最終更新:2024-11-10 (日) 19:10:44 (27d)  

Top / HID / キーコード

Usage Page/Keyboard/Keypad

  • dechexUsage name
    00x00Reserved (no event indicated)
    10x01Keyboard ErrorRollOver?
    20x02Keyboard POSTFail
    30x03Keyboard ErrorUndefined?
    40x04Keyboard a and A
    50x05Keyboard b and B
    60x06Keyboard c and C
    70x07Keyboard d and D
    80x08Keyboard e and E
    90x09Keyboard f and F
    100x0AKeyboard g and G
    110x0BKeyboard h and H
    120x0CKeyboard i and I
    130x0DKeyboard j and J
    140x0EKeyboard k and K
    150x0FKeyboard l and L
    160x10Keyboard m and M
    170x11Keyboard n and N
    180x12Keyboard o and O
    190x13Keyboard p and P
    200x14Keyboard q and Q
    210x15Keyboard r and R
    220x16Keyboard s and S
    230x17Keyboard t and T
    240x18Keyboard u and U
    250x19Keyboard v and V
    260x1AKeyboard w and W
    270x1BKeyboard x and X
    280x1CKeyboard y and Y
    290x1DKeyboard z and Z
    300x1EKeyboard 1 and !
    310x1FKeyboard 2 and @
    320x20Keyboard 3 and #
    330x21Keyboard 4 and $
    340x22Keyboard 5 and %
    350x23Keyboard 6 and ^
    360x24Keyboard 7 and &
    370x25Keyboard 8 and *
    380x26Keyboard 9 and (
    390x27Keyboard 0 and )
    400x28Keyboard Return (ENTER)
    410x29Keyboard ESCAPE
    420x2AKeyboard DELETE (Backspace)
    430x2BKeyboard Tab
    440x2CKeyboard Spacebar
    450x2DKeyboard - and (underscore)
    460x2EKeyboard = and +
    470x2FKeyboard [ and {
    480x30Keyboard ] and }
    490x31Keyboard \ and |
    500x32Keyboard Non-US # and ~
    510x33Keyboard ; and :
    520x34Keyboard ' and "
    530x35Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde
    540x36Keyboard, and <
    550x37Keyboard . and >
    560x38Keyboard / and ?
    570x39Keyboard Caps Lock
    580x3AKeyboard F1
    590x3BKeyboard F2
    600x3CKeyboard F3
    610x3DKeyboard F4
    620x3EKeyboard F5
    630x3FKeyboard F6
    640x40Keyboard F7
    650x41Keyboard F8
    660x42Keyboard F9
    670x43Keyboard F10
    680x44Keyboard F11
    690x45Keyboard F12
    700x46Keyboard PrintScreen?
    710x47Keyboard Scroll Lock
    720x48Keyboard Pause
    730x49Keyboard Insert
    740x4AKeyboard Home
    750x4BKeyboard PageUp?
    760x4CKeyboard Delete Forward
    770x4DKeyboard End
    780x4EKeyboard PageDown?
    790x4FKeyboard RightArrow?
    800x50Keyboard LeftArrow?
    810x51Keyboard DownArrow?
    820x52Keyboard UpArrow?
    830x53Keypad Num Lock and Clear
    840x54Keypad /
    850x55Keypad *
    860x56Keypad -
    870x57Keypad +
    880x58Keypad ENTER
    890x59Keypad 1 and End
    900x5AKeypad 2 and Down Arrow
    910x5BKeypad 3 and PageDn?
    920x5CKeypad 4 and Left Arrow
    930x5DKeypad 5
    940x5EKeypad 6 and Right Arrow
    950x5FKeypad 7 and Home
    960x60Keypad 8 and Up Arrow
    970x61Keypad 9 and PageUp?
    980x62Keypad 0 and Insert
    990x63Keypad . and Delete
    1000x64Keyboard Non-US \ and |
    1010x65Keyboard Application
    1020x66Keyboard Power
    1030x67Keypad =
    1040x68Keyboard F13
    1050x69Keyboard F14
    1060x6AKeyboard F15
    1070x6BKeyboard F16
    1080x6CKeyboard F17
    1090x6DKeyboard F18
    1100x6EKeyboard F19
    1110x6FKeyboard F20
    1120x70Keyboard F21
    1130x71Keyboard F22
    1140x72Keyboard F23
    1150x73Keyboard F24
    1160x74Keyboard Execute
    1170x75Keyboard Help
    1180x76Keyboard Menu
    1190x77Keyboard Select
    1200x78Keyboard Stop
    1210x79Keyboard Again
    1220x7AKeyboard Undo
    1230x7BKeyboard Cut
    1240x7CKeyboard Copy
    1250x7DKeyboard Paste
    1260x7EKeyboard Find
    1270x7FKeyboard Mute
    1280x80Keyboard Volume Up
    1290x81Keyboard Volume Down
    1300x82Keyboard Locking Caps Lock
    1310x83Keyboard Locking Num Lock
    1320x84Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock
    1330x85Keypad Comma
    1340x86Keypad Equal Sign
    1350x87Keyboard International1
    1360x88Keyboard International2
    1370x89Keyboard International3
    1380x8AKeyboard International4 (変換キー)
    1390x8BKeyboard International5 (無変換キー)
    1400x8CKeyboard International6
    1410x8DKeyboard International7
    1420x8EKeyboard International8
    1430x8FKeyboard International9
    1440x90Keyboard LANG1 (かなキー)
    1450x91Keyboard LANG2 (英数キー)
    1460x92Keyboard LANG3
    1470x93Keyboard LANG4
    1480x94Keyboard LANG5
    1490x95Keyboard LANG6
    1500x96Keyboard LANG7
    1510x97Keyboard LANG8
    1520x98Keyboard LANG9
    1530x99Keyboard Alternate Erase
    1540x9AKeyboard SysReq?/Attention
    1550x9BKeyboard Cancel
    1560x9CKeyboard Clear
    1570x9DKeyboard Prior
    1580x9EKeyboard Return
    1590x9FKeyboard Separator
    1600xA0Keyboard Out
    1610xA1Keyboard Oper
    1620xA2Keyboard Clear/Again
    1630xA3Keyboard CrSel?/Props
    1640xA4Keyboard ExSel?
    2240xE0Keyboard LeftControl?
    2250xE1Keyboard LeftShift?
    2260xE2Keyboard LeftAlt?
    2270xE3Keyboard Left GUI
    2280xE4Keyboard RightControl?
    2290xE5Keyboard RightShift?
    2300xE6Keyboard RightAlt?
    2310xE7Keyboard Right GUI



  • Since only one array element can be reported in each array field, modifier keys
    should be reported as bitmap data (a group of 1-bit variable fields). For example,
    keys such as CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, and GUI keys make up the 8 bit modifier byte in a
    standard keyboard report. Although these usage codes are defined in the Usage
    Table as E0–E7, the usage is not sent as array data. The modifier byte is defined
    as follows.
