最終更新:2024-11-10 (日) 19:10:44 (27d)
Usage Page/Keyboard/Keypad
dec hex Usage name 0 0x00 Reserved (no event indicated) 1 0x01 Keyboard ErrorRollOver? 2 0x02 Keyboard POSTFail 3 0x03 Keyboard ErrorUndefined? 4 0x04 Keyboard a and A 5 0x05 Keyboard b and B 6 0x06 Keyboard c and C 7 0x07 Keyboard d and D 8 0x08 Keyboard e and E 9 0x09 Keyboard f and F 10 0x0A Keyboard g and G 11 0x0B Keyboard h and H 12 0x0C Keyboard i and I 13 0x0D Keyboard j and J 14 0x0E Keyboard k and K 15 0x0F Keyboard l and L 16 0x10 Keyboard m and M 17 0x11 Keyboard n and N 18 0x12 Keyboard o and O 19 0x13 Keyboard p and P 20 0x14 Keyboard q and Q 21 0x15 Keyboard r and R 22 0x16 Keyboard s and S 23 0x17 Keyboard t and T 24 0x18 Keyboard u and U 25 0x19 Keyboard v and V 26 0x1A Keyboard w and W 27 0x1B Keyboard x and X 28 0x1C Keyboard y and Y 29 0x1D Keyboard z and Z 30 0x1E Keyboard 1 and ! 31 0x1F Keyboard 2 and @ 32 0x20 Keyboard 3 and # 33 0x21 Keyboard 4 and $ 34 0x22 Keyboard 5 and % 35 0x23 Keyboard 6 and ^ 36 0x24 Keyboard 7 and & 37 0x25 Keyboard 8 and * 38 0x26 Keyboard 9 and ( 39 0x27 Keyboard 0 and ) 40 0x28 Keyboard Return (ENTER) 41 0x29 Keyboard ESCAPE 42 0x2A Keyboard DELETE (Backspace) 43 0x2B Keyboard Tab 44 0x2C Keyboard Spacebar 45 0x2D Keyboard - and (underscore) 46 0x2E Keyboard = and + 47 0x2F Keyboard [ and { 48 0x30 Keyboard ] and } 49 0x31 Keyboard \ and | 50 0x32 Keyboard Non-US # and ~ 51 0x33 Keyboard ; and : 52 0x34 Keyboard ' and " 53 0x35 Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde 54 0x36 Keyboard, and < 55 0x37 Keyboard . and > 56 0x38 Keyboard / and ? 57 0x39 Keyboard Caps Lock 58 0x3A Keyboard F1 59 0x3B Keyboard F2 60 0x3C Keyboard F3 61 0x3D Keyboard F4 62 0x3E Keyboard F5 63 0x3F Keyboard F6 64 0x40 Keyboard F7 65 0x41 Keyboard F8 66 0x42 Keyboard F9 67 0x43 Keyboard F10 68 0x44 Keyboard F11 69 0x45 Keyboard F12 70 0x46 Keyboard PrintScreen? 71 0x47 Keyboard Scroll Lock 72 0x48 Keyboard Pause 73 0x49 Keyboard Insert 74 0x4A Keyboard Home 75 0x4B Keyboard PageUp? 76 0x4C Keyboard Delete Forward 77 0x4D Keyboard End 78 0x4E Keyboard PageDown? 79 0x4F Keyboard RightArrow? 80 0x50 Keyboard LeftArrow? 81 0x51 Keyboard DownArrow? 82 0x52 Keyboard UpArrow? 83 0x53 Keypad Num Lock and Clear 84 0x54 Keypad / 85 0x55 Keypad * 86 0x56 Keypad - 87 0x57 Keypad + 88 0x58 Keypad ENTER 89 0x59 Keypad 1 and End 90 0x5A Keypad 2 and Down Arrow 91 0x5B Keypad 3 and PageDn? 92 0x5C Keypad 4 and Left Arrow 93 0x5D Keypad 5 94 0x5E Keypad 6 and Right Arrow 95 0x5F Keypad 7 and Home 96 0x60 Keypad 8 and Up Arrow 97 0x61 Keypad 9 and PageUp? 98 0x62 Keypad 0 and Insert 99 0x63 Keypad . and Delete 100 0x64 Keyboard Non-US \ and | 101 0x65 Keyboard Application 102 0x66 Keyboard Power 103 0x67 Keypad = 104 0x68 Keyboard F13 105 0x69 Keyboard F14 106 0x6A Keyboard F15 107 0x6B Keyboard F16 108 0x6C Keyboard F17 109 0x6D Keyboard F18 110 0x6E Keyboard F19 111 0x6F Keyboard F20 112 0x70 Keyboard F21 113 0x71 Keyboard F22 114 0x72 Keyboard F23 115 0x73 Keyboard F24 116 0x74 Keyboard Execute 117 0x75 Keyboard Help 118 0x76 Keyboard Menu 119 0x77 Keyboard Select 120 0x78 Keyboard Stop 121 0x79 Keyboard Again 122 0x7A Keyboard Undo 123 0x7B Keyboard Cut 124 0x7C Keyboard Copy 125 0x7D Keyboard Paste 126 0x7E Keyboard Find 127 0x7F Keyboard Mute 128 0x80 Keyboard Volume Up 129 0x81 Keyboard Volume Down 130 0x82 Keyboard Locking Caps Lock 131 0x83 Keyboard Locking Num Lock 132 0x84 Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock 133 0x85 Keypad Comma 134 0x86 Keypad Equal Sign 135 0x87 Keyboard International1 136 0x88 Keyboard International2 137 0x89 Keyboard International3 138 0x8A Keyboard International4 (変換キー) 139 0x8B Keyboard International5 (無変換キー) 140 0x8C Keyboard International6 141 0x8D Keyboard International7 142 0x8E Keyboard International8 143 0x8F Keyboard International9 144 0x90 Keyboard LANG1 (かなキー) 145 0x91 Keyboard LANG2 (英数キー) 146 0x92 Keyboard LANG3 147 0x93 Keyboard LANG4 148 0x94 Keyboard LANG5 149 0x95 Keyboard LANG6 150 0x96 Keyboard LANG7 151 0x97 Keyboard LANG8 152 0x98 Keyboard LANG9 153 0x99 Keyboard Alternate Erase 154 0x9A Keyboard SysReq?/Attention 155 0x9B Keyboard Cancel 156 0x9C Keyboard Clear 157 0x9D Keyboard Prior 158 0x9E Keyboard Return 159 0x9F Keyboard Separator 160 0xA0 Keyboard Out 161 0xA1 Keyboard Oper 162 0xA2 Keyboard Clear/Again 163 0xA3 Keyboard CrSel?/Props 164 0xA4 Keyboard ExSel? 224 0xE0 Keyboard LeftControl? 225 0xE1 Keyboard LeftShift? 226 0xE2 Keyboard LeftAlt? 227 0xE3 Keyboard Left GUI 228 0xE4 Keyboard RightControl? 229 0xE5 Keyboard RightShift? 230 0xE6 Keyboard RightAlt? 231 0xE7 Keyboard Right GUI 232-65535 0xE8-0xFFFF Reserved
Since only one array element can be reported in each array field, modifier keys should be reported as bitmap data (a group of 1-bit variable fields). For example, keys such as CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, and GUI keys make up the 8 bit modifier byte in a standard keyboard report. Although these usage codes are defined in the Usage Table as E0–E7, the usage is not sent as array data. The modifier byte is defined as follows.