logger plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-perl-filter?Message filtering plugin using perl for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-pgpinline?PGP/inline plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-pgpmime?PGP/MIME plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-plugins?Installs plugins for the Claws Mail mailer
    claws-mail-python-plugin?Python plugin and console for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-smime-plugin?S/MIME signature/encryption handling for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-spam-report?Spam reporting plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-spamassassin?SpamAssassin plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-themes?Pixmap icon themes for the Claws Mail mailer
    claws-mail-tnef-parser?TNEF attachment handler for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-tools?Helper and utility scripts for Claws Mail mailer
    claws-mail-trayicon?Notification area plugin for Claws Mail
    claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin?vCalendar message handling plugin for Claws Mail
    clawsker?Configuration tweaker for Claws Mail
    clc-intercal?Compiler for the INTERCAL language
    cldump?Clarion database files extractor
    clearlooks-phenix-theme?GTK3 port of Clearlooks theme
    clearsilver-dev?headers and static library for clearsilver
    clementine?modern music player and library organizer
    clex?command line file manager which uses the ncurses library
    clfswm?A(nother) Common Lisp FullScreen? Window Manager
    clhep-doc?Documentation of CLHEP
    cli-common?common files between all CLI packages
    cli-common-dev?common files for building CLI packages
    clif?C language interpreter
    clinica?Simple medical records manager
    clinica-common?Simple medical records manager (architecture independent files)
    clinica-dev?Simple medical records manager (development files)
    clinica-plugins?Simple medical records manager (plugins)
    cliofetion?open source command line implementation of Fetion protocol
    clipf?command line minimalistic personal finance manager
    clipit?lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
    clips?"C" Language Integrated Production System
    clips-common?CLIPS common files and examples
    clips-doc?"C" Language Integrated Production System Documentation
    cliquer?clique searching program
    clirr?Checks Java libraries for compatibility with older releases
    clisp?GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
    clisp-dev?GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation (development files)
    clisp-doc?GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation (documentation)
    clisp-module-berkeley-db?clisp module that adds an interface to Berkeley DB
    clisp-module-bindings-glibc?clisp module that adds the glibc bindings
    clisp-module-clx?clisp module that adds X11 bindings
    clisp-module-dbus?clisp module that adds an interface to D-Bus
    clisp-module-gdbm?clisp module that adds an interface to GNU DBM
    clisp-module-pcre?clisp module that adds libpcre support
    clisp-module-postgresql?clisp module that adds a PostgreSQL interface
    clisp-module-rawsock?clisp module that adds a low level socket interface
    clisp-module-wildcard?clisp module that adds wildcard matching
    clisp-module-zlib?clisp module that adds zlib support for vectors
    clive?video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and others
    clocstatistics utility to count lines of code
    clojure-contrib?user contributed set of libraries for clojure
    clojure1.2?Lisp dialect for the JVM
    clojure1.4?Lisp dialect for the JVM
    clonalframe?inference of bacterial microevolution using multilocus sequence data
    cloog-isl?Chunky Loop Generator (runtime library)
    cloog-ppl?Chunky Loop Generator
    cloop-src?Source of the compressed loopback device module
    cloop-utils?Tools for handling with cloop compressed volumes
    clustalo?General purpose multiple sequence alignment program for proteins
    clustalw?global multiple nucleotide or peptide sequence alignment
    clustalx?Multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein sequences (graphical interface)
    cluster-agents?The reusable cluster components for Linux HA
    cluster-glue?The reusable cluster components for Linux HA
    cluster-glue-dev?Development files for the cluster glue components
    clusterd?Application server attack toolkit
    clustershell?Distributed shell that provides an efficient python interface
    clusterssh?administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously
    clutter-1.0-tests?Open GL based interactive canvas library (test programs)
    clvm?Cluster LVM Daemon for lvm2
    clzip?C, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
    clzip-dbg?C, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
    cm-super?TeX font package (full version) with CM (EC) in Type1 in T1, T2*, TS1, X2 enc
    cm-super-minimal?TeX font package (minimal version) with CM/EC in Type1 in T1, T2*, TS1, X2 enc
    cm-super-x11?Make the cm-super fonts available to X11
    cmakecross-platform, open-source make system
    cmake-curses-gui?curses based user interface for CMake (ccmake)
    cmake-data?CMake data files (modules, templates and documentation)
    cmake-dbg?debugging symbols for CMake
    cmake-doc?extended documentation in various formats for CMake
    cmake-qt-guiQt4 based user interface for CMake (cmake-gui)
    cman?Red Hat cluster suite - cluster manager
    cmatrix?simulates the display from "The Matrix"
    cmatrix-xfont?X11 font for cmatrix
    cmdtest?blackbox testing of Unix command line programs
    cmigemo?Japanese incremental search tool written in C - binary
    cmigemo-common?Japanese incremental search tool written in C - common files
    cmigrep?search in OCaml compiled interface files
    cminpack-doc?Nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems - runtime
    cmip5-cmor-tables?CMIP5 tables for the Climate Model Output Rewriter library
    cmis-client?client for the CMIS protocol
    cmospwd?decrypt BIOS passwords from CMOS
    cmt?a collection of LADSPA plugins
    cmtk?Computational Morphometry Toolkit
    cmucl-docs?CMUCL documentation
    cmucl-source?CMUCL lisp sources
    cmus?lightweight ncurses audio player
    cmus-plugin-ffmpeg?lightweight ncurses audio player (FFmpeg plugin)
    cmuscheme48-el?Emacs mode specialized for Scheme48
    cnee?X event recorder/replayer - command-line flavor
    cntlm?Fast NTLM authentication proxy with tunneling
    coala?translates action languages into answer set programs
    cobertura?java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
    coccinella?Communication tool (XMPP/Jabber) with a built-in whiteboard
    coccinelle?semantic patching tool for C
    coccinelle-doc?documentation for coccinelle
    coco-cpp?Coco/R Compiler Generator (C++ Version)
    coco-cs?Coco/R Compiler Generator (C-Sharp Version)
    coco-doc?Documentation for the Coco/R Compiler Generator
    coco-java?Coco/R Compiler Generator (Java Version)
    code-saturne?General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software
    code-saturne-bin?General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - binaries
    code-saturne-data?General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - data
    code-saturne-doc?General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - Documentation
    code-saturne-include?General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - includes
    code2html?Syntax highlighter
    codeblocks?Code::Blocks integrated development environment (IDE)
    codeblocks-common?common files for Code::Blocks IDE
    codeblocks-contrib?contrib plugins for Code::Blocks IDE
    codeblocks-contrib-dbg?Debugging libraries for the Code::Blocks contrib plugins
    codeblocks-dbg?Code::Blocks debugging libraries
    codeblocks-dev?Code::Blocks development files (SDK)
    codecgraph?Generates graphviz graphs from HDA-Intel codec information
    codegroup?Convert any file, including binary, into 5 letter code
    coderay?Helper programs for CodeRay? Ruby lib for syntax highlighting
    codeville?a distributed version control system
    codfis?tool to generate Italian fiscal codes (codice fiscale)
    coinor-csdp?A software package for semidefinite programming
    coinor-csdp-dbg?A software package for semidefinite programming
    coinor-csdp-doc?A software package for semidefinite programming
    coinor-libcbc-dev?Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver - development files
    coinor-libcbc-doc?Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver - documentation
    coinor-libcbc0?Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver
    coinor-libcbc0-dbg?Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver - debugging symbols
    coinor-libcgl-dev?Cut Generator Library, a library of cutting-plane generators
    coinor-libcgl-doc?Cut Generator Library, a library of cutting-plane generators
    coinor-libcgl0?Cut Generator Library, a library of cutting-plane generators
    coinor-libcgl0-dbg?Cut Generator Library, a library of cutting-plane generators
    coinor-libclp-dev?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libclp-doc?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libclp0?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libclp0-dbg?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libcoinutils-dev?Coin-or collection of utility classes
    coinor-libcoinutils-doc?Coin-or collection of utility classes
    coinor-libcoinutils0?Coin-or collection of utility classes
    coinor-libcoinutils0-dbg?Coin-or collection of utility classes
    coinor-libdylp-dev?Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm
    coinor-libdylp-doc?Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm
    coinor-libdylp0?Linear programming solver using the dynamic simplex algorithm
    coinor-libdylp0-dbg?Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm
    coinor-libflopc++-dev?Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
    coinor-libflopc++-doc?Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
    coinor-libflopc++0?Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
    coinor-libflopc++0-dbg?Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
    coinor-libipopt-dev?Interior-Point Optimizer - header files
    coinor-libipopt-doc?Interior-Point Optimizer - documentation
    coinor-libipopt1?Interior-Point Optimizer, for large-scale nonlinear optimization
    coinor-libipopt1-dbg?Interior-Point Optimizer - debugging symbols
    coinor-libosi-dev?COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
    coinor-libosi-doc?COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
    coinor-libosi0?COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
    coinor-libosi0-dbg?COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
    coinor-libsymphony-dev?COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
    coinor-libsymphony-doc?COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
    coinor-libsymphony0?COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
    coinor-libsymphony0-dbg?COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
    coinor-libvol-dev?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libvol-doc?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libvol0?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinor-libvol0-dbg?Coin-or linear programming solver
    coinst?computes the co-installability kernel of a deb or RPM repository
    coinst-viewer?viewer for co-installability kernels generated by coinst
    coldfire?Freescale Coldfire 5206 emulator
    collabtive?Web-based project management software
    collatinus?lemmatisation of latin text
    collectdstatistics collection and monitoring daemon
    collectd-core?statistics collection and monitoring daemon (core system)
    collectd-dbg?statistics collection and monitoring daemon (debugging symbols)
    collectd-dev?statistics collection and monitoring daemon (development files)
    collectd-utils?statistics collection and monitoring daemon (utilities)
    collectl?Utility to collect Linux performance data
    collectl-utils?Utilities to analyze and plot performance data from collectl
    colorcode?advanced clone of the MasterMind? code-breaking game
    colord?system service to manage device colour profiles -- system daemon
    colordifftool to colorize 'diff' output
    colorgcc?Colorizer for GCC warning/error messages
    colorhug-client?Tools for the Hughski Colorimeter
    colormake?simple wrapper around make to colorize output
    colorname?utility to associate a name to a color
    colortail?log colorizer that makes log checking easier
    colortest?utilities to test color capabilities of terminal
    colortest-python?utility to test color capabilities of terminal
    colrconv?Convers client with curses color support
    comerr-dev?common error description library - headers and static libraries
    comgt?Option GlobeTrotter? and Vodafone datacard control tool
    comix?GTK Comic Book Viewer
    comixcursors?transitional dummy package
    comixcursors-lefthanded?X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (LH, translucent)
    comixcursors-lefthanded-opaque?X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (LH, opaque)
    comixcursors-righthanded?X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, translucent)
    comixcursors-righthanded-opaque?X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, opaque)
    command-not-foundSuggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions
    command-runner-applet?panel applet which periodically displays a command output
    commit-patch?utility to commit fine grained patches to source code control repositories
    common-lisp-controller?Common Lisp source and compiler manager
    comparepdf?command line tool for comparing two PDF files
    compartment?Confine services in a limited environment
    compass-fancy-buttons-plugin?Compass plugin implementing fancy CSS3 buttons
    compass-h5bp-plugin?Compass extension for Html5 Boilerplate
    compass-layoutgala-plugin?Compass plugin implementing the Layout-gala CSS styles
    compass-slickmap-plugin?Compass plugin implementing SlickMapCSS sitemap
    compass-susy-plugin?Compass plugin providing an elastic grid system
    compass-yui-plugin?Compass plugin implementing the YUI CSS Foundation
    compface?Compress/decompress images for mailheaders, user tools
    compiz-fusion-bcop?Compiz Fusion option code generator
    composite?Live performance sequencer
    composite-data?Live performance sequencer (data files)
    composite-dbg?Live performance sequencer (debugging symbols)
    comprez?frontend to many compression programs
    concalc?console calculator
    concordance?Harmony remote configuration tool
    condor?distributed workload management system
    condor-dbg?distributed workload management system - debugging symbols
    condor-dev?distributed workload management system - development files
    condor-doc?distributed workload management system - documentation
    conduit?synchronization tool for GNOME
    cone?COnsole Newsreader and Emailer
    confclerk?offline conference schedule application
    confget?read variables from INI-style configuration files
    config-manager?manage directories with Arch, Bazaar, CVS, HTTP, FTP and/or Subversion
    config-package-dev?CDBS modules for building configuration packages
    configfile-doc?transitional dummy package
    configure-debian?central configuration program for packages using debconf
    confluence?language for synchronous reactive hardware system design
    congruity?graphical utility to configure Logitech Harmony remotes
    conkeror?keyboard focused web browser with Emacs look and feel
    conkeror-spawn-process-helper?spawn external processes in Conkeror
    conkyhighly configurable system monitor (transitional package)
    conky-cli?highly configurable system monitor (basic version)
    conky-std?highly configurable system monitor (default version)
    connect-proxyEstablish TCP connection using SOCKS4/5 or HTTP tunnel
    connectagram?word unscrambling game
    connectomeviewer?Interactive Analysis and Visualization for MR Connectomics
    connman?Intel Connection Manager daemon
    connman-dev?Development files for connman
    connman-doc?ConnMan documentation
    conntrack?Program to modify the conntrack tables
    conntrackd?Connection tracking daemon
    cons?a Perl replacement for Make
    console-braille?Fonts and keymaps for reading/typing unicode braille
    console-common?basic infrastructure for text console configuration
    console-cyrillic?Better Cyrillic support for Linux console
    console-datakeymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools
    console-log?Puts a logfile pager on virtual consoles
    console-setupconsole font and keymap setup program
    console-setup-freebsd?FreeBSD specific part of console-setup
    console-setup-linux?Linux specific part of console-setup
    console-setup-mini?console font and keymap setup program - reduced version for Linux
    console-toolsLinux console and font utilities
    console-tools-dev?Development files for Linux console and font manipulation
    consolekit?framework for defining and tracking users, sessions and seats
    conspy?Remote control of Linux virtual consoles
    contacts?lightweight addressbook
    context?powerful TeX format
    context-modules?additional ConTeXt? modules
    contextfree?image generator based on context-free grammars
    controlaula?classroom management tool
    convert-pgn?chess book format converter
    convertall?very flexible unit converter
    convlit?convert Microsoft Reader .LIT files to HTML
    convmvfilename encoding conversion tool
    cook?Powerful make replacement
    cook-doc?Documentation for cook
    cook-rsh?Remote execution scripts for cook
    cookie-cadger?Cookie auditing tool for wired and wireless networks
    cookietool?suite of programs to help maintain a fortune database
    coolkey?Smart Card PKCS #11 cryptographic module
    coolmail?Mail notifier with 3d graphics
    coop-computing-tools?cooperative computing tools
    coop-computing-tools-dev?libraries and header files for coop-computing-tools
    coop-computing-tools-doc?documentation for coop-computing-tools
    copy-router-config?Copies Cisco configs via SNMP
    copyfs?Versioning filesystem for FUSE
    copyright-update?update copyright information in files
    coq?proof assistant for higher-order logic (toplevel and compiler)
    coq-theories?proof assistant for higher-order logic (theories)
    coqide?proof assistant for higher-order logic (gtk interface)
    coreutilsGNU core utilities
    coriander?control IEEE1394 digital camera
    corkscrew?tunnel TCP connections through HTTP proxies
    corosync?Standards-based cluster framework (daemon and modules)
    corosync-dbg?Standards-based cluster framework (debugging symbols)
    corosync-dev?Standards-based cluster framework (generic devel files)
    cortado?streaming applet for Ogg formats
    cortina?Wallpaper changer for gnome
    couchdb?RESTful document oriented database
    courier-authdaemon?Courier authentication daemon
    courier-authlib?Courier authentication library
    courier-authlib-dev?Development libraries for the Courier authentication library
    courier-authlib-ldap?LDAP support for the Courier authentication library
    courier-authlib-mysql?MySQL support for the Courier authentication library
    courier-authlib-pipe?External authentication support for the Courier authentication library
    courier-authlib-postgresql?PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
    courier-authlib-userdb?userdb support for the Courier authentication library
    courier-base?Courier mail server - base system
    courier-doc?Courier mail server - additional documentation
    courier-faxmail?Courier mail server - Fax<->mail gateway
    courier-filter-perl?purely Perl-based mail filter framework for the Courier MTA
    courier-imap?Courier mail server - IMAP server
    courier-imap-ssl?Courier mail server - IMAP over SSL
    courier-ldap?Courier mail server - LDAP support
    courier-maildrop?Courier mail server - mail delivery agent
    courier-mlm?Courier mail server - mailing list manager
    courier-mta?Courier mail server - ESMTP daemon
    courier-mta-ssl?Courier mail server - ESMTP over SSL
    courier-pcp?Courier mail server - PCP server
    courier-pop?Courier mail server - POP3 server
    courier-pop-ssl?Courier mail server - POP3 over SSL
    courier-ssl?Courier mail server - SSL/TLS Support
    courier-webadmin?Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend
    couriergraph?Mail statistics RRDtool frontend for Courier-{POP,IMAP}
    couriergrey?Mail filter interface of Courier-MTA to support greylisting
    courierpassd?Change courier user passwords using poppassd interface
    covered?Verilog code coverage analysis tool
    covered-doc?Verilog code coverage analysis tool - documentation
    cowbell?An easy-to-use tag editor for your music files
    cowbuilder?pbuilder running on cowdancer
    cowdancer?Copy-on-write directory tree utility.
    cowpatty?Brute-force WPA dictionary attack
    cowsay?configurable talking cow
    cp2k?Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
    cp2k-data?Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (data files)
    cpan-listchanges?package change history notification tool
    cpanminus?script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
    cpioGNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
    cpio-win32?GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files (win32 build)
    cpipe?counting pipe
    cplay?A front-end for various audio players
    cpm?Curses based password manager using PGP-encryption
    cpmtools?Tools to access CP/M file systems
    cppGNU C preprocessor (cpp)
    cpp-4.4?GNU C preprocessor
    cpp-4.6?GNU C preprocessor
    cpp-4.7?GNU C preprocessor
    cppcheck?tool for static C/C++ code analysis
    cpphs?Simplified cpp-a-like preprocessor for Haskell
    cppo?cpp for OCaml
    cpputest?C/C++ based unit test framework — main package
    cpqarrayd?monitoring tool for HP (Compaq) SmartArray? controllers
    cproto?utilities to generate C function prototypes from C source code
    cpu?a console based LDAP user management tool
    cpuburn?Collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU
    cpufreqd?fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling
    cpufrequtilsutilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature
    cpuidIntel and AMD x86 CPUID display program
    cpulimittool for limiting the CPU usage of a process
    cpusetAllows manipluation of cpusets and provides higher level fun
    cpushare?client and server for the CPUShare distributed computing platform
    cqrlog?Advanced logging program for hamradio operators
    crack?Password guessing program
    crack-attack?multiplayer OpenGL puzzle game like "Tetris Attack"
    crack-common?Password guessing program
    crack-md5?Password guessing program
    crackle?Crack and decrypt BLE encryption
    cracklib-runtime?runtime support for password checker library cracklib2
    cramfsprogs?Tools for CramFs? (Compressed ROM File System)
    cramfsswap?swap endianess of a cram filesystem (cramfs)
    crashkernel debugging utility, allowing gdb like syntax
    crashmail?JAM and *.MSG capable Fidonet tosser
    crashme?Stress tests operating system stability
    crasm?Cross assembler for 6800/6801/6803/6502/65C02/Z80
    crawl?Dungeon Crawl, a text-based roguelike game
    crawl-common?Dungeon Crawl, a text-based roguelike game (data files)
    crawl-tiles?Dungeon Crawl, a roguelike game, tiles version
    crda?wireless Central Regulatory Domain Agent
    cream?VIM macros that make the VIM easier to use for beginners
    create-resources?shared resources for use by creative applications
    createfp?Language detection library - fingerprint generation utility
    createrepo?generates the metadata necessary for a RPM package repository
    creddump?Extracts credentials from Windows registry hives
    creepygeolocation information aggregator
    cricket?Program for collection and display of time-series data
    crimson?A hex-based tactical game
    crip?terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool
    criticalmass?Shoot-em-up a la galaxian
    criticalmass-data?Shoot-em-up a la galaxian (data files)
    critterding?Evolving Artificial Life
    crm114?versatile classifier for e-mail and other data
    cronprocess scheduling daemon
    cron-apt?automatic update of packages using apt-get
    cron-deja-vu?filter for recurring cron mails
    cronologLogfile rotator for web servers
    cronometer?Exercise and nutrient intake tracker
    cronutils?Utilities to assist running batch processing jobs
    crossfire-client?Client for the multiplayer roguelike Crossfire
    crossfire-client-images?Base crossfire-client images
    crossfire-client-sounds?sound files for playing crossfire
    crossfire-common?Architecture independent common files for Crossfire server
    crossfire-doc?Documentation for Crossfire
    crossfire-maps?Standard set of maps for crossfire
    crossfire-maps-small?Small set of maps for crossfire
    crossfire-server?Server for Crossfire Games
    crosshurd?Install a Debian system
    crossroads?open source load balance and fail over utility for TCP based services
    crtmpserver?High performance RTMP/RTSP streaming server
    crtmpserver-apps?base applications for the crtmpserver platform
    crtmpserver-dev?Development files for the crtmpserver platform
    crtmpserver-libs?shared libraries for the crtmpserver platform
    cruft?program that finds any cruft built up on your system
    crunch?Password wordlist generator
    crypt++el?Emacs-Lisp Code for handling compressed and encrypted files
    cryptcat?A lightweight version netcat extended with twofish encryption
    cryptkeeper?EncFS system tray applet for GNOME
    cryptmountManagement of encrypted file systems
    cryptsetup?disk encryption support - startup scripts
    cryptsetup-bin?disk encryption support - command line tools
    crystalcursors?X11 mouse theme with the crystal look&feel
    cscopeInteractively examine a C program source
    cscope-el?Interactively examine a C program source, cscope emacs binding
    cshShell with C-like syntax
    csladspa?LADSPA plugin for Csound
    csmash?CannonSmash?, a table tennis simulation game
    csmash-data?data files for the CannonSmash? game
    csmash-demosong?Demo song for CannonSmash?
    csound?powerful and versatile sound synthesis software
    csound-data?data files used by the csound library
    csound-doc?documentation for csound
    csound-gui?GUI interfaces and opcodes for Csound
    csound-manpages?manual pages for csound
    csound-utils?miscellaneous utilities for the Csound system
    css-mode?A Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) editing mode for Emacs
    cssc?Clone of the Unix SCCS revision-control system
    cssed?graphical CSS editor
    csstidy?CSS parser and optimiser
    cstocs?Recoding utility and Czech sorter
    cstream?general-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd
    csv2latex?a CSV to LaTeX file converter
    csvtool?handy command line tool for handling CSV files
    csync2?cluster synchronization tool
    ctapi-dev?Card Terminal (CT) API definition
    ctdb?clustered database to store temporary data
    ctdb-dbg?clustered database to store temporary data -- debugging symbols and test suite
    cthumb?A program to generate themable Web picture albums
    ctioga2?polymorphic plotting program
    ctn?Central Test Node, a DICOM implementation for medical imaging
    ctn-dev?Development files for Central Test Node, a DICOM implementation
    ctn-doc?Documentation for Central Test Node, a DICOM implementation
    ctorrent?BitTorrent Client written in C++
    ctpl?command-line template parsing utility
    ctsim?Computed tomography simulator
    ctsim-doc?Documentation for ctsim package
    ctsim-help?Online help file for CTSim
    ctwm?Claude's Tab window manager
    cucall up another system
    cuba-partview?partition viewer for the Cuba library
    cube2font?utility program for creating font bitmaps for Cube Engine games
    cube2font-dbg?debugging symbols for cube2font
    cuckoo?Automated malware analysis system
    cucumber?acceptance testing framework
    cudf-tools?command line tools for package upgrade problem descriptions
    cue2toc?converts CUE files to cdrdao's TOC format
    cuetools?tools for manipulating CUE/TOC files
    culmus?TrueType and Type1 Hebrew Fonts for X11
    culmus-fancy?Type1 Fancy Hebrew Fonts for X11
    cultivation?game about the interactions within a gardening community
    cup?LALR parser generator for Java(tm)
    cups?Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server
    cups-bsd?Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD commands
    cups-client?Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - client programs (SysV)
    cups-common?Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - common files
    cups-dbg?Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - debugging symbols
    cups-driver-gutenprint?transitional dummy package for gutenprint printer driver
    cups-filters?OpenPrinting? CUPS Filters
    cups-pdf?PDF writer backend for CUPS
    cups-pk-helper?PolicyKit? helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
    cups-ppdc?Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation utilities
    cupsddk?Common UNIX Printing System (transitional package)
    cupt?alternative front-end for dpkg -- console interface
    curlcommand line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
    curlftpfs?filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL
    curtain?handy curtain for the desktop
    curves?colorful console interface for CVS version control
    customdeb?Modfies binary Debian package
    cutecom?Graphical serial terminal, like minicom
    cutesdr?simple demodulation and spectrum display program
    cutilsC source code utilities
    cutter?disconnect routed IP connections
    cutter-glib-support?Cutter GLib integration
    cutter-gtk-support?Cutter GTK+ integration
    cutter-report-module?Test result reporting module for Cutter
    cutter-testing-framework?Cutter testing framework suite (meta-package)
    cutter-testing-framework-bin?A unit testing framework for C and C++
    cutter-testing-framework-doc?Documentation of Cutter
    cutycapt?utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page
    cuyo?Tetris-like game with very impressive effects
    cuyo-data?data files for the game cuyo
    cvc3?Automatic theorem prover for SMT problems
    cvc3-el?Emacs mode for CVC3
    cvm?Credential Validation Modules
    cvm-mysql?Credential Validation Modules (MySQL)
    cvm-pgsql?Credential Validation Modules (PostgreSQL)
    cvs?Concurrent Versions System
    cvs-autoreleasedeb?Automatically release/upload debian packages from CVS
    cvs-buildpackage?A set of Debian package scripts for CVS source trees.
    cvs-mailcommit?Send CVS commitments via mail
    cvs-syncmail?Notification program for CVS checkins
    cvs2cl?CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog? conversion script
    cvs2html?create HTML versions of CVS logs
    cvs2svn?Convert a cvs repository to a subversion, bazaar or git repository
    cvschangelogbuilder?perl utility to generate ChangeLogs? or html cvs reports
    cvsconnect?CVS connection minimizer
    cvsd?chroot wrapper to run 'cvs pserver' more securely
    cvsdelta?Summarize differences in a CVS repository
    cvsgraph?Create a tree of revisions/branches from a CVS/RCS file
    cvsps?Tool to generate CVS patch set information
    cvsservice?D-Bus service for accessing CVS repositories
    cvssuck?inefficient cvs repository grabber using cvs command
    cvstrac?Low-ceremony bug tracker for medium-sized projects under CVS
    cvsutils?CVS utilities for use in working directories
    cvsweb?CGI interface to your CVS repository
    cw?Morse code tutor - command line user interface
    cwcp?Morse code tutor - text user interface
    cwdaemon?morse daemon for the parallel or serial port
    cweb-latex?LaTeX support for CWEB (transitional package)
    cwebx?C/C++ literate programming system (Marc van Leeuwen's version)
    cwiid-dbg?library to interface with the wiimote -- debug files
    cwirc?X-Chat morse plugin
    cxref?Generates LaTeX and HTML documentation for C programs
    cxref-doc?Generates LaTeX and HTML documentation for C programs
    cxref-emacs?Generates LaTeX and HTML documentation for C programs
    cxxtest?lightweight xUnit-like framework for C/C++ applications
    cycfx2prog?Cypress EZ-USB FX2 (LP) programmer
    cyclades-serial-client?Network Serial port client software for Cyclades terminal servers
    cycle?calendar program for women
    cyclist?Utility for converting Max/MSP binary patches to text
    cymothoa?Stealth backdooring tool
    cynthiune.app?Music player for GNUstep
    cyrus-admin?Cyrus mail system - administration tools (metapackage)
    cyrus-admin-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-admin-2.4
    cyrus-admin-2.4?Cyrus mail system - administration tools
    cyrus-clients?Cyrus mail system - test clients (metapackage)
    cyrus-clients-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-clients-2.4
    cyrus-clients-2.4?Cyrus mail system - test clients
    cyrus-common?Cyrus mail system - common files
    cyrus-common-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-common-2.4
    cyrus-common-2.4?Cyrus mail system - common files
    cyrus-dev?Cyrus mail system - developer files (metapackage)
    cyrus-dev-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-dev-2.4
    cyrus-dev-2.4?Cyrus mail system - developer files
    cyrus-doc?Cyrus mail system - documentation files (metapackage)
    cyrus-doc-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-doc-2.4
    cyrus-doc-2.4?Cyrus mail system - documentation files
    cyrus-imapd?Cyrus mail system - IMAP support (metapackage)
    cyrus-imapd-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-imapd-2.4
    cyrus-imapd-2.4?Cyrus mail system - IMAP support
    cyrus-imspd?Internet Message Support Protocol daemon
    cyrus-murder?Cyrus mail system - proxies and aggregator (metapackage)
    cyrus-murder-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-murder-2.4
    cyrus-murder-2.4?Cyrus mail system - proxies and aggregator
    cyrus-nntpd?Cyrus mail system - NNTP support (metapackage)
    cyrus-nntpd-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-nntpd-2.4
    cyrus-nntpd-2.4?Cyrus mail system - NNTP support
    cyrus-pop3d?Cyrus mail system - POP3 support (metapackage)
    cyrus-pop3d-2.2?Transitional package for cyrus-pop3d-2.4
    cyrus-pop3d-2.4?Cyrus mail system - POP3 support
    cyrus-replication?Cyrus mail system - replication (metapackage)
    cyrus-replication-2.4?Cyrus mail system - replication
    cyrus-sasl2-dbg?Cyrus SASL - debugging symbols
    cyrus-sasl2-doc?Cyrus SASL - documentation
    cyrus-sasl2-heimdal-dbg?Cyrus SASL - debugging symbols for Heimdal modules
    cyrus-sasl2-mit-dbg?Cyrus SASL - debugging symbols for MIT modules
    cythonC-Extensions for Python
    cython-dbg?C-Extensions for Python (Debug Build of Cython)
    d-feetD-Bus object browser, viewer and debugger
    d-itg?Distributed Internet Traffic Generator
    d-push?open source implementation of the ActiveSync? protocol
    d-rats?Communications tool for D-STAR amateur radio
    d-shlibs?Debian shared library package building helper scripts
    d52?Disassembler for 8052, 8048/8041, and Z80/8080/8085 code
    daa2iso?The DAA files (Direct Access Archive) to ISO converting tool
    dacco-common?Catalan/English dictionary (xml files)
    dacs?Distributed Access Control System (DACS)
    dacs-examples?Distributed Access Control System (DACS) - example web root
    dact?multi-algorithm compression
    dadadodo?Exterminates all rational thought
    daemon?turns other processes into daemons
    daemonfs?real time monitoring software
    daemonlogger?simple network packet logger and soft tap daemon
    daemontools?a collection of tools for managing UNIX services
    daemontools-run?daemontools service supervision
    dahdi?utilities for using the DAHDI kernel modules
    dahdi-linux?DAHDI telephony interface - Linux userspace parts
    dahdi-source?DAHDI telephony interface - source code for kernel driver
    dailystrips?view web comic strips more conveniently
    daisy-player?player for DAISY Digital Talking Books
    daisy-player-dbg?daisy-player debugging symbols
    dancer-ircd?an IRC server designed for centrally maintained network
    dancer-ircd-doc?Dancer documentation
    dancer-xml?non-conformant docbook-xml to html/latex conversion
    dangen?shoot 'em up game where accurate shooting matters
    dans-gdal-scripts?GDAL contributed tools by Geographic Information Network of Alaska
    dansguardian?Web content filtering
    dante-client?SOCKS wrapper for users behind a firewall
    dante-serverSOCKS (v4 and v5) proxy daemon (danted)
    dapl2-utils?Utilities for use with the DAPL libraries
    daptup?reporter of changes in list of available packages from repositories
    dar?Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
    dar-docs?Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
    darcs?distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
    darcsum?pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches
    darcsweb?web interface for browsing darcs repositories
    dares?rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs (ncurses-interface)
    darkice?Live audio streamer
    darkplaces?Game engine for Quake and similar 3D first person shooter games
    darkplaces-dbg?debug symbols for the DarkPlaces? game engine
    darkplaces-server?Standalone server for Quake-based games
    darksnow?simple graphical user interface to darkice
    darkstatnetwork traffic analyzer
    darktable?virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
    darktable-dbg?virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
    darnwdl?WDL document format viewer
    darts?C++ Template Library for implementation of Double-Array
    das-watchdog?solves system lock-ups by making all processes non-realtime
    dashPOSIX-compliant shell
    dasher?A graphical predictive text input system
    dasher-data?Data files for dasher
    datapm?Data packaging system and utilities
    datefudge?Fake the system date
    dates?calendar optimised for embedded devices
    dav-text?A minimalist ncurses-based text editor
    davfs2?mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
    davical?The DAViCal? CalDAV & CardDAV Server
    davical-doc?The DAViCal? CalDAV & CardDAV Server - technical documentation
    davtest?Testing tool for WebDAV servers
    dawgdic-tools?command line tools for DAWG dictionaries
    db-upgrade-util?Berkeley Database Utilities (old versions)
    db-util?Berkeley Database Utilities
    db4.7-util?Berkeley v4.7 Database Utilities
    db4.8-util?Berkeley v4.8 Database Utilities
    db4otool?native OODBMS for CLI (documentation)
    db5.1-doc?Berkeley v5.1 Database Documentation [html]
    db5.1-sql-util?Berkeley v5.1 SQL Database Utilities
    db5.1-util?Berkeley v5.1 Database Utilities
    dbacl?digramic Bayesian text classifier
    dballe?Database for punctual meteorological data (Command line tools)
    dballe-common?Common data files for all DB-All.e modules
    dbar?general purpose ASCII graphic percentage meter/progressbar
    dbconfig-common?common framework for packaging database applications
    dbd?Netcat clone with encryption
    dbeacon?Multicast beacon
    dbench?The dbench (disk) and tbench (TCP) benchmarks
    dbf2mysql?xBase <--> MySQL
    dblatex?Produces DVI, PostScript, PDF documents from DocBook sources
    dbmix?DJ mixer for digital audio streams
    dbpwaudit?Does online password audits of DB engines
    dbs?Allows Debian source packages with multiple patches
    dbskkd-cdb?SKK dictionary server using cdb for faster access
    dbtoepub?DocBook XML to .epub converter
    dbussimple interprocess messaging system (daemon and utilities)
    dbus-1-dbg?simple interprocess messaging system (debug symbols)
    dbus-1-doc?simple interprocess messaging system (documentation)
    dbus-java-bin?simple interprocess messaging system (Java Binaries)
    dbus-x11simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps)
    dbview?View dBase III files
    dc?The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
    dc-qt?GUI frontend for the dc protocol
    dc3dd?patched version of GNU dd with forensic features
    dcap?Client Tools for dCache
    dcap-dbg?Debug symbols for dcap
    dcap-dev?Client Development Files for dCache
    dcap-tunnel-gsi?GSI tunnel for dCache
    dcap-tunnel-krb?Kerberos tunnel for dCache
    dcap-tunnel-ssl?SSL tunnel for dCache
    dcap-tunnel-telnet?Telnet tunnel for dCache
    dcfldd?enhanced version of dd for forensics and security
    dchroot?Execute commands in a chroot environment
    dchroot-dsa?Execute commands in a chroot environment
    dclock?Digital clock for the X Window System with flexible display
    dcmtk?OFFIS DICOM toolkit command line utilities
    dcmtk-doc?OFFIS DICOM toolkit documentation
    dcmtk-www?OFFIS DICOM toolkit worklist www server application
    dconf-gsettings-backendsimple configuration storage system - GSettings back-end
    dconf-servicesimple configuration storage system - D-Bus service
    dconf-toolssimple configuration storage system - utilities
    dcraw?decode raw digital camera images
    dctrl-toolsCommand-line tools to process Debian package information
    dctrl2xml?Debian control data to XML converter
    ddccontrol?program to control monitor parameters
    ddccontrol-db?monitor database for ddccontrol
    ddclient?address updating utility for dynamic DNS services
    dddThe Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend
    ddd-doc?Additional documentation for the Data Display Debugger
    ddir?display hierarchical directory tree
    ddns3-client?Issues dynamic DNS v3 requests
    ddpt?Dump data to and from storage devices
    ddrescueCopies data from one file or block device to another.
    dds?bridge double dummy solver - frontend
    dds2tar?Tools for using DDS features of DAT drives with GNU tar
    ddskk?efficient Japanese input system for emacsen
    ddtc?Deal with ddts mails
    deal?bridge hand generator
    dealer?bridge hand generator
    deb-gview?GNOME viewer for .deb package files and contents
    debarchiver?Tool to handle Debian package archives
    debaux?Debian Auxiliary Programs
    debaux-debconf?Perl Interface to Debconf
    debbugs?The bug tracking system based on the active Debian BTS
    debconfDebian configuration management system
    debconf-doc?debconf documentation
    debconf-i18n?full internationalization support for debconf
    debconf-kde-dbg?Debconf KDE debugging symbols
    debconf-kde-helper?Debconf KDE GUI frontend tool
    debconf-utils?debconf utilities
    debdelta?diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages
    debdelta-doc?diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages
    debfoster?Install only wanted Debian packages
    debget?download/compile source and binary Debian packages
    debhelper?helper programs for debian/rules
    debian-archive-keyring?GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
    debian-builder?Rebuild Debian packages from source code
    debian-cd?Tools for building (Official) Debian CD set
    debian-edu-archive-keyring?GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
    debian-edu-artwork?Debian Edu themes and artwork
    debian-edu-config?Configuration files for Skolelinux systems
    debian-edu-doc-da?Danish documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-doc-de?German documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-doc-en?English documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-doc-es?Spanish documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-doc-fr?French documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-doc-it?Italian documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-doc-nb?Bokmål documentation from the Debian Edu project
    debian-edu-install?Set d-i values to install Debian Edu without questions
    debian-el?Emacs helpers specific to Debian users
    debian-faq?Debian FAQ
    debian-faq-de?Debian FAQ, in German
    debian-faq-fr?Debian FAQ, in French
    debian-faq-it?Debian FAQ, in Italian
    debian-faq-ru?Debian FAQ, in Russian
    debian-faq-zh-cn?Debian FAQ, in Chinese
    debian-goodies?Small toolbox-style utilities for Debian systems
    debian-handbook?reference book for Debian users and system administrators
    debian-history?Short History of the Debian Project
    debian-installerDebian installer
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-amd64?Debian-installer network boot images for amd64
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-armel?Debian-installer network boot images for armel
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-armhf?Debian-installer network boot images for armhf
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-i386?Debian-installer network boot images for i386
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-ia64?Debian-installer network boot images for ia64
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-kfreebsd-amd64?Debian-installer network boot images for kfreebsd-amd64
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-kfreebsd-i386?Debian-installer network boot images for kfreebsd-i386
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-mips?Debian-installer network boot images for mips
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-mipsel?Debian-installer network boot images for mipsel
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-powerpc?Debian-installer network boot images for powerpc
    debian-installer-7.0-netboot-sparc?Debian-installer network boot images for sparc
    debian-installer-launcher?Debian Installer desktop launcher
    debian-kernel-handbook?reference to Debian Linux kernel packages and development
    debian-keyring?GnuPG keys of Debian Developers
    debian-policyDebian Policy Manual and related documents
    debian-ports-archive-keyring?GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive
    debian-refcard?printable reference card for the Debian system
    debian-reference?metapackage to install (all) translations of Debian Reference
    debian-reference-common?Debian system administration guide, common files
    debian-reference-en?Debian system administration guide, English original
    debian-reference-fr?Debian system administration guide, French translation
    debian-reference-it?Debian system administration guide, Italian translation
    debian-reference-ja?Debian system administration guide, Japanese translation
    debian-reference-pt?Debian system administration guide, Portuguese translation
    debian-timeline?Web-based timeline of the Debian GNU/Linux project
    debian-xcontrol?Extended syntax for debian/control files
    debian-zh-faq-s?Debian Chinese FAQ (Chinese GB)
    debian-zh-faq-t?Debian Chinese FAQ (Chinese Big5)
    debiandoc-sgml?DebianDoc? SGML DTD and formatting tools
    debiandoc-sgml-doc?Documentation for DebianDoc?-SGML
    debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br?Documentation for DebianDoc?-SGML in Brazilian Portuguese
    debianutilsMiscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
    debichem-abinitio?DebiChem? Ab Initio Calculations
    debichem-cheminformatics?DebiChem? Cheminformatics
    debichem-modelling?DebiChem? 3D Molecular Modelling and Visualization
    debichem-molmech?DebiChem? Molecular Mechanics
    debichem-polymer?DebiChem? polymer sequence editors and mass spectrometry
    debichem-semiempirical?DebiChem? Semi Empirical
    debichem-tasks?DebiChem? tasks for tasksel
    debichem-view-edit-2d?DebiChem? 2D structure editors
    debichem-visualisation?DebiChem? 3D Viewers and Calculation Output Visualization
    debirf?build a kernel and initrd to run Debian from RAM
    deblaze?Performs testing against flash remoting endpoints
    debmirrorDebian partial mirror script, with ftp and package pool support
    debnest?Nested Build System of Debian Source Package
    debomatic?automatic build machine for Debian source packages
    debootstrapBootstrap a basic Debian system
    deborphan?program that can find unused packages, e.g. libraries
    debpartial-mirror?tools to create partial Debian mirrors
    debpear?automatically builds and installs PEAR package as Debian packages
    debram?ramified catalog of available .debs
    debram-data?debram's architecture-independent data
    debroster?A package for use at expos.
    debsecan?Debian Security Analyzer
    debsig-verify?Debian Package Signature Verification Tool
    debsums?tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums
    debtags?Enables support for package tags
    debtorrent?bittorrent proxy for downloading Debian packages
    debtree?package dependency graphs on steroids
    decibel-audio-player?simple and nice music player for the GNOME desktop
    dee-tools?model to synchronize mutiple instances over DBus - tooling
    deejayd?Network controllable media player daemon
    deejayd-client?Client library and command line tool to access the deejayd server
    deejayd-gstreamer?Deejayd GStreamer backend
    deejayd-webui?Web interface for deejayd
    deejayd-webui-extension?Deejayd web user interface Iceweasel extension
    deejayd-xine?Deejayd XINE backend
    deets?decentralized model-based administration tool
    default-jdkStandard Java or Java compatible Development Kit
    default-jdk-doc?Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (documentation)
    default-jreStandard Java or Java compatible Runtime
    default-jre-headless?Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime (headless)
    defendguin?defender clone with penguins
    defendguin-data?Data files for defendguin
    deja-dupBackup utility
    deja-dup-dbg?Déjà Dup debugging symbols
    dejagnu?framework for running test suites on software tools
    delta?Heuristic minimizer of interesting files
    deluge?bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK
    deluge-common?bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (common files)
    deluge-console?bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (console ui)
    deluge-gtk?bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (GTK+ ui)
    deluge-torrent?bittorrent client (gtk ui transitional package)
    deluge-web?bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (web ui)
    deluge-webui?bittorrent client (web ui transitional package)
    deluged?bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (daemon)
    denemo?gtk+ front end to GNU Lilypond
    denemo-data?data for denemo
    denemo-doc?documentation and examples for denemo
    denyhosts?Utility to help sys admins thwart SSH crackers
    depqbf?solver for quantified boolean formulae
    deps-tools-cli?DEPS command-line tools
    derivations?book: Derivations of Applied Mathematics
    desklaunch?A small utility for creating desktop icons
    deskmenu?A root menu for X11 window managers
    desktop-basecommon files for the Debian Desktop
    desktop-file-utilsUtilities for .desktop files
    desktop-profiles?framework for setting up desktop profiles
    desktopnova?utility that changes the wallpaper automatically
    desktopnova-module-gnome?GNOME module for DesktopNova?
    desktopnova-module-xfce?Xfce module for DesktopNova?
    desktopnova-tray?tray icon for DesktopNova?
    desmume?Nintendo DS emulator
    desproxy?tunnel TCP traffic through a HTTP proxy
    detox?utility to replace problematic characters in filenames
    deutex?composition tool for doom-style WAD files
    devede?simple application to create Video DVDs
    develock-el?additional font-lock keywords for the developers on Emacs
    developers-reference?guidelines and information for Debian developers
    developers-reference-de?guidelines and information for Debian developers, in German
    developers-reference-fr?guidelines and information for Debian developers, in French
    developers-reference-ja?guidelines and information for Debian developers, in Japanese
    devhelp?GNOME developers help program
    devhelp-common?Common files for devhelp and its library
    device-tree-compilerDevice Tree Compiler for Flat Device Trees
    device3dfx-source?Linux 2.2+ device driver source for 3Dfx boards
    devilspie?find windows and perform actions on them
    devilspie2?LUA-based window matching utility
    devio?correctly read (or write) a region of a block device
    devrplay3?rplay network audio system - basic library
    devscripts?scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
    devscripts-el?Emacs wrappers for the commands in devscripts
    devtodo?hierarchical, prioritised todo list manager
    dex2jarTools to work with android .dex and java .class files
    dfc?display file system usage using graph and colors
    dff?Powerful, efficient and modular digital forensic framework
    dfo?Desktop Flickr Organizer for GNOME
    dfu-programmerdevice firmware update (DFU) based USB programmer for Atmel chips
    dfu-utilDevice firmware update (DFU 1.0) USB programmer
    dh-ada-library?Debian helper for Ada libraries
    dh-apparmor?AppArmor debhelper routines
    dh-autoreconfdebhelper add-on to call autoreconf and clean up after the build
    dh-buildinfo?Debhelper addon to track package versions used to build a package
    dh-consoledata?debhelper-based script to help packaging console data files
    dh-di?Debhelper addon for debian-installer
    dh-exec?Scripts to help with executable debhelper files
    dh-kpatches?Debhelper script to help packaging kernel patches
    dh-linktree?Create symlink trees within a Debian package
    dh-lisp?Debhelper to support Common Lisp related packages
    dh-lua?helper tools for maintaining Lua-related packages
    dh-maketool that converts source archives into Debian package source
    dh-make-drupal?Create Debian packages from Drupal modules and themes
    dh-make-perl?helper for creating Debian packages from perl modules
    dh-make-php?Creates Debian source packages for PHP PEAR and PECL extensions
    dh-metainit?Debhelper addon to install and register a metainit file
    dh-ocaml?helper tools for maintaining OCaml-related Debian packages
    dh-systemd?debhelper add-on to handle systemd unit files
    dh-xsp?debhelper add-on to handle ASP.NET sites
    dhcp-helper?A DHCP relay agent
    dhcp-probe?network DHCP or BootP server discover
    dhcpcdDHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking
    dhcpcd-dbus?DBus bindings for dhcpcd
    dhcpcd-gtk?GTK+ frontend for dhcpcd and wpa_supplicant
    dhcpcd5RFC2131 compliant DHCP client with IPv4LL support
    dhcpdump?Parse DHCP packets from tcpdump
    dhcpig?DHCP exhaustion script
    dhcpingDHCP Daemon Ping Program
    dhelp?online help system
    dhex?ncurses based hex editor with diff mode
    dhis-client?Dynamic Host Information System - client
    dhis-dns-engine?Dynamic Host Information System - DNS engine
    dhis-mx-sendmail-engine?Dynamic Host Information System - sendmail MX engine
    dhis-server?Dynamic Host Information System - server
    dhis-tools-dns?Dynamic Host Information System - DNS configuration tools
    dhis-tools-genkeys?Dynamic Host Information System - key generation tools
    di?advanced df like disk information utility
    di-netboot-assistant?Debian-Installer netboot assistant
    dia?Diagram editor
    dia-common?Diagram editor (common files)
    dia-gnome?Diagram editor (GNOME version)
    dia-libs?Diagram editor (library files)
    dia-shapes?Diagram editor
    dia2code?a dia-UML code generator
    diakonos?Customizable, usable console-based text editor
    dialign?Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
    dialign-tx?Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
    dialign-tx-data?Common data files for dialign-tx
    dialog?Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
    diatheke?command line bible browsing and search tool
    dibbler-client?portable DHCPv6 client
    dibbler-doc?documentation for Dibbler
    dibbler-relay?portable DHCPv6 relay
    dibbler-server?portable DHCPv6 server
    dicelab?evaluate the statistical distribution of dice rolls
    dico?RFC 2229 compliant dictionary client
    dico-dev?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (development files)
    dico-doc?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (documentation)
    dico-module-guile?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (Guile module)
    dico-module-mediawiki?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (mediawiki module)
    dico-module-python?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (Python module)
    dicod?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server
    dicom3tools?DICOM medical image files manipulation and conversion tools
    dicomnifti?converts DICOM files into the NIfTI format
    dicompyler?radiation therapy research platform
    dicomscope?OFFIS DICOM Viewer
    dicoweb?RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (web interface)
    dict?dictionary client
    dict-bouvier?John Bouvier's Law Dictionary for the USA
    dict-de-en?German-English translation dictionary for dictd
    dict-devil?"The Devil's Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce
    dict-elements?Data regarding the Elements
    dict-foldoc?FOLDOC dictionary database
    dict-freedict-afr-deu?Dict package for Afrikaans-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-cro-eng?Dict package for Croatian-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-cze-eng?Dict package for Czech-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-dan-eng?Dict package for Danish-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-deu-eng?Dict package for German-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-deu-fra?Dict package for German-French Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-deu-ita?Dict package for German-Italian Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-deu-nld?Dict package for German-Dutch Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-deu-por?Dict package for German-Portuguese Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-ara?Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-cro?Dict package for English-Croatian Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-cze?Dict package for English-Czech Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-deu?Dict package for English-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-fra?Dict package for English-French Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-hin?Dict package for English-Hindi Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-hun?Dict package for English-Hungarian Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-iri?Dict package for English-Irish Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-ita?Dict package for English-Italian Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-lat?Dict package for English-Latin Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-nld?Dict package for English-Dutch Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-por?Dict package for English-Portuguese Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-rom?Dict package for English-Romanian Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-rus?Dict package for English-Russian Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-scr?Dict package for English-Serbo-Croat Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-spa?Dict package for English-Spanish Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-swa?Dict package for English-Swahili Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-swe?Dict package for English-Swedish Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-tur?Dict package for English-Turkish Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-eng-wel?Dict package for English-Welsh Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-fra-deu?Dict package for French-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-fra-eng?Dict package for French-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-fra-nld?Dict package for French-Dutch Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-gla-deu?Dict package for Scottish Gaelic-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-hin-eng?Dict package for Hindi-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-hun-eng?Dict package for Hungarian-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-iri-eng?Dict package for Irish-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-ita-deu?Dict package for Italian-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-ita-eng?Dict package for Italian-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-jpn-deu?Dict package for Japanese-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-lat-deu?Dict package for Latin-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-lat-eng?Dict package for Latin-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-nld-deu?Dict package for Dutch-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-nld-eng?Dict package for Dutch-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-nld-fra?Dict package for Dutch-French Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-por-deu?Dict package for Portuguese-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-por-eng?Dict package for Portuguese-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-scr-eng?Dict package for Serbo-Croat-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-slo-eng?Dict package for Slovak-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-spa-eng?Dict package for Spanish-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-swa-eng?Dict package for Swahili-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-swe-eng?Dict package for Swedish-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-tur-deu?Dict package for Turkish-German Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-tur-eng?Dict package for Turkish-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-freedict-wel-eng?Dict package for Welsh-English Freedict dictionary
    dict-gazetteer2k?Placeholder package to install entire Gazetteer 2000
    dict-gazetteer2k-counties?Counties Database for the 2000 US Gazetteer
    dict-gazetteer2k-places?Places Database for the 2000 US Gazetteer
    dict-gazetteer2k-zips?ZIP and ZCTA database for the 2000 US Gazetteer
    dict-gcide?Comprehensive English Dictionary
    dict-jargon?dict package for The Jargon Lexicon
    dict-moby-thesaurus?Largest and most comprehensive thesaurus
    dict-vera?Dictionary of computer related acronyms -- dict format
    dict-wn?electronic lexical database of English language for dict
    dictconv?convert a dictionary file type in another dictionary file type
    dictd?dictionary server
    dictem?Dict client for emacs
    dictfmt?utility to format a file for use by a dictd server
    diction?Utilities to help with style and diction (English and German)
    dictionaries-common?Common utilities for spelling dictionary tools
    dictionaries-common-dev?Developer tools and Policy for spelling dictionary tools
    dictionary-el?dictionary client for Emacs
    dictionaryreader.app?Dict client for GNUstep
    dictzip?compression utility for dictionary databases
    didiwiki?simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver
    didjvu?DjVu encoder with foreground/background separation
    dieharder?Random-number generator test front-end
    diet-agent?DIET grid middleware - agent
    diet-doc?DIET grid middleware - developer documentation
    dietlibc-dev?diet libc - a libc optimized for small size
    dietlibc-doc?diet libc documentation - a libc optimized for small size
    diffmon?Tool for reporting changes in system configuration
    diffpdf?compare two PDF files textually or visually
    diffstatproduces graph of changes introduced by a diff file
    diffuse?graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
    diffutilsFile comparison utilities
    diffutils-doc?Documentation for GNU diffutils in HTML format
    digikam?digital photo management application for KDE
    digikam-data?digiKam architecture-independant data
    digikam-dbg?debugging symbols for digiKam
    digikam-doc?handbook for digiKam
    digitemp?read temperature sensors in a 1-Wire net
    dillo?Small and fast web browser
    dimbl?Distributed Memory Based Learner
    dime?DXF Import, Manipulation, and Export programs
    ding?Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk)
    dino?Integrated MIDI piano roll editor and sequencer engine
    diod?I/O forwarding server for 9P
    diploma?Write scientific papers with Debian
    dir2ogg?audio file converter into ogg-vorbis format
    dirac?open and royalty free high quality video codec - commandline utilities
    dirb?URL bruteforcing tool
    dirbuster?Web server directory brute-forcer
    dircproxy?IRC proxy for people who use IRC from different workstations
    dirdiff?Display and merge changes between two directory trees
    directoryassistant?small LDAP address book manager
    directvnc?VNC client using the framebuffer as display
    dirmngr?server for managing certificate revocation lists
    dirvish?Filesystem based backup system using rsync
    dis51?Disassembler for 8051 code in Intel Hex format
    disc-cover?produces covers for audio CDs
    discount?Implementation of Markdown markup language in C
    discover?hardware identification system
    discover-data?Data lists for Discover hardware detection system
    discus?pretty version of df(1) command
    dish?diligence/distributed shell for parallel sysadmin
    disk-manager?simple graphical filesystem configurator
    disktype?detection of content format of a disk or disk image
    disper?display switcher for attaching/detaching displays easily
    display-dhammapada?fortune-like collection of Buddhist sayings
    dissy?graphical frontend for objdump
    dist?Tools for developing, maintaining and distributing software.
    distccsimple distributed compiler client and server
    distcc-pump?pump mode for distcc a distributed compiler client and server
    distccmon-gnome?GTK+ monitor for distcc a distributed client and server
    distorm3?Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64
    distro-info?provides information about the distributions' releases
    distro-info-data?information about the distributions' releases (data files)
    disulfinder?cysteines disulfide bonding state and connectivity predictor
    disulfinder-data?data files for predictor of disulfide bonds in proteins
    dita-ot?transforms DITA content (maps and topics) into deliverable formats
    dita-ot-doc?DITA Open Toolkit (documentation)
    ditaa?convert ASCII diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
    ditrack?lightweight distributed issue tracking system
    ditz?distributed issue tracker
    diveintopython?free Python book for experienced programmers
    diveintopython-zh?free Python book for experienced programmers (zh translation)
    diveintopython3?Book for learning Python 3
    divxcomp?bitrate calculator for DivX;-) movies written in perl
    dizzy?Graphics demo that makes you dizzy using rotating textures
    djagios?A package to help configure nagios written in Django
    django-ajax-selects?Django library for editing fields with autocomplete
    django-filter?Django library for filtering Django QuerySets? based on user selections
    django-tables?Django library for rendering Django QuerySets?
    djmount?file system client for mounting network media servers
    djtools?tools for HP DeskJet? printer
    djview?Transition package, djview3 to djview4
    djview-plugin?Browser plugin for the DjVu image format
    djview3?Transition package, djview3 to djview4
    djview4?Viewer for the DjVu image format
    djvulibre-bin?Utilities for the DjVu image format
    djvulibre-dbg?Debug symbols for the DjVu image format
    djvulibre-desktop?Desktop support for the DjVu image format
    djvulibre-plugin?Transition package, djvulibre-plugin to djview-plugin
    djvuserve?CGI program for unbundling DjVu files on the fly
    djvusmooth?graphical editor for DjVu
    dkimproxy?an SMTP-proxy that signs and/or verifies emails, using the Mail::DKIM module
    dkmsDynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
    dkopp?Full and incremental backup to DVD
    dl10n?Debian infrastructure and tools for localization
    dlint?Checks dns zone information using nameserver lookups
    dlm-pcmk?Red Hat cluster suite - DLM pacemaker module
    dlocate?fast alternative to dpkg -L and dpkg -S
    dlz-ldap-enum?Plug-in for bind9 that uses LDAP data to fulfill ENUM requests
    dmake?make utility used to build OpenOffice.org
    dmeventd?Linux Kernel Device Mapper event daemon
    dmg2img?Tool for converting compress dmg files to hfsplus images
    dmidecodeSMBIOS/DMI table decoder
    dmidecode-dbg?SMBIOS/DMI table decoder (debug)
    dmitry?Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
    dmraid?Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool
    dmsetup?Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
    dmtcp?Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes
    dmtcp-dbg?Debug package for dmtcp
    dmucs?distributed compilation system for use with distcc
    dmz-cursor-theme?Style neutral, scalable cursor theme
    dnet-common?Base package for Linux DECnet
    dnet-progs?DECnet user programs and daemons
    dnmap?Distributed nmap framework
    dns-browse?Front-ends to DNS search
    dns-flood-detector?detect abusive usage levels on high traffic nameservers
    dns2tcp?TCP over DNS tunnel client and server
    dns323-firmware-tools?build and manipulate firmware images for the DNS-323
    dnschef?DNS proxy for penetration testers
    dnsenum?Tool to enumerate domain DNS information
    dnshistory?Translating and storing of IP addresses from log files
    dnsmapDNS domain name brute forcing tool
    dnsmasqSmall caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server
    dnsmasq-base?Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server
    dnsmasq-utils?Utilities for manipulating DHCP leases
    dnsproxy?proxy for DNS queries
    dnsrecon?A powerful DNS enumeration script
    dnssec-tools?DNSSEC tools, applications and wrappers
    dnstop?console tool to analyze DNS traffic
    dnstracer?trace DNS queries to the source
    dnsutils?Clients provided with BIND
    dnswalk?Checks dns zone information using nameserver lookups
    doc-base?utilities to manage online documentation
    doc-central?web-based documentation browser
    doc-debian?Debian Project documentation and other documents
    doc-debian-es?Debian FAQ translated to Spanish
    doc-debian-fr?Debian Manuals, FAQs and other documents in French
    doc-linux-fr-html?Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in HTML format
    doc-linux-fr-text?Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in ASCII format
    doc-linux-hr?Documentation in Croatian / dokumentacija na hrvatskom
    doc-linux-ja-html?Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in Japanese (HTML format)
    doc-linux-ja-text?Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in Japanese (TEXT format)
    doc-linux-pl?Linux docs in Polish: HOWTO - ascii version
    doc-linux-pl-html?Linux docs in Polish: HOWTO - html version
    docbook?standard SGML representation system for technical documents
    docbook-defguide?DocBook: The Definitive Guide - HTML version
    docbook-dssslmodular DocBook DSSSL stylesheets, for print and HTML
    docbook-dsssl-doc?documentation for the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets
    docbook-ebnf?EBNF module for the XML version of the DocBook DTD
    docbook-html-forms?Extension to DocBook XML for generating html forms
    docbook-mathml?Extension to DocBook XML for using MathML markup
    docbook-simple?simplified DocBook XML Doctype and css stylesheets
    docbook-slides?XML Slides DTD and XSL Stylesheets
    docbook-slides-demo?Demo presentation slides for the docbook-slides package
    docbook-to-man?converter from DocBook SGML into roff man macros
    docbook-utils?Convert DocBook files to other formats (HTML, RTF, PS, man, PDF)
    docbook-website?XML Website DTD and XSL Stylesheets
    docbook-xml?standard XML documentation system for software and systems
    docbook-xsl?stylesheets for processing DocBook XML to various output formats
    docbook-xsl-doc-html?stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (HTML documentation)
    docbook-xsl-doc-pdf?stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (PDF documentation)
    docbook-xsl-doc-text?stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (ASCII documentation)
    docbook-xsl-ns?stylesheets for processing DocBook 5 XML to various output formats
    docbook-xsl-saxon?Java extensions for use with DocBook XML stylesheets (Saxon)
    docbook-xsl-saxon-gcj?Java extensions for use with DocBook XML stylesheets (native code)
    docbook2odf?XSLT based conversions from docbook to Oasis Open Document (openoffice.org)
    docbook2x?Converts DocBook/XML documents into man pages and TeXinfo?
    docbook5-xml?standard XML documentation system for software and systems
    docdiff?Compares two files word by word / char by char
    dockerSystem tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications
    docky?Elegant, powerful, clean dock
    doclifter?Convert troff to DocBook
    doconce?document once, include anywhere
    docsis?generates configuration files for DOCSIS-compliant cable modems
    doctorj?A tool to analyze Java code
    doctrineTool for object-relational mapping in PHP
    docutils-common?text processing system for reStructuredText? - common data
    docutils-doc?text processing system for reStructuredText? - documentation
    docvert?converts word processor files to HTML
    docvert-libreoffice?converts word processor files to HTML using LibreOffice
    docvert-openoffice.org?converts word processor files to HTML using LibreOffice
    docx2txt?Convert Microsoft OOXML files to plain text
    dodgindiamond2?Little shoot-'em-up arcade game for one or two players
    dokuwiki?standards compliant simple to use wiki
    dolfin-bin?Executable scripts for DOLFIN
    dolfin-dev?Empty package depending on latest DOLFIN development package
    dolfin-doc?Documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN
    dolphin?file manager
    donkey?One Time Password calculator
    doodle?Desktop Search Engine (client)
    doodle-dbg?Desktop Search Engine (debug)
    doodled?Desktop Search Engine (daemon)
    doomsday?enhanced version of the legendary DOOM game
    doona?Network fuzzer forked from bed
    dopewars?drug-dealing game set in streets of New York City
    dopewars-data?drug-dealing game set in streets of New York City - data files
    dos2unixconvert text file line endings between CRLF and LF
    dosage?powerful webcomic downloader / archiver
    dosbox?x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS
    doscan?port scanner for discovering services on large networks
    doschk?SYSV and DOS filename conflicts check
    dose-builddebcheck?Checks whether build-dependencies can be satisfied
    dose-distcheck?Checks whether dependencies of packages can be satisfied
    dose-extra?Extra QA tools from the Dose3-library
    dosfstoolsutilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems
    dosfstools-dbg?utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems (debug)
    dossizola?An Isola board game with nice graphics
    dossizola-data?Data files for Do'SSi Zo'la game
    dot-forward?reads sendmail's .forward files under qmail
    dot2tex?Graphviz to LaTeX converter
    dotdotpwn?DotDotPwn? - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer.
    dotlrn?e-learning portal system based on OpenACS
    dotmcp?mcp for s3d
    dots?Braille typesetting program for GNOME
    dotur?distance based OTU and richness estimation
    douf00?lightweight, slim and straight forward Presentation Tool
    dov4l?program to set and query settings of video4linux devices
    dovecot-antispam?Dovecot plugins for training spam filters
    dovecot-common?Transitional package for dovecot
    dovecot-core?secure mail server that supports mbox, maildir, dbox and mdbox mailboxes
    dovecot-dbg?debug symbols for Dovecot
    dovecot-dev?header files for the dovecot mail server
    dovecot-gssapi?GSSAPI authentication support for Dovecot
    dovecot-imapd?secure IMAP server that supports mbox, maildir, dbox and mdbox mailboxes
    dovecot-ldap?LDAP support for Dovecot
    dovecot-lmtpd?secure LMTP server for Dovecot
    dovecot-managesieved?secure ManageSieve? server for Dovecot
    dovecot-mysql?MySQL support for Dovecot
    dovecot-pgsql?PostgreSQL support for Dovecot
    dovecot-pop3d?secure POP3 server that supports mbox, maildir, dbox and mdbox mailboxes
    dovecot-sieve?sieve filters support for Dovecot
    dovecot-solr?Solr full text search support for Dovecot
    dovecot-sqlite?SQLite support for Dovecot
    downtimed?monitor of downtime, shutdown, and crashes
    doxygenDocumentation system for C, C++, Java, Python and other languages
    doxygen-doc?Documentation for doxygen
    doxygen-gui?GUI configuration tool for doxygen
    doxygen-latex?Documentation system for C, C++, Java, Python and other languages
    doxymacs?elisp package for making doxygen usage easier under Emacs
    doxypy?Python input filter for Doxygen
    dozzaqueux?simulator for chemical mixtures
    dozzaqueux-data?databases for chemical mixtures
    dpatch?patch maintenance system for Debian source packages
    dphys-config?Tool to distribute config files
    dphys-swapfileAutogenerate and use a swap file
    dpkgDebian package management system
    dpkg-awk?Gawk script to parse /var/lib/dpkg/{status,available} and Packages
    dpkg-crosstools for cross compiling Debian packages
    dpkg-devDebian package development tools
    dpkg-dev-el?Emacs helpers specific to Debian development
    dpkg-repack?puts an unpacked .deb file back together
    dpkg-ruby?Transitional package for ruby-debian
    dpkg-sig?create and verify signatures on .deb-files
    dpkg-www?Web based Debian package browser
    dpm?Disk Pool Manager (DPM) client
    dpm-copy-server-mysql?DPM copy server with MySQL database backend
    dpm-copy-server-postgres?DPM copy server with postgres database backend
    dpm-name-server-mysql?DPM nameserver server with MySQL database backend
    dpm-name-server-postgres?DPM nameserver server with postgres database backend
    dpm-rfio-server?DPM RFIO server
    dpm-server-mysql?Disk Pool Manager (DPM) server with MySQL database backend
    dpm-server-postgres?Disk Pool Manager (DPM) server with postgres database backend
    dpm-srm-server-mysql?DPM SRM server with MySQL database backend
    dpm-srm-server-postgres?DPM SRM server with postgres database backend
    dpsyco?Debian packages of system configurations
    dpsyco-base?Base package for the debian packages of system configurations
    dpsyco-cfengine?Automate applying of cfengine configs
    dpsyco-devel?Tools to create configuration packages
    dpsyco-lib?Libraries for the debian packages of system configurations
    dpsyco-mysql?Automate administration of access to mysql
    dpsyco-patch?Automatically patch the debian file-system
    dpsyco-samba?Automate administration of access to samba
    dpsyco-skel?Automatically install a add-on skeleton
    dpsyco-ssh?Automate administration of access via ssh
    dpsyco-sudo?Automate administration of sudo privileges
    dpt-i2o-raidutils?Adaptec I2O hardware RAID management utilities
    dput?Debian package upload tool
    draai?A command-line music player for MPD
    drac?Dynamic Relay Authorization Control (pop-before-smtp)
    drac-dev?Dynamic Relay Authorization Control (development files)
    dracutA new initramfs infrastructure
    dracut-network?A new initramfs infrastucture
    dradio?danmarks Radio netradio, podcast, and TV player
    dradis?Collaboration tools for penetration testing
    dragbox?A command line drag-and-drop tool for GNOME
    dragonplayer?simple video player
    drawmap?draws customized maps, using raw USGS data files
    drawterm?graphical client for Plan 9 CPU servers
    drawtiming?tool for documenting hardware designs through timing diagrams
    drawxtl?crystal structure viewer
    drbd8-utils?RAID 1 over tcp/ip for Linux utilities
    drbdlinks?Manages symlinks into a shared DRBD partition
    drbl?diskless remote boot, and a disk cloning utility
    drc?digital room correction
    dreamchess?3D chess game
    dreamchess-data?data files for dreamchess
    dreampie?advanced graphical interactive Python shell
    drgeo?interactive geometry software
    drgeo-doc?Dr. Geo online user manual
    driconf?DRI configuration applet
    driftnet?picks out and displays images from network traffic
    drivel?Blogging client for the GNOME desktop
    drizzle?Server binaries for Drizzle Database
    drizzle-client?Client binaries for Drizzle Database
    drizzle-dbg?Debugging symbols for Drizzle
    drizzle-dev-doc?API Documentation for drizzle
    drizzle-doc?Documentation for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-auth-file?File-based authentication for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-auth-http?HTTP authentication for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-auth-ldap?LDAP authentication for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-auth-pam?PAM authentication for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-auth-schema?Schema authentication for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-debug?Plugin that facilitates debugging Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-dev?Development files for Drizzle plugin development
    drizzle-plugin-gearman-udf?Gearman User Defined Functions for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-http-functions?HTTP Functions for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-js?Javascript plugin for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-json-server?JSON HTTP (NoSQL) interface for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-logging-gearman?Gearman Logging for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-logging-query?Query Logging for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-perf-dictionary?Performance Dictionary for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-query-log?Query logging for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-rabbitmq?RabbitMQ Transaction Log for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-regex-policy?Regex based authorization rules for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-simple-user-policy?Simple User Policy for Drizzle
    drizzle-plugin-slave?Replication Slave Plugin for Drizzle
    drobo-utils?manage data robotics storage units (drobos)
    dropbear?lightweight SSH2 server and client
    drpython?simple and customizable editor for the Python language
    drraw?simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool
    drslib?Command-line tools for the Data Reference Syntax library
    drumstick-tools?Qt4/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer - utilities
    drupal7?fully-featured content management framework
    drush?command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal
    dsbltesters?open proxy/relay testing utilities
    dsc-statistics-collector?DNS Statistics Collector - Collector component
    dsc-statistics-presenter?DNS Statistics Collector - Presenter component
    dsdp?Software for Semidefinite Programming
    dsdp-doc?Software for Semidefinite Programming
    dselect?Debian package management front-end
    dsh?dancer's shell, or distributed shell
    dsniffVarious tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities
    dspam?Scalable, fast and statistical anti-spam filter
    dspam-dbg?debugging symbols for dspam
    dspam-doc?Documentation for DSPAM anti-spam filter
    dspam-webfrontend?Webfrontend for DSPAM anti-spam filter
    dssi-dev?Header file for compiling DSSI plugins and hosts
    dssi-example-plugins?Examples of DSSI plugin
    dssi-host-jack?Example of DSSI host
    dssi-utils?Command-line utilities for sending commands to DSSI plugins
    dssp?protein secondary structure assignment based on 3D structure
    dssp-dbg?debugging symbols for dssp
    dstatversatile resource statistics tool
    dsyslog?advanced modular syslog daemon
    dsyslog-dbg?advanced modular syslog daemon - debug
    dsyslog-module-gnutls?advanced modular syslog daemon - GnuTLS support
    dsyslog-module-mysql?advanced modular syslog daemon - MySQL support
    dsyslog-module-postgresql?advanced modular syslog daemon - PostgreSQL support
    dtach?emulates the detach/attach feature of screen
    dtaus?Paperless money transfer with German banks on floppies
    dtc-xen?SOAP daemon and scripts to allow control panel management for Xen VMs
    dtc-xen-firewall?small firewall script for your dom0
    dtdinst?XML DTD to XML instance format converter
    dtrx?intelligently extract multiple archive types
    duende?logging daemonizer
    duff?Duplicate file finder
    duma?library to detect buffer overruns and under-runs in C and C++ programs
    dump4.4bsd dump and restore for ext2 filesystems
    dumpasn1?ASN.1 object dump program
    dumpet?dump information about bootable CDs and other similar formats
    dumpzilla?Mozilla browser forensic tool
    dunst?minimalistic notification daemon
    duplicityencrypted bandwidth-efficient backup
    dupload?utility to upload Debian packages
    duply?easy to use frontend to the duplicity backup system
    durep?create disk usage reports
    dv4l?Redirect V4L API to access a camcorder from a V4L program
    dvb-apps?Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) applications
    dvb-tools?Collection of command line DVB utilities
    dvbackup?backup tool using MiniDV camcorders
    dvbcut?Qt application for cutting parts out of DVB streams
    dvblast?Simple and powerful dvb-streaming application
    dvbsnoop?DVB / MPEG stream analyzer
    dvbstream?Broadcast a DVB Transport stream over a LAN
    dvbstreamer?a console based streamer for DVB/ATSC service(s)
    dvbtune?Simple tuning application for DVB cards
    dvcs-autosync?Automatically synchronize distributed version control repositories
    dvd+rw-tools?DVD+-RW/R tools
    dvd+rw-tools-dbg?DVD+-RW/R tools (debug)
    dvdauthor?create DVD-Video file system
    dvdbackup?tool to rip DVD's from the command line
    dvdbackup-dbg?debug files for dvdbackup
    dvdisaster?data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media
    dvdisaster-doc?data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media (documentation)
    dvdtape?Create DVD master filesystems on DLT media
    dvgrab?grab digital video data via IEEE1394 and USB links
    dvhtool?Manipulate the volume header on sgi partition layouts
    dvi2dvi?Tweak DVI files
    dvi2ps?TeX DVI-driver for NTT JTeX, MulTeX and ASCII pTeX
    dvi2ps-fontdata-a2n?Font data to convert pTeX's dvi file to jTeX's dvi file
    dvi2ps-fontdata-ja?Font data for dvi2ps-j and dvi2dvi
    dvi2ps-fontdata-n2a?Font data to convert jTeX dvi file to pTeX dvi file
    dvi2ps-fontdata-ptexfake?Fake pTeX TFM files
    dvi2ps-fontdata-rsp?Font data of RICOH SP10 printer
    dvi2ps-fontdata-tbank?Font data of Typebank font
    dvi2ps-fontdata-three?Font data of Adobe Japanese fonts (futomin, futogo, jun101)
    dvi2ps-fontdesc-morisawa5?fontdesc files of dvi2ps for Morisawa Basic-5 type faces
    dvidvi?Manipulate .dvi files
    dvifb?dvi viewer for framebuffer devices
    dvilx?dvi viewer for X
    dvipng?convert DVI files to PNG graphics
    dvipost?Post processor for dvi files supporting change bars
    dvips-fontdata-n2bk?Virtual font data to process dvi files generated by NTT-JTeX
    dvipsk-ja?DVI-to-PostScript translator with Japanese support
    dvorak7min?typing tutor for Dvorak keyboards
    dvsink?programs to sink streams from dvswitch
    dvsource?programs to provide source streams for dvswitch
    dvswitch?basic video mixer for live DV streams
    dvtm?Tiling window management for the console
    dwarfdump?utility to dump DWARF debug information from ELF objects
    dwarves?set of advanced DWARF utilities
    dwb?lightweight webkit browser
    dwdiff?diff program that operates word by word
    dwm?dynamic window manager
    dwoo?PHP5 template engine
    dwww?Read all on-line documentation with a WWW browser
    dwz?DWARF compression tool
    dxOpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) - main package
    dx-doc?OpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) - documentation
    dxpc?differential X protocol compressor
    dxsamples?Sample programs for the OpenDX Data Explorer
    dynalogin-client-php?two-factor HOTP authentication - PHP client
    dynalogin-server?two-factor HOTP authentication - server daemon
    dynamite?PKWARE Data Compression decompressor
    dynare?platform for handling a wide class of economic models
    dynare-common?platform for handling a wide class of economic models
    dynare-doc?documentation for Dynare
    dyndns?dynamic DNS (DDNS) update client implemented in Perl
    dzedit?CERNLIB data analysis suite - ZEBRA documentation editor
    dzen2?General-purpose messaging and notification program for X11
    e00compr?A program to read/write Arcinfo compressed E00 files
    e2fsck-static?statically-linked version of the ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem checker
    e2fslibs?ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries
    e2fslibs-dbg?debugging information for e2fslibs
    e2fslibs-dev?ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries - headers and static libraries
    e2fsprogsext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities
    e2fsprogs-dbg?debugging information for e2fsprogs
    e2ps?Convert plain text into PostScript
    e2tools?utilities for manipulating files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem
    e2undel?Undelete utility for the ext2 file system
    e2wm?simple window manager for emacs
    e3?A very small editor
    eancheck?Check digit validator for EAN/PLU/UPC barcode numbers
    eapmd5pass?Tool for extracting and cracking EAP-MD5
    ears?collection of Last.fm clients and CD-ripping tools
    easychem?Draw high-quality molecules and 2D chemical formulas
    easygit?git for mere mortals
    easyh10?Utility to manage the iRiver H10 music player
    easymp3gain-gtk?GUI for MP3Gain, VorbisGain? and AACGain
    easymp3gain-gtk-dbg?Debugging symbols for easyMp3Gain-GTK
    easypg?yet another GnuPG interface for Emacs
    easytag?viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags
    eatmydatalibrary and utilities designed to disable fsync and friends
    eb-doc?C library for accessing electronic books (documents)
    eb-utils?C library for accessing electronic books (utilities)
    ebhttpd?specialized HTTP server to access CD-ROM books
    eblook?electronic dictionary search command using EB Library
    ebnetd?the server of EBNET protocol
    ebnetd-common?Common files for the EBNETD suite
    eboard?GTK+ chessboard program
    eboard-extras-pack1?additional piece sets and sounds for eboard (pack 1)
    ebook-speaker?eBook reader that reads aloud in a synthetic voice
    ebook-speaker-dbg?ebook-speaker debugging symbols
    ebook-tools-dbg?library and tools to work with the EPub file format - debug symbols
    ebtablesEthernet bridge frame table administration
    ebumeter?Loudness measurement according to EBU-R128
    ebview?EPWING dictionary viewer
    ecaccess?clients to access ECMWF facilities
    ecasound?multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor
    ecasound-doc?documentation files for Ecasound
    ecasound-el?multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (emacs)
    ecatools?multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (tools)
    ecb?code browser for Emacs supporting several languages
    echolot?Pinger for anonymous remailers such as Mixmaster
    echoping?Small test tool for TCP servers
    ecj?standalone version of the Eclipse Java compiler
    ecj-gcj?standalone version of the Eclipse Java compiler (native version)
    ecl?Embeddable Common-Lisp: has an interpreter and can compile to C
    ecl-doc?documentation for Embeddable Common-Lisp
    eclipseExtensible Tool Platform and Java IDE
    eclipse-anyedit?Adds additional tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors
    eclipse-cdt?C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse
    eclipse-cdt-autotools?Autotools support for Eclipse CDT
    eclipse-cdt-jni?C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse (JNI)
    eclipse-cdt-pkg-config?pkg-config support for Eclipse C/C++ development tools
    eclipse-cdt-valgrind?Valgrind integration for Eclipse CDT
    eclipse-cdt-valgrind-remote?Valgrind integration for Eclipse CDT (remote launch)
    eclipse-egit?Eclipse Team provider for the Git version control system
    eclipse-egit-mylyn?Mylyn integration for EGit
    eclipse-emf?Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
    eclipse-emf-examples?Eclipse EMF/XSD examples
    eclipse-emf-sdk?Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - (Source/Documentation)
    eclipse-gef?Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework
    eclipse-gef-doc?Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (documentation)
    eclipse-jdt?Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT)
    eclipse-mercurialeclipse?Mercurial DVCS integration for Eclipse
    eclipse-mylyn?Task-Focused Interface for Eclipse
    eclipse-mylyn-builds-hudson?Mylyn Hudson/Jenkins Connector
    eclipse-mylyn-context-cdt?Mylyn context integration for Eclipse CDT
    eclipse-mylyn-context-jdt?Task support for Eclipse JDT
    eclipse-mylyn-context-pde?Task support for Eclipse PDE
    eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla?Mylyn Bugzilla Connector
    eclipse-mylyn-tasks-trac?Mylyn Trac Connector
    eclipse-mylyn-versions-cvs?Mylyn version control integration for CVS
    eclipse-mylyn-wikitext?Mylyn WikiText?
    eclipse-pde?Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
    eclipse-platform?Eclipse platform without development plug-ins
    eclipse-platform-data?Eclipse platform without development plug-ins (data)
    eclipse-rcp?Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)
    eclipse-rse?Eclipse Remote System Explorer (RSE)
    eclipse-xsd?XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse
    eclipse-xsd-sdk?XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse - (Source/Documentation)
    ecm?prepares CD image files so they compress better
    ecryptfs-utils?ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities)
    ecryptfs-utils-dbg?ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities; debug)
    edclassic UNIX line editor
    ed2k-hash?A tool for generating ed2k-links
    edac-utils?report kernel-detected PCI and ECC RAM errors
    edb?database program for GNU Emacs
    edb-debugger?Linux equivalent of OllyDbg
    edenmath.app?Scientific calculator for GNUstep
    edfbrowser?viewer for biosignal storage files such as bdf and edf
    edict?English / Japanese dictionary
    edict-el?An Emacs interface to Edict
    edisplay?fast image manipulation programs (image viewer)
    editmoin?edit MoinMoin wiki pages with your favourite editor
    editra?simple multi-platform text editor
    edos-debcheck?Check package dependencies (transitional package)
    edos-distcheck?Checks whether dependencies of packages can be satisfied
    edos-rpmcheck?Check package dependencies (transitional package)
    education-astronomy?Debian Edu astronomy related applications
    education-chemistry?Debian Edu chemistry related applications
    education-common?Debian Edu common packages
    education-desktop-gnome?Debian Edu GNOME desktop applications
    education-desktop-kde?Debian Edu KDE desktop applications
    education-desktop-lxde?Debian Edu LXDE desktop applications
    education-desktop-other?Debian Edu non-GNOME- and non-KDE-specific desktop applications
    education-desktop-sugar?Debian Edu sugar desktop environment
    education-desktop-xfce?Debian Edu Xfce desktop applications
    education-development?Debian Edu software development related educational applications
    education-electronics?Debian Edu electronics related applications
    education-geography?Debian Edu applications for geography
    education-graphics?Debian Edu graphics related applications
    education-language?Debian Edu language related educational applications
    education-laptop?Debian Edu laptop packages
    education-logic-games?Debian Edu logic games
    education-main-server?Debian Edu main server packages
    education-mathematics?Debian Edu mathematical applications
    education-menus?Debian Edu menu reorganization
    education-misc?Debian Edu miscellaneous applications for education
    education-music?Debian Edu music and sound applications
    education-networked?Debian Edu networked minimal packages
    education-physics?Debian Edu physics related applications
    education-services?Debian Edu services for educational institutions
    education-standalone?Debian Edu standalone workstation packages
    education-tasks?Debian Edu tasks for tasksel
    education-thin-client?Debian Edu networked thin client packages
    education-thin-client-server?Debian Edu networked thin client server packages
    education-workstation?Debian Edu networked workstation packages
    eeepc-acpi-scripts?Scripts to support suspend and hotkeys on the Asus Eee PC laptop
    eegdev-plugins-free?Biosignal acquisition device library (free plugins)
    eekboek?Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses
    eekboek-db-postgresql?PostgreSQL database driver for EekBoek?
    eekboek-gui?Graphical User Interface for EekBoek?
    eep24c?read and write serial I2C eeprom devices
    efax?programs to send and receive fax messages
    efax-gtk?front end in GTK+ for the efax program
    efibootmgrInteract with the EFI Boot Manager
    eficas?Graphical editor for Code Aster command files
    efilinux?UEFI bootloader
    efingerd?Another finger daemon for unix capable of fine-tuning your output.
    eflite?Festival-Lite based emacspeak speech server
    efp?Escape from Pong NES game
    efte?Advanced lightweight configurable editor
    egg?Tamago Ver. 4 -- EGG Input Method Architecture for Emacsen
    eggdrop?Advanced IRC Robot
    eggdrop-data?Architecture independent files for eggdrop
    eglibc-source?Embedded GNU C Library: sources
    eiciel?graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes
    einstein?Puzzle game inspired on Einstein's puzzle
    eiskaltdcpp?EiskaltDC++ meta-package
    eiskaltdcpp-common?common files for EiskaltDC++
    eiskaltdcpp-daemon?EiskaltDC++ daemon
    eiskaltdcpp-daemon-dbg?EiskaltDC++ daemon (debug symbols)
    eiskaltdcpp-emoticons?emoticons for EiskaltDC++
    eiskaltdcpp-gtk?EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk
    eiskaltdcpp-gtk-data?data files for EiskaltDC++ Gtk
    eiskaltdcpp-gtk-dbg?EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk (debug symbols)
    eiskaltdcpp-qt?EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt
    eiskaltdcpp-qt-data?data files for EiskaltDC++ Qt
    eiskaltdcpp-qt-dbg?EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt (debug symbols)
    eiskaltdcpp-scripts?scripts examples for EiskaltDC++
    eiskaltdcpp-sounds?sound files for EiskaltDC++
    ejabberd?distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written in Erlang
    ejectejects CDs and operates CD-Changers under Linux
    ekeyd?Simtec Electronics UDEKEY01 Entropy Key Daemon
    ekeyd-egd-linux?Transfers entropy from an EGD to the Linux kernel pool
    ekg?console Gadu Gadu client for UNIX systems - ncurses UI
    ekg-gtk?Gadu Gadu client for UNIX systems - GTK+ UI
    ekg2?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems
    ekg2-api-docs?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - API documentation
    ekg2-core?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - main program
    ekg2-dbg?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - debugging symbols
    ekg2-gnupg?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - GnuPG
    ekg2-jabber?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - Jabber/XMPP
    ekg2-remote?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - remote interface
    ekg2-scripting-perl?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - Perl scripting
    ekg2-scripting-python?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - Python scripting
    ekg2-ui-gtk?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - GTK+ interface
    ekg2-ui-ncurses?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - ncurses interface
    ekg2-xosd?instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems - X OSD
    ekiga?H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client
    ekiga-dbg?H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client - debug symbols
    el-get?install and manage elisp code for Emacs
    elastix?toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images
    elastix-doc?toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images - docs
    eldav?interface to the WebDAV servers for Emacs.
    electric?electrical CAD system
    electric-fence?A malloc(3) debugger
    electricsheep?screensaver showing collective dream of sleeping computers
    eleeye?Chinese chess (Xiangqi) engine
    elektra-bin?elektra configuration store, binaries
    elektra-doc?elektra configuration store, API documentation
    elfrc?convert arbitrary files into elf objects
    elfutilscollection of utilities to handle ELF objects
    elib?Library of commonly-used Emacs functions
    elida?pbuilder mail interface
    elilo?Bootloader for systems using EFI-based firmware
    elinks?advanced text-mode WWW browser
    elinks-data?advanced text-mode WWW browser - data files
    elinks-doc?advanced text-mode WWW browser - documentation
    elinks-lite?advanced text-mode WWW browser - lightweight version
    elisa?The Elisa media center application (transitional package)
    elk?scheme interpreter
    elkdoc?documentation for the Extension Language Kit
    elki?Data mining algorithm development framework
    elks-libc?16-bit x86 C library and include files
    elmer?finite element multiphysics suite - binaries
    elmer-common?finite element multiphysics suite - architecture-independent files
    elmer-dbg?finite element multiphysics suite - debugging symbols
    elscreen?Screen for Emacsen
    elserv?HTTP server that runs on Emacsen
    elvis?powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11 support)
    elvis-common?common files for elvis, elvis-console and elvis-tools
    elvis-console?powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (without X11 support)
    elvis-tiny?Tiny vi compatible editor for the base system
    elvis-tools?text editing tools for programmers (elvfmt, elvtags, ref)
    elyxer?standalone LyX to HTML converter
    elza?Script language for automating HTTP requests
    emacsGNU Emacs editor (metapackage)
    emacs-calfw?calendar framework for Emacs
    emacs-calfw-howm?calendar framework for Emacs (howm add-on)
    emacs-chess?a client and library for playing Chess from Emacs
    emacs-goodies-el?Miscellaneous add-ons for Emacs
    emacs-intl-fonts?Fonts to allow multi-lingual PostScript printing from Emacs
    emacs-jabber?Jabber client for Emacsen
    emacs-mozc?Mozc for Emacs
    emacs-mozc-bin?Helper module for emacs-mozc
    emacs-window-layout?window layout manager for emacs
    emacs23?The GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ user interface)
    emacs23-bin-common?The GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture dependent files
    emacs23-common?The GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture independent infrastructure
    emacs23-el?GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files
    emacs23-lucid?The GNU Emacs editor
    emacs23-nox?The GNU Emacs editor (without X support)
    emacsen-common?Common facilities for all emacsen
    emacspeak?speech output interface to Emacs
    email-reminder?Send event reminders by email
    embassy-domainatrix?Extra EMBOSS commands to handle domain classification file
    embassy-domalign?Extra EMBOSS commands for protein domain alignment
    embassy-domsearch?Extra EMBOSS commands to search for protein domains
    ember?3D client framework for the WorldForge? project
    ember-media?3D client framework for the WorldForge? project -- media files
    emboss?european molecular biology open software suite
    emboss-data?data files for the EMBOSS package
    emboss-doc?documentation for EMBOSS
    emboss-explorer?web-based GUI to EMBOSS
    emboss-lib?EMBOSS Libraries
    emboss-test?test files for the EMBOSS package
    emdebian-archive-keyring?GnuPG archive keys for the emdebian repository
    emdebian-crush?emdebian crossbuilding helpers
    emdebian-grip?support for the Grip flavour of Emdebian
    emdebian-grip-server?server-side support for Emdebian Grip
    emdebian-tdeb?Debian TDeb handling scripts
    emelfm2-svg-icons?icon SVG files from emelfm2 project
    emerillon?map viewer for the GNOME desktop
    emerillon-dev?map viewer for the GNOME desktop (development files)
    emesene?instant messaging client
    emma?extendable MySQL managing assistant
    emms?Emacs MultiMedia? System
    empathy?GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client
    empathy-common?GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client (common files)
    empathy-dbg?GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client (debug symbols)
    empire?the war game of the century
    empire-hub?Empire protocol multiplexer
    empire-lafe?Fast line-mode Empire client
    empty-expect?Run processes and applications under pseudo-terminal
    emu8051?Emulator and simulator for 8051 microcontrollers
    enamdict?Dictionary of Japanese proper names
    enblend?image blending tool
    enca?Extremely Naive Charset Analyser - binaries
    encfs?encrypted virtual filesystem
    enchant?Wrapper for various spell checker engines (binary programs)
    enemies-of-carlotta?mailing list manager
    enemylines3?semi-abstract first person 3d-shooter game
    enemylines7?first person 3d-shooter game
    enfuse?image exposure blending tool
    engauge-digitizer?interactively extracts numbers from bitmap graphs or maps
    engauge-digitizer-doc?engauge-digitizer user manual and tutorial
    enigma?A game where you control a marble with the mouse
    enigma-data?Data file for the game enigma
    enigma-doc?Documentation for the game enigma
    enigmail?GPG support for Thunderbird and Debian Icedove
    enna?a powerful MediaCenter? application based on EFL
    enna-dbg?debugging symbols for enna
    enna-theme?data files for Enna, a MediaCenter? application
    enscribe?convert images into sounds
    enscript?converts text to Postscript, HTML or RTF with syntax highlighting
    ensymble?developer utilities for Symbian OS
    ent?pseudorandom number sequence test program
    entagged?Java Audio File Tagger
    enumseq- and jot-like enumerator
    enum4linux?Enumerates info from Windows and Samba systems
    enumiax?IAX protocol username enumerator
    environment-modules?Modular system for handling environment variables
    envstore?save and restore environment variables
    eogEye of GNOME graphics viewer program
    eog-dbg?Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program - debugging symbols
    eog-dev?Development files for the Eye of GNOME
    eog-plugins?set of plugins for eog
    eot-utils?Tools to convert from OTF or TTF to EOT font format
    epdfview?Lightweight pdf viewer based on poppler libs
    eperl?Embedded Perl 5 Language
    epic4?epic irc client, version 4
    epic4-help?help files for epic4 IRC client
    epic4-script-lice?Very functional script for epic
    epic5?epic irc client, version 5
    epic5-script-lice?Very functional script for epic
    epigrass?scientific tool for simulations and scenario analysis in network epidemiology
    epigrass-doc?Documentation for EpiGrass?, a network epidemiology tool
    epiphany?clone of Boulder Dash game
    epiphany-browser?Intuitive GNOME web browser
    epiphany-browser-data?Data files for the GNOME web browser
    epiphany-browser-dbg?Debugging symbols for the GNOME web browser
    epiphany-browser-dev?Development files for the GNOME web browser
    epiphany-data?required data files for epiphany game
    epiphany-extensions?Extensions for Epiphany web browser
    episoder?TV show episode reminder
    epix?Create mathematically accurate line figures, plots and movies
    epm?Cross-platform package builder by Easy Software Products
    epoptes?Computer lab management tool
    epoptes-client?Computer lab management tool (client)
    epsilon-bin?A library for wavelet image compression - tools
    epson-escpr?transitional dummy package for epson-escpr printer driver
    epstool?edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files
    ept-cache?Obsolete commandline tool to search the package archive
    epub-utils?tools to work with the EPub file format
    epwutil?Several utilities for EB(Electric Book)/EPWING
    epydoc-doc?tool for documenting Python modules (documentation)
    epylog?New logs analyzer and parser
    eq10q?LV2 equalizer
    eql?load balancing tool for serial network connections
    eqonomize?personal accounting software for the small household economy
    eqonomize-doc?documentation for the Eqonomize! accounting software
    equivs?Circumvent Debian package dependencies
    erc?an IRC client for Emacs
    eric?full featured Python IDE
    eric-api-files?API description files for use with eric
    erlang?Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language
    erlang-appmon?Erlang/OTP application monitor
    erlang-asn1?Erlang/OTP modules for ASN.1 support
    erlang-base?Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications
    erlang-base-hipe?Erlang/OTP HiPE enabled virtual machine and base applications
    erlang-common-test?Erlang/OTP application for automated testing
    erlang-corba?Erlang/OTP applications for CORBA support
    erlang-crypto?Erlang/OTP cryptographic modules
    erlang-debugger?Erlang/OTP application for debugging and testing
    erlang-dev?Erlang/OTP development libraries and headers
    erlang-dialyzer?Erlang/OTP discrepancy analyzer application
    erlang-diameter?Erlang/OTP implementation of RFC 3588 protocol
    erlang-doc?Erlang/OTP HTML/PDF documentation
    erlang-edoc?Erlang/OTP module for generating documentation
    erlang-eldap?Erlang/OTP LDAP library
    erlang-erl-docgen?Erlang/OTP documentation stylesheets
    erlang-esdl?Erlang bindings to the Simple Direct Media Library
    erlang-esdl-dev?Erlang bindings to the SDL (development files)
    erlang-esdl-doc?Erlang bindings to the SDL (documentation)
    erlang-et?Erlang/OTP event tracer application
    erlang-eunit?Erlang/OTP module for unit testing
    erlang-examples?Erlang/OTP application examples
    erlang-gs?Erlang/OTP graphics system
    erlang-guestfs?guest disk image management system - Erlang bindings
    erlang-ic?Erlang/OTP IDL compiler
    erlang-ic-java?Erlang/OTP IDL compiler (Java classes)
    erlang-inets?Erlang/OTP Internet clients and servers
    erlang-inviso?Erlang/OTP trace tool
    erlang-jinterface?Java communication tool to Erlang
    erlang-manpages?Erlang/OTP manual pages
    erlang-megaco?Erlang/OTP implementation of Megaco/H.248 protocol
    erlang-mnesia?Erlang/OTP distributed relational/object hybrid database
    erlang-mode?Erlang major editing mode for Emacs
    erlang-nox?Erlang/OTP applications that don't require X Window System
    erlang-observer?Erlang/OTP application for investigating distributed systems
    erlang-odbc?Erlang/OTP interface to SQL databases
    erlang-os-mon?Erlang/OTP operating system monitor
    erlang-parsetools?Erlang/OTP parsing tools
    erlang-percept?Erlang/OTP concurrency profiling tool
    erlang-pman?Erlang/OTP process manager
    erlang-public-key?Erlang/OTP public key infrastructure
    erlang-reltool?Erlang/OTP release management tool
    erlang-runtime-tools?Erlang/OTP runtime tracing/debugging tools
    erlang-snmp?Erlang/OTP SNMP applications
    erlang-src?Erlang/OTP applications sources
    erlang-ssh?Erlang/OTP implementation of SSH protocol
    erlang-ssl?Erlang/OTP implementation of SSL
    erlang-syntax-tools?Erlang/OTP modules for handling abstract Erlang syntax trees
    erlang-test-server?Erlang/OTP server for automated application testing
    erlang-toolbar?Erlang/OTP graphical toolbar
    erlang-tools?Erlang/OTP various tools
    erlang-tv?Erlang/OTP table viewer
    erlang-typer?Erlang/OTP code type annotator
    erlang-webtool?Erlang/OTP helper for web-based tools
    erlang-wx?Erlang/OTP bindings to wxWidgets
    erlang-x11?Erlang/OTP applications that require X Window System
    erlang-xmerl?Erlang/OTP XML tools
    erlang-yaws?Erlang application which implements HTTP webserver
    erubis?Transitional package for ruby-erubis
    erubis-doc?Transitional package for ruby-erubis
    eruby?Embedded Ruby Language
    escputil?maintenance utility for Epson Stylus printers
    esekeyd?multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux
    esmtp?user configurable relay-only MTA
    esmtp-run?user configurable relay-only MTA - the regular MTA
    esniper?simple, lightweight tool for sniping ebay auctions
    esorex?Execution Tool for European Southern Observatory pipelines
    esound-common?Enlightened Sound Daemon - Common files
    espctag?ID666 tags editor
    espeak?Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer
    espeak-data?Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: speech data files
    espeak-dbg?Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: debugging symbols
    espeak-gui?graphical user interface for eSpeak
    espeakedit?Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer - editor
    espeakup?Connector between speakup kernel modules and espeak
    esperanza?XMMS2 client which aims to be as feature-full and easy-to-use as possible
    ess?Emacs mode for statistical programming and data analysis
    estic?Administration program for ISDN PABX ISTEC 1003/1008
    esys-particle?Software for particle-based numerical modelling. MPI version.
    etckeeperstore /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs
    eterm?Enlightened Terminal Emulator
    etherape?graphical network monitor
    etherpuppet?create a virtual interface from a remote Ethernet interface
    etherwake?A little tool to send magic Wake-on-LAN packets
    ethstats?script that quickly measures network device throughput
    ethstatus?console-based ethernet statistics monitor
    ethtooldisplay or change Ethernet device settings
    etktab?ASCII guitar tab editor
    etl-dev?Extended Class and Template Library
    etoolbox?Toolbox for LaTeX class and package authors
    etsf-io?Binary tools to check, merge and read ETSF files
    ettercap-common?Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN
    ettercap-dbg?Debug symbols for Ettercap.
    ettercap-graphical?Ettercap GUI-enabled executable
    ettercap-text-only?Ettercap console-mode executable
    etw?arcade-style soccer game
    etw-data?graphics and audio data for etw
    euca2ools?managing cloud instances for Eucalyptus
    eukleides?Euclidean geometry drawing language
    euler?interactive mathematical programming environment
    euler-doc?documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler
    eurephia?flexible OpenVPN authentication module
    eventstat?kernel event states monitoring tool
    evernote-mode?Emacs major mode for editing Evernote directly
    evilvte?lightweight terminal emulator based on VTE
    evilwm?a minimalist window manager for X11
    evinceDocument (PostScript, PDF) viewer
    evince-common?Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer - common files
    evince-dbg?Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer - debugging symbols
    evince-gtk?Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer (GTK+ version)
    evolution?groupware suite with mail client and organizer
    evolution-common?architecture independent files for Evolution
    evolution-data-server?evolution database backend server
    evolution-data-server-common?architecture independent files for Evolution Data Server
    evolution-data-server-dbg?evolution database backend server with debugging symbols
    evolution-data-server-dev?Development files for evolution-data-server (metapackage)
    evolution-data-server-doc?Documentation files for the Evolution Data Server libraries
    evolution-dbg?debugging symbols for Evolution
    evolution-dev?development library files for Evolution
    evolution-ews?Exchange Web Services integration for Evolution
    evolution-exchange?Exchange plugin for the Evolution groupware suite
    evolution-exchange-dbg?Exchange plugin for Evolution with debugging symbols
    evolution-mapi?Exchange support for the Evolution groupware suite
    evolution-mapi-dbg?debugging symbols for the Evolution MAPI provider
    evolution-plugins?standard plugins for Evolution
    evolution-plugins-experimental?experimental plugins for Evolution
    evolution-rss?Evolution RSS Reader Plugin
    evolution-webcal?webcal: URL handler for GNOME and Evolution
    evolver?Surface Evolver
    evolver-doc?Surface Evolver documentation and examples
    evolvotron?Generator of textures through interactive evolution
    evtestutility to monitor Linux input device events
    eweouz?Emacs interface to Evolution Data Server
    ewf-tools?collection of tools for reading and writing EWF files
    ewipe?Yet another presentation tool based on Tcl/Tk
    exabgp?BGP route injector
    exactimage?fast image manipulation programs
    exactimage-dbg?fast image manipulation library (debug symbols)
    exaile?flexible, full-featured audio player
    exaile-plugin-contextinfo?Exaile plugin for contextual information
    exaile-plugin-ipod?Exaile plugin for iPod support
    exaile-plugin-moodbar?Exaile plugin for moodbar
    excellent-bifurcation?abstract vertical shooter with two sides to play on
    execstack?ELF GNU_STACK program header editing utility
    exfalso?audio tag editor for GTK+
    exfat-fuseread and write exFAT driver for FUSE
    exfat-utils?utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem
    exif?command-line utility to show EXIF information in JPEG files
    exifprobe?Read metadata from digital pictures
    exiftags?utility to read Exif tags from a digital camera JPEG file
    exiftran?transform digital camera jpeg images
    exim4?metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
    exim4-base?support files for all Exim MTA (v4) packages
    exim4-config?configuration for the Exim MTA (v4)
    exim4-daemon-heavy?Exim MTA (v4) daemon with extended features, including exiscan-acl
    exim4-daemon-heavy-dbg?debugging symbols for the Exim MTA "heavy" daemon
    exim4-daemon-light?lightweight Exim MTA (v4) daemon
    exim4-daemon-light-dbg?debugging symbols for the Exim MTA "light" daemon
    exim4-dbg?debugging symbols for the Exim MTA (utilities)
    exim4-dev?header files for the Exim MTA (v4) packages
    exim4-doc-html?documentation for the Exim MTA (v4) in html format
    exim4-doc-info?documentation for the Exim MTA (v4) in info format
    eximon4?monitor application for the Exim MTA (v4) (X11 interface)
    exiv2?EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation tool
    exmh?extensible X user interface for MH mail
    exo-utils?Utility files for libexo
    exo-utils-dbg?debugging informations for exo-utils
    exonerate?generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison
    expatXML parsing C library - example application
    expectAutomates interactive applications
    expect-dev?Automates interactive applications (development)
    expeyes?hardware & software framework for developing science experiments
    expeyes-doc-en?User manual for expeyes library, in English language
    expeyes-doc-fr?User manual for expeyes library, French translation
    expeyes-firmware-dev?hardware & software framework for developing science experiments
    explain?utility to explain system call errors
    exploitdb?Searchable Exploit Database archive
    exrtools?A collection of utilities for manipulating OpenEXR images
    ext3grep?Tool to help recover deleted files on ext3 filesystems
    extace?waveform viewer
    extlinux?collection of boot loaders (ext2/3/4 and btrfs bootloader)
    extplorer?web file explorer and manager using Ext JS
    extra-xdg-menus?Extra menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE
    extract?displays meta-data from files of arbitrary type
    extrema?powerful visualization and data analysis tool
    extrema-doc?Documentation for extrema
    extremetuxracer?3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin
    extremetuxracer-data?data files for the game Extreme Tux Racer
    extremetuxracer-dbg?3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin (debugging symbols)
    extremetuxracer-extras?Additional courses for Extreme Tux Racer
    extremetuxracer-gimp-dev?plugins for GIMP for easy development of etracer courses
    extsmail?enables the robust sending of e-mail to external commands
    extundeleteutility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition
    exuberant-ctagsbuild tag file indexes of source code definitions
    eyed3?Display and manipulate id3-tags on the command-line
    ez-ipupdate?client for most dynamic DNS services
    ezgo-accessories?EzGo? Accessories
    ezgo-education?EzGo? Education
    ezgo-games?EzGo? Games
    ezgo-imaging?EzGo? imaging
    ezgo-multimedia?EzGo? multimedia
    ezgo-network?EzGo? network
    ezgo-office?EzGo? Office
    ezgo-tasks?EzGo? tasks for tasksel
    ezmlm-browse?Web browser for ezmlm-idx archives
    ezstream?easy media streaming client over icecast servers
    eztrace?Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - tools
    f-spot?personal photo management application
    f2c?FORTRAN 77 to C/C++ translator
    faad?freeware Advanced Audio Decoder player
    faad2-dbg?freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - debugging symbols
    fact++?description logic reasoner for the semantic web
    facter?collect and display facts about the system
    fadecut?toolset to rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag the resulting audiofiles
    fai-client?Fully Automatic Installation client package
    fai-doc?Documentation for FAI
    fai-nfsroot?Fully Automatic Installation nfsroot package
    fai-quickstart?Fully Automatic Installation quickstart package
    fai-server?Fully Automatic Installation server package
    fai-setup-storage?automatically prepare storage devices
    faifa?manage HomePlug? 1.0/AV devices via ethernet frames
    fail2banban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
    fair?high availability load balancer for TCP connections
    fairymax?xboard compatible chess and chess-variant engine
    fake?IP address takeover tool
    fake-hwclock?Save/restore system clock on machines without working RTC hardware
    fakechroot?gives a fake chroot environment - utilities
    fakepop?fake pop3 daemon. delivers same messages to all users
    fakeroottool for simulating superuser privileges
    fakeroot-ng?Gives a fake root environment
    faketime?report faked system time to programs
    falconpl?Falcon P.L. - command line tools
    falconpl-curl?Curl bindings for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-dbg?Falcon P.L. - debugging symbols
    falconpl-dbi?Database Abstraction Layer for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-dbi-firebird?Firebird SQL database abstraction layer for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-dbi-mysql?MySQL database abstraction layer for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-dbi-postgresql?PostgreSQL database abstraction layer for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-dbi-sqlite3?SQLite3 database abstraction for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-dbus?DBus client functionality for Falcon scripts
    falconpl-dev?Falcon P.L. - development files
    falconpl-dmtx?Falcon module for reading Data Matrix barcodes
    falconpl-gd2?Falcon graphic image manipulation module
    falconpl-gtk?Falcon GTK+ wrapper module
    falconpl-hpdf?Falcon module for generating PDF files
    falconpl-mongodb?MongoDB bindings for Falcon P.L
    falconpl-sdl?Falcon SDL wrapper module
    falselogin?false login shell
    fam?File Alteration Monitor
    famfamfam-flag-gif?Free collection of countries' flags
    famfamfam-flag-png?Free collection of countries' flags
    fancontrol?utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
    fapg?Fast Audio Playlist Generator
    farpd?Fake ARP user space daemon
    fastdep?fast dependency generator for C/C++ files
    fastdnaml?Tool for construction of phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences
    fastforward?handles qmail forwarding according to a cdb database
    fastjar?Jar creation utility
    fastjet-doc?Documentation of FastJet?
    fastjet-examples?Example source files of FastJet?
    fastlink?faster version of pedigree programs of Linkage
    fastlink-doc?Some papers about fastlink
    fasttree?phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences
    fastx-toolkit?FASTQ/A short nucleotide reads pre-processing tools
    fatattr?Utility to control attributes on a FAT filesystem
    fatattr-dbg?Utility to control attributes on a FAT filesystem (debug)
    fatrat?multi-protocol download manager, feature rich and extensible via plugin
    fatrat-czshare?fatrat plugin allowing download and upload to czshare
    fatrat-data?data files for fatrat
    fatrat-dev?development files for fatrat
    fatrat-opensubtitles?fatrat plugin allowing easy subtitle download
    fatresize?FAT16/FAT32 filesystem resizer
    fatsort?utility for sorting FAT directory structures
    faucc?C compiler generating Intel code for 16bit/32bit CPUs
    fauhdlc?experimental VHDL compiler and interpreter
    faumachine?Virtual machine running in user mode
    faumachine-data?Virtual machine running in user mode -- data files
    faust?functional programming language for realtime audio applications
    faustworks?IDE for Faust dsp programming language
    fb-music-high?High quality, large music files for Frozen-Bubble
    fbautostart?XDG compliant autostarting app for Fluxbox
    fbb?Packet radio mailbox and utilities
    fbbdoc?Documentation for fbb, the packet radio mailbox
    fbcat?framebuffer grabber
    fbdesk?desktop icons for window managers
    fbi?Linux frame buffer image viewer
    fbpager?a pager application for the Fluxbox window manager
    fbpanel?lightweight X11 desktop panel
    fbreader?e-book reader
    fbset?framebuffer device maintenance program
    fbterm?A fast framebuffer based terminal emulator for Linux
    fbterm-ucimf?ucimf input method interface for fbterm
    fbtv?television viewer - Linux framebuffer application
    fbx-playlist?graphical editor for FreeBox? playlist
    fbxkb?X11 keyboard indicator and switcher
    fcc?Script to compile C/C++ programs and link to Fortran libraries
    fccexam?Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams.
    fceu?FCE Ultra - a nintendo (8-bit) emulator
    fcgiwrap?simple server to run CGI applications over FastCGI
    fcheck?IDS filesystem baseline integrity checker
    fcitxFlexible Input Method Framework
    fcitx-bin?Flexible Input Method Framework - essential binaries
    fcitx-chewing?Fcitx wrapper for Chewing library
    fcitx-config-common?graphic Fcitx configuration tool - common files
    fcitx-config-gtk?graphic Fcitx configuration tool - Gtk+ 3 version
    fcitx-config-gtk2?graphic Fcitx configuration tool - Gtk+ 2 version
    fcitx-data?Flexible Input Method Framework - essential data files
    fcitx-dbg?Flexible Input Method Framework - debugging symbols
    fcitx-frontend-all?Flexible Input Method Framework - frontends metapackage
    fcitx-frontend-fbterm?Flexible Input Method Framework - FbTerm? frontend
    fcitx-frontend-gtk2?Flexible Input Method Framework - GTK+ 2 IM Module frontend
    fcitx-frontend-gtk3?Flexible Input Method Framework - GTK+ 3 IM Module frontend
    fcitx-frontend-qt4?Flexible Input Method Framework - QT 4 IM Module frontend
    fcitx-googlepinyin?Fcitx wrapper for Google Pinyin IM engine
    fcitx-hangul?Free Chinese Input Toy of X - hangul module
    fcitx-libpinyin?Fcitx wrapper for libpinyin
    fcitx-libs?Flexible Input Method Framework - library files
    fcitx-libs-dev?Flexible Input Method Framework - library development files
    fcitx-m17n?Free Chinese Input Toy of X - m17n module
    fcitx-module-cloudpinyin?Flexible Input Method Framework - cloudpinyin module
    fcitx-module-dbus?Flexible Input Method Framework - D-Bus module and IPC frontend
    fcitx-module-kimpanel?Flexible Input Method Framework - KIMPanel protocol module
    fcitx-module-lua?Flexible Input Method Framework - Lua module
    fcitx-module-x11?Flexible Input Method Framework - X11 module and XIM frontend
    fcitx-modules?Flexible Input Method Framework - core modules
    fcitx-mozcMozc engine for fcitx - Client of the Mozc input method
    fcitx-pinyin?Flexible Input Method Framework - classic Pinyin engine
    fcitx-qw?Flexible Input Method Framework - QuWei? engine
    fcitx-sunpinyin?fcitx wrapper for Sunpinyin IM engine
    fcitx-table?Flexible Input Method Framework - table engine
    fcitx-table-all?Flexible Input Method Framework - tables metapackage
    fcitx-table-amharic?Flexible Input Method Framework - Amharic table
    fcitx-table-arabic?Flexible Input Method Framework - Arabic table
    fcitx-table-array30?Flexible Input Method Framework - Array30 table
    fcitx-table-array30-big?Flexible Input Method Framework - Array30-Big table
    fcitx-table-bingchan?Flexible Input Method Framework - Bingchan table
    fcitx-table-boshiamy?Flexible Input Method Framework - Boshiamy table
    fcitx-table-cangjie?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie table
    fcitx-table-cangjie-big?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie-Big table
    fcitx-table-cangjie3?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie3 table
    fcitx-table-cangjie5?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie5 table
    fcitx-table-cantonese?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cantonese table
    fcitx-table-cantonhk?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cantonhk table
    fcitx-table-cns11643?Flexible Input Method Framework - Cns11643 table
    fcitx-table-compose?Flexible Input Method Framework - Compose table
    fcitx-table-dianbaoma?Flexible Input Method Framework - Dianbaoma table
    fcitx-table-easy-big?Flexible Input Method Framework - Easy-Big table
    fcitx-table-emoji?Flexible Input Method Framework - Emoji table
    fcitx-table-erbi?Flexible Input Method Framework - Erbi table
    fcitx-table-ipa-x-sampa?Flexible Input Method Framework - IPA-X-SAMPA table
    fcitx-table-jyutping?Flexible Input Method Framework - Jyutping table
    fcitx-table-latex?Flexible Input Method Framework - LaTeX table
    fcitx-table-malayalam-phonetic?Flexible Input Method Framework - Malayalam phonetic table
    fcitx-table-quick-classic?Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick-Classic table
    fcitx-table-quick3?Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick3 table
    fcitx-table-quick5?Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick5 table
    fcitx-table-rustrad?Flexible Input Method Framework - Rustrad table
    fcitx-table-scj6?Flexible Input Method Framework - Scj6 table
    fcitx-table-stroke5?Flexible Input Method Framework - Stroke5 table
    fcitx-table-tamil-remington?Flexible Input Method Framework - Tamil Remington table
    fcitx-table-thai?Flexible Input Method Framework - Thai table
    fcitx-table-translit?Flexible Input Method Framework - Translit table
    fcitx-table-translit-ua?Flexible Input Method Framework - Ukrainian Translit table
    fcitx-table-viqr?Flexible Input Method Framework - Viqr table
    fcitx-table-wanfeng?Flexible Input Method Framework - Wanfeng table
    fcitx-table-wbpy?Flexible Input Method Framework - WubiPinyin? table
    fcitx-table-wu?Flexible Input Method Framework - Wu table
    fcitx-table-wubi?Flexible Input Method Framework - Wubi table
    fcitx-table-wubi-large?Flexible Input Method Framework - Wubi-Large table
    fcitx-table-yawerty?Flexible Input Method Framework - Yawerty table
    fcitx-table-zhengma?Flexible Input Method Framework - Zhengma table
    fcitx-table-ziranma?Flexible Input Method Framework - Ziranma table
    fcitx-tools?Flexible Input Method Framework - various tools
    fcitx-ui-classic?Flexible Input Method Framework - Classic user interface
    fcitx-ui-light?light weight xlibs and xft based UI for Fcitx
    fcitx-unikey?Fcitx wrapper for Unikey engine
    fckeditor?rich text format javascript web editor
    fcmp?Free media files for FreeCraft?
    fcode-utils?OpenBIOS FCode utilities
    fcoe-utils?Fibre Channel over Ethernet utilities
    fcrackzippassword cracker for zip archives
    fdclone?console-base lightweight file manager
    fdm?fetching, filtering and delivering emails
    fdpowermon?simple battery power monitor for laptops with ACPI
    fdpowermon-icons?icons for fdpowermon
    fdupes?identifies duplicate files within given directories
    fdutils?Linux floppy utilities
    febootstrap?tool for building supermin appliances.
    feed2imap?feed aggregator (RSS/Atom) which puts items on a IMAP mail server
    feed2omb?Announces new articles in a feed to an open microblogging service
    feh?imlib2 based image viewer
    felix-latin?Latin-French dictionary, by Felix Gaffiot
    felix-latin-data?Scanned pages of Felix Gaffiot's Latin-French dictionary
    felix-main?Execution environment for OSGi Felix Framework
    fence-agents?Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster
    fenics?automation of computational mathematical modeling
    fenix-dev?development environment for making 2D games - header files
    ferm?maintain and setup complicated firewall rules
    fern-wifi-cracker?Automated wifi cracker
    ferret?CASE tool for data model editing
    festival?General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
    festival-czech?Czech support for Festival speech synthesis system
    festival-dev?Development kit for the Festival speech synthesis system
    festival-doc?Documentation for Festival
    festival-freebsoft-utils?Festival extensions and utilities
    festival-hi?festival text to speech synthesizer for Hindi language
    festival-mr?festival text to speech synthesizer for Marathi language
    festival-te?festival text to speech synthesizer for Telugu (te) language
    festlex-cmu?CMU dictionary for Festival
    festlex-ifd?Italian support for Festival
    festlex-poslex?Part of speech lexicons and ngram from English
    festvox-czech-dita?Czech adult female speaker "dita" for Festival
    festvox-czech-krb?Czech child male speaker "krb" for Festival
    festvox-czech-machac?Czech adult male speaker "machac" for Festival
    festvox-czech-ph?Czech male speaker for Festival
    festvox-hi-nsk?Hindi male speaker for festival
    festvox-italp16k?Italian female speaker for Festival
    festvox-itapc16k?Italian male speaker for Festival
    festvox-kallpc16k?American English male speaker for festival, 16khz sample rate
    festvox-kallpc8k?American English male speaker for festival, 8khz sample rate
    festvox-kdlpc16k?American English male speaker for festival, 16khz sample rate
    festvox-kdlpc8k?American English male speaker for festival, 8khz sample rate
    festvox-mr-nsk?Marathi male speaker for festival
    festvox-ru?Russian male speaker for Festival
    festvox-suopuhe-common?Common files for Festival Finnish speakers
    festvox-suopuhe-lj?Finnish female speaker for Festival
    festvox-suopuhe-mv?Finnish male speaker for festival
    festvox-te-nsk?Telugu (te) male speaker for festival
    fet?timetable generator
    fetch-crl?Downloads Certificate Revocation Lists
    fetchmail?SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
    fetchmailconf?fetchmail configurator
    fetchyahoo?Retrieve mail from Yahoo!'s webmail service
    feynmf?set of LaTeX macros for creating Feynman diagrams
    ffado-dbus-server?FFADO D-Bus server
    ffado-mixer-qt4?FFADO D-Bus mixer applets (QT4)
    ffado-tools?FFADO debugging and firmware tools
    ffdiaporama?Movie creator from photos and video clips
    ffdiaporama-data?Data files for ffDiaporama
    ffe?Tool for parsing flat and CSV files and converting them to different formats
    ffindex?simple index/database for huge amounts of small files
    ffindex-dbg?simple index/database for huge amounts of small files (debug)
    ffmpegMultimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder (transitional package)
    ffmpeg-dbg?Debug symbols for Libav related packages (transitional package)
    ffmpeg-doc?Documentation of the Libav API (transitional package)
    ffmpeg2theora?Theora video encoder using ffmpeg
    ffmpegthumbnailer?fast and lightweight video thumbnailer
    ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg?debugging informations for ffmpegthumbnailer
    ffmpegthumbs?video thumbnail generator using ffmpeg
    ffmsindex?Command line tool to create ffms2 index files
    ffproxy?Light and customizable http(s) proxy server with ipv6 support
    ffrenzy?multiplayer platform game with dwarfs fighting with/for food
    fftw-dev?library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
    fftw-docs?documentation for fftw
    fftw2?library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
    fgetty?very small, efficient, console-only getty and login
    fgo?simple graphical launcher for FlightGear?
    fhist?File history, comparison and merge utilities
    fiaif?An easy to use, yet complex firewall
    fierce?Domain DNS scanner
    fig2ps?Converts xfig files into ps, eps or pdf files using LaTeX for processing text
    fig2sxd?convert XFig files to OpenOffice.org format
    figlet?Make large character ASCII banners out of ordinary text
    figtoipe?convert FIG files to XML files for ipe
    figtree?graphical phylogenetic tree viewer
    fiked?Cisco VPN attack tool
    fil-plugins?parametric equalizer LADSPA plugin
    fileDetermines file type using "magic" numbers
    file-kanji?kanji code checker
    file-rc?Alternative boot mechanism using a single configuration file
    file-roller?archive manager for GNOME
    filelight?show where your diskspace is being used
    filepp?A generic perl-based file pre-processor
    fileschanged?command-line utility that reports when files have been altered
    filetea?Web-based file sharing system
    filetraq?Small utility to keep track of changes in config files
    filezilla?Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client
    filezilla-common?Architecture independent files for filezilla
    filler?simple game where two players try to capture half the board
    fillets-ng?puzzle game about witty fish saving the world sokoban-style
    fillets-ng-data?docs, graphics, music and international sounds for fillets-ng
    fillets-ng-data-cs?add-on sounds for Czech language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    fillets-ng-data-nl?add-on sounds for Dutch language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    filo?FILe and stream Operations
    filterA program that filters local email via forward/pipe
    filtergen?packet filter generator for various firewall systems
    filters?a collection of filters, including B1FF and the Swedish Chef
    fim?a scriptable frame buffer and ascii art image viewer
    fimap?LFI and RFI exploitation tool
    finch?text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client
    finch-dev?text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client - development
    findimagedupes?Finds visually similar or duplicate images
    findmyhash?Crack hashes with online services
    findutilsutilities for finding files--find, xargs
    fingeruser information lookup program
    fingerd?remote user information server
    fioflexible I/O tester
    firebird-dev?Development files for Firebird - an RDBMS based on InterBase? 6.0 code
    firebird2.5-classic?Firebird Classic Server - an RDBMS based on InterBase? 6.0 code
    firebird2.5-classic-common?common files for firebird 2.5 "classic" and "superclassic"
    firebird2.5-classic-dbg?collected debug symbols for firebird2.5-classic and -superclassic
    firebird2.5-common?common files for firebird 2.5 servers and clients
    firebird2.5-common-doc?copyright, licnesing and changelogs of firebird2.5
    firebird2.5-doc?Documentation files for firebird database version 2.5
    firebird2.5-examples?Examples for Firebird - an RDBMS based on InterBase? 6.0 code
    firebird2.5-server-common?common files for firebird 2.5 servers
    firebird2.5-super?Firebird Super Server - an RDBMS based on InterBase? 6.0 code
    firebird2.5-super-dbg?collected debug symbols for firebird2.5-super
    firebird2.5-superclassic?Firebird SuperClassic? Server - an RDBMS based on InterBase? 6.0 code
    firedns?Runtime binaries for firedns, an asynch. dns resolver library
    firefox-sage?transitional dummy package
    firehol?An easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall
    firestarter?GTK program for managing and observing your firewall
    firewalk?Firewalk is an active reconnaissance network security tool.
    firmware-linux-free?Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernel
    firmware-mod-kit?Deconstruct and reconstruct firmware images
    fische?stand-alone sound visualisation for Linux
    fish?friendly interactive shell
    fish-dbg?friendly interactive shell (debugging symbols)
    fishpoke?client for the Fishpoll server
    fishpolld?daemon that allows remote script's execution when triggered from the network
    fitscheck?script to detect and fix FITS standards violations
    fityk?general-purpose nonlinear curve fitting and data analysis
    fiu-utils?userspace fault injection framework (utilities)
    fixincludes?Fix non-ANSI header files
    fizmo?Z-machine interpreter for Infocom/Inform games
    fizmo-common?Provides localization data from all default fizmo-related
    fizmo-console?Console-based Z-machine interpreter for Infocom/Inform games
    fizmo-ncursesw?Ncurses-based Z-machine interpreter for Infocom/Inform games
    fizsh?Friendly Interactive ZSHell
    fl-cow?copy-on-write utility
    flac?Free Lossless Audio Codec - command line tools
    flactag?Tagger for whole-album FLAC files using data from MusicBrainz
    flake?Alternative encoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec
    flam3?render and animate FLAM3s and manipulate their genomes
    flamerobin?graphical database administration tool for Firebird DBMS
    flamethrower?Multicast file distribution utility
    flann-doc?Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors - documentation
    flare?single-player 2D action role-playing game, binary
    flare-data?single-player 2D action role-playing game, data files
    flashbake?automated snapshots with git
    flashromIdentify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chips
    flashybrid?automates use of a flash disk as the root filesystem
    flasm?assembler and disassembler for Flash (SWF) bytecode
    flatzinc?constraint problem modelling language
    flawfinder?examines source code and looks for security weaknesses
    fldiff?A graphical diff program
    fldigi?digital modem program for hamradio operators
    fldigi-dbg?debugging symbols for fldigi
    flexA fast lexical analyzer generator.
    flex-doc?Documentation for flex (a fast lexical analyzer generator).
    flex-old?Old version of the fast lexical analyzer generator
    flex-old-doc?Documentation for an old flex (a fast lexical analyzer generator)
    flexbackup?Flexible backup tool for small to medium sized installations
    flexc++?Flex-style scanner generator for C++
    flexloader?utility to configure SRAM based ALTERA devices
    flexml?Fast validating XML processors and applications generator
    flickrbackup?Simple tool to perform a backup of your photos in flickr
    flickrfs?virtual filesystem for flickr online photosharing service
    flight-of-the-amazon-queen?a fantasy adventure game
    flim?library about internet message for emacsen
    flip?convert text file line endings between Unix and DOS formats
    flite?Small run-time speech synthesis engine
    flite1-dev?Small run-time speech synthesis engine - development files
    floatbg?slowly modify the color of the X root window
    flobopuyo?Clone of the PuyoPuyo? game
    flog?dump STDIN to file and reopen on SIGHUP
    floppyd?Daemon for remote access to floppy drives
    florence?extensible and scalable virtual keyboard for GNOME
    flow-tools?collects and processes NetFlow? data
    flow-tools-dev?development files for flow-tools
    flowscan?flow-based IP traffic analysis and visualization tool
    flowscan-cuflow?Flowscan module combining CampusIO and SubNetIO
    flowscan-cugrapher?CGI interface for flowscan-cuflow
    flpsed?a WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor
    fltk1.1-doc?Fast Light Toolkit - documentation
    fltk1.1-games?Fast Light Toolkit - example games: checkers, sudoku
    fltk1.3-doc?Fast Light Toolkit - documentation
    fltk1.3-games?Fast Light Toolkit - example games: checkers, sudoku
    fluid?Fast Light Toolkit - user interface designer
    fluid-soundfont-gm?Fluid (R3) General MIDI SoundFont (GM)
    fluid-soundfont-gs?Fluid (R3) General MIDI SoundFont (GS)
    fluidsynth?Real-time MIDI software synthesizer
    fluidsynth-dssi?DSSI wrapper for the FluidSynth SoundFont-playing synthesizer
    flumotion?Fluendo Streaming Server - manager, worker and admin
    flush?GTK-based BitTorrent client
    fluxbox?Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager
    flvmeta?Metadata injector for FLV video files
    flvstreamer?command-line RTMP client
    flvtool2?a manipulation tool for flash video files
    flwm?Fast Light Window Manager
    flwm-dbg?Fast Light Window Manager (debugging symbols)
    fmit?Free Music Instrument Tuner
    fmtools?FM radio tuner
    fntsample?program for making font samples
    focalinux-html?A full GNU/Linux Portuguese guide (html format)
    focalinux-text?A full GNU/Linux Portuguese guide (text format)
    focuswriter?Fullscreen distraction-free writing program
    fofix?rhythm game in the style of Rock Band(tm) and Guitar Hero(tm)
    folks-common?library to aggregates people into metacontacts (common files)
    folks-tools?Telepathy backend for libfolks - database and import tools
    fondu?convert between Mac and UNIX font formats
    font-hosny-amiri?Arabic Naskh style typographically oriented font (transitional package)
    font-manager?font management application for the GNOME desktop
    fontconfig?generic font configuration library - support binaries
    fontconfig-config?generic font configuration library - configuration
    fontforge?font editor
    fontforge-dbg?debugging symbols for fontforge
    fontforge-doc?Documentation for FontForge
    fontforge-extras?Additional data and utilities for FontForge
    fontforge-nox?font editor - non-X version
    fontmatrix?featureful personal font manager
    fonts-aoyagi-kouzan-t?Brush-style Japanese font
    fonts-aoyagi-soseki?Brush-style Japanese font, Aoyagi-Soseki
    fonts-arabeyes?Arabeyes GPL TrueType Arabic fonts
    fonts-arphic-bkai00mp?"AR PL KaitiM Big5" Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology
    fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp?"AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology
    fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp?"AR PL SungtiL GB" Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology
    fonts-arphic-gkai00mp?"AR PL KaitiM GB" Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology
    fonts-arphic-ukai?"AR PL UKai" Chinese Unicode TrueType font collection Kaiti style
    fonts-arphic-uming?"AR PL UMing" Chinese Unicode TrueType font collection Mingti style
    fonts-baekmuk?Baekmuk series Korean fonts
    fonts-beng?Metapackage to install Bengali and Assamese fonts
    fonts-beng-extra?TrueType fonts for Bengali language
    fonts-beteckna?geometric Futura-like sans-serif TrueType font
    fonts-bpg-georgian?BPG Georgian fonts
    fonts-breip?Informal handwriting font
    fonts-cabin?humanist sans serif font
    fonts-cabinsketch?playful sister of the Cabin font family
    fonts-cantarell?sans serif font family designed for on-screen readability
    fonts-century-catalogue?century-style font revival
    fonts-circos-symbols?plotter for visualizing data - standard fonts
    fonts-cmu?sets the computer modern unicode fonts
    fonts-comfortaa?stylish, modern true type font
    fonts-cwtex-docs?TrueType Font from cwTeX - example documents
    fonts-cwtex-fs?TrueType Font from cwTeX - FangSong?
    fonts-cwtex-heib?TrueType Font from cwTeX - HeiBold?
    fonts-cwtex-kai?TrueType Font from cwTeX - Kai
    fonts-cwtex-ming?TrueType Font from cwTeX - Ming
    fonts-cwtex-yen?TrueType Font from cwTeX - Yen
    fonts-dancingscript?lively casual script with bouncing letters and size changes
    fonts-dejima-mincho?antique-looking Japanese TrueType Mincho font
    fonts-deva?Meta package to install all Devanagari fonts
    fonts-deva-extra?Free fonts for Devanagari script
    fonts-dkg-handwriting?font that imitates Daniel Kahn Gillmor's handwriting
    fonts-dosis?very simple, rounded, sans serif font family
    fonts-droid?handheld device font with extensive style and language support
    fonts-dustin?Various TrueType fonts from dustismo.com
    fonts-dzongkha?TrueType fonts for Dzongkha language
    fonts-ecolier-court?cursive roman font with small descenders
    fonts-ecolier-lignes-court?cursive roman font (with réglure Seyès and small descenders)
    fonts-eeyek?Eeyek TrueType font for Meetei Mayek script
    fonts-evertype-conakry?smart Graphite font for N'Ko
    fonts-f500?Wipeout 3 Font
    fonts-fanwood?font similar to the Fairfield font
    fonts-farsiweb?free TrueType fonts for Persian language
    fonts-freefarsi?FreeFarsi? TrueType Persian fonts
    fonts-freefont-otf?Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono OpenType fonts
    fonts-freefont-ttf?Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
    fonts-gfs-artemisia?greek font (Times Greek-like)
    fonts-gfs-baskerville?ancient Greek font revival
    fonts-gfs-bodoni-classic?smart greek typeface revival
    fonts-gfs-complutum?ancient Greek font revival from the University of Alcalá, Spain
    fonts-gfs-didot?greek font family (Didot revival)
    fonts-gfs-didot-classic?greek font family (Classic Didot revival)
    fonts-gfs-gazis?ancient Greek font (Byzantine cursive hand style)
    fonts-gfs-neohellenic?new Greek font family with matching Latin
    fonts-gfs-olga?ancient Greek oblique font revival (companion to GFS Didot)
    fonts-gfs-porson?Greek font (Porson revival)
    fonts-gfs-solomos?ancient Greek oblique font
    fonts-gfs-theokritos?decorative Greek font
    fonts-gubbi?Gubbi Kannada font
    fonts-gujr?Meta package to install all Gujarati fonts
    fonts-gujr-extra?Free fonts for Gujarati script
    fonts-guru?Meta package to install all Punjabi fonts
    fonts-guru-extra?Free fonts for Punjabi language
    fonts-hanazono?Japanese TrueType mincho font by KAGE system and FontForge
    fonts-horai-umefont?Japanese TrueType font, Ume-font
    fonts-hosny-amiri?Arabic Naskh style typographically oriented font
    fonts-hosny-thabit?fixed width OpenType Arabic fonts
    fonts-inconsolata?monospace font for pretty code listings and for the terminal
    fonts-indic?Meta package to install all Indian language fonts
    fonts-ipaexfont?Japanese OpenType font, IPAexFont? (IPAexGothic?/Mincho)
    fonts-ipaexfont-gothic?Japanese OpenType font, IPAexFont? (IPAexGothic?)
    fonts-ipaexfont-mincho?Japanese OpenType font, IPAexFont? (IPAexMincho?)
    fonts-ipafont?Japanese OpenType font set, IPAfont
    fonts-ipafont-gothic?Japanese OpenType font set, IPA Gothic font
    fonts-ipafont-mincho?Japanese OpenType font set, IPA Mincho font
    fonts-ipamj-mincho?Japanese OpenType font, IPAmj Mincho font
    fonts-johnsmith-induni?OTF fonts with exhaustive set of Roman characters
    fonts-junicode?Unicode font for medievalists (Latin, IPA and Runic)
    fonts-jura?monospaced, sans-serif font
    fonts-kacst?KACST free TrueType Arabic fonts
    fonts-kacst-one?TrueType font designed for Arabic language
    fonts-kanjistrokeorders?font to view stroke order diagrams for Kanji, Kana and etc
    fonts-kaushanscript?script font that feels like writing quickly with an inked brush
    fonts-khmeros?KhmerOS Unicode fonts for the Khmer language of Cambodia
    fonts-kiloji?Japanese Truetype font like longhand made by "kilo"
    fonts-knda?Meta package for Kannada fonts
    fonts-knda-extra?Fonts for Kannada language
    fonts-komatuna?modified Konatu and M+fonts, Komatuna
    fonts-konatu?TrueType Font originally for BeOS
    fonts-kouzan-mouhitsu?Brush-style Japanese font, Kouzan-Mouhitsu
    fonts-lao?TrueType font for Lao language
    fonts-lato?sans-serif typeface family font
    fonts-levien-museum?metal Centaur fonts revival family
    fonts-levien-typoscript?classic ATF Typo Script revival font
    fonts-lg-aboriginal?unicode fonts for North-American Aboriginal languages
    fonts-liberation?Fonts with the same metrics as Times, Arial and Courier
    fonts-lindenhill?Regular and italic serif font
    fonts-linex?Fonts suitable for education and institutional use
    fonts-linuxlibertine?Linux Libertine family of fonts
    fonts-lklug-sinhala?Unicode Sinhala font by Lanka Linux User Group
    fonts-lobster?bold condensed script with many ligatures and alternates
    fonts-lobstertwo?updated and improved family version of the Lobster font
    fonts-lohit-beng-assamese?Lohit TrueType font for Assamese Language
    fonts-lohit-beng-bengali?Lohit TrueType font for Bengali Language
    fonts-lohit-deva?Lohit TrueType font for Devanagari script
    fonts-lohit-gujr?Lohit TrueType font for Gujarati Language
    fonts-lohit-guru?Lohit TrueType font for Punjabi Language
    fonts-lohit-knda?Lohit TrueType font for Kannada Language
    fonts-lohit-mlym?Lohit TrueType font for Malayalam Language
    fonts-lohit-orya?Lohit TrueType font for Oriya Language
    fonts-lohit-taml?Lohit TrueType font for Tamil Language
    fonts-lohit-telu?Lohit TrueType font for Telugu Language
    fonts-lyx?TrueType versions of some TeX fonts used by LyX
    fonts-maitreya?Astrological font for Maitreya
    fonts-manchufont?Smart OpenType font for Manchu script
    fonts-mgopen?Magenta MgOpen? TrueType fonts
    fonts-migmix?High quality Japanese font base M+ fonts and IPA fonts
    fonts-misaki?Japanese Gothic and Mincho font from "Misaki" bitmap font
    fonts-mlym?Meta package to install all Malayalam fonts
    fonts-mmcedar?MMCedar is a combined font that uses Motoya L Cedar and M+ fonts.
    fonts-mona?Japanese TrueType font for 2ch ASCII art
    fonts-monapo?Japanese TrueType font, Monapo
    fonts-motoya-l-cedar?Japanese Truetype font, Motoya L Cedar
    fonts-motoya-l-maruberi?Japanese Truetype font, Motoya L Maruberi
    fonts-mph-2b-damase?font with character ranges from Unicode 4.1
    fonts-mplusM+ sans serif fonts with different weights
    fonts-nafees?nafees free OpenType Urdu fonts
    fonts-nakula?Free Unicode compliant Devanagari font
    fonts-nanum?Nanum Korean fonts
    fonts-nanum-coding?Nanum Coding fixed width Korean TrueType font
    fonts-nanum-eco?Nanum Eco Korean font
    fonts-nanum-extra?Additional Nanum Korean fonts
    fonts-nanum-gothic-light?Nanum Gothic Light Korean font
    fonts-navilu?Handwriting font for Kannada
    fonts-ocr-a?ANSI font readable by the computers of the 1960s
    fonts-oflb-asana-math?extended smart Unicode Math font
    fonts-oflb-euterpe?unicode musical font
    fonts-okolaks?decorative, sans serif font
    fonts-oldstandard?smart font with wide range of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters
    fonts-opendin?Open DIN font
    fonts-opensymbol?OpenSymbol? TrueType font
    fonts-orya?Meta package to install all Oriya fonts
    fonts-orya-extra?Free fonts for Oriya script
    fonts-pagul?Free TrueType font for the Sourashtra language
    fonts-paktype?PakType? free OpenType Urdu fonts
    fonts-pecita?OpenType hand-written font whose letters are connected
    fonts-play?minimalistic sans serif typeface
    fonts-prociono?font similar to the one used for the Debian logo
    fonts-quattrocento?classic, elegant, sober and strong Roman typeface
    fonts-rufscript?handwriting-based font for Latin characters
    fonts-sahadeva?Free Unicode compliant Devanagari font
    fonts-samyak?Samyak TrueType fonts for Indian languages
    fonts-samyak-deva?Samyak TrueType font for Devanagari script
    fonts-samyak-gujr?Samyak TrueType font for Gujarati language
    fonts-samyak-mlym?Samyak TrueType font for Malayalam language
    fonts-samyak-orya?Samyak TrueType font for Oriya language
    fonts-samyak-taml?Samyak TrueType font for Tamil language
    fonts-sawarabi-gothic?gothic font for Japanese
    fonts-sawarabi-mincho?Japanese mincho font - Sawarabi Mincho font
    fonts-senamirmir-washra?collection of unicode fonts for the Ethiopic script
    fonts-sil-abyssinica?smart Unicode font for Ethiopian and Erythrean scripts (Amharic et al.)
    fonts-sil-andika?extended smart Unicode Latin/Greek font family for literacy
    fonts-sil-charis?smart Unicode font family for Roman or Cyrillic-based writing systems
    fonts-sil-dai-banna?smart Unicode font for Dai Banna (Xishuangbanna Dai)
    fonts-sil-doulos?smart Unicode font for Latin and Cyrillic scripts
    fonts-sil-ezra?smart Unicode font for Hebrew
    fonts-sil-galatia?font family for Latin-1 and Greek (polytonic support)
    fonts-sil-gentium?extended Unicode Latin font ("a typeface for the nations")
    fonts-sil-gentium-basic?smart Unicode font families (Basic and Book Basic) based on Gentium
    fonts-sil-nuosusil?Unicode font for Yi (a script used in southwestern China)
    fonts-sil-padauk?smart Unicode font for languages in Myanmar
    fonts-sil-scheherazade?smart Unicode font for Arabic
    fonts-sil-sophia-nubian?smart Unicode font family for Nubian languages using Coptic
    fonts-sil-zaghawa-beria?font for Zaghawa Beria (script used in western Sudan and eastern Chad)
    fonts-sipa-arundina?Thai DejaVu?-compatible fonts
    fonts-smc?Various TrueType fonts for Malayalam Language
    fonts-stix?Scientific and Technical Information eXchange fonts
    fonts-takaoJapanese TrueType font set, Takao Fonts
    fonts-takao-gothicJapanese TrueType font set, Takao Gothic Fonts
    fonts-takao-minchoJapanese TrueType font set, Takao Mincho Fonts
    fonts-taml?Meta package to install all Tamil fonts
    fonts-taml-tamu?TAMu family of non Unicode fonts for Tamil script
    fonts-taml-tscu?TSCu family of non Unicode fonts for Tamil script
    fonts-telu?Meta package to install all Telugu fonts
    fonts-telu-extra?Free fonts for Telugu script
    fonts-thai-tlwg?Thai fonts maintained by TLWG (meta package)
    fonts-tibetan-machine?font for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi (OpenType Unicode)
    fonts-tlwg-garuda?Thai Garuda font
    fonts-tlwg-kinnari?Thai Kinnari font
    fonts-tlwg-loma?Thai Loma font
    fonts-tlwg-mono?Thai TlwgMono? font
    fonts-tlwg-norasi?Thai Norasi font
    fonts-tlwg-purisa?Thai Purisa font
    fonts-tlwg-sawasdee?Thai Sawasdee font
    fonts-tlwg-typewriter?Thai TlwgTypewriter? font
    fonts-tlwg-typist?Thai TlwgTypist? font
    fonts-tlwg-typo?Thai TlwgTypo? font
    fonts-tlwg-umpush?Thai Umpush font
    fonts-tlwg-waree?Thai Waree font
    fonts-tomsontalks?comic lettering font
    fonts-tuffy?The Tuffy Truetype Font Family
    fonts-ubuntu-title?font used to create the Ubuntu logo (2004‒2010)
    fonts-ukij-uyghur?fonts for Uyghur language
    fonts-umeplus?Japanese TrueType gothic fonts, based on Umefont and M+Font
    fonts-unfonts-core?Un series Korean TrueType fonts
    fonts-unfonts-extra?Un series Korean TrueType fonts (extra)
    fonts-unikurdweb?Unikurd Web free Kurdish font
    fonts-uralic?Truetype fonts for Cyrillic-based Uralic languages
    fonts-vlgothicJapanese TrueType font from Vine Linux
    fonts-vollkorn?serif body text type
    fonts-yanone-kaffeesatz?Font in four weights
    fonts-yozvox-yozfont?Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font
    fonts-yozvox-yozfont-antique?Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (antique kana)
    fonts-yozvox-yozfont-cute?Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (cute kana)
    fonts-yozvox-yozfont-edu?Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (educational cana)
    fonts-yozvox-yozfont-new-kana?Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (new kana)
    fonts-yozvox-yozfont-standard-kana?Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (standard kana)
    fonttools?Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML
    fonttools-eexecop?python extension to speed up fonttools
    fonty-rg?Linux console fonts in various encodings
    fontypython?Find, view and manage font files of all kinds
    foo-yc20?YC-20 organ emulation
    foo2zjs?transitional dummy package for foo2zjs printer driver
    foobillard?3D billiards game using OpenGL
    fookb-plainx?An Xkb state indicator -- plain X version.
    fookb-wmaker?An Xkb state indicator -- WindowMaker? version.
    fookebox?web-based jukebox frontend to mpd
    foomatic-db?OpenPrinting? printer support - database
    foomatic-db-compressed-ppds?OpenPrinting? printer support - Compressed PPDs derived from the database
    foomatic-db-engine?OpenPrinting? printer support - programs
    foomatic-db-gutenprint?OpenPrinting? printer support - database for Gutenprint printer drivers
    foomatic-filters?OpenPrinting? printer support - filters
    fop?XML formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO.)
    fop-doc?XML formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (doc)
    foremost?forensic program to recover lost files
    forg?Graphical Gopher Browser
    forked-daapdmedia server with support for RSP, DAAP, DACP and AirTunes?
    formed?formula editor for first-order logic formulae
    fort77?Invoke f2c like a real compiler
    fortune-mod?provides fortune cookies on demand
    fortune-zh?Chinese Data files for fortune
    fortunes?Data files containing fortune cookies
    fortunes-bg?Bulgarian data files for fortune
    fortunes-bofh-excuses?BOFH excuses for fortune
    fortunes-br?Data files with fortune cookies in Portuguese
    fortunes-cs?Czech and Slovak data files for fortune
    fortunes-de?German data files for fortune
    fortunes-debian-hints?Debian Hints for fortune
    fortunes-eo?Collection of esperanto fortunes.
    fortunes-eo-ascii?Collection of esperanto fortunes (ascii encoding).
    fortunes-eo-iso3?Collection of esperanto fortunes (ISO3 encoding).
    fortunes-es?Spanish fortune database
    fortunes-es-off?Spanish fortune cookies (Offensive section)
    fortunes-fr?French fortunes cookies
    fortunes-ga?Irish (Gaelige) data files for fortune
    fortunes-it?Data files containing Italian fortune cookies
    fortunes-it-off?Data files containing Italian fortune cookies, offensive section
    fortunes-mario?Fortunes files from Mario
    fortunes-min?Data files containing fortune cookies
    fortunes-off?Data files containing offensive fortune cookies
    fortunes-pl?Polish data files for fortune
    fortunes-ru?Russian data files for fortune
    fosfat?FUSE library to access Smaky formatted disk (ro)
    fosfat-dbg?FUSE library to access Smaky formatted disk, debug symbols
    fosfat-dev?FUSE library to access Smaky formatted disk, development files
    fossil?DSCM with built-in wiki, http interface and server, tickets database
    fotowall?simple application for creating collages and compositions
    fotoxx?easy-to-use digital photo editor
    foundry?Code generation tools
    foxtrotgps?GTK+ mapping and GPS application
    foxtrotgps-dbg?GTK+ mapping and GPS application (debug)
    foxyproxy?advanced proxy management tool for Iceweasel - transitional dummy package
    fp-compiler?Free Pascal - compiler dependency package
    fp-compiler-2.6.0?Free Pascal - compiler
    fp-docs?Free Pascal - documentation dependency package
    fp-docs-2.6.0?Free Pascal - documentation
    fp-ide?Free Pascal - IDE dependency package
    fp-ide-2.6.0?Free Pascal - IDE
    fp-units-base?Free Pascal - base units dependency package
    fp-units-base-2.6.0?Free Pascal - base units
    fp-units-db?Free Pascal - database-library units dependency package
    fp-units-db-2.6.0?Free Pascal - database-library units
    fp-units-fcl?Free Pascal - Free Component Library dependency package
    fp-units-fcl-2.6.0?Free Pascal - Free Component Library
    fp-units-fv?Free Pascal - Free Vision units dependency package
    fp-units-fv-2.6.0?Free Pascal - Free Vision units
    fp-units-gfx?Free Pascal - graphics-library units dependency package
    fp-units-gfx-2.6.0?Free Pascal - graphics-library units
    fp-units-gnome1?Free Pascal - GNOME 1 units dependency package
    fp-units-gnome1-2.6.0?Free Pascal - GNOME 1 units
    fp-units-gtk?Free Pascal - GTK+ 1.2 units dependency package
    fp-units-gtk-2.6.0?Free Pascal - GTK+ 1.2 units
    fp-units-gtk2?Free Pascal - GTK+ 2.x units dependency package
    fp-units-gtk2-2.6.0?Free Pascal - GTK+ 2.x units
    fp-units-math?Free Pascal - math units dependency package
    fp-units-math-2.6.0?Free Pascal - math units
    fp-units-misc?Free Pascal - miscellaneous units dependency package
    fp-units-misc-2.6.0?Free Pascal - miscellaneous units
    fp-units-multimedia?Free Pascal - multimedia units dependency package
    fp-units-multimedia-2.6.0?Free Pascal - multimedia units
    fp-units-net?Free Pascal - networking units dependency package
    fp-units-net-2.6.0?Free Pascal - networking units
    fp-units-rtl?Free Pascal - runtime libraries dependency package
    fp-units-rtl-2.6.0?Free Pascal - runtime libraries
    fp-utils?Free Pascal - utilities dependency package
    fp-utils-2.6.0?Free Pascal - utilities
    fpcFree Pascal - SDK suite dependency package
    fpc-2.6.0?Free Pascal - SDK-2.6.0 suite
    fpc-source?Free Pascal - SDK source code dependency package
    fpc-source-2.6.0?Free Pascal - SDK source code
    fpdns?remotely determine DNS server version
    fped?Footprint editor
    fpingsends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
    fpm2?password manager with GTK+ 2.x GUI
    fprint-demo?simple GTK+ testing libfprint's functions
    fprintd?D-Bus daemon for fingerprint reader access
    fprintd-doc?development documentation for fprintd
    fprobe?export captured traffic to remote NetFlow? Collector
    fprobe-ng?export captured traffic to remote NetFlow? Collector (meta)
    fprobe-ulog?export captured traffic to remote NetFlow? Collector (ULOG version)
    fqterm?BBS client written in QT4
    fracplanet?Fractal planet generator
    fragmaster?use of psfrag constructs with pdflatex
    fragroute?Test a NIDS by attempting to evade using fragmented packets
    fragrouter?IDS evasion toolkit
    frama-c?Framework for source code analysis of software written in C
    frama-c-base?Framework for C source code analysis (without gui)
    framework2?Metasploit Framework 2
    francine?feature rich ansi console login engine
    fraqtive?draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals
    fraqtive-dbg?draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals (debugging symbols)
    freeaccount?medical accountancy manager
    freealchemist?simpler figure block game
    freebirth?Bass synthesizer/sample player/sequencer
    freebirth-data?Bass synthesizer/sample player/sequencer -- sound samples
    freebsd-buildutils?Utilities for building FreeBSD sources
    freebsd-glue?Emulate a FreeBSD build environment
    freebsd-manpages?Manual pages for a GNU/kFreeBSD system
    freebsd-sendpr?FreeBSD fork of send-pr (from GNU GNATS)
    freecdb?creating and reading constant databases
    freecell-solver-bin?Library for solving Freecell games
    freeciv-client-extras?Civilization turn based strategy game (miscellaneous extras)
    freeciv-client-gtk?Civilization turn based strategy game (GTK+ client)
    freeciv-client-sdl?Civilization turn based strategy game (SDL client)
    freeciv-client-xaw3d?Civilization turn based strategy game (Xaw3D client)
    freeciv-data?Civilization turn based strategy game (game data)
    freeciv-server?Civilization turn based strategy game (server files)
    freeciv-sound-standard?Civilization turn based strategy game (standard sound pack)
    freecode-submit?remote submission of release updates to Freecode.com
    freecol?open source remake of the old Colonization
    freecraft?Realtime fantasy strategy game for Unix and X
    freecraft-dbg?Realtime fantasy strategy game - Debugging simbols
    freedesktop-sound-theme?Transitional package for sound-theme-freedesktop
    freediams?pharmaceutical drug prescription and interaction manager
    freediams-doc-en?FreeDiams? english documentation
    freediams-doc-fr?FreeDiams? french documentation
    freedink?adventure and role-playing game
    freedink-data?adventure and role-playing game (game data)
    freedink-dfarc?frontend and .dmod installer for GNU FreeDink?
    freedink-dfarc-dbg?debugging symbols for dfarc
    freedink-engine?adventure and role-playing game (engine)
    freedink-engine-dbg?debugging symbols for freedink
    freedm?multiplayer-oriented maps for Doom
    freedoom?free game files for the 3D game DOOM
    freedroid?Clone of Paradroid - a strategic shoot-em up
    freedroid-data?Data files for freedroid - a strategic shoot-em up
    freedroidrpg?Isometric RPG influenced by Paradroid
    freedroidrpg-data?Data files for freedroidrpg
    freefem?PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method
    freefem++?Provides the binaries of the FreeFem?++ FE suite
    freefem++-doc?Provides the documentation of the FreeFem?++ FE suite
    freefem-doc?Documentation for FreeFEM (html and pdf)
    freefem-examples?Example files for FreeFEM
    freefem3d?Language and solver for partial differential equations in 3D
    freegish?physics based arcade game
    freegish-data?data for the FreeGish? arcade game
    freegish-dbg?arcade game (debbugging symbols)
    freeglut3?OpenGL Utility Toolkit
    freeglut3-dbg?OpenGL Utility Toolkit debugging information
    freeglut3-dev?OpenGL Utility Toolkit development files
    freehdl?VHDL simulator for Linux
    freeipmiGNU implementation of the IPMI protocol
    freeipmi-bmc-watchdog?GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol - BMC watchdog
    freeipmi-common?GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol - common files
    freeipmi-ipmidetect?GNU IPMI - IPMI node detection tool
    freeipmi-tools?GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol - tools
    freemat?mathematics framework (mostly matlab compatible)
    freemat-data?freemat data files
    freemat-help?freemat help files
    freemedforms-common-resources?common data for the FreeMedForms? project applications
    freemedforms-emr?electronic medical record manager
    freemedforms-emr-doc-en?FreeMedForms? EMR english documentation
    freemedforms-emr-doc-fr?FreeMedForms? EMR french documentation
    freemedforms-emr-resources?data for the FreeMedForms? EMR
    freemedforms-freedata?free extra-data for the FreeMedForms? project
    freemedforms-i18n?translations of the FreeMedForms? project
    freemedforms-libs?common libs for the FreeMedForms? project
    freemedforms-project?FreeMedForms? project
    freemedforms-theme?theme for the FreeMedForms? project
    freemind?Java Program for creating and viewing Mindmaps
    freemind-browser?Java Applet for publishing Mindmaps produced with FreeMind
    freemind-doc?Documentation for FreeMind
    freemind-plugins-help?Java Plugin for FreeMind to show an extended online help
    freemind-plugins-script?Java Plugin for FreeMind to add scripting capabilities
    freemind-plugins-svg?Java Plugin for FreeMind to export Mindmaps to SVG and PDF
    freenect?library for accessing Kinect device -- metapackage
    freepats?Free patch set for MIDI audio synthesis
    freeplane?Java program to create and edit mind maps.
    freeplayer?wrapper around vlc for French ADSL FreeBox?
    freepops?POP3 interface to several webmail sites
    freepops-doc?FreePOPs user/developer manual
    freepops-updater-fltk?Graphical interface for the freepops updater engine
    freepops-updater-gnome?GNOME interface for the freepops updater engine
    freepwing?EB to JIS X 4081 converter
    freeradiushigh-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
    freeradius-common?FreeRADIUS common files
    freeradius-dbg?debug symbols for the FreeRADIUS packages
    freeradius-dialupadmin?set of PHP scripts for administering a FreeRADIUS server
    freeradius-iodbc?iODBC module for FreeRADIUS server
    freeradius-krb5?kerberos module for FreeRADIUS server
    freeradius-ldap?LDAP module for FreeRADIUS server
    freeradius-mysql?MySQL module for FreeRADIUS server
    freeradius-postgresql?PostgreSQL module for FreeRADIUS server
    freeradius-utilsFreeRADIUS client utilities
    freerdp-dbg?RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (debug)
    freerdp-x11?RDP client for Windows Terminal Services
    freesci?a portable interpreter for SCI games like Space Quest 3
    freesci-doc?Documentation for FreeSCI
    freespacenotifier?free space notification module for KDE
    freespeak?GNOME frontend to online translator engines
    freesweep?text-based minesweeper
    freetable?Facilitates production of HTML tables
    freetalk?console based Jabber client
    freetds-bin?FreeTDS command-line utilities
    freetds-common?configuration files for FreeTDS SQL client libraries
    freetds-dev?MS SQL and Sybase client library (static libs and headers)
    freetennis?Free Tennis - simulation game
    freetennis-common?Free Tennis - simulation game
    freetts?speech synthesis system
    freetuxtv?Internet television and radio player
    freetype2-demos?FreeType 2 demonstration programs
    freevial?trivia platform for community events
    freevo?home theater framework - binaries
    freevo-data?home theater framework - themes and data
    freevo-doc?home theater framework - documentation
    freevo-lirc?home theater framework - LIRC support
    freewheeling?live looping musical instrument
    freewnn-common?Files shared among the FreeWnn? packages
    freewnn-cserver?Chinese input system
    freewnn-jserver?Japanese input system
    freewnn-kserver?Korean input system
    frei0r-plugins?minimalistic plugin API for video effects, plugins collection
    frei0r-plugins-dev?minimalistic plugin API for video effects, header files
    frei0r-plugins-doc?minimalistic plugin API for video effects, API documentation
    freqtweak?Realtime audio frequency spectral manipulation
    frescobaldi?Qt4 LilyPond sheet music editor
    fretsonfire?game of musical skill and fast fingers
    fretsonfire-game?game of musical skill and fast fingers - Game files
    fretsonfire-songs-muldjord?game of musical skill and fast fingers - Songs Package
    fretsonfire-songs-sectoid?game of musical skill and fast fingers - Songs Package
    fritzing?Easy-to-use electronic design software
    fritzing-data?Easy-to-use electronic design software (data files)
    frog?tagger and parser for Dutch language
    frogdata?Data files for Frog
    frogr?Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME
    frogr-data?Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME - data files
    frontaccounting?web-based double-entry accounting and ERP program
    frotz?interpreter of Z-code story-files
    frown?LALR(k) parser generator for Haskell 98
    frown-doc?Manual of the frown parser generator for Haskell 98
    frozen-bubble?cool game where you pop out the bubbles!
    frozen-bubble-data?Data files for Frozen-Bubble game
    fruit?chess engine, to calculate chess moves
    fsarchiver?file system archiver
    fsgateway?FUSE module to browse database's metadata, sugar datastores and xml files
    fslint?Utility collection to find and fix common errors in file storage
    fsmark?benchmark for simulating synchronous write workloads
    fso-datad?freesmartphone data daemon
    fso-datad-dbg?freesmartphone data daemon (debug symbols)
    fso-deviced?freesmartphone.org device daemon
    fso-deviced-dbg?freesmartphone.org device daemon (debug symbols)
    fso-deviced-player-canberra?Canberra player module for fso-deviced
    fso-deviced-player-gstreamer?Gstreamer player module for fso-deviced
    fso-frameworkd?freesmartphone.org Framework Daemon
    fso-gpsd?gpsd subset compatibility daemon for the freesmarpthone.org frameworkd
    fso-gsm0710muxd?GSM 07.10 Multiplexer
    fso-gsmd?freesmartphone.org GSM daemon
    fso-gsmd-dbg?debugging symbols for freesmartphone.org GSM daemon
    fso-gsmd-ezx?freesmartphone.org GSM daemon for Motorola EZX devices
    fso-gsmd-gta04?freesmartphone.org GSM daemon for the GTA04 device
    fso-gsmd-htc?freesmartphone.org GSM daemon for HTC devices
    fso-gsmd-openmoko?freesmartphone.org GSM daemon for Openmoko devices
    fso-sounds-yue-base?Yue base ringtones for the freesmartphone.org frameworkd
    fso-sounds-yue-full?Yue full ringtones for the freesmartphone.org frameworkd
    fso-specs?freesmartphone.org D-Bus XML specification & documentation
    fso-usaged?freesmartphone.org usage daemon
    fso-usaged-dbg?debugging symbols for use with freesmartphone.org usage daemon
    fspanel?minimalist panel for X
    fsprotect?Helper scripts to make filesystems immutable
    fspy?filesystem activity monitoring tool
    fstransform?Tool for in-place filesystem conversion
    fstrcmp?fuzzy comparison of strings
    fsviewer-icons?icons for fsviewer to make it look more like the NeXT FileViewer?
    fsvs?Full system versioning with metadata support
    fswebcamTiny and flexible webcam program
    ftdi-eeprom?Tool for reading/erasing/flashing FTDI USB chip eeproms
    fteText editor for programmers - base package
    fte-console?Text editor for programmers - console edition, no I18N support
    fte-docs?Documentation and examples for the FTE editor
    fte-terminal?Text editor for programmers - version for terminals
    fte-xwindow?Text editor for programmers - X Window System edition with I18N support
    fteqcc?FTE QuakeC compiler
    ftester?The Firewall Tester (FTester) is a tool designed for testing firewall filtering policies and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) capabilities.
    ftgl-dev?transitional dummy package
    ftjam?FreeType version of Jam, a replacement for make
    ftnchek?A semantic checker for Fortran 77 programs
    ftp?classical file transfer client
    ftp-proxy?application level proxy for the FTP protocol
    ftp-proxy-doc?documentation for ftp-proxy
    ftp-ssl?The FTP client with SSL or TLS encryption support
    ftp-upload?put files with FTP from a script
    ftp.app?File transfer protocol application for GNUstep
    ftpcopy?FTP clients collection
    ftpd?File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server
    ftpd-ssl?FTP server with SSL encryption support
    ftpgrab?file mirroring utility
    ftphs-doc?transitional dummy package
    ftplib-dev?Library of callable ftp routines (development)
    ftplib3?Library of callable ftp routines
    ftpmirror?Mirroring directory hierarchy using FTP protocol
    ftpwatch?Notifies you of changes on remote ftp servers
    fts?Modular TFTP/Fuse supplicant
    fts-clacks?Clacks module for the TFTP/Fuse supplicant
    fts-fai-ldap?LDAP FAI module for the TFTP/Fuse supplicant
    fts-ltsp-ldap?LDAP LTSP module for the TFTP/Fuse supplicant
    fts-opsi?LDAP LTSP module for the TFTP/Fuse supplicant
    fullquottel?tool for recognizing top-posted e-mail and usenet replies
    funcoeszz?script with 65 useful mini applications
    funkload?web testing tool
    funnelweb?literate-programming tool
    funnelweb-doc?Documentation for funnelweb
    funny-manpages?more funny manpages
    funnyboat?a side scrolling arcade shooter game on a steamboat
    funtools?Minimal buy-in FITS utility package
    furiusisomount?ISO, IMG, BIN, MDF and NRG image management utility
    fuse?Filesystem in Userspace
    fuse-convmvfs?mirrors a whole filesystem tree from one charset to another
    fuse-dbg?Filesystem in Userspace
    fuse-emulator-common?The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (common files)
    fuse-emulator-gtk?The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (GTK+ version)
    fuse-emulator-sdl?The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (SDL version)
    fuse-emulator-utils?The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator - Utilities
    fuse-posixovl?FUSE file system that provides POSIX functionality
    fuse-utils?Filesystem in Userspace (transitional package)
    fuse4bsd-dkms?FUSE module for kFreeBSD
    fusedav?filesystem to mount WebDAV shares
    fuseext2?File System in User Space - Module for ext2
    fusefat?File System in User Space - Module for FAT
    fuseiso?FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images
    fuseiso9660?File System in User Space - Module for ISO9660
    fusesmb?filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol
    fusil?Fuzzing program to test applications
    fusioninventory-agent?Hardware and software inventory tool (client)
    fuss-launcher?a simple application launcher
    fuzz?stress-test programs by giving them random input
    fuzzyocr?spamassassin plugin to check image attachments
    fvwm?F(?) Virtual Window Manager
    fvwm-crystal?Pretty Desktop Environment based on fvwm
    fvwm-icons?icon *.xpm files from fvwm development site
    fvwm1?Old version of the F(?) Virtual Window Manager
    fwanalog?firewall log-file report generator (using analog)
    fwbuilder?Firewall administration tool GUI
    fwbuilder-common?Firewall administration tool GUI (common files)
    fwbuilder-dbg?Firewall administration tool GUI (debugging symbols)
    fwbuilder-doc?Firewall administration tool GUI documentation
    fweb?literate-programming tool for C/C++/Fortran/Ratfor
    fweb-doc?Documentation for literate-programming tool Fweb
    fwknop-client?FireWall? KNock OPerator client side - C version
    fwknop-server?FireWall? KNock OPerator server side - C version
    fwlogwatch?Firewall log analyzer
    fwsnort?Snort-to-iptables rule translator
    fxcyberjack?Graphical diagnostics and maintenance tool for Reiner SCT Cyberjacks
    fxload?Firmware download to EZ-USB devices
    fxt-tools?Multithreaded tracing library
    fyre?interactively renders Peter de Jong maps (chaotic functions)
    g++GNU C++ compiler
    g++-4.4?GNU C++ compiler
    g++-4.4-multilib?GNU C++ compiler (multilib files)
    g++-4.6?GNU C++ compiler
    g++-4.6-multilib?GNU C++ compiler (multilib files)
    g++-4.7?GNU C++ compiler
    g++-4.7-multilib?GNU C++ compiler (multilib files)
    g++-mingw-w64?GNU C++ compiler for MinGW-w64
    g++-mingw-w64-i686?GNU C++ compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32
    g++-mingw-w64-x86-64?GNU C++ compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64
    g++-multilibGNU C++ compiler (multilib files)
    g-wrap?scripting interface generator for C
    g15composer?Scriptable command interface to libg15render
    g15daemon?Screen multiplexer for Logitech G15 Keyboard
    g15macro?A simple Macro recording/playback application for G15Daemon
    g15mpd?A simple frontend for the MPD Media Player Daemon, for use with g15daemon
    g15stats?a CPU/Memory/Swap usage meter for G15Daemon
    g2ipmsg?IP messenger clone for GNOME2 environments
    g2p-sk?Phonetic transcription for Slovak language
    g3data?extract data from scanned graphs
    g3dviewer?3D model viewer for GTK+
    g3dviewer-dbg?g3dviewer debug symbols package
    gabedit?graphical user interface to Ab Initio packages
    gadfly?Server and interactive shell for Gadfly SQL database
    gadmin-bind?GTK+ configuration tool for bind9
    gadmin-bind-dbg?GTK+ configuration tool for bind9 (debug)
    gadmin-openvpn-client?GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (client)
    gadmin-openvpn-client-dbg?GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for client)
    gadmin-openvpn-server?GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (server)
    gadmin-openvpn-server-dbg?GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for server)
    gadmin-proftpd?GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd
    gadmin-proftpd-dbg?GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd debug package
    gadmin-rsync?GTK+ configuration tool for rsync
    gadmin-rsync-dbg?GTK+ configuration tool for rsync (debug)
    gadmin-samba?GTK+ configuration tool for samba
    gadmin-samba-dbg?GTK+ configuration tool for samba (debug)
    gadmin-tools?GTK+ server administration tools (transitional package)
    gadmintools?GTK+ server administration tools (meta-package)
    gaduhistory?EKG history viewer
    gaffitter?File subsets extractor based on genetic algorithms
    gaiksaurus?graphical interface to the Aiksaurus toolkit (GTK+ frontend)
    gaim-extendedprefs?plugin for the instant messenger pidgin (transitional package)
    gaim-hotkeys?Configurable global hotkeys for pidgin
    gaim-librvp?MS Exchange RVP instant messaging plugin for GAIM - transitional
    gaim-themes?Transitional dummy package
    gaim-thinklight?Transitional package to pidgin-thinklight
    gajim?Jabber client written in PyGTK
    galax?XQuery implementation with static typing - command line front-ends
    galax-doc?XQuery implementation with static typing - documentation
    galax-extra?XQuery implementation with static typing - utilities
    galaxd?XQuery implementation with static typing - network servers
    galculator?A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator
    gallery?a web-based photo album written in php
    gallery-uploader?graphical tool to upload pictures and videos to Gallery
    galleta?An Internet Explorer cookie forensic analysis tool
    galternativesgraphical setup tool for the alternatives system
    gamazons?Amazons boardgame for GNOME
    gambas3?Complete visual development environment for Gambas
    gambas3-dev?Gambas compilation tools
    gambas3-examples?Gambas examples
    gambas3-gb-cairo?Gambas bindings for cairo
    gambas3-gb-chart?Gambas charting component
    gambas3-gb-compress?Gambas compression component
    gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2?Gambas bzlib2 component
    gambas3-gb-compress-zlib?Gambas zlib compression component
    gambas3-gb-crypt?Gambas crypt encription component
    gambas3-gb-db?Gambas database access common libraries
    gambas3-gb-db-form?Gambas database bound controls
    gambas3-gb-db-mysql?MySQL driver for the Gambas database component
    gambas3-gb-db-odbc?ODBC driver for the Gambas database component
    gambas3-gb-db-postgresql?PostgreSQL driver for the Gambas database component
    gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2?Gambas sqlite2 driver database component
    gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3?Gambas sqlite3 driver database component
    gambas3-gb-dbus?Gambas bindings for DBUS
    gambas3-gb-desktop?Gambas Portland project compatibility component
    gambas3-gb-eval-highlight?Gambas syntax highlighting component
    gambas3-gb-form?Gambas native form component
    gambas3-gb-form-dialog?Gambas native mdi form component
    gambas3-gb-form-mdi?Gambas native mdi form component
    gambas3-gb-form-stock?Gambas form stock icons
    gambas3-gb-gtk?Gambas gtk component
    gambas3-gb-gui?Gambas graphical toolkit selector component
    gambas3-gb-image?Gambas image effects component
    gambas3-gb-image-effect?Gambas image effects component: effects
    gambas3-gb-image-imlib?Gambas image effects component: IMLIB bindings
    gambas3-gb-image-io?Gambas image effects component: I/O
    gambas3-gb-mysql?Gambas MySQL component
    gambas3-gb-net?Gambas networking component
    gambas3-gb-net-curl?Gambas advanced networking component
    gambas3-gb-net-smtp?Gambas component to use smtp protocol
    gambas3-gb-opengl?OpenGL component for Gambas
    gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl?OpenGL component for Gambas: GL Shading Language subcomponent
    gambas3-gb-opengl-glu?Gambas opengl-glu component
    gambas3-gb-option?Gambas option component
    gambas3-gb-pcre?Gambas regexp component
    gambas3-gb-pdf?Gambas pdf component
    gambas3-gb-qt4?Gambas Qt GUI component
    gambas3-gb-qt4-ext?Gambas extended Qt GUI component
    gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl?OpenGL with QT toolkit Gambas component
    gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit?Gambas WebKit component
    gambas3-gb-report?Gambas report component
    gambas3-gb-sdl?Gambas SDL component
    gambas3-gb-sdl-sound?Gambas SDL component
    gambas3-gb-settings?Gambas utilities class
    gambas3-gb-signal?Gambas OS signal library
    gambas3-gb-v4l?Gambas video for Linux component
    gambas3-gb-vb?Gambas to Visual Basic(tm) compatibility component
    gambas3-gb-web?Gambas CGI for web applications component
    gambas3-gb-xml?Gambas XML component
    gambas3-gb-xml-rpc?Gambas RPC component
    gambas3-gb-xml-xslt?Gambas XSLT component
    gambas3-ide?Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language
    gambas3-runtime?Gambas runtime interpreter
    gambas3-script?Gambas scripter
    gambc?Gambit-C Scheme interpreter and compiler
    gambc-doc?documentation for the Gambit-C interpreter and compiler
    gambit?game theory software and tools
    gameclock?simple chess clock to track time in real life games
    gameconqueror?GUI for scanmem, a game hacking tool
    gamera-doc?documentation for the Gamera framework
    gamera-gui?GUI for the Gamera framework
    games-thumbnails?thumbnails of games in Debian
    gamgi?General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (GAMGI)
    gamgi-data?General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (data)
    gamgi-doc?General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (documentation)
    gamin?File and directory monitoring system
    gamine?an interactive game for young children
    gamine-data?data files for gamine game
    gammu?mobile phone management utility
    gammu-doc?Gammu Manual
    gammu-smsd?SMS message daemon
    gamt?Serial-over-lan (sol) client for Intel AMT, gtk version
    ganeti-htools?Cluster allocation tools for Ganeti
    ganeti-instance-debootstrap?debootstrap-based instance OS definition for ganeti
    ganeti2?Cluster-based virtualization management software
    ganglia-modules-linux?Ganglia extra modules for Linux (IO, filesystems, multicpu)
    ganglia-monitor?cluster monitoring toolkit - node daemon
    ganglia-monitor-python?cluster monitoring toolkit - python modules
    ganglia-webfrontend?cluster monitoring toolkit - web front-end
    gant?Groovy build framework based on scripting Ant tasks
    ganyremote?GTK+ frontend for anyRemote
    gap?Groups, Algorithms and Programming computer algebra system
    gap-character-tables?GAP Library of character tables
    gap-core?GAP computer algebra system, core components
    gap-dev?GAP computer algebra system, compiler and development files
    gap-doc?GAP computer algebra system, documentation
    gap-guava?Coding theory library for GAP
    gap-libs?GAP computer algebra system, essential GAP libraries
    gap-online-help?GAP computer algebra system, online help
    gap-prim-groups?Database of primitive groups for GAP
    gap-small-groups?Database of small groups for GAP
    gap-small-groups-extra?Large database of small groups for GAP
    gap-table-of-marks?GAP table of marks library
    gap-trans-groups?Database of transitive groups for GAP
    gaphor?UML modeling tool
    garden-of-coloured-lights?abstract vertical shooter with music elements
    garden-of-coloured-lights-data?abstract vertical shooter with music elements (data)
    gargoyle-free?graphical player for Interactive Fiction games
    garlic?A visualization program for biomolecules
    garlic-doc?[Chemistry] a molecular visualization program - documents
    garmin-ant-downloader?ANT+ information retrieval client for Garmin GPS products
    garmin-forerunner-tools?retrieve data from Garmin Forerunner/Edge GPS devices
    gastables?graphical user interface for compressible flow gas table modules
    gatling?high performance web server and file server
    gauche?A Scheme implementation designed for script writing
    gauche-c-wrapper?Foreign function interface for Gauche to C libraries
    gauche-dev?Development files for Gauche
    gauche-doc?Reference manual of Gauche
    gauche-gdbm?gdbm binding for Gauche
    gauche-gl?Gauche bindings for OpenGL
    gauche-zlib?zlib binding for Gauche
    gaupol?subtitle editor for text-based subtitle files
    gausssum?parse and display Gaussian, GAMESS, and etc's output
    gav?GPL Arcade Volleyball
    gav-themes?Extra themes for GPL Arcade Volleyball
    gawk?GNU awk, a pattern scanning and processing language
    gbackground?interval-based gnome background changer
    gbase?small numeric base converter
    gbatnav?networked BattleShip? game
    gbemol?Graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
    gbgoffice?bgoffice dictionary frontend (GTK2)
    gbirthday?birthday reminder applet
    gbonds?U.S. savings bond inventory program for GNOME
    gbonds-data?GBonds data files
    gbrainy?brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained
    gbrowse?GMOD Generic Genome Browser
    gbrowse-calign?CAlign helper
    gbrowse-data?Sample data to use GBrowse
    gbsplay?A Gameboy sound player
    gcal?program for calculating and printing calendars
    gcal-common?gcal architecture independent files
    gcalcli?Google Calendar Command Line Interface
    gcalctool?GNOME desktop calculator
    gcap?YouTube closed caption retriever
    gcb?Utility to calculate long and short path to a location
    gccGNU C compiler
    gcc-4.4?GNU C compiler
    gcc-4.4-base?GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
    gcc-4.4-locales?GCC, the GNU compiler collection (native language support files)
    gcc-4.4-multilib?GNU C compiler (multilib files)
    gcc-4.4-source?Source of the GNU Compiler Collection
    gcc-4.6?GNU C compiler
    gcc-4.6-base?GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
    gcc-4.6-locales?GCC, the GNU compiler collection (native language support files)
    gcc-4.6-multilib?GNU C compiler (multilib files)
    gcc-4.6-plugin-dev?Files for GNU GCC plugin development.
    gcc-4.6-source?Source of the GNU Compiler Collection
    gcc-4.7?GNU C compiler
    gcc-4.7-base?GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
    gcc-4.7-locales?GCC, the GNU compiler collection (native language support files)
    gcc-4.7-multilib?GNU C compiler (multilib files)
    gcc-4.7-plugin-dev?Files for GNU GCC plugin development.
    gcc-4.7-source?Source of the GNU Compiler Collection
    gcc-avr?The GNU C compiler (cross compiler for avr)
    gcc-h8300-hms?GNU C compiler (cross compiler for h8300-hitachi-coff)
    gcc-m68hc1x?GNU C compiler for the Motorola 68HC11/12 processors
    gcc-mingw-w64?GNU C compiler for MinGW-w64
    gcc-mingw-w64-base?GNU Compiler Collection for MinGW-w64 (base package)
    gcc-mingw-w64-i686?GNU C compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32
    gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64?GNU C compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64
    gcc-mingw32?GNU Compiler Collection for MinGW32 (transition package)
    gcc-msp430?GNU C compiler (cross compiler for MSP430)
    gcc-multilibGNU C compiler (multilib files)
    gccgo?Go compiler, based on the GCC backend
    gccgo-4.7?GNU Go compiler
    gccgo-4.7-multilib?GNU Go compiler (multilib files)
    gccgo-multilib?Go compiler, based on the GCC backend (multilib files)
    gccxml?XML output extension to GCC
    gcdmaster?GNOME GUI for cdrdao
    gchempaint?2D chemical structures editor for the GNOME2 desktop
    gcin?GTK+ based input method for Chinese users
    gcin-anthy?support library to use Anthy in gcin
    gcin-chewing?support library to use Chewing in gcin
    gcin-data?icons and scripts for gcin
    gcin-dev?GTK+ based input method platform - development files
    gcin-gtk3-immodule?GTK3 input method module with gcin as backend
    gcin-qt4-immodule?Qt4 input method module with gcin as backend
    gcin-tables?input method tables for gcin
    gcipher?A simple "encryption" tool
    gcj-4.6-base?GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base package)
    gcj-4.6-jdk?gcj and classpath development tools for Java(TM)
    gcj-4.6-jre?Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
    gcj-4.6-jre-headless?Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath (headless version)
    gcj-4.6-jre-lib?Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
    gcj-4.6-source?GCJ java sources for use in IDEs like eclipse and netbeans
    gcj-4.7-base?GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base package)
    gcj-4.7-jdk?gcj and classpath development tools for Java(TM)
    gcj-4.7-jre?Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
    gcj-4.7-jre-headless?Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath (headless version)
    gcj-4.7-jre-lib?Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files)
    gcj-4.7-source?GCJ java sources for use in IDEs like eclipse and netbeans
    gcj-jdk?gcj and classpath development tools for Java(TM)
    gcj-jre?Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
    gcj-jre-headless?Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath (headless version)
    gcj-native-helper?Standard helper tools for creating gcj native packages
    gcl?GNU Common Lisp compiler
    gcl-doc?Documentation for GNU Common Lisp
    gco?comics organizer
    gcolor2?Simple GTK2 color selector and picker
    gcom?datacard control tool - transitional package
    gcompris?Educational games for small children
    gcompris-data?Data files for GCompris
    gcompris-dbg?Debugging symbols for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-af?Afrikaans sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-ar?Arabic (Tunisia) sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-ast?Asturian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-bg?Bulgarian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-br?Breton sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-cs?Czech sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-da?Danish sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-de?German sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-el?Greek sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-en?English sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-eo?Esperanto sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-es?Spanish sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-eu?Basque sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-fi?Finnish sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-fr?French sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-he?Hebrew sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-hi?Indian Hindi sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-hu?Hungarian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-id?Indonesian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-it?Italian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-mr?Indian Marathi sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-nb?Norwegian (Bokmal) sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-nl?Dutch sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-nn?Norwegian (Nynorsk) sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-pa?Punjabi sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-pt?Portuguese sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-ptbr?Portuguese sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-ru?Russian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-sl?Slovenian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-so?Somali sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-sr?Serbian sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-sv?Swedish sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-th?Thai sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-tr?Turkish sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-ur?Urdu sound files for GCompris
    gcompris-sound-zhcn?Chinese sound files for GCompris
    gconf-defaults-service?GNOME configuration database system (system defaults service)
    gconf-editoreditor for the GConf configuration system
    gconf-gsettings-backend?GNOME configuration database system - GSettings back-end
    gconf-serviceGNOME configuration database system (D-Bus service)
    gconf2?GNOME configuration database system (support tools)
    gconf2-common?GNOME configuration database system (common files)
    gconjugue?gtk program to conjugate Brazilian verbs
    gcp?advanced command line file copy system
    gcpegg?Global Consciousness Project EGG Software
    gcr?GNOME crypto services (daemon and tools)
    gcrystal?lightweight crystal structures visualizer
    gcstar?Manage your collections of movies, games, books, music and more
    gcu-bin?GNOME chemistry utils (helper applications)
    gcu-plugin?GNOME chemistry utils (browser plugin)
    gcx?astronomical image processing and photometry gtk+ application
    gdal-bin?Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Utility programs
    gdbThe GNU Debugger
    gdb-avr?The GNU Debugger for avr
    gdb-mingw-w64?Cross-debugger for Win32 and Win64 using MinGW-w64
    gdb-mingw-w64-target?Cross-debugger server for Win32 and Win64 using MinGW-w64
    gdb-minimal?The GNU Debugger
    gdb-msp430?The GNU debugger for MSP430
    gdb-multiarch?The GNU Debugger (with support for multiple architectures)
    gdb-source?The GNU Debugger (source)
    gdbserverThe GNU Debugger (remote server)
    gdc?D compiler (language version 2), based on the GCC backend
    gdc-4.4?D compiler (version 1), based on the GCC backend
    gdc-4.6?GNU D compiler (version 2), based on the GCC backend
    gdc-v1?D compiler (language version 1), based on the GCC backend
    gdcm-doc?Grassroots DICOM documentation
    gddccontrol?program to control monitor parameters (graphical interface)
    gddrescue?GNU data recovery tool
    gdebi?simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI
    gdebi-core?simple tool to install deb files
    gdebi-kde?simple tool to install deb files - KDE GUI
    gdeskcal?A desktop calendar featuring transparency with smooth alpha-blending
    gdesklets?Architecture for desktop applets
    gdevilspie?User friendly interface for devilspie
    gdf-tools?IO library for the GDF -- helper tools
    gdigi?utility to control DigiTech? effect pedals
    gdis?molecular and crystal model viewer
    gdis-data?molecular and crystal model viewer (data files)
    gdiskGPT fdisk text-mode partitioning tool
    gdm3Next generation GNOME Display Manager
    gdmap?Tool to visualize diskspace
    gdpc?visualiser of molecular dynamic simulations
    gdpc-examples?example files for the gdpc program
    geant321?[Physics] Particle detector description and simulation tool
    geant321-data?[Physics] Data for GEANT 3.21 detector simulator
    geant321-doc?[Physics] Documentation for GEANT 3.21
    geany?fast and lightweight IDE
    geany-common?fast and lightweight IDE -- common files
    geany-plugin-addons?miscellanous plugins for Geany
    geany-plugin-codenav?code navigation plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-debugger?debugger plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-doc?documentation plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-extrasel?extra selection plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-gdb?GDB plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-gendoc?documentation generation plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-gproject?gproject plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-insertnum?number inserting plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-latex?improved LaTeX support plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-lipsum?Lorem Ipsum generator plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-lua?Lua scripting plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-macro?macro plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks?numbered bookmarks plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-pg?pg plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-prettyprinter?XML pretty printer for Geany
    geany-plugin-prj?alternative project manager for Geany
    geany-plugin-sendmail?mailer plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-shiftcolumn?text column shifting plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-spellcheck?spellcheck plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-tableconvert?table convert plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-treebrowser?tree browser plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-updatechecker?update checker plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-vc?VCS plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-webhelper?web helper plugin for Geany
    geany-plugin-xmlsnippets?XMLSnippets plugin for Geany
    geany-plugins?set of plugins for Geany
    geany-plugins-common?set of plugins for Geany (translations)
    gearhead?roguelike mecha role playing game
    gearhead-data?data files for gearhead
    gearhead2?roguelike mecha role playing game in space
    gearhead2-data?data files for gearhead2
    gearman?Distributed job queue
    gearman-job-server?Job server for the Gearman distributed job queue
    gearman-server?Gearman distributed job server and Perl interface
    gearman-tools?Tools for the Gearman distributed job queue
    gecko-mediaplayer?Multimedia plug-in for Gecko browsers
    gecrit?simple, easy-to-use Python IDE
    geda?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (metapackage)
    geda-doc?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (documentation)
    geda-examples?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (example designs)
    geda-gattrib?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (attribute editor)
    geda-gnetlist?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (netlister)
    geda-gschem?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (schematic editor)
    geda-gsymcheck?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (symbol checker)
    geda-symbols?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (symbols library)
    geda-utils?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (utilities)
    geda-xgsch2pcb?GPL EDA -- Electronics design software -- gschem -> PCB workflow GUI
    geditofficial text editor of the GNOME desktop environment
    gedit-common?official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment (support files)
    gedit-dev?official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment (development files)
    gedit-latex-plugin?gedit plugin for composing and compiling LaTeX documents
    gedit-plugins?set of plugins for gedit
    gedit-r-plugin?Gedit plugin for R statistical computing language
    gedit-source-code-browser-plugin?source code class and function browser plugin for Gedit
    gedit-valatoys-plugin?Vala Toys for gEdit
    gedit-valatoys-plugin-dbg?Vala Toys for gEdit - debugging symbols
    gedit-valencia-plugin?Vala plugin for gedit
    geekcode?Program for generating geekcode
    geeqie?image viewer using GTK+
    geeqie-common?data files for Geeqie
    geeqie-dbg?debug symbols for Geeqie
    gegl?Generic Graphics Library Test Program
    geiser?enhanced Scheme interaction mode for Emacs
    geki2?Xenon-like vertical shoot'em-up
    geki3?R-Type-like horizontal shoot'em-up
    gelemental?Periodic Table viewer
    gemGraphics Environment for Multimedia - Pure Data library
    gem-dev?Graphics Environment for Multimedia (development files)
    gem-doc?Graphics Environment for Multimedia (documentation)
    gem-extra?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - extra objects
    gem-plugin-dc1394?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - DC1394 support
    gem-plugin-dv4l?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - DV support
    gem-plugin-gmerlin?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - GMERLIN support
    gem-plugin-jpeg?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - JPEG support
    gem-plugin-lqt?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - LQT support
    gem-plugin-magick?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - ImageMagick support
    gem-plugin-mpeg3?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - MPEG support
    gem-plugin-sgi?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - SGI support
    gem-plugin-tiff?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - TIFF support
    gem-plugin-unicap?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - unicap support
    gem-plugin-v4l2?Graphics Environment for Multimedia - V4L2 output support
    gem2deb?Debian Ruby packaging suite
    gemanx-gtk2?Term BBS Client beyond PCMan X
    gemdropx?Gem Drop X is an interesting one-player puzzle game for X11
    gems?Shows a console session in several terminals
    genbackupdata?generate test data sets for backup software
    gendarme?extensible rule-based checker for CLI assemblies
    genders?cluster configuration management database tools
    geneweb?genealogy software with web interface
    genext2fs?ext2 filesystem generator for embedded systems
    gengetopt?skeleton main.c generator
    genisoimageCreates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
    genisovh?Make CD-ROMs bootable for SGI MIPS machines
    genius?advanced general purpose calculator program (CLI frontend)
    genius-common?advanced general purpose calculator program (common files)
    genius-dev?advanced general purpose calculator program (development files)
    genparse?command line parser generator
    genromfs?This is the mkfs equivalent for romfs filesystem
    gentle?suite to plan genetic cloning
    gentoo?fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager
    genus2reduction?Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves
    geoclue?Geographic information framework
    geoclue-examples?GeoClue example clients
    geoclue-geonames?Geocoder provider for GeoClue (geonames)
    geoclue-gsmloc?Position server for GeoClue (GSM)
    geoclue-hostip?Position server for GeoClue (hostip)
    geoclue-localnet?Position server for GeoClue (local network)
    geoclue-manual?Position server for GeoClue (manual)
    geoclue-nominatim?Geocoding and reverse-geocoding server for GeoClue (Nominatim)
    geoclue-plazes?Position server for GeoClue (Plazes)
    geoclue-skyhook?Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Skyhook)
    geoclue-yahoo?Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Yahoo)
    geogebra?Dynamic mathematics software for education
    geogebra-gnome?GNOME integration layer for GeoGebra
    geogebra-kde?KDE integration layer for GeoGebra
    geographiclib-tools?A C++ library to solve some geodesic problems -- tools
    geoip-bin?IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library
    geoip-database?IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library (country database)
    geomview?interactive geometry viewing program
    geotiff-bin?the GeoTIFF library -- tools
    geotranz?GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator
    geotranz-doc?GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator (documentation)
    geotranz-help?GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator (help files)
    gerbv?Gerber file viewer for PCB design
    germinate?expand dependencies in a list of seed packages
    gerstensaft?Frontend for Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
    ges0.10-tools?Tools for use with the GStreamer editing services
    gesftpserver?sftp server submodule for OpenSSH
    gespeaker?GTK+ front-end for eSpeak and mbrola
    get-flash-videos?video downloader for various Flash-based video hosting sites
    get-iplayer?download/stream available BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes
    getdata?management of external databases
    getmail4?mail retriever with support for POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS
    getstream?DVB streaming application
    gettextGNU Internationalization utilities
    gettext-base?GNU Internationalization utilities for the base system
    gettext-doc?Documentation for GNU gettext
    gettext-el?Emacs po-mode for editing gettext .po files
    gettext-lint?Collection of tools for checking PO and POT files
    gexec?Small command executer with autocompletion using GTK+
    geximon?a monitor for the exim MTA
    gextractwinicons?extracts cursors and icons from MS Windows compatible resource files
    gfan?Program for computing with Groebner fans
    gfarm-client?Gfarm file system clients
    gfarm-doc?Gfarm file system documentation
    gfarm2fs?FUSE program to mount the Gfarm file system
    gfax?GNOME frontend for fax programs
    gff2aplot?pair-wise alignment-plots for genomic sequences in PostScript
    gff2ps?produces PostScript graphical output from GFF-files
    gfm?Texas Instruments hand-helds file manipulation program for X
    gfmd?Gfarm file system metadata server
    gforth?GNU Forth Language Environment
    gforth-common?GNU Forth architecture-independent dictionaries
    gforth-lib?GNU Forth Language Environment architecture-dependent files
    gfortran?GNU Fortran 95 compiler
    gfortran-4.4?GNU Fortran 95 compiler
    gfortran-4.4-multilib?GNU Fortran 95 compiler (multilib files)
    gfortran-4.6?GNU Fortran compiler
    gfortran-4.6-multilib?GNU Fortran compiler (multilib files)
    gfortran-4.7?GNU Fortran compiler
    gfortran-4.7-multilib?GNU Fortran compiler (multilib files)
    gfortran-mingw-w64?GNU Fortran compiler for MinGW-w64
    gfortran-mingw-w64-i686?GNU Fortran compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32
    gfortran-mingw-w64-x86-64?GNU Fortran compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64
    gfortran-multilib?GNU Fortran 95 compiler (multilib files)
    gfpoken?Recreate a grid of mirrors from clues given by tests
    gfs-pcmk?Red Hat cluster suite - GFS pacemaker module
    gfs-tools?Red Hat cluster suite - global file system tools
    gfs2-tools?Red Hat cluster suite - global file system 2 tools
    gfsd?Gfarm file system daemon
    gftp?X/GTK+ and console FTP client (metapackage)
    gftp-common?shared files for other gFTP packages
    gftp-gtk?X/GTK+ FTP client
    gftp-text?colored FTP client using GLib
    gfxboot?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (runtime)
    gfxboot-dev?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (development)
    gfxboot-examples?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (example themes)
    gfxboot-themes-kde?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (KDE theme)
    gfxboot-themes-opensuse?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (openSUSE theme)
    gfxboot-themes-sled?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (SLED theme)
    gfxboot-themes-sles?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (SLES theme)
    gfxboot-themes-upstream?tool to test and create graphical boot logos (upstream theme)
    ggobi?Data visualization system for high-dimensional data
    ghc?The Glasgow Haskell Compilation system
    ghc-doc?Documentation for the Glasgow Haskell Compilation system
    ghc-dynamic?Dynamic libraries for the Glasgow Haskell Compilation system
    ghc-haddock?Documentation tool for annotated Haskell source code
    ghc-mod?Happy Haskell programming on Emacs
    ghc-prof?Profiling libraries for the Glasgow Haskell Compilation system
    ghc-testsuite?GHC testsuite results
    ghc6?transitional dummy package
    ghc6-doc?transitional dummy package
    ghc6-prof?transitional dummy package
    ghemical?GNOME molecular modelling environment
    ghex?GNOME Hex editor for files
    ghextris?A Tetris-like game on a hexagonal grid
    ghkl?diffractometer computation control application
    ghost-phisher?GUI suite for phishing and penetration attacks
    ghostess?A graphical DSSI plugin host
    ghostscript?interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF
    ghostscript-cups?interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - CUPS filters
    ghostscript-dbg?interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - Debug symbols
    ghostscript-doc?interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - Documentation
    ghostscript-x?interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - X11 support
    giblib-dev?headers for giblib
    giblib1?wrapper library for imlib2, and other stuff
    giblib1-dbg?debugging symbols for giblib1
    gif2apng?tool for converting animated GIF images to APNG format
    gif2png?GIF -> PNG conversions
    giflib-dbg?library for GIF images (debug)
    giflib-tools?library for GIF images (utilities)
    gifsicle?Tool for manipulating GIF images
    gifti-bin?tools shipped with the GIFTI library
    giftrans?Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a
    gigedit?instrument editor for Gigasampler files
    giggle?Gtk+ frontend for the git directory tracker
    giggle-personal-details-plugin?Gtk+ frontend for the git directory tracker - personal details plugin
    giggle-terminal-view-plugin?Gtk+ frontend for the git directory tracker - terminal plugin
    gigolo?frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs
    gigolo-dbg?frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs (debug)
    gigtools?command line tools for Gigasampler and DLS Level 1/2 files
    gimmix?graphical music player daemon (MPD) client using GTK+2
    gimpThe GNU Image Manipulation Program
    gimp-cbmplugs?plugins for The GIMP to import/export Commodore 64 files
    gimp-data?Data files for GIMP
    gimp-data-extras?An extra set of brushes, palettes, and gradients for The GIMP
    gimp-dbg?Debugging symbols for GIMP
    gimp-dcraw?GIMP plug-in for loading RAW digital photos
    gimp-dds?DDS (DirectDraw Surface) plugin for the gimp
    gimp-dimage-color?GIMP plugin to convert Minolta DiMAGE pictures to sRGB colour space
    gimp-gap?animation package for the GIMP
    gimp-gluas?Lua environment plug-in for GIMP
    gimp-gmic?GIMP plugin for GREYC's Magic Image Converter
    gimp-gutenprint?print plugin for the GIMP
    gimp-help-common?Data files for the GIMP documentation
    gimp-help-de?Documentation for the GIMP (German)
    gimp-help-en?Documentation for the GIMP (English)
    gimp-help-es?Documentation for the GIMP (Spanish)
    gimp-help-fr?Documentation for the GIMP (French)
    gimp-help-it?Documentation for the GIMP (Italian)
    gimp-help-ko?Documentation for the GIMP (Korean)
    gimp-help-nl?Documentation for the GIMP (Dutch)
    gimp-help-nn?Documentation for the GIMP (Norwegian)
    gimp-help-pl?Documentation for the GIMP (Polish)
    gimp-help-ru?Documentation for the GIMP (Russian)
    gimp-help-sv?Documentation for the GIMP (Swedish)
    gimp-lensfun?Gimp plugin to correct lens distortion using the lensfun library
    gimp-plugin-registry?repository of optional extensions for GIMP
    gimp-resynthesizer?Transitional package for gimp-plugin-registry
    gimp-texturize?generates large textures from a small sample
    gimp-ufraw?gimp importer for raw camera images
    ginac-tools?GiNaC symbolic framework support tools
    ginkgocadx?Medical Imaging Software and complete DICOM Viewer
    ginspector?GTK+ object/class inspector
    gip?IP calculator for GNOME desktop environment
    gir1.2-accountsservice-1.0?GObject introspection data for AccountService?
    gir1.2-anjuta-3.0?GObject introspection data for the Anjuta libraries
    gir1.2-appindicator-0.1?Typelib files for libappindicator1
    gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1?Typelib files for libappindicator3-1
    gir1.2-atk-1.0?ATK accessibility toolkit (GObject introspection)
    gir1.2-atspi-2.0?Assistive Technology Service Provider (GObject introspection)
    gir1.2-brasero-3.0?CD/DVD burning library for GNOME - GObject introspection data
    gir1.2-caribou-1.0?GObject introspection for the Caribou library
    gir1.2-champlain-0.12?C library providing ClutterActor? to display maps (GObject introspection)
    gir1.2-cheese-3.0?tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - gir bindings
    gir1.2-clinica-0.2?Simple medical records manager (gobject introspection files)
    gir1.2-clutter-1.0?GObject introspection data for the Clutter 1.0 library
    gir1.2-clutter-gst-1.0?Gobject introspection data for Clutter GStreamer elements
    gir1.2-cogl-1.0?GObject introspection data for the Cogl 1.0 library
    gir1.2-coglpango-1.0?GObject introspection data for the CoglPango? 1.0 library
    gir1.2-colord-1.0?GObject introspection data for the colord library
    gir1.2-colorhug-1.0?GObject introspection data for the Hughski Colorimeter
    gir1.2-cryptui-0.0?GObject introspection data for the CryptUI library
    gir1.2-dbusmenu-glib-0.4?typelib file for libdbusmenu-glib4
    gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk-0.4?typelib file for libdbusmenu-gtk4
    gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4?typelib file for libdbusmenu-gtk3-4
    gir1.2-dee-1.0?GObject introspection data for the Dee library
    gir1.2-ebook-1.2?GObject introspection for the EBook library
    gir1.2-ecalendar-1.2?GObject introspection for the ECalendar library
    gir1.2-edataserver-1.2?GObject introspection for the EDataServer? library
    gir1.2-emerillon-0.2?map viewer for the GNOME desktop (GObject introspection)
    gir1.2-epiphany-3.4?GObject introspection data for the GNOME web browser
    gir1.2-evd-0.1?Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - GObject introspection data
    gir1.2-evince-3.0?GObject introspection data for the evince libraries
    gir1.2-farstream-0.1?Audio/Video communications framework: GObject-Introspection
    gir1.2-fcitx-1.0?Flexible Input Method Framework - GObject introspection
    gir1.2-folks-0.6?library to aggregates people into metacontacts - GObject-Introspection
    gir1.2-freedesktop?Introspection data for some FreeDesktop? components
    gir1.2-ganv-1.0?GObject Introspection data for Ganv
    gir1.2-gck-1?GObject introspection data for the GCK library
    gir1.2-gconf-2.0?GNOME configuration database system (GObject-Introspection)
    gir1.2-gcr-3?GObject introspection data for the GCR library
    gir1.2-gda-5.0?data abstraction library based on GLib -- GObject Introspection
    gir1.2-gdata-0.0?GObject introspection data for the GData webservices library
    gir1.2-gdesktopenums-3.0?GObject introspection for GSettings desktop-wide schemas
    gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0?GDK Pixbuf library - GObject-Introspection
    gir1.2-gdl-3?GObject introspection data for the GDL library
    gir1.2-gee-1.0?GLib Telepathy connection manager library (GObject-Introspection)
    gir1.2-geocodeglib-1.0?introspection data for geocode-glib library
    gir1.2-ges-0.10?GObject introspection data for the GES library
    gir1.2-gkbd-3.0?GObject introspection data for the GnomeKbd? library
    gir1.2-gladeui-2.0?GObject introspection data for the GTK+ User Interface library
    gir1.2-glib-2.0Introspection data for GLib, GObject, Gio and GModule
    gir1.2-gmenu-3.0?GObject introspection data for the GNOME menu library
    gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0?Introspection data for GnomeBluetooth?
    gir1.2-gnomedesktop-3.0?Introspection data for GnomeDesktop?
    gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0?GNOME keyring services library - introspection data
    gir1.2-goa-1.0?Introspection data for GNOME Online Accounts
    gir1.2-grilo-0.1?Framework for discovering and browsing media - GObject introspection data
    gir1.2-gssdp-1.0?GObject introspection data for the GSSDP library
    gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-0.10?GObject introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base library
    gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-0.10?GObject introspection data for the gst-rtsp-server library
    gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10?GObject introspection data for the GStreamer library
    gir1.2-gtk-2.0?GTK+ graphical user interface library -- gir bindings
    gir1.2-gtk-3.0GTK+ graphical user interface library -- gir bindings
    gir1.2-gtk-vnc-2.0?GObject introspection data for GTK-VNC.
    gir1.2-gtkchamplain-0.12?Gtk+ widget to display maps (GObject introspection)
    gir1.2-gtkclutter-1.0?GObject introspection data for the GTK+ Clutter library
    gir1.2-gtksource-3.0?gir files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
    gir1.2-gtop-2.0?gtop system monitoring library (gir bindings)
    gir1.2-gucharmap-2.90?GObject introspection data for the Unicode browser widget library
    gir1.2-gudev-1.0?libgudev-1.0 introspection data
    gir1.2-guestfs-1.0?guest disk image management system - GObject introspection files
    gir1.2-gupnp-1.0?GObject introspection data for the GUPnP library
    gir1.2-gupnp-av-1.0?GObject introspection data for the GUPnP-AV library
    gir1.2-gupnp-dlna-1.0?transitional dummy package
    gir1.2-gupnpdlna-1.0?GObject introspection data for the DLNA utility library for GUPnP
    gir1.2-gupnpigd-1.0?GObject introspection data for the GUPnP IGD library
    gir1.2-gweather-3.0?GObject introspection data for the GWeather library
    gir1.2-gxps-0.1?GObject introspection data for the gxps library
    gir1.2-ibus-1.0?Intelligent Input Bus - introspection data
    gir1.2-indicate-0.7?Typelib file for libindicate5
    gir1.2-itl-1.0?GObject introspection data for Itl 1.0 library
    gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-1.0?GObject introspection data for the GTK+-based JavaScriptCore library
    gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-3.0?GObject introspection data for the GTK+-based JavaScriptCore library
    gir1.2-json-1.0?GLib JSON manipulation library (introspection data)
    gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0?GObject introspection data for libosinfo
    gir1.2-libvirt-glib-1.0?libvirt glib mainloop integration
    gir1.2-lunar-date-2.0?GObject Introspection for lunar-date
    gir1.2-muffin-3.0?GObject introspection data for Muffin
    gir1.2-mutter-3.0?GObject introspection data for Mutter
    gir1.2-mx-1.0?GObject introspection data for the libmx library
    gir1.2-nautilus-3.0?libraries for nautilus components - gir bindings
    gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0?GObject introspection data for NetworkManager
    gir1.2-notify-0.7?sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon (Introspection files)
    gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0?GObject introspection data for the PackageKit GLib library
    gir1.2-panelapplet-4.0?GObject introspection for the GNOME Panel Applet library
    gir1.2-pango-1.0?Layout and rendering of internationalized text - gir bindings
    gir1.2-peas-1.0?Application plugin library (introspection files)
    gir1.2-polkit-1.0?GObject introspection data for PolicyKit?
    gir1.2-poppler-0.18?GObject introspection data for poppler-glib
    gir1.2-rb-3.0?GObject introspection data for the rhythmbox music player
    gir1.2-rest-0.7?REST service access library (introspection files)
    gir1.2-rest-extras-0.7?REST service access library extra components (introspectionfiles)
    gir1.2-rsvg-2.0?gir files for renderer library for SVG files
    gir1.2-skk-1.0?library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method - introspection data
    gir1.2-socialweb-client?client library to access socialweb server (introspection files)
    gir1.2-soup-2.4?GObject introspection data for the libsoup HTTP library
    gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0?GObject for communicating with Spice servers (GObject-Introspection)
    gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-2.0?GTK2 widget for SPICE clients (GObject-Introspection)
    gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0?GTK3 widget for SPICE clients (GObject-Introspection)
    gir1.2-sugarext-1.0?GTK3-based Sugar toolkit - GObject introspection
    gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12?GLib Telepathy connection manager library (GObject-Introspection)
    gir1.2-telepathylogger-0.2?Telepathy logger service - introspection
    gir1.2-totem-1.0?GObject introspection data for Totem media player
    gir1.2-totem-plparser-1.0?GObject introspection data for the Totem Playlist Parser library
    gir1.2-tracker-0.14?GObject introspection data for Tracker
    gir1.2-unique-3.0?GObject introspection data for the Unique library
    gir1.2-upowerglib-1.0?GObject introspection data for upower
    gir1.2-urfkill-glib0?GObject introspection data for the urfkill library
    gir1.2-v-sim-1.0?Visualize atomic structures (gir bindings)
    gir1.2-vte-2.90?GObject introspection data for the VTE library
    gir1.2-webkit-1.0?GObject introspection data for the WebKit library
    gir1.2-webkit-3.0?GObject introspection data for the WebKit library
    gir1.2-wnck-3.0?GObject introspection data for the WNCK library
    gir1.2-xkl-1.0?X Keyboard Extension high-level API - introspection data
    gis-data?Debian GIS data
    gis-gps?GPS related programs
    gis-osm?OpenStreetMap related programs
    gis-remotesensing?Remote sensing and earth observation
    gis-statistics?Statistics with geographical data
    gis-tasks?Debian GIS tasks for tasksel
    gis-web?Present geographic information via web map server
    gis-workstation?Geographic Information Systems (GIS) workstation
    giskismet?Wireless recon visualization tool
    gitfast, scalable, distributed revision control system
    git-allfast, scalable, distributed revision control system (all subpackages)
    git-annexmanage files with git, without checking their contents into git
    git-arch?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (arch interoperability)
    git-buildpackage?Suite to help with Debian packages in Git repositories
    git-cola?highly caffeinated git GUI
    git-corefast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obsolete)
    git-cvs?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (cvs interoperability)
    git-daemon-run?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service)
    git-daemon-sysvinit?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service)
    git-doc?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (documentation)
    git-dpm?git Debian package manager
    git-el?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (emacs support)
    git-email?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (email add-on)
    git-extras?Extra commands for git
    git-flowGit extension to provide a high-level branching model
    git-ftp?Git powered FTP client written as shell script
    git-guifast, scalable, distributed revision control system (GUI)
    git-man?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (manual pages)
    git-review?git command for submitting branches to Gerrit
    git-sh?a git shell
    git-stuff?additional Git utilities
    git-svnfast, scalable, distributed revision control system (svn interoperability)
    git2cl?Simple tool to convert git logs to GNU ChangeLog? format
    gitggit repository viewer for gtk+/GNOME
    github-backup?backs up data from GitHub
    github-cli?command-line interface to the GitHub Issues API
    gitit?Wiki engine backed by a git or darcs filestore
    gitkfast, scalable, distributed revision control system (revision tree visualizer)
    gitmagic?guide about Git version control system
    gitolite?SSH-based gatekeeper for git repositories
    gitpkg?tools for maintaining Debian packages with git
    gitstats?statistics generator for git repositories
    gitweb?fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (web interface)
    giws?Generate C++ class wrappers to call Java methods/objects
    giws-doc?Documentation and examples for the GIWS package
    gjacktransport?access to the JACK's transport mechanism as touchable slider
    gjay?An automatic and learning DJ for audacious
    gjiten?Japanese dictionary for GNOME
    gjots2?Simple jotter (outline processor) for X11/gtk-gnome
    gjsMozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform
    gkbd-capplet?GNOME Panel applet for libgnomekbd
    gkdebconf?Helper to reconfigure packages with Debconf
    gkermit?A serial and network communications package
    gkrellkam?GKrellM plugin that displays a periodically updating image
    gkrellm?GNU Krell Monitors
    gkrellm-bfm?system load plugin for gkrellm with a duck
    gkrellm-gkrellmpc?GKrellM plugin for controlling MPD
    gkrellm-hdplop?hard drive activity monitor GKrellM plugin
    gkrellm-ibam?Advanced battery monitor for laptops - gkrellm plugin
    gkrellm-leds?Keyboard LED monitor for GKrellM
    gkrellm-mailwatch?GKrellM plugin to watch mailboxes in multiple panels
    gkrellm-mldonkey?mldonkey plugin for gkrellm2
    gkrellm-radio?FM radio tuner for GKrellM
    gkrellm-reminder?useful reminder plugin for gkrellm
    gkrellm-snmp?snmp plug-in for GKrellM
    gkrellm-thinkbat?ThinkPad laptops battery status indicator for GKrellM
    gkrellm-volume?A mixer plugin for GKrellM
    gkrellm-x86info?gkrellm plugin displaying the current processor speed
    gkrellm-xkb?Keyboard layout indicator plugin for GKrellM
    gkrellmd?GNU Krell Monitors Server
    gkrellmitime?Internet time plugin for gkrellm
    gkrellmoon?Gkrellm Moon Clock Plugin
    gkrellmwireless?802.11 wireless link monitor plugin for GKrellM
    gkrellshoot?Plugin for gkrellm to lock the screen and make screenshots
    gkrelltop?Top three intensive processes plugin for gkrellm
    gkrelltopd?Top three intensive processes plugin for gkrellmd
    gkrelluim?GKrellM plugin for uim
    gkrellweather?A weather monitor plugin for GKrellM
    gkrellxmms2?GKrellM plugin to control xmms2
    gksugraphical frontend to su
    gl-117?An action flight simulator
    gl-117-data?Data files for gl-117
    glabels?label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME
    glabels-data?data files for gLabels
    glabels-dev?development documentation and library files for gLabels
    glade?GTK+ User Interface Builder
    glade-xfce?glade modules for xfce
    gladish?graphical interface for LADI Session Handler
    glam2?gapped protein motifs from unaligned sequences
    glance?OpenStack Image Service - metapackage
    glance-api?OpenStack Image Service - API server
    glance-common?OpenStack Image Service - common files
    glance-registry?OpenStack Image Service - registry server
    glark?pattern matching tool similar to grep
    glassfish-activation?Open source Java EE 5 Application Server
    glassfish-appserv?Open source Java EE 5 Application Server
    glassfish-javaee?Open source Java EE 5 Application Server
    glassfish-jmac-api?Open source Java EE 5 Application Server
    glassfish-mail?Open source Java EE 5 Application Server
    glassfish-toplink-essentials?Open source Java EE 5 Application Server
    glaurung?free UCI chess engine, to calculate chess moves
    glbsp?nodes builder for Doom-style games; has support for OpenGL
    glchess?chess game with 3D graphics
    gle-doc?OpenGL tubing and extrusion library documentation
    gle-graphics?Graphics Layout Engine
    glee-dev?extension loading library for OpenGL - development
    glest?Dummy transition package for megaglest
    glest-data?Dummy transition package for megaglest-data
    glew-utils?OpenGL Extension Wrangler - utilities
    glfer?program for reception and transmission of QRSS/DFCW signals
    glhack?Fullscreen SDL/OpenGL version of NetHack?
    glib-networking?network-related giomodules for GLib
    glib-networking-common?network-related giomodules for GLib - data files
    glib-networking-dbg?network-related giomodules for GLib - debugging symbols
    glib-networking-services?network-related giomodules for GLib - D-Bus services
    glibc-doc?Embedded GNU C Library: Documentation
    glines?make color lines of five or more length
    glipper?Clipboard manager for GNOME
    gliv?image viewer using gdk-pixbuf and OpenGL
    glob2?innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game
    glob2-data?dataset for Globulation2 (glob2)
    globalSource code search and browse tools
    globs?GL Open Benchmark Suite
    globus-authz-callout-error-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus authz error library Debug Symbols
    globus-authz-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus authz library Debug Symbols
    globus-callout-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Callout Library Debug Symbols
    globus-common-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Common Library Debug Symbols
    globus-common-progs?Globus Toolkit - Common Library Programs
    globus-core?Globus Toolkit - Globus Core
    globus-ftp-client-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library Debug Symbols
    globus-ftp-control-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gass-cache-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Cache Debug Symbols
    globus-gass-cache-program?Globus Toolkit - Tools to manipulate local and remote GASS caches
    globus-gass-cache-program-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Tools to manipulate local and remote GASS caches Debug Symbols
    globus-gass-copy-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy Debug Symbols
    globus-gass-copy-progs?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy Programs
    globus-gass-server-ez-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez Debug Symbols
    globus-gass-server-ez-progs?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez Programs
    globus-gass-transfer-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Transfer Debug Symbols
    globus-gatekeeper?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gatekeeper
    globus-gatekeeper-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gatekeeper Debug Symbols
    globus-gfork-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GFork Debug Symbols
    globus-gfork-progs?Globus Toolkit - GFork Programs
    globus-gram-audit?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager Auditing
    globus-gram-client-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Client Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-client-tools?Globus Toolkit - Job Management Tools (globusrun)
    globus-gram-client-tools-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Job Management Tools (globusrun) Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-job-manager?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager
    globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GRAM Jobmanager Callout Errors Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-job-manager-condor?Globus Toolkit - Condor Job Manager Support
    globus-gram-job-manager-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-job-manager-doc?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager Documentation Files
    globus-gram-job-manager-fork?Globus Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support
    globus-gram-job-manager-fork-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-job-manager-fork-setup-poll?Globus Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support using polling
    globus-gram-job-manager-fork-setup-seg?Globus Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support using SEG
    globus-gram-job-manager-pbs?Globus Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support
    globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-dbg?Globus Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-setup-poll?Globus Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support using polling
    globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-setup-seg?Globus Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support using SEG
    globus-gram-job-manager-scripts?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Job ManagerScripts?
    globus-gram-job-manager-scripts-doc?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Job ManagerScripts? Documentation Files
    globus-gram-job-manager-sge?Globus Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support
    globus-gram-job-manager-sge-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support Debug Symbols
    globus-gram-job-manager-sge-setup-poll?Globus Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support using polling
    globus-gram-job-manager-sge-setup-seg?Globus Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support using SEG
    globus-gram-protocol-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GRAM Protocol Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gridftp-server-control-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gridftp-server-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Debug Symbols
    globus-gridftp-server-progs?Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Programs
    globus-gridmap-callout-error-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Gridmap Callout Errors Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-callback-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-cert-utils-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library Programs
    globus-gsi-credential-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-openssl-error-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Error Handling Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-proxy-core-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-proxy-ssl-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gsi-sysconfig-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI System Config Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gss-assist-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library Debug Symbols
    globus-gss-assist-progs?Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library Programs
    globus-gssapi-error-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Error Library Debug Symbols
    globus-gssapi-gsi-dbg?Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI library Debug Symbols
    globus-io-dbg?Globus Toolkit - uniform I/O interface Debug Symbols
    globus-openssl-module-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper Debug Symbols
    globus-openssl-module-progs?Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper Programs
    globus-proxy-utils?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Utility Programs
    globus-proxy-utils-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Utility Programs Debug Symbols
    globus-rls-client-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Replica Location Service Client Debug Symbols
    globus-rls-client-progs?Globus Toolkit - Replica Location Service Client Programs
    globus-rls-server?Globus Toolkit - Replica Location Service Server
    globus-rls-server-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Replica Location Service Server Debug Symbols
    globus-rsl-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Resource Specification Language Library Debug Symbols
    globus-scheduler-event-generator-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator Debug Symbols
    globus-scheduler-event-generator-progs?Globus Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator Programs
    globus-simple-ca?Globus Toolkit - Simple CA Utility
    globus-usage-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Usage Library Debug Symbols
    globus-xio-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework Debug Symbols
    globus-xio-gsi-driver-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver Debug Symbols
    globus-xio-pipe-driver-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus Pipe Driver Debug Symbols
    globus-xio-popen-driver-dbg?Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Pipe Open Driver Debug Symbols
    globus-xioperf?Globus Toolkit - XIO Performance Tool
    globus-xioperf-dbg?Globus Toolkit - XIO Performance Tool Debug Symbols
    glogg?Smart interactive log explorer using Qt4
    glosstex?prepare glossaries and lists of acronyms
    glotski?Slide blocks to reach a goal
    glpeces?Tangram (puzzle) game clone
    glpeces-data?Data files for glpeces (Tangram puzzle)
    glpi?IT and Asset management software
    glpk?linear programming kit
    glpk-doc?linear programming kit - documentation files
    glpk-utils?linear programming kit - utility files
    gltron?3D lightcycle game
    glue-schema?LDAP schema files for the GLUE Schema
    glue-sprite?Simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites
    glurp?GTK+ frontend to the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
    glusterfs-client?clustered file-system (client package)
    glusterfs-common?GlusterFS common libraries and translator modules
    glusterfs-dbg?GlusterFS debugging symbols
    glusterfs-examples?example files for the glusterfs server and client
    glusterfs-server?clustered file-system (server package)
    gmail-notify?Notify the arrival of new mail on Gmail
    gman?small man(1) front-end for X
    gmanedit?GTK+ man pages editor
    gmchess?Chinese chess game (Xiangqi)
    gmediaserver?UPnP Mediaserver
    gmemusage?Displays a graph detailing memory usage of each process
    gmerlin?multiformat media player
    gmerlin-avdecoder-dbg?debugging symbols for Gmerlin_avdecoder
    gmerlin-data?multiformat media player - data files
    gmerlin-dbg?debugging symbols for gmerlin
    gmerlin-encoders-ffmpeg?ffmpeg encoders for Gmerlin
    gmerlin-encoders-good?patent-free encoders for Gmerlin
    gmerlin-plugins-avdecoder?avdecoder plugins for Gmerlin
    gmerlin-plugins-base?gmerlin plugins from the "base" set
    gmetad?cluster monitoring toolkit - Ganglia Meta-Daemon
    gmfsk?MFSK, RTTY and other digital mode terminal for HF/amateur radio
    gmic?GREYC's Magic Image Converter
    gmic-zart?GREYC's Magic Image Converter - ZArt
    gmidimonitor?GTK+ application that shows MIDI events
    gmime-bin?MIME message parser and creator library - runtime
    gmlive?live video frontend for mplayer
    gmobilemedia?GTK+ application used to browse a mobile phone filesystem
    gmorgan?MIDI rhythm station emulator software
    gmotionlive?Simple multipart/x-mixed-replace viewer
    gmp-ecm?Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method
    gmpc?Gnome Music Player Client (graphical interface to MPD)
    gmpc-data?Gnome Music Player Client - data files
    gmpc-dbg?Gnome Music Player Client - debugging symbols
    gmpc-dev?Gnome Music Player Client (plugin development files)
    gmpc-plugins?Plugins for the GNOME Music Player Client
    gmpc-plugins-dbg?Plugins for the GNOME Music Player Client
    gmrun?Featureful CLI-like GTK+ application launcher
    gmt?Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-coast-low?Low resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-doc?HTML documentation for GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-doc-pdf?PDF docs for GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-doc-ps?PostScript docs for the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-examples?Example scripts illustrating the use of GMT
    gmt-gshhs-full?Full resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-gshhs-high?High resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-gshhs-low?Low resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-manpages?Manpages for the Generic Mapping Tools
    gmt-tutorial?Data files needed to reproduce the tutorial examples of GMT
    gmt-tutorial-pdf?Tutorial for GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools (PDF)
    gmt-tutorial-ps?Tutorial for the Generic Mapping Tools (PostScript)
    gmtkbabel?graphical interface for mtkbabel
    gmtp?simple MP3 player client for MTP based devices
    gmult?figure out which letters are which numbers
    gmusicbrowser?graphic jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc files
    gmysqlcc?graphical client for managing MySQL databases
    gnac?audio converter for GNOME
    gnarwl?Email autoresponder based on LDAP
    gnash?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player
    gnash-common?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Common files/libraries
    gnash-common-opengl?dummy package for gnash-common-opengl removal
    gnash-cygnal?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Media server
    gnash-dbg?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Debug symbols
    gnash-dev?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Development files
    gnash-doc?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - API documentation
    gnash-ext-fileio?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Fileio extension
    gnash-ext-lirc?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - LIRC extension
    gnash-ext-mysql?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - MySQL extension
    gnash-opengl?dummy package for gnash-opengl removal
    gnash-tools?GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Command-line Tools
    gnat?GNU Ada compiler
    gnat-4.6?GNU Ada compiler
    gnat-4.6-base?GNU Ada compiler (common files)
    gnat-4.6-sjlj?GNU Ada compiler (setjump/longjump runtime library)
    gnat-gps?integrated development environment for C and Ada
    gnat-gps-common?integrated development environment for C and Ada (common files)
    gnat-gps-dbg?integrated development environment for C and Ada (debugging symbols)
    gnat-gps-doc?integrated development environment for C and Ada (documentation)
    gnat-mingw-w64?GNU Ada compiler for MinGW-w64
    gnat-mingw-w64-i686?GNU Ada compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32
    gnat-mingw-w64-x86-64?GNU Ada compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64
    gnats?problem report management system - central database
    gnats-user?problem report management system - client tools
    gnect?four-in-a-row game for GNOME
    gnee?X event recorder/replayer - GUI flavor
    gngb?a Color Gameboy emulator
    gniall?program that tries to learn a human language
    gnibbles?snake game, up to four players
    gnobots2?improved old BSD robots game
    gnoemoe?A GNOME MOO Client
    gnokii?Datasuite for mobile phone management
    gnokii-cli?Datasuite for mobile phone management (console interface)
    gnokii-common?Datasuite for mobile phone management (base files)
    gnokii-smsd?SMS Daemon for mobile phones
    gnokii-smsd-mysql?SMSD plugin for MySQL storage backend
    gnokii-smsd-pgsql?SMSD plugin for PostgreSQL storage backend
    gnomad2?Manage a Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox
    gnome?Full GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components
    gnome-accessibility-themes?Accessibility themes for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-activity-journal?graphical user interface for Zeitgeist
    gnome-alsamixer?ALSA sound mixer for GNOME
    gnome-api-docs?API reference documentation for the GNOME libraries
    gnome-applets?Various applets for the GNOME panel - binary files
    gnome-applets-data?Various applets for the GNOME panel - data files
    gnome-applets-dbg?Various applets for the GNOME panel - binary files with debugging symbols
    gnome-audio?Audio files for GNOME
    gnome-backgroundsSet of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
    gnome-blog?GNOME application to post to weblog entries
    gnome-bluetoothGNOME Bluetooth tools
    gnome-boxes?Simple GNOME app to access remote or virtual systems
    gnome-brave-icon-theme?blue variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-breakout?Clone of the classic game Breakout, written for GNOME
    gnome-btdownload?GNOME interface for 'executing' BitTorrent files
    gnome-cards-data?data files for the GNOME card games
    gnome-codec-install?GStreamer codec installer
    gnome-color-chooser?GTK+/GNOME desktop appearance customization tool
    gnome-color-manager?Color management integration for the GNOME desktop environment
    gnome-colors?set of GNOME icon themes
    gnome-colors-common?common icons for all GNOME-Colors icon themes
    gnome-commander?nice and fast file manager for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-commander-data?Data files for GNOME Commander
    gnome-commander-dbg?Debugging symbols for gnome-commander
    gnome-common?common scripts and macros to develop with GNOME
    gnome-contacts?Contacts manager for GNOME
    gnome-control-centerutilities to configure the GNOME desktop
    gnome-control-center-data?configuration applets for GNOME - data files
    gnome-control-center-dev?utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
    gnome-core?GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components
    gnome-core-devel?GNOME Desktop Environment -- development components
    gnome-dbg?debugging symbols for the GNOME desktop environment
    gnome-desktop-data?Common files for GNOME desktop apps
    gnome-desktop-environment?The GNOME Desktop Environment - transitional package
    gnome-desktop-sharp2?GNOME Desktop# 2.24 suite, CLI bindings for GNOME
    gnome-desktop3-data?Common files for GNOME desktop apps
    gnome-devel?GNOME Desktop Environment -- development tools
    gnome-devel-docs?GNOME developer documentation
    gnome-dictionary?GNOME dictionary application
    gnome-disk-utilitymanage and configure disk drives and media
    gnome-do?Quickly perform actions on your desktop
    gnome-do-plugins?Extra functionality for GNOME Do
    gnome-doc-utils?collection of documentation utilities for the GNOME project
    gnome-documents?Document manager for GNOME
    gnome-dust-icon-theme?chocolate variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-dvb-client?client for gnome-dvb-daemon
    gnome-dvb-daemon?daemon to setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG
    gnome-extra-icons?Optional GNOME icons
    gnome-font-viewer?font viewer for GNOME
    gnome-games?games for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-games-data?data files for the GNOME games
    gnome-games-extra-data?games for the GNOME desktop (extra artwork)
    gnome-genius?advanced general purpose calculator program (Gnome frontend)
    gnome-gmail?support for Gmail as the preferred email application in GNOME
    gnome-hearts?The classic hearts card game for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-human-icon-theme?orange variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-hwp-support?HWP document integration for GNOME desktop
    gnome-hwp-support-dbg?HWP document integration for GNOME desktop - debugging symbols
    gnome-icon-theme?GNOME Desktop icon theme
    gnome-icon-theme-extras?GNOME Desktop icon theme (additional icons)
    gnome-icon-theme-gartoon?Gartoon icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
    gnome-icon-theme-nuovo?Dropline Nuovo icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
    gnome-icon-theme-suede?Suede icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
    gnome-icon-theme-symbolic?GNOME desktop icon theme (symbolic icons)
    gnome-icon-theme-yasis?YASIS (Yet Another Scalable Icon Set)
    gnome-illustrious-icon-theme?pink variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-js-common?Common modules for GNOME JavaScript interpreters
    gnome-keyring?GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools)
    gnome-mag?a screen magnifier for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-mastermind?Mastermind (TM) clone for GNOME Desktop
    gnome-media?GNOME media utilities
    gnome-media-profiles?GNOME Media Profiles library
    gnome-menus?GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
    gnome-mime-data?base MIME and Application database for GNOME.
    gnome-mplayer?GTK+ interface for MPlayer
    gnome-mplayer-dbg?GTK+ interface for MPlayer (debugging symbols)
    gnome-mud?The GNOME MUD client
    gnome-nds-thumbnailer?Nintendo DS roms thumbnailer for GNOME
    gnome-nettool?network information tool for GNOME
    gnome-noble-icon-theme?purple variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-online-accounts?GNOME Online Accounts
    gnome-orca?Scriptable screen reader
    gnome-osd?OSD message framework for GNOME
    gnome-packagekit?Graphical distribution neutral software management tools
    gnome-packagekit-data?Data files for graphical distribution neutral software management tools
    gnome-paint?simple, easy to use paint program for GNOME
    gnome-panellauncher and docking facility for GNOME
    gnome-panel-control?command line utility to invoke GNOME panel run dialog/menu
    gnome-panel-data?common files for the GNOME Panel
    gnome-panel-dbg?GNOME Panel and library for panel applets - debugging symbols
    gnome-phone-manager?control aspects of your mobile phone from your GNOME 2 desktop
    gnome-photo-printer?tool for Gnome to print several photos on one page
    gnome-pie?visual application launcher for GNOME
    gnome-pkg-tools?Tools for the Debian GNOME Packaging Team
    gnome-platform-devel?GNOME development platform
    gnome-power-manager?power management tool for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-ppp?modem internet connection tool for the GNOME Desktop
    gnome-rdp?remote desktop client for GNOME
    gnome-schedule?GNOME scheduler for automatic tasks
    gnome-screensaver?GNOME screen saver and locker
    gnome-screensaver-flags?Screensaver for GNOME with flags of the world.
    gnome-screenshot?screenshot application for GNOME
    gnome-search-tool?GNOME tool to search files
    gnome-session?GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session
    gnome-session-bin?GNOME Session Manager - Minimal runtime
    gnome-session-canberra?GNOME session log in and log out sound events
    gnome-session-common?GNOME Session Manager - common files
    gnome-session-fallbackGNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session
    gnome-settings-daemon?daemon handling the GNOME session settings
    gnome-settings-daemon-dev?Headers for building applications communicating with gnome-settings-daemon
    gnome-sharp2?GNOME# 2.24 suite, CLI bindings for GNOME
    gnome-sharp2-examples?sample applications for GNOME# 2.24
    gnome-shellgraphical shell for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-shell-common?common files for the GNOME graphical shell
    gnome-shell-dbg?Debugging symbols for GNOME Shell
    gnome-shell-extensions?Extensions to extend functionality of GNOME Shell
    gnome-shell-timer?GNOME Shell extension providing a countdown timer in the top panel
    gnome-specimen?Simple font preview and compare application for GNOME
    gnome-split?GNOME Split - File splitter for GNOME desktop
    gnome-subtitles?Subtitle editor for the GNOME Desktop environment
    gnome-sudoku?Sudoku puzzle game for GNOME
    gnome-sushi?sushi is a quick previewer for nautilus
    gnome-system-logsystem log viewer for GNOME
    gnome-system-monitorProcess viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME
    gnome-system-toolsCross-platform configuration utilities for GNOME
    gnome-terminalGNOME terminal emulator application
    gnome-terminal-data?Data files for the GNOME terminal emulator
    gnome-theme-gilouche?openSUSE Gilouche Theme
    gnome-themes?official themes for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-themes-extras?extra themes for the GNOME desktop
    gnome-themes-standard?Standard GNOME themes
    gnome-themes-standard-data?Data files for GNOME standard themes
    gnome-tweak-tooltool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME
    gnome-u2ps?tool to convert UTF-8 text to PostScript
    gnome-user-guide?GNOME user's guide
    gnome-user-share?User level public file sharing via WebDAV or ObexFTP
    gnome-video-effects?GNOME Video Effects
    gnome-video-effects-dev?Development files for gnome-video-effects
    gnome-video-effects-frei0r?GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins
    gnome-wine-icon-theme?red variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-wise-icon-theme?green variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
    gnome-xcf-thumbnailer?GNOME thumbnailer for GIMP XCF files.
    gnomecatalog?catalog CD, DVD and hard disk files
    gnomekiss?A KiSS paper doll viewer for GNOME
    gnomeradio?FM-radio tuner for the GNOME desktop
    gnomine?popular minesweeper puzzle game for GNOME
    gnomint?x509 Certification Authority management tool for GNOME
    gnote?desktop note taking program using Wiki style links
    gnotime?utility for tracking and invoicing time spent on projects
    gnotravex?put tiles on a board and match their edges together
    gnotski?Klotski puzzle game for GNOME
    gnu-efi?Library for developing EFI applications
    gnu-fdiskLinux fdisk replacement based on libparted
    gnu-smalltalk?GNU Smalltalk interpreter and image
    gnu-smalltalk-browser?GNU Smalltalk browser
    gnu-smalltalk-common?GNU Smalltalk class library sources and extras
    gnu-smalltalk-doc?GNU Smalltalk info documentation
    gnu-smalltalk-el?GNU Smalltalk Emacs front-end
    gnu-standards?GNU coding and package maintenance standards
    gnubg?graphical or console backgammon program with analysis
    gnubg-data?data files for GNU Backgammon
    gnubiff?mail notification program for GNOME (and others)
    gnubik?3D Rubik's cube game
    gnucap?GNU Circuit Analysis package
    gnucash?personal and small-business financial-accounting software
    gnucash-common?common files for the financial-accounting software Gnucash
    gnucash-dbg?debugging symbols for the accounting software Gnucash
    gnucash-docs?Documentation for gnucash, a personal finance tracking program
    gnuchess?Plays a game of chess, either against the user or against itself
    gnuchess-book?Opening book for gnuchess
    gnudatalanguage?Free IDL compatible incremental compiler
    gnudoq?An open source, graphical Su Doku generator and solver with printer support
    gnugk?OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper
    gnugo?play the game of Go
    gnuhtml2latex?Convert HTML files to LaTeX
    gnuift?GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content
    gnuift-doc?Documentation for gnuift
    gnuift-perl?GNU Image Finding Tool - perl modules
    gnuit?GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer
    gnujump?platform game where you have to jump up to survive
    gnujump-data?platform game where you have to jump up to survive - data files
    gnulib?GNU Portability Library
    gnumach-common?GNU version of the Mach microkernel, common files.
    gnumed-client?medical practice management - Client
    gnumed-client-de?medical practice management - Client for German users
    gnumed-common?medical practice management - common files
    gnumed-doc?medical practice management - Documentation
    gnumed-server?medical practice management - server
    gnumeric?spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program
    gnumeric-common?spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files
    gnumeric-doc?spreadsheet application for GNOME - documentation
    gnumeric-plugins-extra?spreadsheet application for GNOME - additional plugins
    gnuminishogi?program to play minishogi, a shogi variant on a 5x5 board
    gnunet?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (meta)
    gnunet-client?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (client)
    gnunet-common?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (common)
    gnunet-dbg?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (debug)
    gnunet-dev?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (development)
    gnunet-fuse?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (fuse filesystem client)
    gnunet-gtk?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client)
    gnunet-gtk-dbg?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client debug)
    gnunet-gtk-dev?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client development)
    gnunet-server?secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (server)
    gnupgGNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
    gnupg-agent?GNU privacy guard - password agent
    gnupg-curl?GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (cURL)
    gnupg-doc?GNU Privacy Guard documentation
    gnupg-pkcs11-scd?GnuPG smart-card daemon with PKCS#11 support
    gnupg-pkcs11-scd-dbg?GnuPG smart-card daemon with PKCS#11 support (debug)
    gnupg2?GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (new v2.x)
    gnuplotCommand-line driven interactive plotting program
    gnuplot-doc?Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Doc-package
    gnuplot-mode?Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
    gnuplot-nox?Command-line driven interactive plotting program. No-X package
    gnuplot-qt?Command-line driven interactive plotting program. QT-package
    gnuplot-x11?Command-line driven interactive plotting program. X-package
    gnupod-tools?command-line tools for the iPod family of portable music players
    gnuradio?GNU Radio Software Radio Toolkit
    gnuradio-dev?GNU Software Defined Radio toolkit development
    gnuradio-doc?GNU Software Defined Radio toolkit documentation
    gnurobbo?logic game ported from ATARI XE/XL
    gnurobots?Program a robot to explore a world
    gnus-bonus-el?Miscellaneous add-ons for Gnus
    gnuserv?Allows you to attach to an already running Emacs
    gnushogi?program to play shogi, the Japanese version of chess
    gnusim8085?Graphical Intel 8085 simulator, assembler and debugger
    gnustep?User applications for the GNUstep Envireonment
    gnustep-back-common?GNUstep GUI Backend - common files
    gnustep-back-dbg?GNUstep GUI Backend - debugging symbols
    gnustep-back0.20?GNUstep GUI Backend
    gnustep-back0.20-art?GNUstep GUI Backend (art)
    gnustep-back0.20-cairo?GNUstep GUI Backend (cairo)
    gnustep-base-common?GNUstep Base library - common files
    gnustep-base-doc?Documentation for the GNUstep Base Library
    gnustep-base-examples?Examples using the GNUstep Base Library
    gnustep-base-runtime?GNUstep Base library - daemons and tools
    gnustep-common?Common files for the core GNUstep environment
    gnustep-core-devel?GNUstep Development Environment -- core libraries
    gnustep-core-doc?GNUstep Development Environment -- core documentation
    gnustep-devel?GNUstep Development Environment -- development tools
    gnustep-dl2?Objective-C Classes needed for Database Access
    gnustep-dl2-postgresql-adaptor?gnustep-dl2 adaptor to connect to PostgreSQL
    gnustep-dl2-sqlite-adaptor?gnustep-dl2 adaptor to connect to SQLite
    gnustep-examples?GNUstep example applications
    gnustep-games?GNUstep games
    gnustep-gpbs?GNUstep PasteBoard? server
    gnustep-gui-common?GNUstep GUI Library - common files
    gnustep-gui-doc?Documentation for the GNUstep GUI Library
    gnustep-gui-runtime?GNUstep GUI Library - runtime files
    gnustep-icons?Several free icons for use with GNUstep and others
    gnustep-make?Basic GNUstep Makefiles
    gnustep-make-doc?Documentation for GNUstep-make
    gnutls-bin?GNU TLS library - commandline utilities
    gnutls26-doc?GNU TLS library 2.x - documentation and examples
    go2?fast directory finder
    goaccess?log analyzer and interactive viewer for the Apache Webserver
    goattracker?C64 music editor
    gob2?GTK+ Object Builder
    goban-original-games?Original games set for the Goban screensaver
    goban-ss?Goban screensaver
    gobby?collaborative text editors
    gobby-0.4?collaborative text editor
    gobby-0.4-dbg?collaborative text editor - debugging symbols
    gobby-0.5?infinote-based collaborative text editor
    gobby-0.5-dbg?infinote-based collaborative text editor - debugging symbols
    gobby-infinote?infinote-based collaborative text editor (current)
    gobjc?GNU Objective-C compiler
    gobjc++?GNU Objective-C++ compiler
    gobjc++-4.6?GNU Objective-C++ compiler
    gobjc++-4.6-multilib?GNU Objective-C++ compiler (multilib files)
    gobjc++-4.7?GNU Objective-C++ compiler
    gobjc++-4.7-multilib?GNU Objective-C++ compiler (multilib files)
    gobjc++-mingw-w64?GNU Objective-C++ compiler for MinGW-w64
    gobjc++-mingw-w64-i686?GNU Objective-C++ compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32
    gobjc++-mingw-w64-x86-64?GNU Objective-C++ compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64
    gobjc++-multilib?GNU Objective-C++ compiler (multilib files)
    gobjc-4.6?GNU Objective-C compiler
    gobjc-4.6-multilib?GNU Objective-C compiler (multilib files)
    gobjc-4.7?GNU Objective-C compiler
    gobjc-4.7-multilib?GNU Objective-C compiler (multilib files)
    gobjc-mingw-w64?GNU Objective-C compiler for MinGW-w64
    gobjc-mingw-w64-i686?GNU Objective-C compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32
    gobjc-mingw-w64-x86-64?GNU Objective-C compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64
    gobjc-multilib?GNU Objective-C compiler (multilib files)
    gobject-introspectionGenerate interface introspection data for GObject libraries
    goby?WYSIWYG presentation tool for Emacs
    gocr?Command line OCR
    gocr-tk?tcl/tk wrapper around gocr
    god?Fully configurable process monitoring
    gofigure2?Tool for visualizing, processing and analysing of bioimages
    gogglesmm?Goggles Music Manager
    gogoc?Client to connect to IPv6 tunnel brokers
    golangGo programming language compiler - metapackage
    golang-dbg?Go programming language compiler - debug files
    golang-doc?Go programming language compiler - documentation
    golang-go?Go programming language compiler
    golang-mode?Go programming language - mode for GNU Emacs
    golang-src?Go programming language compiler - source files
    goldencheetah?set of analysis tools for cycling performance
    goldendict?feature-rich dictionary lookup program
    goldendict-wordnet?electronic lexical database of English language for dict
    golismero?Web application mapper
    golly?Game of Life simulator using hashlife algorithm
    gom?Command line and interactive ncurses-based OSS audio mixer
    gomoku.app?Extended TicTacToe? game for GNUstep
    gonzuiA source code search engine
    goo?generic object-orientator (programming language)
    goobox?CD player and ripper with GNOME 3 integration
    goofile?Command line filetype search
    google-mock?Google's framework for writing and using C++ mock classes
    google-perftoolscommand line utilities to analyze the performance of C++ programs
    google-sitemapgen?sitemap generator for Google Sitemap
    googlefontdirectory-tools?various tools for generating, analysing and manipulating font files
    gopchop?fast, lossless cuts-only editor for MPEG2 video files
    gopher?Distributed Hypertext Client, Gopher protocol
    goplay?games (and more) package browser using DebTags?
    gorm.app?Visual Interface Builder for GNUstep
    gosa?Web Based LDAP Administration Program
    gosa-desktop?Desktop integration for GOsa²
    gosa-dev?GOsa² development utilities
    gosa-help-de?German online help for GOsa²
    gosa-help-en?English online help for GOsa
    gosa-help-fr?French online help for GOsa²
    gosa-help-nl?Dutch online help for GOsa
    gosa-plugin-connectivity?connectivity plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-dhcp?dhcp plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-dhcp-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² dhcp plugin
    gosa-plugin-dns?dns plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-dns-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² dns plugin
    gosa-plugin-fai?fai plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-fai-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² fai plugin
    gosa-plugin-gofax?gofax plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-gofon?gofon plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-goto?goto plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-kolab?kolab plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-kolab-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² kolab plugin
    gosa-plugin-ldapmanager?ldapmanager plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-mail?base mail plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-mit-krb5?mit-krb5 plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-mit-krb5-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² mit-krb5 plugin
    gosa-plugin-nagios?nagios plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-nagios-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² nagios plugin
    gosa-plugin-netatalk?netatalk plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-opengroupware?opengroupware plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-openxchange?openxchange plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-openxchange-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² openxchange plugin
    gosa-plugin-opsi?opsi plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-phpgw?phpgw plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-phpgw-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² phpgw plugin
    gosa-plugin-phpscheduleit?phpscheduleit plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-phpscheduleit-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² phpscheduleit plugin
    gosa-plugin-pptp?pptp plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-pptp-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² pptp plugin
    gosa-plugin-pureftpd?pureftpd plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-pureftpd-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² pureftpd plugin
    gosa-plugin-rolemanagement?rolemanagement plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-rsyslog?rsyslog plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-samba?samba3 plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-scalix?scalix plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-squid?squid plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-ssh?ssh plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-ssh-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² ssh plugin
    gosa-plugin-sudo?sudo plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-sudo-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa² sudo plugin
    gosa-plugin-systems?systems plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-uw-imap?uw-imap plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-plugin-webdav?webdav plugin for GOsa²
    gosa-schema?LDAP schema for GOsa
    gosmore?Openstreetmap.org viewer / wayfinder / search client
    gotmail?utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account
    goto-common?GOto common functions
    goto-fai?Scripts to integrate GOto with FAI
    goto-fai-backend?GOsa integration with FAI
    goto-fai-progress?Fully Automatic Installation progress bar
    gource?graphical source control visualisation
    gourmet?A gtk-based recipe organizer and shopping list generator
    gozer?text renderer
    gozerbot?IRC and Jabber bot written in Python
    gozerbot-plugins?Plugins for the gozerbot IRC and Jabber bot
    gpa?GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA)
    gpac?GPAC Project on Advanced Content - utilities
    gpac-dbg?GPAC Project on Advanced Content - debugging symbols
    gpac-modules-base?GPAC Project on Advanced Content - modules
    gpaco?simple but yet powerful source code package management system(GUI)
    gpaint?GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME
    gpart?Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions
    gpartedGNOME partition editor
    gpdftext?GTK+ text editor for ebook PDF files
    gpe?The G Palmtop Environment (GPE) metapackage
    gpe-announce?Alarm support for the G Palmtop Environment
    gpe-appmgr?application manager for GPE desktop
    gpe-bluetooth?Bluetooth connectivity tool for GPE
    gpe-calendar?store and manage calendar events in GPE
    gpe-clock?alarm clock tray applet for GPE
    gpe-conf?configuration toolset for GPE
    gpe-confd?GPE configuration daemon
    gpe-contacts?contact manager for GPE
    gpe-edit?GPE Palmtop Environment text editor
    gpe-expenses?Simple expense records for GPE
    gpe-filemanager?file manager for GPE
    gpe-gallery?GPE image gallery and viewer with slideshow support
    gpe-go?two player board game for GPE
    gpe-icons?Common icons used by GPE programs
    gpe-julia?Julia/Mandelbrot set generator for GPE
    gpe-lights?Lights Out game clone for GPE
    gpe-login?login window for the G Palmtop Environment
    gpe-mininet?network connectivity monitor for GPE
    gpe-mixer?audio mixer frontend for GPE
    gpe-othello?othello board game for GPE
    gpe-ownerinfo?details of the GPE device owner
    gpe-ownerinfo-dev?access the device owner information
    gpe-question?GPE interface for asking questions from shell scripts
    gpe-screenshot?screenshot application for GPE
    gpe-shield?firewall configuration for GPE
    gpe-soundbite?voice memo player/recorder for GPE
    gpe-soundserver?start and stop the GPE sound service
    gpe-su?root shell for GPE
    gpe-taskmanager?lists windows and kills errant programs
    gpe-tetris?tetris game for small screens and embedded devices
    gpe-timesheet?keep track of time spent on a task in GPE
    gpe-todo?To-do list for GPE
    gpe-watch?a watch for a small screen in GPE
    gpe-what?context-sensitive help for GPE
    gperfPerfect hash function generator
    gperf-ace?ACE perfect hash function generator (transitional package)
    gperiodic?periodic table application
    gpesyncd?synchronisation agent for GPE PIM data
    gpgsm?GNU privacy guard - S/MIME version
    gpgvGNU privacy guard - signature verification tool
    gpgv-win32?GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool (win32 build)
    gphoto2?The gphoto2 digital camera command-line client
    gphotofs?filesystem to mount digital cameras
    gphpeditdevelopment environment for PHP/HTML/CSS
    gpick?advanced GTK+ color picker
    gpicview?lightweight image viewer
    gpicview-dbg?lightweight image viewer (debug)
    gpiv?GUI program for Particle Image Velocimetry
    gpiv-mpi?GUI program for Particle Image Velocimetry - MPI version
    gpivtools?command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry
    gpivtools-mpi?command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry - MPI version
    gplanarity?simple puzzle game involving untangling planar graphs
    gplcver?Verilog simulator
    gpmGeneral Purpose Mouse interface
    gpodder?podcast client and feed aggregator
    gpointing-device-settingsconfiguration tool for pointing devices
    gpomme?graphical client for pommed
    gpp?A general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax
    gpp-decrypt?Group Policy Preferences decrypter
    gpr?GUI for lpr: print files and configure printer-specific options
    gprbuild?multi-language extensible build tool
    gprbuild-doc?multi-language extensible build tool (documentation)
    gpredict?Satellite tracking program
    gprename?Complete batch renamer for Linux
    gprolog?GNU Prolog compiler
    gprolog-doc?documentation for the GNU Prolog compiler
    gprompter?intelligent predictive GTK+ text editor
    gprompter-dbg?intelligent predictive GTK+ text editor (debugging symbols)
    gpsbabel?GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units
    gpsbabel-doc?GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units
    gpsbabel-gui?GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units - GUI
    gpscorrelate?correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields (command line)
    gpscorrelate-gui?correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields (GUI)
    gpsd?Global Positioning System - daemon
    gpsd-clients?Global Positioning System - clients
    gpsd-dbg?Global Positioning System - debugging symbols
    gpsim?Simulator for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers
    gpsim-dev?Libraries needed only for building gpsim components
    gpsim-doc?Documentation for gpsim
    gpsk31?GTK-based psk31
    gpsman?A GPS data graphical manager
    gpsmanshp?A Tcl interface to shapelib
    gpsprune?visualize, edit, convert and prune GPS data
    gpstrans?communicate with a Garmin Global Positioning System receiver
    gptG-Portugol is a portuguese structured programming language
    gptsync?GPT and MBR partition tables synchronisation tool
    gputils?GNU PIC utilities
    gputils-common?headers and linker scripts for gputils
    gputils-doc?documentation for gputils
    gpw?Trigraph Password Generator
    gpx2shp?convert GPS or GPX file to ESRI Shape file
    gpxviewer?views GPS traces collected in the GPX format
    gqrx?Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio
    gquilt?graphical wrapper for quilt and/or mercurial queues
    gqview?image viewer using GTK+ (transitional package)
    gqview-dbg?image viewer using GTK+ (debug) (transitional package)
    gr-air-modes?Gnuradio Mode-S/ADS-B radio
    gr-scan?Scans a range of frequencies and prints a list of discovered signals
    grabber?Web application vulnerability scanner
    grabc?simple program to determine the color string in hex by clicking on a pixel
    grace?XY graphing and plotting tool
    gradm2?Administration program for the grsecurity2 RBAC based ACL system
    grads?Grid Analysis and Display System for earth science data
    grafx2?ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
    gramadoir?Irish language grammar checker (integration scripts)
    gramofile?Transfer sound from gramophone records to CD
    gramophone2?GRAMophone II is an algorithmic music generator
    gramps?Genealogical research program
    granatier?Bomberman clone
    granule?flashcard program for learning new words
    grap?program for typesetting graphs
    graph-includes?transitionnal package
    graphdefang?grapher for MIMEDefang spam and virus logs
    graphicsmagick?collection of image processing tools
    graphicsmagick-dbg?format-independent image processing - debugging symbols
    graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat?image processing tools providing ImageMagick interface
    graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat?image processing libraries providing ImageMagick interface
    graphite-carbon?backend data caching and persistence daemon for Graphite
    graphmonkey?a GTK#-based graphing calculator
    graphthing?tool to create, manipulate and study graphs
    graphvizrich set of graph drawing tools
    graphviz-dev?transitional package for graphviz-dev rename
    graphviz-doc?additional documentation for graphviz
    grass?Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS)
    grass-core?GRASS GIS core components
    grass-dev?GRASS GIS development files
    grass-dev-doc?GRASS GIS Programmers' Manual
    grass-doc?GRASS GIS user documentation
    grass-gui?GRASS GIS graphical user interfaces
    gravitation?game about mania, melancholia, and the creative process
    gravitywars?clone of Gravity Force
    grc?generic colouriser for everything
    grcm?GNOME application to initiate connections to remote machines
    grcompiler?Compiler of smart (graphite) fonts
    grdesktop?GNOME frontend for the rdesktop client
    greed?curses-based clone of the DOS free-ware game Greed
    greenbone-security-assistant?The Greenbone Security Assistant
    greenbone-security-assistant-dbg?The Greenbone Security Assistant (debug)
    greenwich?graphical whois client for GNOME
    gregorio?command-line tool to typeset Gregorian chant
    gregoriotex?LuaTeX style for Gregorian chant scores
    grepGNU grep, egrep and fgrep
    grepcidr?Filter IP addresses matching IPv4 CIDR/network specification
    grepmail?search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
    gresolver?graphical tool for performing DNS queries
    gretl?GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library
    gretl-common?GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- scripts package
    gretl-data?GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- data package
    gretl-doc?GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- doc package
    greylistd?Greylisting daemon for use with Exim 4
    grfcodec?suite of programs to modify Transport Tycoon Deluxe's GRF files
    grhino?othello/reversi boardgame
    grhino-data?othello/reversi boardgame - data-files
    gri?a language for scientific illustration
    gri-el?Emacs major-mode for gri, a language for scientific graphics
    gri-html-doc?HTML manual for gri, a language for scientific graphics
    gri-pdf-doc?PostScript manual for gri, a language for scientific graphics
    grid-packaging-tools?System for managing source dependencies in large projects
    gridengine-client?Utilities for Grid Engine queue management
    gridengine-common?Distributed resource management - common files
    gridengine-drmaa-dev?Distributed resource management Application API library
    gridengine-drmaa1.0?Distributed resource management Application API library
    gridengine-exec?Distributed resource management - Execution Server
    gridengine-master?Distributed resource management - Master Server
    gridengine-qmon?Graphical utilities for Grid Engine queue management
    gridlock.app?A collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep
    gridsite?Grid Security for the Web, Web platforms for Grids
    gridsite-clients?Clients to gridsite: htcp, htrm, htmv
    gridsite-dbg?Debugging symbols for gridsite
    gridsite-doc?Developers Documentation for gridsite
    gridsite-gsexec?Setuid gsexec tools for gridsite
    griffith?film collection manager
    grig?graphical user interface to the Ham Radio Control Libraries
    grilo-plugins-0.1?Framework for discovering and browsing media - Plugins
    grinder?Versatile omics shotgun and amplicon sequencing read simulator
    gringo?grounding tools for (disjunctive) logic programs
    gringotts?secure password and data storage manager
    grisbi?personal finance management program
    grisbi-common?shared files for the finance management program Grisbi
    grml-debootstrap?wrapper around debootstrap for installing pure Debian
    grml-rescueboot?Integrates Grml ISO booting into GRUB
    grml2usb?install grml system / ISO to usb device
    groffGNU troff text-formatting system
    groff-base?GNU troff text-formatting system (base system components)
    grok?powerful pattern-matching and reacting tool
    grok-dbg?debugging symbols for grok
    grokevt?scripts for reading Microsoft Windows event log files
    gromacs?Molecular dynamics simulator, with building and analysis tools
    gromacs-data?GROMACS molecular dynamics sim, data and documentation
    gromacs-dev?GROMACS molecular dynamics sim, development kit
    gromacs-mpich?Molecular dynamics sim, binaries for MPICH parallelization
    gromacs-openmpi?Molecular dynamics sim, binaries for OpenMPI parallelization
    gromit?GTK based tool to make annotations on screen
    groovyAgile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
    groovy-doc?Agile dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine (documentation)
    gross?fast and efficient greylist server with DNSBL support
    groundhog?A simple logic game
    growisofs?DVD+-RW/R recorder
    grpn?GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator
    grr.app?RSS reader for GNUstep
    grsync?GTK+ frontend for rsync
    grub-choose-default?Control Grub Default through a GUI
    grub-commonGRand Unified Bootloader (common files)
    grub-coreboot?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Coreboot version)
    grub-coreboot-bin?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Coreboot binaries)
    grub-disk?GRUB bootable disk image (dummy package)
    grub-doc?Documentation for GRand Unified Bootloader (dummy package)
    grub-efiGRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package)
    grub-efi-amd64GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 version)
    grub-efi-amd64-bin?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 binaries)
    grub-efi-ia32?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-IA32 version)
    grub-efi-ia32-bin?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-IA32 binaries)
    grub-emu?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (emulated version)
    grub-firmware-qemu?GRUB firmware image for QEMU
    grub-ieee1275?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Open Firmware version)
    grub-ieee1275-bin?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Open Firmware binaries)
    grub-imageboot?boot iso, harddisk and floppy images with grub2 and syslinux memdisk
    grub-invaders?multiboot compliant kernel game
    grub-legacy?GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version)
    grub-legacy-doc?Documentation for GRUB Legacy
    grub-linuxbios?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package)
    grub-pc?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version)
    grub-pc-bin?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS binaries)
    grub-rescue-pc?GRUB bootable rescue images, version 2 (PC/BIOS version)
    grub-splashimages?a collection of great GRUB splashimages
    grub2?GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package)
    grub2-common?GRand Unified Bootloader (common files for version 2)
    grub2-splashimages?a collection of great GRUB2 splashimages
    grun?GTK based Run dialog
    gsalliere?Bridge duplicate scorer (GUI frontend)
    gsasl?GNU SASL command line utility
    gsasl-dbg?GNU SASL debugging symbols
    gscan2pdf?GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus? from scanned documents
    gscanbus?scan IEEE1394 (firewire/i.link) bus
    gsd?A Desktop Client that connects to the OpenVAS Manager
    gsd-dbg?A Desktop Client that connects to the OpenVAS Manager (debug)
    gsetroot?a C/Gtk-based front-end for Esetroot
    gsettings-desktop-schemasGSettings deskop-wide schemas
    gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev?Development files for GSettings desktop-wide schemas
    gsfonts?Fonts for the Ghostscript interpreter(s)
    gsfonts-x11?Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11
    gshare?Easy user-level file sharing for GNOME
    gsimplecal?lightweight GUI calendar application
    gsl-bin?GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package
    gsm-utils?GSM mobile phone access applications
    gsm0710muxd?GSM 07.10 Multiplexer
    gsmartcontrol?graphical user interface for smartctl
    gsmc?Smith Chart calculator for impedance matching
    gsoap?Development libraries and stub generators for gSOAP
    gsoap-dbg?Debugging symbols for gSOAP
    gsoap-doc?gSOAP documentation
    gsoko?sokoban game for GPE
    gsql?Integrated database development tool for GNOME
    gsql-mysql-engine?MySQL engine for GSQL
    gsql-plugins?Plugins for GSQL
    gsql-postgresql-engine?PostgreSQL engine for GSQL
    gss-doc?Documentation for GSS (except man pages)
    gss-man?Man pages for GSS
    gssdp-tools?GObject-based library for SSDP (tools)
    gst123?GStreamer based command line media player
    gstm?SSH tunnel manager for GNOME
    gstreamer-tools?Tools for use with GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-alsa?GStreamer plugin for ALSA
    gstreamer0.10-buzztard?Buzztard - Support plugins for GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-buzztard-doc?Buzztard - Support plugins for GStreamer (documentation)
    gstreamer0.10-chromaprint?GStreamer plugin for calculating audio fingerprints
    gstreamer0.10-crystalhd?Crystal HD Video Decoder (GStreamer plugin)
    gstreamer0.10-doc?GStreamer core documentation and manuals
    gstreamer0.10-dvswitch?GStreamer plugin source from DVswitch
    gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg?FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-dbg?FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer (debug symbols)
    gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3?Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer plugin
    gstreamer0.10-gconf?GStreamer plugin for getting the sink/source information from GConf
    gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs?GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS
    gstreamer0.10-gnonlin?non-linear editing module for GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-dbg?non-linear editing module for GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-doc?GStreamer documentation for the non-linear editing module
    gstreamer0.10-hplugins?Holoscópio plugins for GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-nice?ICE library (GStreamer plugin)
    gstreamer0.10-packagekit?GStreamer plugin to install codecs using PackageKit
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad?GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-dbg?GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (debug symbols)
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc?GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-base?GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps?GStreamer helper programs from the "base" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-dbg?GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-doc?GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-cutter?Cutter GStreamer plugin
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-good?GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-dbg?GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc?GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly?GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-dbg?GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (debug symbols)
    gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-doc?GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set
    gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio?GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio
    gstreamer0.10-qapt?GStreamer plugin to install codecs using QApt
    gstreamer0.10-tools?Tools for use with GStreamer
    gstreamer0.10-x?GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango
    gsutilconfigure and manage Grandstream BudgeTone? 100 VOIP and GX2000 phones
    gsynaptics?configuration tool for pointing devices (transitional package)
    gt5?shell program to display visual disk usage with navigation
    gtali?sort of poker with dice and less money
    gtamsanalyzer.app?Qualitative Research Software for GNUstep
    gtans?Tangram (puzzle) game using GTK+
    gtetrinet?multiplayer tetris-like game
    gtg?organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
    gthumb?image viewer and browser
    gthumb-data?image viewer and browser - arch-independent files
    gthumb-dbg?image viewer and browser - debugging symbols
    gthumb-dev?image viewer and browser - development files
    gtick?Metronome application
    gtimer?GTK-based X11 task timer
    gtk-3-examples?example files for GTK+ 3
    gtk-chtheme?GTK+ 2.0 theme changer and previewer utility
    gtk-doc-tools?GTK+ documentation tools
    gtk-gnutella?shares files in a peer to peer network
    gtk-im-libthai?GTK+ 2 Input Method Module using LibThai?
    gtk-recordmydesktop?Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop? screencast tool
    gtk-redshift?Adjusts the color temperature of your screen with GTK+ integration
    gtk-sharp2?GTK# 2.10 suite, CLI bindings for GTK+
    gtk-sharp2-examples?sample applications for the GTK# 2.10 toolkit
    gtk-sharp2-gapi?C source parser and C# code generator for GObject based APIs
    gtk-smooth-themes?A set of themes for the Smooth GTK+ Engine
    gtk-theme-switch?GTK+ theme switching utility
    gtk-vector-screenshot?takes screenshots of applications as PDF or SVG files
    gtk2-engines?theme engines for GTK+ 2.x
    gtk2-engines-aurora?Aurora gtk+-2.0 theme engine
    gtk2-engines-cleanice?CleanIce? themes for GTK+ 2.x
    gtk2-engines-magicchicken?Magic Chicken themes for GTK+ 2.x
    gtk2-engines-moblin?gtk2 engines for moblin
    gtk2-engines-murrine?cairo-based gtk+-2.0 theme engine
    gtk2-engines-nodoka?Nodoka theme engine for GTK+ 2.x
    gtk2-engines-oxygen?Oxygen widget theme for GTK+-based applications
    gtk2-engines-pixbuf?pixbuf-based theme for GTK+ 2.x
    gtk2-engines-qtcurve?This is a set of widget styles for Gtk2 based apps
    gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks?'ubuntulooks' theme for GTK+ 2.x
    gtk2-engines-wonderland?Wonderland theme for GTK+-2.0
    gtk2-engines-xfce?GTK+-2.0 theme engine for Xfce
    gtk2.0-examples?example files for GTK+ 2.0
    gtk2hs-buildtools?Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries
    gtk3-engines-oxygen?Oxygen widget theme for GTK3-based applications
    gtk3-engines-unico?Unico Gtk+ 3 theme engine
    gtk3-im-libthai?GTK+ 3 Input Method Module using LibThai?
    gtkam?application for retrieving media from digital cameras
    gtkam-dbg?GTK+ application for digital still cameras (debugging symbols)
    gtkam-gimp?gtkam gimp plugin to open digital camera pictures
    gtkaml?XML application markup language for GTK+ and Vala
    gtkaml-dbg?XML application markup language for GTK+ and Vala - debug symbols
    gtkatlantic?Game like Monopoly
    gtkballs?A simple logic game
    gtkboard?many board games in one program
    gtkcookie?editor for cookie files
    gtkguitune?Guitar and other instruments tuner
    gtkhash?GTK+ utility for computing checksums and more
    gtkhash-common?common files for gtkhash extensions
    gtklick?simple metronome GUI for JACK
    gtklp?printing tool for CUPS on the GNOME Desktop
    gtkmm-documentation?Documentation of C++ wrappers for GLib/GTK+
    gtkmorph?Digital image warp and morph (gtk)
    gtkmorph-example?digital image warp and morph, examples
    gtkorphan?A graphical tool to find and remove orphaned libraries
    gtkperf?GTK+ performance benchmark
    gtkpod?manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod
    gtkpod-data?architecture-independent files for gtkpod
    gtkpod-dbg?debugging symbols for gtkpod
    gtkpool?simple pool billiard game written with GTK+
    gtkvncviewer?Small GNOME VNC client
    gtkwave?VCD (Value Change Dump) file waveform viewer
    gtml?HTML pre-processor
    gtranslator?PO-file editor for the GNOME Desktop
    gtrayicon?Generic tray icon for GNOME
    gtrayicon-dbg?Generic tray icon for GNOME - debug symbols
    gtypist?simple ncurses touch typing tutor
    guacamole?HTML5 web application for accessing remote desktops
    guacamole-tomcat?Tomcat-based Guacamole install with VNC support
    guacd?Guacamole proxy daemon
    guake?Drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment
    guayadeque?lightweight music player
    guayadeque-dbg?lightweight music player - debugging symbols
    gucharmap?Unicode character picker and font browser
    guessnet?Guess which LAN a network device is connected to
    guestfish?guest disk image management system - file system shell
    guestfsd?Daemon to access to guest virtual machine through virtio serial
    guestmount?guest disk image management system - FUSE mount utility
    gufwgraphical user interface for ufw
    gui-apt-key?Graphical Key Manager for APT
    guile-1.6?The GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter
    guile-1.6-dev?Development files for Guile 1.6
    guile-1.6-doc?Reference and tutorial documentation for Guile 1.6
    guile-1.6-libs?Main Guile libraries
    guile-1.6-slib?Guile SLIB support
    guile-1.8?GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter
    guile-1.8-dev?Development files for Guile 1.8
    guile-1.8-doc?Documentation for Guile 1.8
    guile-1.8-libs?Core Guile libraries
    guile-2.0?GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter
    guile-2.0-dev?Development files for Guile 2.0
    guile-2.0-doc?Documentation for Guile 2.0
    guile-2.0-libs?Core Guile libraries
    guile-cairo?Guile bindings for Cairo
    guile-cairo-dev?Guile bindings for Cairo, development files
    guile-db?Berkeley DB module for Guile
    guile-g-wrap?scripting interface generator for C - Guile runtime
    guile-gnutls?GNU TLS library - GNU Guile bindings
    guile-library?Library of useful Guile modules
    guile-pg?Guile bindings for the PostgreSQL client library
    guilt?quilt for git; similar to Mercurial queues
    guitarix?Rock guitar amplifier for Jack
    gummi?GTK+ based LaTeX editor with live preview
    gunicornEvent-based HTTP/WSGI server
    gunroar?360-degree gunboat shooter
    gunroar-data?360-degree gunboat shooter - game data
    gup?let a remote site change their newsgroups subscription
    gupnp-dlna-tools?GObject-based library for GUPnP DLNA (tools)
    gupnp-tools?tools for testing UPnP devices and control points
    gupnp-vala?GObject-based library for UPnP (Vala bindings)
    gurgitate-mail?E-mail processor and filter with configuration files in ruby
    gurlchecker?graphical websites checker
    gutenprint-doc?users' guide for Gutenprint and CUPS
    gutenprint-locales?locale data files for Gutenprint
    guvcviewGTK+ base UVC Viewer
    guymager?Forensic imaging tool based on Qt
    gv?PostScript and PDF viewer for X
    gvb?visual simulator of 1 and 2-dimensional vibrations
    gvfsuserspace virtual filesystem - GIO module
    gvfs-backendsuserspace virtual filesystem - backends
    gvfs-bin?userspace virtual filesystem - binaries
    gvfs-common?userspace virtual filesystem - common data files
    gvfs-daemonsuserspace virtual filesystem - servers
    gvfs-dbg?userspace virtual filesystem - debugging information
    gvfs-fuse?userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server
    gvfs-libs?userspace virtual filesystem - private libraries
    gvidm?quickly and easily change video resolutions in X
    gvncviewer?VNC viewer using gtk-vnc
    gvpe?creates a virtual ethernet between multiple endpoints
    gvrng?Interactive, introductory programming language
    gw6c?Transitional dummy package
    gwaei?Japanese-English Dictionary for GNOME
    gwakeonlan?wakes up your machines using Wake on LAN
    gwaterfall?View all characters of a font in all sizes
    gwc?Audio file denoiser
    gwc-dbg?Audio file denoiser (debug)
    gweled?A "Diamond Mine" puzzle game
    gwenhywfar-tools?helper applications for Gwenhywfar library
    gwenview?image viewer
    gwenview-dbg?debugging symbols for the gwenview
    gwhere?Removable media catalog manager
    gwhois?generic Whois Client / Server
    gworkspace-apps-wrappers?Application wrappers for GWorkspace
    gworkspace.app?GNUstep Workspace Manager
    gworldclock?Displays time and date in specified time zones
    gwrite?simple GTK+ HTML5 rich text editor
    gwsetup?utilities to configure and manipulate Geneweb databases
    gwtp?web interface interacting with Geneweb databases
    gwyddion?Scanning Probe Microscopy visualization and analysis tool
    gwyddion-common?architecture-independent files for Gwyddion SPM analysis tool
    gwyddion-plugins?plugins for Gwyddion SPM analysis tool
    gxine?the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface
    gxineplugin?the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome; launcher plugin for Mozilla
    gxmessage?xmessage clone based on GTK+
    gxmms2?XMMS2 client for the GNOME desktop
    gxneur?GTK+ frontend for xneur keyboard layout switcher
    gxtuner?Tuner for Jack
    gyoto?General relativistic ray-tracing
    gyoto-dbg?debugging symbols for gyoto, libgyoto0 and yorick-gyoto
    gyoto-doc?documentation for the Gyoto library
    gyp?Generate Your Projects
    gyrus?GNOME tool for Cyrus-IMAP servers administration
    gzipGNU compression utilities
    gzip-win32?GNU compression utility (win32 build)
    gzrt?gzip recovery toolkit
    h5utils?HDF5 files visualization tools
    ha?archiver for .ha files
    haci?web based IP(v6) address and network administration tool
    hackersh?Shell-like wrapper of various security tools
    hackrf-tools?Hardware driver and tools for HackRF Jawbreaker
    hal?Hardware Abstraction Layer
    hal-doc?Hardware Abstraction Layer - documentation
    hal-info?Hardware Abstraction Layer - fdi files
    halevt?generic handler for HAL events
    halibut?yet another free document preparation system
    hama-slide-mouse-control?Control the DPI setting and thumb buttons of a Hama SLide S1 gaming mouse
    hamexam?Study tool for USA FCC amateur radio (ham) exams.
    hamfax?Receive/send radio facsimile transmissions with Soundcard/PTC-II
    haml-elisp?Emacs Lisp mode for the Haml markup language
    hamradiomenus?hamradio menus for GNOME and KDE
    hamster-applet?time tracking applet for GNOME
    hamster-sidejack?Sidejacking tool
    handlersocket-doc?HandlerSocket? command line client
    handlersocket-mysql-5.5?HandlerSocket? plugin for MySQL 5.5
    hannah?pacman-like game, child oriented
    hannah-data?pacman-like game, child oriented - data files
    hapm?light and fast high availability port monitor
    hapolicy?Balancing and fallback postfix policy delegation service
    happy?Parser generator for Haskell
    harden?Makes your system hardened
    harden-clients?Avoid clients that are known to be insecure
    harden-development?Development tools for creating more secure programs
    harden-doc?Useful documentation to secure a Debian system
    harden-environment?Hardened system environment
    harden-nids?Harden a system by using a network intrusion detection system
    harden-remoteaudit?Audit your remote systems from this host
    harden-servers?Avoid servers that are known to be insecure
    harden-surveillance?Check services and/or servers automatically
    harden-tools?Tools to enhance or analyze the security of the local system
    hardening-includes?Makefile for enabling compiler flags for security hardening
    hardening-wrapper?Compiler wrapper to enable security hardening flags
    hardinfoDisplays system information
    hardlink?Hardlinks multiple copies of the same file
    harminv?extraction of complex frequencies and amplitudes from time series
    hasciicam?(h)ascii for the masses: live video as text
    haserl?CGI scripting program for embedded environments
    hash-identifier?Tool to identify hash types
    hashalot?Read and hash a passphrase
    hashcash?postage payment scheme for email based on hash calculations
    haskell-agda-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-convertible-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-cpphs-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-debian-utils?Various helpers to work with Debian packages
    haskell-devscripts?Tools to help Debian developers build Haskell packages
    haskell-doc?Assorted Haskell language documentation
    haskell-edison-api-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-edison-core-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-haskelldb-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hdbc-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hdbc-odbc-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hdbc-postgresql-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hdbc-sqlite3-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hscurses-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hsql-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hsql-mysql-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hsql-odbc-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hsql-postgresql-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-hsql-sqlite3-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-http-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-mode?major mode for editing Haskell in Emacs
    haskell-pcre-light-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-platform?Standard Haskell libraries and tools
    haskell-platform-doc?Standard Haskell libraries and tools; documentation
    haskell-platform-prof?Standard Haskell libraries and tools; profiling libraries
    haskell-regex-base-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-regex-compat-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-regex-posix-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-src-exts-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-uulib-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell-zlib-doc?transitional dummy package
    haskell98-report?The Haskell 98 Language and Libraries Revised Report & addenda
    haskell98-tutorial?A Gentle Introduction to Haskell 98
    haskelldb-doc?transitional dummy package
    hatari?Emulator for the Atari ST, STE, TT, and Falcon computers
    hatop?interactive ncurses client for haproxy
    haveged?Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm
    haxml?utilities for using XML documents with Haskell
    hdapsd?HDAPS daemon for IBM/Lenovo ThinkPads? and Apple iBooks/PowerBooks?
    hdate-applet?Hebrew calendar applet
    hddtemphard drive temperature monitoring utility
    hdf4-tools?Hierarchical Data Format 4 library -- runtime package
    hdf5-helpers?Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) - Helper tools
    hdf5-tools?Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) - Runtime tools
    hdfview?Java HDF Object viewer
    hdhomerun-config?Configuration utility for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun?
    hdparmtune hard disk parameters for high performance
    hdparm-dbg?debug files for hdparm
    hdup?Filesystem duplicator and backup
    headache?Tool to manage license notes of source files
    hearse?exchange Nethack bones files with other players
    heartbeat?Subsystem for High-Availability Linux
    heartbeat-dev?Subsystem for High-Availability Linux - development files
    hebcal?A Perpetual Jewish Calendar
    hedgewars?Worms style game
    hedgewars-data?Data files for hedgewars
    heimdal-clients?Heimdal Kerberos - clients
    heimdal-clients-x?Heimdal Kerberos - X11 client programs
    heimdal-dbg?Heimdal Kerberos - debugging symbols
    heimdal-dev?Heimdal Kerberos - development files
    heimdal-docs?Heimdal Kerberos - documentation
    heimdal-kcm?Heimdal Kerberos - KCM daemon
    heimdal-kdc?Heimdal Kerberos - key distribution center (KDC)
    heimdal-multidev?Heimdal Kerberos - Multi-implementation Development
    heimdal-servers?Heimdal Kerberos - server programs
    heimdal-servers-x?Heimdal Kerberos - X11 server programs
    heirloom-mailx?feature-rich BSD mail(1)
    helium?compiler used for learning the programming language Haskell
    hello?The classic greeting, and a good example
    hello-debhelper?The classic greeting, and a good example
    help2man?Automatic manpage generator
    helpviewer.app?Online help viewer for GNUstep programs
    hepmc-examples?Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - example files
    hepmc-reference-manual?Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - Reference Manual
    hepmc-user-manual?Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - User Manual
    herbstluftwm?manual tiling window manager for X11
    hercules?System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator
    herculesstudio?Hercules GUI front-end
    heroes-common?Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
    heroes-data?Required data files for heroes
    heroes-sdl?Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
    heroes-sound-effects?Optional sound files for heroes
    heroes-sound-tracks?Optional sound files for heroes
    hesiod?Project Athena's DNS-based directory service - utilities
    hevea?translates from LaTeX to HTML, info, or text
    hex-a-hop?puzzle game based on hexagonal tiles
    hexalate?Color matching puzzle
    hexcurse?A ncurses-based hex editor with many features
    hexec?Command line tool to hook into exec calls
    hexedit?view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
    hexer?interactive binary editor with a Vi-like interface
    hexinject?Versatile packet injector and sniffer
    hexorbase?Multiple database management and audit application
    hexter?Yamaha DX7 modeling DSSI plugin
    hexxagon?Hexagonal Ataxx clone
    hfsplus?Tools to access HFS+ formatted volumes
    hfsprogs?mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems
    hfsutils?Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes
    hfsutils-tcltk?Tcl/Tk interfaces for reading and writing Macintosh volumes
    hg-fast-export?mercurial to git converter using git-fast-import
    hgsubversion?Subversion client as Mercurial extension
    hgsvn?Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
    hgview?mercurial interactive history viewer (Qt4 interface)
    hgview-common?mercurial interactive history viewer (common files)
    hgview-curses?mercurial interactive history viewer (text interface)
    hhsuite?sensitive protein sequence searching based on HMM-HMM alignment
    hhsuite-data?sensitive protein sequence searching based on HMM-HMM alignment (data)
    hhsuite-dbg?sensitive protein sequence searching based on HMM-HMM alignment (debug)
    hibernate?smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk)
    hicolor-icon-theme?default fallback theme for FreeDesktop?.org icon themes
    highlight?Universal source code to formatted text converter
    highlight-common?source code to formatted text converter (architecture independent files)
    hiki?Wiki Engine written in Ruby
    hime?GTK+ based input method for Chinese users
    hime-anthy?support library to use Anthy in HIME
    hime-chewing?support library to use Chewing in HIME
    hime-data?icons, locales and scripts for HIME
    hime-dev?development files for HIME
    hime-gtk3-immodule?GTK3 input method module with HIME as backend
    hime-qt4-immodule?Qt4 input method module with HIME as backend
    hime-tables?input method tables for HIME
    hitchhiker?access locations using Bazaar transports
    hitori?logic puzzle game similar to sudoku
    hlbr?IPS that runs over layer 2 (no TCP/IP stack required)
    hlbrw?assistant to help make new rules to HLBR
    hlins?Insert URLs into html documents
    hlint?Haskell source code suggestions
    hmmer?profile hidden Markov models for protein sequence analysis
    hmmer-doc?profile hidden Markov models for protein sequence analysis (docs)
    hnb?hierarchical notebook
    ho22bus?simple application to memorize words
    ho22bus-data?common data for ho22bus
    hobbit-plugins?plugins for the Xymon network monitor
    hocr-gtk?GTK+ frontend for Hebrew OCR
    hodie?prints the date in latin
    hoichess?xboard compatible chess engine to play chess with
    hol-light?HOL Light theorem prover
    hol88?Higher Order Logic, system image
    hol88-contrib-help?Higher Order Logic, user contributed online help files
    hol88-contrib-source?Higher Order Logic, user contributed source
    hol88-doc?Documentation for hol88
    hol88-help?Higher Order Logic, online help files
    hol88-library?Higher Order Logic, binary library modules
    hol88-library-help?Higher Order Logic, library online help files
    hol88-library-source?Higher Order Logic, library source files
    hol88-source?Higher Order Logic, source files
    holdingnuts?poker client
    holdingnuts-server?poker server
    holotz-castle?platform game with high doses of mystery
    holotz-castle-data?platform game with high doses of mystery - data files
    holotz-castle-editor?platform game with high doses of mystery - level editor
    homebank?Manage your personal accounts at home
    homebank-data?Data files for homebank
    horgand?JACK capable organ softsynth
    horgand-data?JACK capable organ softsynth (data files)
    hostTransitional package
    hostap-utils?Utility programs for Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3
    hostapduser space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator
    hostnameutility to set/show the host name or domain name
    hotkeys?A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X
    hotot?lightweight microblogging client
    hotpatch?Hot patches Linux executables with .so file injection
    hotswap?(de)register hotswappable IDE hardware
    hotswap-gui?(de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (GUI front-ends)
    hotswap-text?(de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (command line tool)
    hotwire?Extensible graphical command execution shell
    howm?Note-taking tool on Emacs
    hoz?file splitter that uses the hacha file format
    hoz-gui?file splitter that uses the hacha file format
    hp-ppd?HP Postscript Printer Definition (PPD) files
    hp-search-mac?Search for a MAC address on HP switches
    hp2xx?HPGL converter into some vector- and raster formats
    hp48cc?C-like compiler which produces HP48 RPN
    hpanel?minimalist panel for X
    hpcc?HPC Challenge benchmark
    hpijs?transitional dummy package for hpijs printer driver
    hpijs-ppds?HP Linux Printing and Imaging - HPIJS PPD files
    hping3Active Network Smashing Tool
    hplip?HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP)
    hplip-cups?transitional dummy package for hpcups printer driver
    hplip-data?HP Linux Printing and Imaging - data files
    hplip-dbg?HP Linux Printing and Imaging - debugging information
    hplip-doc?HP Linux Printing and Imaging - documentation
    hplip-gui?HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI utilities (Qt-based)
    hpsockd?HP SOCKS server
    hscolour?Haskell program to colourise Haskell code
    hsetroot?tool for compose root-pixmaps for X11
    hspell?Hebrew spell checker and morphological analyzer
    hspell-gui?graphical front-end for the hspell hebrew spell checker
    hsqldb-server?Java SQL database server
    hsqldb-utils?Java SQL database engine (utilities)
    ht?Viewer/editor/analyser (mostly) for executables
    htag?A tagline/.signature adder for email, news and FidoNet? messages
    htcheck?Utility for checking web site for dead/external links
    htcheck-php?Simple php interface to database generated by ht://Check
    htdig?web search and indexing system - binaries
    htdig-doc?web search and indexing system - documentation
    html-helper-mode?A popular HTML editing mode for emacs
    html-xml-utils?HTML and XML manipulation utilities
    html2markdown?Dummy upgrade package for merge of html2markdown into python-html2text
    html2ps?HTML to PostScript converter
    html2text?advanced HTML to text converter
    html2wml?converts HTML pages to WML (WAP) or i-mode pages
    htmldoc?HTML processor that generates indexed HTML, PS, and PDF
    htmldoc-common?Common arch-independent files for htmldoc
    htopinteractive processes viewer
    htsengine?frontend of HMM-based speech synthesis engine
    htshells?Self contained htaccess shells and attacks
    httest?HTTP test tool
    http-icons?classic MIME icons
    http-tunnel?Tunneling software to tunnel through restrictive HTTP proxies
    httpcode?Explains the meaning of an HTTP status code on the command line
    httperfAn HTTP server performance tester
    httpfs2?FUSE filesystem for mounting files from http servers
    httpie?CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
    httping?ping-like program for http-requests
    httptunnel?Tunnels a data stream in HTTP requests
    httrack?Copy websites to your computer (Offline browser)
    httrack-doc?Httrack website copier additional documentation
    hugin?panorama photo stitcher - GUI tools
    hugin-data?panorama photo stitcher - common data files
    hugin-tools?panorama photo stitcher - commandline tools
    hugs?A Haskell 98 interpreter
    hunspell?spell checker and morphological analyzer (program)
    hunspell-an?Aragonese dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-ar?Arabic dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-be?Belarusian dictionary for hunspell and academic orthography
    hunspell-da?Danish dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-de-at?Austrian (German) dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-de-at-frami?Austrian (German) dictionary for hunspell ("frami" version)
    hunspell-de-ch?Swiss (German) dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-de-ch-frami?Swiss (German) dictionary for hunspell ("frami" version)
    hunspell-de-de?German dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-de-de-frami?German dictionary for hunspell ("frami" version)
    hunspell-de-med?German medical dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-en-ca?English_canadian dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-en-us?English_american dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-eu-es?Basque (Euskera) dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-fr?French dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-gl-es?Galician dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-hu?Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-kk?Kazakh dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-ko?Korean dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-ml?Malayalam dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-ne?Nepali dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-ro?Romanian dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-ru?Russian dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-se?North Sámi Hunspell dictionary
    hunspell-sh?Serbian (Latin) dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-sr?Serbian (Cyrillic) dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-sv-se?Swedish (SE) dictionary for hunspell
    hunspell-tools?tools for hunspell
    hunspell-uz?The Uzbek dictionary for Hunspell
    hunspell-vi?Vietnamese dictionary for hunspell
    hunt?Advanced packet sniffer and connection intrusion
    hv3?Lightweight web browser
    hwdata?hardware identification / configuration data
    hwinfoHardware identification system
    hwlocHierarchical view of the machine - utilities
    hwloc-nox?Hierarchical view of the machine - non-X version of utilities
    hyantesite?geomatic tool to compute neighbourhood population potential
    hybrid-dev?development files for ircd-hybrid
    hyde?static website generator with the power of Django templates
    hydravery fast network logon cracker
    hydra-gtk?very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI
    hydrogen?advanced drum machine/step sequencer
    hydrogen-drumkits?drumkits for Hydrogen
    hylafax-client?Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities
    hylafax-client-dbg?Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities
    hylafax-server?Flexible client/server fax software - server daemons
    hylafax-server-dbg?Debug symbols for the hylafax server
    hyphen-af?Afrikaans hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-as?Assamese hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-bn?Bengali hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-ca?Catalan hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-de?German hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-en-us?US English hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-fr?French hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-gu?Gujarati hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-hi?Hindi hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-hr?Croatian hyphenation pattern for OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-hu?Hungarian hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-it?Italian hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-kn?Kannada hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-mr?Marathi hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-pa?Punjabi hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-pl?Polish hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-ro?Romanian hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-sh?Serbian (Latin) hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-show?Show hyphenations in DVI-files
    hyphen-sl?Slovenian hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-sr?Serbian (Cyrillic) hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    hyphen-ta?Tamil hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-te?Telugu hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice
    hyphen-zu?Zulu hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
    i2c-toolsheterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux
    i3metapackage (i3 window manager, screen locker, menu, statusbar)
    i3-wm?improved dynamic tiling window manager
    i3-wm-dbg?Debugging symbols for the i3 window manager
    i3lock?improved screen locker
    i3status?Generates a status line for dzen2, xmobar or i3bar
    i810switch?Enables/disables video output to CRT/LCD on i810 video hardware
    i8kutils?utilities for Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops
    i965-va-driver?VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family
    i965-va-driver-dbg?VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family (debug symbols)
    ia32-libsTransitional package to migrate ia32-libs to multiarch
    ia32-libs-gtk?Transitional package to migrate ia32-libs-gtk to multiarch
    iagno?popular Othello game for GNOME
    iamerican?American English dictionary for ispell (standard version)
    iamerican-huge?American English dictionary for ispell (huge)
    iamerican-insane?American English dictionary for ispell (insane version)
    iamerican-large?American English dictionary for ispell (large)
    iamerican-small?American English dictionary for ispell (small)
    iasl?Intel ASL compiler/decompiler
    iat?Converts many CD-ROM image formats to iso9660
    iaxflood?VoIP flooder tool
    iaxmodem?software modem with IAX2 connectivity
    ibam?Advanced battery monitor for laptops
    ibid?easily extensible Python IM bot for IRC, Jabber, SILC, campfire, etc.
    ibod?ISDN MPPP bandwidth on demand daemon
    ibrazilian?Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for ispell
    ibritish?British English dictionary for ispell (standard version)